The protagonist Rito who...

"Yuuki-kun..." Haruna's gaze seemed a bit dark as she looked out of her bedroom window. "You know I like you, but keep chasing after other women."

Although the sky outside looked bright, her mood was cloudy knowing that the boy she had liked since middle school kept chasing after another woman out there.

First Yui, then Lala, and now the woman named Run who was somehow related to the transfer student named Ren.

According to Eiji's inner voice, Ren was just like Lala, he was also an alien. She didn't really care about that, but she couldn't help but think of Rito wanting to kiss Ren right now!

Haruna was disappointed, and actually she also felt disgusted knowing what actions Rito was doing.

She knew Rito wasn't doing that because he liked men, she knew the boy was doing it to get a woman. But still! What girl wouldn't be disgusted when she found out that the boy she liked was trying hard to kiss another boy?!

She could somewhat tolerate Rito's bastard nature, after all lately she had also been thinking about the boy's identity as a harem protagonist.

She planned to give Rito a chance as long as the boy didn't forget to pay attention to her because of another girl.

But not long after she had this idea, Rito again made it difficult for her to give him a chance because he did things that made it difficult for her to accept him.

The thought of the boy she liked kissing another boy already made her somewhat disgusted. And at the thought of one day kissing Rito, she couldn't help but think that it was the boy's lips kissing another boy's lips that disgusted her the most!

It was fine if the kiss with the other boy was just an accident, but Rito did it on purpose which made him lose some points in her heart.

Actually so far, Rito had disappointed her many times and her liking for that boy was also not as high as before.

Although she was still bothered by what the boy was doing right now. Haruna didn't think about that boy for too long because at this moment she suddenly thought of another boy who was more handsome than Rito.

White hair and red eyes...

That's Eiji.

She again thought of his penis that she accidentally saw in the student council office back then!

In her mind, she clearly remembered the boy's very long and thick penis with pulsating veins and student council president Sona's saliva soaking every inch of it.

The sight was unforgettable and it made her horny every time she thought about it.

While doing her homework at her study table, Haruna blushed and one of her hands slowly slid into her pants. It was actually not the first time she did something like this when she was alone.

"Sorry, Yuuki-kun... But you're also thinking of other women, so it doesn't matter if I am too..."

Just like Haruna, Mikan was also in a bad mood.

Hearing that her older brother was planning to kiss a man named Ren. The other party's name was not important, but the gender was!

"Rito...if you know so much about the future since you came back from there."

"Can't you use other means to get a woman? Especially that woman named Run?"

"Eiji even knows that woman can break away from Ren in the future. If you should also know, right? Why are you in such a hurry to kiss a woman who is still a man!"

Although she didn't really understand about what alien race made a person have two people in one body. But just from Eiji's inner voice earlier, she at least knew her older brother didn't need to be this crazy!

I mean can't you go after that woman named Run later after she's completely separated from the man named Ren?

If kissing that woman can make her fall in love with you.

Then you can kiss that woman later after she actually appears!

You don't have to kiss a man...

Rito...why do you insist on following what you did in your previous life?

Mikan felt that her brother was very stupid. It made her understand even more why until now her brother was often defeated by Eiji in pursuing a woman.

Even so, the other party was still her older brother. Although she might have to distance herself somewhat from Rito when the boy returned home.

Not knowing why, having decided to put aside what her older brother was doing out there. While cooking lunch while wearing her usual favorite white apron.

She suddenly remembered the white-haired boy who went to the same school as her older brother.

"Ah... I forgot. Until now I haven't asked Rito if he knows that boy? Aren't they classmates?" Asking herself, Mikan who was flipping the frying pan suddenly blushed.

"...." Rito.

He didn't know a green hat was being packed for him from Haruna, and his younger sister, although his relationship with Mikan wasn't like that; but if he knew what that girl was thinking, he would feel like his head was growing green grass.

Although he did not know, while running after Ren who was also running from him on the street of the housing complex, he felt his head was heavier than usual.

What was going on?

Even so, he didn't think much of it and shouted.

"Ren! Stop running! I just need your help a little! We can talk about it nicely!"

"Help? Talk nicely? What nonsense! Yuuki Rito, you think I don't know you want to kiss my lips?! Stay away from me! My lips can only belong to Lala!"

Ren who was running, he didn't know how far he had run. For sure he had almost circled several different housing complexes and if it wasn't for his strong stamina; he would have been panting and wanted to die by now.

Actually this morning he was trying to find Lala and her fiancé's residence on earth because those people had not come to school for a few days since he transferred to the same school.

However, on the way. He suddenly met Yuuki Rito who was looking at him in a rather wrong way. That boy suddenly grabbed both his shoulders, suddenly moved his head and lips as if he wanted to kiss him!

It was disgusting, but luckily before Rito could do it, he kicked the boy in the stomach which allowed him to escape. But after that, they continued to play chase around the neighborhood for hours!

Even for him, he was also starting to feel tired now. Even so, he had to keep running from the boy who wanted to kiss him! His kiss could only belong to his childhood friend who had promised to marry him in the past.

The person he was referring to was Lala. Knowing that she was engaged to another man and living on a planet called Earth, he immediately rushed here to retrieve Lala from that man named Eiji Seiya!

Before that, he must save himself from the boy named Yuuki Rito who wants to steal his first kiss!

Separated by a distance of one or two meters behind the boy running in front of him, Rito's lips twitched. He could feel the many gazes of the people he passed looking at him with disgust after hearing what Ren shouted.

His face felt hot and his expression became ugly. Although he was planning to kiss Ren, he naturally didn't want others to know this. Otherwise, people would misunderstand that he was a same-sex person!

¶{Damn it! Ren, I will definitely hit you after kissing you!}

"...." Not only did he manage to misunderstand the people who saw him chasing Ren, but he also managed to misunderstand the other heroines that he had a domestic violence fetish.

Which makes many heroine certainly not have a good impression of him.

Eiji who was currently flying in the sky using a flying spell and a transparent spell while following the two couldn't help but laugh.

It was not difficult to find Rito's location because a few days earlier he had also attached his magic mark to the boy's body so that he could always detect his whereabouts.

And here he was now not long after he heard the inner voice of Rito who was chasing Ren.

However, seeing the people who looked at Rito with disgust after knowing he wanted to kiss the boy he was chasing.

He suddenly had an evil idea that made him smile wickedly of course. Thinking the other heroines would also be even more disgusted at Rito with this idea, especially Haruna who still liked Rito.

He was even more motivated with his idea to mess with the protagonist and the plot this time.

¶{Host, you look like a villain now.}

"Oh, come on it's not the first time and aren't I still very gentle for not killing protagonist Rito until now?"

¶{You haven't planned to kill protagonist Rito yet, but you want to mentally torture him again!}

"Huh? Miss System, I think you misunderstood." Eiji smiled, with his creation magic, a high-quality camera appeared in his hand. "I'm not the one who will mentally torture Rito, but that would be..."


Her host pretended to be mysterious.

Miss System knew at this point she just needed to watch with popcorn in her hand.

Protagonist Rito was still running after Ren. This time the two of them entered a shopping street in the city. The two continued to meander, avoiding bumping into people or objects on the road. Their figures were almost like shadows as their running speed was above normal humans with their physical strength.

But after running for hours at that speed, they would also get tired and slowly their speed began to slow down like ordinary people playing chase.

"Sorry!" While turning a corner on the sidewalk, Rito accidentally grazed a woman who was carrying grocery bags. But he didn't have time to help the woman because if he did, he would probably lose Ren who was running in front of him.

Besides, at most the woman would also only be a little sore from her butt falling to the ground.

"Ah!" The woman shouted in surprise as someone bumped her shoulder, her grocery bag slipped out of her hand and she was about to fall to the ground. She had been waiting for the pain to come to her ass, but it never came. "Eh?"

She felt something soft supporting her butt, strangely it looked like a hand, but when she looked back to thank the person who helped her, she didn't see anyone. She had not fallen and her body was standing normally with the grocery bags neatly placed on the ground.

The woman was confused. "What happened?"

After helping the woman who almost fell on the road because of the protagonist's actions, Eiji still continued to follow Rito and Ren with his flying magic and transparent magic that allowed him to fly without being seen by anyone.

This was also the reason why the woman he helped couldn't see him, especially when he was holding her butt that was about to fall.

Don't get me wrong, he did that just to help that woman because she was about to fall, okay?

He's definitely not doing it because he also wants to touch her nice-looking ass.


"Shut up Miss System, I'm focusing on pursuing the protagonist here."

Focused on chasing the protagonist? Okay that's one thing, but you're also focused on the sensation left in your hand after touching that woman's ass, right?!

Miss System wanted to say that, but she didn't and instead said something else. ¶{Host, the woman you previously helped is one of the heroine of a certain franchise.}

Eiji widened his eyes slightly. "Really? No wonder I feel that the face is familiar, although that woman seems to deliberately hide her beautiful face by pretending to be a nerd. Her ass is also very nice, elastic, and soft, very pleasant to the touch and not inferior to Lala's ass."

"I see, so she's a heroine? Makes sense."

¶{Your first analysis makes sense, but the last one...}

"Why don't you finish your words?"

Miss System was heard sighing. ¶{It's okay. I just remember what kind of person my host is.}


¶{By the way you just ignored that woman? She's a heroine.}

He shrugged indifferently, and still followed behind Rito and Ren silently. "It's too troublesome. If it were another time I would probably try to get acquainted with her first to get close to her, but right now I'm busy with the protagonist."

"Also, I know which franchise that woman is from. And considering that the protagonist of that franchise is a total loser, with no backbone, whiny, and very sycophantic to that woman I helped before."

"Hehe... I don't even have to worry about how far the plot develops because I know that heroine will always keep the protagonist waiting with various excuses."

"And with the protagonist being so submissive, the heroine will also get more and more comfortable with the "friend" relationship while accepting the protagonist's kindness in missing her. The heroine is not manipulative, she is not that evil. It's just that her personality is a complicated type of woman who is very annoying and I would be angry if I were the protagonist in that franchise."

¶{Um.... Host}

"The protagonist in that franchise is so stupid. I remember before I was reincarnated, I had read the manga of that franchise until chapter 300 or so and do you know how far the protagonist's relationship with the main heroine I just helped has progressed?"

¶{Okay, I don't know, but I...} Miss System wanted to say that she had guessed it, but her host's bad habit was acting up again!

"Nothing! Their relationship is still limited to friends. No, actually I even doubt if they're friends? Isn't that just an acquaintance from a service called 'Renta Girlfriend'?" The protagonist had helped the main heroine a lot with everything which was basically akin to a sycophant in a relationship of that level. Yet, after going that far even he still has an uncertain relationship with that woman!"

"They're not really dating! They mostly have fake relationships just because they are forced by various ridiculous reasons such as pretending and deceiving their respective grandmothers!"

"He's... He's too submissive, stupid, and very willing to keep sucking up to a woman who keeps keeping him waiting with various excuses."

"That protagonist!"

¶{Okay enough! You're almost venting your frustration on protagonist Rito now! Look at your hands, hey your camera is about to shoot high-level magic! What kind of camera is that!}


Eiji hurriedly canceled the magic casting that was about to be fired by the camera he created using his magic. Actually, apart from recording high quality images, this camera also has the function of casting some high-level magic attacks owned by Varvatos and Anos.

Miss System sighed, her host was a bit out of control whenever talking about the protagonist which annoyed him.

Rito who was still running after Ren, a moment ago he felt a chill on his back as if he was about to be shot by something to death.

Surprisingly when he looked behind him, he saw nothing but ordinary people passing by.

"Maybe it's just my feeling?"

He then immediately resumed running after Ren.

"Ren! Stop running, damn it!"

Ren who was already panting, looked back while running and roared. "You're the one who should stop chasing me, Yuuki Rito!! Damn it, I don't want to be kissed by a man like you!!"

The people on the street once again stared at Rito with a look that made the boy embarrassed.

Rito was also exhausted after running for hours around the city like a madman. He finally stopped running and saw Ren also finally stopped running.

Separated by a distance of 5 meters, the two looked at each other in a small alley. Ren was scared, he wondered why Rito wanted to kiss him so badly? That boy is crazy! No, are many on earth crazy like this?

"Ren, listen, I...

Rito wanted to say something but at this moment, not only him, but Ren also inexplicably felt their vision darken.

They didn't know what happened after that, but certainly after they woke up. Not knowing how long it had been, they found themselves, their faces to be precise, connected to each other!



{Ahh!!! Wh-What happened?! Although I did plan to kiss Ren, it was just a little bit! But why am I kissing that boy so hard now!}

{Ahh! Ahh!! Mikan, your big brother is tainted!!}

The voice of the protagonist Rito made the heroes feel their ears hurt and dirty.


Even Mikan whose name was called, she grimaced and wondered what she should tell Rito first if he had returned home?


A/N: If you want to read 5 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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