Two exorcist girls


This is the dream of many men, even for themselves.

Saji bit his finger as he sat silently in the corner of the room with tears coming out of his eye sockets.

Besides having Sona, that guy also had Rias? What the hell?!

How can a guy monopolize the two most popular beauties in school all by himself?!

"*hiks* *hiks* I'm so jealous..."

"Saji, be quiet! We're talking about something here." Sona reprimanded the boy flatly.

"...." Saji was silent, he bowed his head. "Sorry, Kaichou..."

After that no one paid attention to Saji anymore.

Although there were two boys in the student council office. Only the white-haired boy was getting attention from the girls.

As for the blond boy? Besides being a bit noisy, he's more like an extra character now.

"Rias, you said two exorcists came to Kuoh city? Did they come to hunt down devils, you guys or what?" Eiji asked curiously as if he didn't know.

"Cough, let me explain." Rias who was sitting beside him eagerly began to explain. The girl felt happy that he asked her and this was what he was aiming for.

Little actions like this he did just to increase the girls' favorability points for him. Even though Rias was already his woman, he still had to make her and other girls happy as much as he could.


His system that was offline from the morning, suddenly went online.

'What's wrong?'

¶{I just wanted to ask if you felt it?}

'You mean Issei who has managed to wake up from my spell?'


Eiji chuckled in his mind. 'Isn't that great? It will be more interesting and I wonder what Issei is like now? After all he woke up because he managed to choose the right route to get out of my spell.'

¶{.....} Miss System was silent, her host always had a unique way of dealing with the protagonists.

Sona and the others also started listening to the crimson-haired girl, especially the former because she knew this matter was quite serious.

As one of the overseers of Kuoh city with Rias, she certainly could not ignore people from other factions as the exorcists sent by the angelic faction were planning to enter her territory, the devil territory belonging to the houses of Sitri and Gremory to be precise.

Although she also had eyes and ears that were already spread across Kuoh city and neighboring cities, she was also a little surprised that Rias seemed to get the information ahead of her.

But put that aside. In short, according to the information Rias had gotten. There were two exorcists who came to Kuoh town and they seemed to be looking for the Excalibur Fragments that some people stole from the church and for whatever reason but the people from the angel faction suspected the devils in Kuoh town like they were the ones who stole those things.

To the suspicions of those people from the angel faction, her and Rias' group certainly didn't do it. Obviously this was slander from those people and they certainly weren't happy.

However, there was also another surprising explanation. Rias had found out the reason why the people from the angel faction had come to Kuoh City because the people who stole the Excalibur Fragments were found out by the other party that they, precisely the three thieves who stole three of the seven Excalibur Fragments fled to Kuoh City which made the devil faction suspected of conspiring with the thieves!

In addition, the people who stole the Excalibur Fragments; one of them turned out to be a fallen angel. It wasn't even a fries-level fallen angel like Raynare and her group, but it was one of the characters who survived the Great War and one of the leaders of the Fallen Angel faction, Grigori named Kokabiel!

[Kokabiel? Oh I remember he was also one of the villains in the Highschool DxD franchise. And this plot of stealing the Excalibur fragment too... I just remembered, this is actually Kokabiel's plan to restart the war between the three factions].


Rias, Sona, Akeno, and Tsubaki naturally stared at Eiji. Especially Rias and Sona, they were surprised and naturally stared at the boy as if wanting him to continue rambling in his heart.

Right, as a time traveler who knew the plot. Eiji must know a lot about the plot that Kokabiel has, right?

They naturally wanted to hear the details of what plans Kokabiel had! If they have more information, it must be easier for them to solve this problem!

"Eiji, are you...@!#¥@#?" Rias of course wanted to ask Eiji directly, but her voice disappeared before she finished her words.

She widened her eyes. Ah...she just remembered that she couldn't ask Eiji things related to inner voices!

All this time about the content mentioned in the boy's inner voice, she could not say it to the boy as if there was something silencing her when she wanted to do so.

Sona and the others also noticed Rias' strangeness. For the heroines in this room, they understood why the crimson-haired girl had suddenly lost her voice.

But for the others? They wondered if Rias had a problem with her throat?

Suddenly, clever Sona wanted to try something. She knew asking Eiji about inner voices was impossible because she and the other heroine would always be silenced by something so they couldn't say anything.

But what if they didn't explicitly mention the contents of the inner voice to Eiji to ask him something?

Sona thought she was a genius and she of course tried it. "Eiji, what do you think?"

Hearing Sona's question that passed the censorship, Rias was naturally surprised because she understood what the girl was trying to do. She was a little unhappy at being defeated in this, but she looked at the white-haired boy and wondered if Sona's trick worked?

"What do I think?" Eiji widened his eyes slightly, but he smiled at his bespectacled fiancé.

As expected of Sona, this girl managed to find a trick to pass the censorship that Miss System created.

He could of course tell the girls everything he knew about Kokabiel's plans, but he didn't want to.

Why? Because it would ruin his plans in this plot!

To get the two exorcist girls. Cough, I mean to get rewards from the system.


He had to keep girls like Rias and Sona doing what they did in the original work. He knew it would definitely be a little different from the original work, especially with Rias and Sona's power increase so far.

But no matter, he had some plans and improvised plans in case something wrong happened.

So he pretended to be confused. "I don't really understand your guys problem, but if you need my help. I can deal with Kokabiel or even people who want to find trouble with my girls."

"Eiji..." Although Sona and Rias were happy that Eiji was willing to help them, they pouted because this was not the answer they wanted! Especially Sona, she actually just wanted Eiji to be triggered to blab again about Kokabiel in his inner voice.

But no, the boy wasn't even saying anything anymore in his heart!

"Ara ara." Akeno giggled, it seemed like she was enjoying being a spectator from earlier and even though the situation about Kokabiel was indeed a serious matter. But somehow she wasn't too worried because Eiji would definitely do something, right? She looked at the boy with a flirtatious smile.

Eiji who felt Akeno's flirtatious gaze winked at the girl. The girl also winked her violet eyes at him.

This shrine maiden...

Of all the girls in this room, only that girl could still tease him. He looked at her with a narrowed gaze.

Feeling Eiji's gaze that somehow felt hot on her. Akeno shuddered, swallowed, and lowered her head slightly while secretly excited.

"Hn~" She even moaned slightly while clasping her thighs together under the table.

""..."" Many people in the room naturally turned to the girl.

Saji, although from his position he could not see Akeno clearly. He had a slight nosebleed just from hearing that moaning sound.

Rias sighed looking at her Queen. This girl can still be excited in this situation?

Feeling everyone staring at her, Akeno naturally felt embarrassed and blushed slightly. "Sorry everyone. Just ignore me and please continue."


Sona shook her head slightly, she also actually knew Rias's Queen was a bit of a pervert. So she didn't mind the girl and continued the previous conversation.

"I don't want to trouble my fiancé for this matter. Please just leave this matter to me and Rias, Eiji!" Sona looked confident. Despite the lack of information, but she felt she could solve the problem about Kokabiel and the exorcists who were making trouble in their territory.

"Un." Rias also nodded in agreement with Sona. "Right Eiji, just leave this matter to us! It's a problem in our territory after all and even though we know you can solve our problem easily."

"Us. No, actually I don't want to trouble you too much, especially after you helped me with my problem with Riser not too long ago."

The crimson-haired girl smiled while hugging one of his arms. The black bob haired girl was not to be outdone either, she hugged his other arm as if to say she didn't want to trouble him either.

And in truth he knew these two girls just wanted to show everyone that they could deal with a character like Kokabiel without anyone's help.

Even their older brother and older sister who could have helped them. They didn't want to ask those people for help.

Oh...this kind of confidence. It's the same as in the original work, although now this confidence is not without reason considering their power now.

Eiji honestly guessed that the two girls would be reluctant to ask for his help to solve this problem and that was actually good. Not because he liked seeing his girls wanting to solve their own problems, but because this happened to be in line with the plan he had.

So he nodded at the two girls. "Okay do what you guys want to do. But if you need help, feel free to ask me for help, okay?"

Seeing one handsome boy and two beautiful girls hugging both sides of the boy with pink air around them.

The other girls felt sour.

Seeing his failed first love blossom and a super beautiful girl like Rias hugging Eiji.

Saji couldn't cry anymore for today, and could only bite his nails until they bled.

He swore, he was so jealous of Eiji!

Him, was he also able to at least get one or two pretty girls?

Unfortunately Saji didn't know. 

If it was in some fanfic, there were Momo and other girls in Sona's peerage who actually liked Saji and were willing to build a small harem for him.

However, even though Saji was not the protagonist. His opportunities had also been cut off by Eiji. At least girls like Momo and the other girls in the Sona peerage. None of the girls in the student council were interested in building a small harem for Saji because they were more interested in joining someone's harem. Cough, that person was of course Eiji who was currently wondering if the two exorcist girls had arrived in Kuoh city?

It seemed like they had and he had to make his move immediately!

After a little more conversation at the student council office, especially after hearing Rias also mention that there was something wrong with Yuuto because when the boy heard about the Excalibur Fragment; the feminine blonde boy apparently now went somewhere with a gloomy face and said that he wanted to solve his personal problems.

Eiji could name what problems Yuuto had, but he didn't. It was nothing, it was just that he didn't even really care about the boy and just let him do what he wanted.

After all with his plan, the boy would also most likely be able to solve his problem and he would definitely thank him for that.



On the other side.

Knowing Kokabiel turned out to have a plan to start a war between the three factions from Eiji's inner voice.

They were of course surprised, but they put that aside for now as they were now in trouble and in a situation where it was impossible to report this important information to the church.

"Xenovia... I can't take it anymore. I'm so tired, give me a break."

"Irina, just a little longer. I'm tired too, but we should at least continue for a little while longer!"

"In a minute? You keep saying that over and over again and we haven't rested even once since morning!"

"...." The hair girl called Xenovia fell silent. She was sweating and had actually been panting from earlier.

"Ha... That's enough. We should end it for today and continue tomorrow." The brown-haired girl called Irina said. She looked weak, because apart from actually continuing to walk from the Vatican to Kuoh city which was a distance of who knows how many miles. Plus traveling around Kuoh town, she and Xenovia also actually hadn't eaten or drunk since morning.

Since their wallets were missing, they naturally had no money to buy food or drink!

Even now, although she said to rest. She was at a loss as to where they would rest? They couldn't even rent a room in a hotel because they had no money.

The clothes they were wearing were also very uncomfortable at the moment. Their white robes that they wore at the beginning had already been taken off and now they were seen wearing tight black suits which was actually rather embarrassing as many people often stared at them.

But putting that aside, Irina is currently longing for worldly comforts like eating, drinking, and bathing!

"Alright. You're right, Irina. I'm also very tired right now. But where will we rest? Can we actually eat or drink first?" The blue-haired girl either forgot or was stupid.

Irina gave her blue-haired friend a flat look. "Xenovia, did you forget we don't even have money to buy anything?"

Xenovia's face was already a little pale. "T-Then what should we do now? If we find those thieves, I don't even have enough strength to lift my Excalibur."

The Excalibur she was referring to was a sword-shaped object covered by bandages on her back.

You're seriously asking me about that? I also lost my wallet just like you, okay? Irina wanted to say this, but forget about it.

There was no point, and she was actually thinking about where they should go to get food, drink and shelter for free. At least for one night.

The sky began to darken, on the roadside, the two of them contemplated in their tight black uniforms that were basically the Church's standard combat outfits.

Suddenly Irina remembered her childhood friend and coincidentally the other party also seemed to be the person whose inner voice she had been hearing all this time!

Although lately the boy's voice was not heard and actually many of the boy's voices were saying dirty things. But she couldn't believe that her childhood friend whom she used to secretly like would turn into a bad boy like the protagonist.

All this time she had always thought positively that the boy, the Issei whose voice she heard and the Issei she knew might be different people. But even if it was the same, she would definitely try to help her childhood friend to get back on the right path.


"...." Looking at her brown-haired friend who was suddenly dazed, Xenovia wondered what this girl was thinking?

But fortunately it was not for long. Irina suddenly turned to her and said, "Xenovia, let's go find my childhood friend's house!"

"Your childhood friend? Who? You have someone like that in Kuoh city?"

"Un, I do. Did you forget I mentioned that I lived in this town as a child?" As Irina mentioned this, Xenovia seemed to remember something and nodded.

"And who was that childhood friend of yours, Irina?"

"Who? Hehe don't be surprised, okay?" Irina suddenly laughed which made the blue-haired girl tilt her head in confusion.

"That's Issei Hyudou! Are you familiar with this name?"

"Wait, isn't that the name of..." Xenovia widened her eyes.

Irina nodded.

"But will it be okay? He...isn't that protagonist a pervert and a breast maniac?" The blue-haired girl hesitated.

"Don't worry. I'm sure Issei isn't as bad as his inner voice sounds."

"And besides. If it was Issei, I'm sure he wouldn't mind letting us rest in his house for one night and even give us something to eat and drink!"

When Irina said this, Xenovia immediately agreed without hesitation. "Alright, let's go to your childhood friend's house right now."


Seeing that the blue-haired girl agreed, Irina naturally immediately led the way to find Issei's house according to her memories. However, after nearly an hour of searching.

They seemed to have gotten lost.

Even the blue-haired girl looked at her flatly as if blaming her for not being able to remember the way properly.

"Ugh... Xenovia, calm down. I-I'm sure that Issei's house is around here. Wait a moment, I..."

Irina didn't finish her words because her stomach rumbled, and it wasn't just her. Xenovia was the same which made them blush and hold their respective stomachs.

Honestly now they could not afford to walk any further with their remaining stamina.

The two looked at each other and wondered if they should find a river to catch fish and sleep under a bridge or something?

As exorcists, how could they be in such a miserable situation like this?

It was actually their first time experiencing something like this which made them inexperienced of course.

But at this moment, Irina suddenly saw a man in an unbuttoned white shirt and a black t-shirt who was casually walking not far in front of her. From his clothes, especially his shorts and sandals which were as white as his shirt and even his hair. To be honest the latter was quite unique, but put that aside. The man seemed to live not far from here as his clothes looked quite casual and more importantly he was walking.

Irina had the idea to ask the other party about Issei's home address since he looked like someone who lived around this housing complex. So maybe the other party was familiar with Issei's house?

"Excuse me mister! Can I ask you something?"

Xenovia followed Irina and she also naturally looked at the unknown man asked by her friend.

"Ask? Sure, just ask." The man nodded with a smile on his handsome face.

Irina and Xenovia were a little dazed and they seemed to have just realized that the man they asked was very handsome.

Somehow they even had a good impression of the man.

Even so, that was it and Irina got straight to the point.

"So this is it, mister... Do you know where the Hyudou family home is located in this housing complex? My friend and I were actually looking for the family home, but we got lost, so..."

"The Hyudou family home? You mean Issei Hyudou's house?"

To surprise the man was right on target!

Irina and Xenovia were naturally delighted.

"Yes! Mister, you, you know Issei Hyudou?"

The man nodded, it seemed like he was the same age as them. "Yeah, I went to the same school as him and we're friends."

"Friend?!" Irina and Xenovia were surprised again because somehow this was very coincidental.

But they didn't know. If Issei heard this, he would definitely vomit blood.

"Yes, I can take you two to Issei's house. But right now I'm on my way to a barbecue restaurant not far from here. If you don't mind, can we go there first before I take you guys to Issei's house?"

Hearing the barbecue restaurant mentioned. Irina and Xenovie's stomachs churned again.

They blushed again because this was more embarrassing than before!

The man must have heard their stomach sounds clearly!

However, the man smiled, he laughed a little and suddenly seemed like an angel sent by God to help them.

"Looks like you two are hungry? Well... How about eating with me? Don't worry, you don't have to pay. Incidentally, I just wanted to eat with two beautiful girls like you."

"Eh? T-That's..."

"Sure, we'll accompany you."

Unlike Irina who hesitated, Xenovia immediately said yes to the kind man's invitation.

Irina looked at her blue-haired friend who was completely seduced by the man's invitation and sighed.

To be honest she was a little suspicious of the man, but their current situation also made them...

Well whatever, it didn't seem like this man had any malicious intent and there was no harm in accepting the meal invitation from him, right? Besides, they were also already very hungry.

Right now, a free meal was the most tempting thing for two exorcists like them!


A/N: If you want to read 5 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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