Protagonist kidnapped!

"Eiji-kun, why did you do it?!"

It must be said that this was the first time Sirzechs had called him by name and this was the first sentence he said to his sister's boyfriend.

Eiji glanced at Rias, he saw the crimson-haired girl frowning and looking at her older brother with displeasure on her face.

He also glanced at Grayfia and although the woman was expressionless as usual, he could see her eyebrows raised when she saw Sirzechs scolding her.

Oh Sirzechs... You did well.

"Why? Isn't it obvious? Kokabiel plans to kill Rias and Sona. Both my women, it's only right that such a person dies."

Eiji looked at Sirzechs who looked angry and agitated while glancing at Azazel who was grieving to see Kokabiel dead. He stared at the crimson-haired man indifferently, as they faced each other with a distance that was not far and not too close.

They were almost the same height, and he was actually slightly shorter than the crimson-haired man.

But so what? The height difference did not affect the way he looked at Sirzechs.

After all, he was not afraid of the other party.

"Besides, aren't you Rias's older brother? How could you let the person who wanted to kill little sister get away so easily?"

"That's... Eiji-kun, you don't understand. It's a matter of the devil and fallen angel factions..." While speaking, Sirzechs glanced at Azazel who was still kneeling despite being able to move freely.

The man really seemed worried that Azazel would get angry and declare war, right?

[Seriously, how scared would the strongest devil in the underworld be of someone like Azazel? In the original work, Sirzechs also did release Kokabiel easily, even after knowing Rias and the others were almost killed by that fallen angel].

[Unlike in this life, in the original work Rias and Sona were not as powerful as they are now. They relied on the perverted protagonist Issei and needed to grope their breasts in order to defeat Kokabiel and Vali.]

[And what did they get after that? Although they were compensated by Azazel in the form of his Sacred Gear research data].

[That's it, and honestly it's not very useful for Rias, Sona and the others except for protagonist. Issei has a good relationship with Azazel because like both of them are equally perverted, although the latter is good at hiding it and they secretly often talk about Rias, Sona and the other girls in a perverted manner].

[But putting that aside, I understand Sirzechs' concern about sparking a war, but can't you not be so submissive in front of Azazel? This strongest devil is seen licking fallen angel.]

"....." The heroines on the scene stared at Sirzechs who did look unfocused as he seemed to be worried about Azazel.

They felt that their image of Sirzechs as the strongest devil in the underworld now dropped a few points.

It was disappointing of course. Especially for Rias, apart from being even more disappointed in her older brother, she was also upset that her older brother was blaming her boyfriend.

"Onii-sama! You can't blame Eiji! He killed Kokabiel for me and the others!"

"Rias! Don't say that or you'll make Azazel misunderstand!"

"Even so... Even so Onii-sama, you're too submissive! How can you be so afraid of fallen angels!" Rias lost her temper, she yelled at her older brother.

"Rias! What are you saying? Who's afraid? I'm just worried that defending your boyfriend is getting our devil faction into trouble."

Sirzechs honestly didn't want to say this too loudly, especially when he was standing not far from a fallen angel faction leader like Azazel.

Wasn't that tantamount to giving the other party the idea to blame their faction for the actions of that boy named Eiji Seiya?

When he first saw Eiji, he somehow compared the boy to the Red Dragon Emperor who previously wanted to force his younger sister to fall in love with him.

Surprisingly instead of having a bad impression of the boy named Issei. He actually had a good impression of him, and instead he somewhat disliked this boy named Eiji who was dating his younger sister.

If Eiji read Sirzechs mind now, he would be surprised.


It was because Sirzechs seemed to be completely influenced by the protagonist's halo!

This usually happens in many urban novels.

In addition to making the heroines stupid and falling for the protagonist who has mental problems.

The protagonist can also make characters like the heroines' family members or passers-by inexplicably have a good impression when they first meet him.

Although the man and Issei had not yet spoken to each other, only seeing the protagonist for the first time. Sirzechs seemed to be fascinated by Issei and felt that the boy's evil act of brainwashing his younger sister was not evil.

"Sirzechs! That boy has a relationship with your little sister. I can think of him as part of the devil faction."

Azazel got up and stood with an expressionless face while staring at Sirzechs.

Sirzechs frowned, the thing he least wanted to happen really happened. He looked at his younger sister with an annoyed look.

Rias was dumbfounded to see her older brother looking at her like that. Is this still her older brother? She felt that he was different from usual.

"Azazel, calm down. You're not planning to declare war just because of this, are you? Don't forget, Kokabiel was the one who started the trouble." Sirzechs said that and he glanced at Serafall as if asking for help.

Serafall knew he also had to speak up at this time and he did. "Azazel, don't forget Kokabiel planned to kill Rias and my younger sister, Sona. To be honest if Eiji hadn't killed Kokabiel first, I was planning to do so as well."

"What? Serafall! What are you saying?!" Sirzechs didn't understand, he asked for help to persuade Azazel, but Serafall only further inflamed the fallen angel.

At this rate, wouldn't Azazel be even more dissatisfied and more likely to declare war?

Azazel's face turned cold, holy power was already flickering in his body, but he sighed, glanced at Eiji briefly and looked at the two Maou in front of him.

He was sad that his comrade-in-arms, Kokabiel was dead and was killed right before his eyes by a boy named Eiji.

He hated that boy, but he knew the other side was also not easy with the power he had shown before.

And actually right now instead of looking for trouble with that boy, he just wants to minimize the loss that Kokabiel caused and take advantage of the boy's murder so that he doesn't have to pay too much to the devil faction.

Azazel is very cunning, although he is a pacifist, he is also actually a stingy person.

So he did this, especially when he saw that Sirzechs seemed to agree to anything as long as he didn't declare war.

"I understand, it's also Kokabiel's fault because he originally planned to kill the heirs of Gremory and Sitri. There are also members of their peerage, and two exorcists from the angelic faction."

"I have no intention of declaring war just because of this."

The mentioned Irina and Xenovia did not respond much. They were both still in a daze knowing their Lord was dead and wondering what they should do after this?

Return to the Church? God is dead and they feel they have lost their purpose.

Even so, their gaze often looked at Eiji.

I don't know what the two demon exterminating girls were thinking.

"However." Azazel continued. "Because Kokabiel has accepted his punishment by accepting death at the boy's hands. I want us to forget all the troubles today."

"Call it a day."

Sirzechs who heard there was no war looked very relieved to hear this. "I agree with that. Sorry about my sister's boyfriend impulsively killing your companion."

"???" Serafall was dumbfounded, did no one ask her opinion? Also, Sirzechs, aren't you too hasty to agree?

Not noticing Serafall's dissatisfaction, Sirzechs was glad Azazel did not prolong the matter, he smiled which made his wife look at him with a flat look.

At this moment, Grayfia realized that her husband had changed very much compared to his wartime self.

Her once domineering husband was dead and was now replaced by a gentle man who was very submissive. The cunning Azazel obviously deliberately did not want to prolong the matter as he also did not want to compensate anything!

He used what Eiji did to benefit himself and made devils like Rias, Sona and the others suffer without gaining any benefits!

One of their devil territories, precisely this ruined school and other issues were not considered. Sirzechs let the fallen angel go without paying anything other than his friend's life.

But what was a friend's life to a long-lived being like Azazel who had also witnessed many of his friends or comrades fall on the battlefield?

Grayfia was sure Azazel didn't really think much of Kokabiel. He was indeed sad about Kokabiel's death, but that was it and it didn't affect him much.

¶{Host, what are you going to do next? Don't you want to kill both of them?}

"Miss System, put aside the Sirzechs who are obviously impossible to kill now because that would make Rias and Grayfia probably hate me."

"But letting him live now with his brain leaning towards the protagonist is actually good enough to make those two women's fondness for Sizechs decrease."

"If Sirzechs later gets on good terms with Issei, won't that make Rias and Grayfia even more disgusted? That's when I'll come and give that crimson-haired man the tallest green hat."

¶{Then what about Azazel?}

"Is it just me or do you want me to explain everything in detail? But yeah... Azazel? Of course, he should die for daring to use my actions to gain an advantage."


Azazel: ???

¶{That...What is it? The man is alive.}

Eiji sighed, why do you ask so many questions? Can't you read my mind?

Seeing the confused gazes of Azazel, Sirzechs, and the others staring at him in confusion as he suddenly snapped his fingers.

He didn't explain anything to those people, but he said to his system.

"It won't take long. He really will die in the near future after I administer enough poison to kill an ultimate-class creature to him."

"Doku Doku no Mi is great for poisoning people without realizing it."

¶{Why don't you just kill him right here?}

"Holy... Why so many questions? Isn't it obvious? It would be a bit troublesome if people knew I killed Azazel. That would get Rias and the girls in the devil faction who are related to me into trouble."

¶You know, host, you look like a protagonist who would rather suffer than let his girls suffer.}

Eiji widened his eyes.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Don't you see the two exorcist girls who are staring at me in a daze, Rias who is getting fed up with her older brother, and Grayfia who is disappointed in her husband? There's also Issei who I made faint for longer just so I could mentally torture him after returning home."

"There's a lot of harvest today and I'm looking forward to a good reward."

¶{Don't worry about the reward, host! I can promise that it will be at least something useful}.




Don't know how much time has passed.

Issei opened his eyes in a daze.

He saw the unfamiliar sky of the room.

The last thing he remembered was Rias who he failed to brainwash and looked at him with a cold smile as her drill-like weapon was pointed at him.

'Why? I was never affected by your aura or anything from the start. I was just pretending, to get this chance.'

'Other than that, I only belong to Eiji. As for you Issei Hyudou? There's no way I'm with you.'

Recalling what Rias said last time before she was blown up him.

Issei's face became grim, his heart tight and filled with crazy jealousy of someone.

"Ahh! Ahh! That bastard! Why did he steal Rias and the others from me?!"

"If Rias is somehow not immune to my draconic aura, I can at least fuck her and make her truly realize who the man she deserves is!"

"In previous life, I was the one for her!"

"But now... Now that bitch is off with another man!"

Issei roared, he didn't understand why Rias rejected him so much. Even if the girl rejected him, she didn't need to look at him with such strong disgust in her eyes, right?

Sometimes he always wondered why Rias, Akeno, Koneko and the other women he loved in his previous life always looked at him with disdain in this life.

What was wrong, he didn't know.

What was certain was that now he was looking at the room he was in in confusion.

"Where am I? Ddraig, tell me who brought me here."




"Oi Ddraig!"

He tapped his right arm and called out to the dragon who lived there. However, no matter how many times he called out, the dragon did not answer him as if he was never there in the first place.

"Is he sleeping?"

Sometimes if it doesn't answer when summoned, the red dragon is usually taking a nap. But there are also other possibilities such as...

Recalling the nightmares he'd had who knows how many times.

Issei's body trembled due to residual PTSD symptoms and he panicked.

"No way, no way... That bastard... Did Eiji put me in there again?!"

The bastard he was referring to was of course Eiji.

Instead of physically torturing him, I don't know why that bastard likes to torture him this way so much.

To be honest Issei would rather be physically tortured than the mental torture that Eiji often inflicted on him.

"Pfft! Is this protagonist a masochist?"

"Huh? Who's that?!"

He suddenly heard a female voice in the room, but he saw no one but himself in this simple western-style room.

Actually in this whitewashed room there was only a bed, a small table and a bed lamp with a single wardrobe. There was no other furniture and only one window and door.

Issei tried to look out the window and he was surprised. The view outside the window was no longer of the city, but of a forest where he could see many tall, slightly red-colored trees that he knew to be redwoods.

He seemed to be in the middle of the forest.

"This protagonist studied Dendrology? He correctly guessed the trees around here."

"Hmph! I'm sure he just happened to know."

"Delta, put that aside. Did you bring that audio device?"

"Of course! I didn't forget the device Eiji-sama told me to bring!"

"I said who are you guys?! Can you stop reading my mind?! Eiji-sama? You guys have something to do with that bastard? Damn, I was kidnapped!"

Issei tried to activate his dragon power, even tried to forcefully activate the Boasted Gear. But it was useless and right now he felt like an ordinary human.

"What did that bastard do to me this time!?"

Obviously earlier he was in Kuoh city, at the school where the battle with Kokabiel and the others took place.

Now he was kidnapped who knows when and where and the culprit was none other than Eiji!

These people, these girls must be that bastard's accomplices!

Besides, why do these girls keep calling him the protagonist.

Although it sounded cool and he felt that what the girls said was true.

He was confused.

"How dare this protagonist call Eiji-sama a bastard! I'll kill him!"

"Calm down, Delta. You must remember what our mission is."

"Ugh... Alright Aurora, I got it."

As the two spoke, Issei took this opportunity to run towards the only door he thought was the exit from the room.


He thought it would be locked or something and he would need to break it down, but it turned out to be unlocked.

The door was successfully opened and he seemed to be able to escape!

"Fool, Eiji. Did you forget to tell your subordinates to lock the door? You didn't even tie me up or anything hahaha!"

"I'm free! Eiji, you'll regret what you did to ....???"

Just now he was laughing happily and wasn't he kidnapped into a house in the middle of the forest?

But why when he came out what he saw was a city where he could see roads, cars and motorcycles passing by, and many people passing around.

Turning back, he didn't even see the house in the middle of the forest or even the forest anymore.

It was as if he had been teleported through the previous door.

And this scene, this town also looked familiar.

This is Kuoh City!

"What exactly does that bastard want to do to me?"

Issei walked warily while looking at the people he passed by.

He was suspicious.

There was no way Eiji had kidnapped him just to make him unable to use his powers and then let him go?

If it was someone else, he would trust him, but Eiji? I doubt that sadistic person is so kind!

He was of course worried about not being able to use his powers, but he could feel that Boosted and even Ddraiga were still inside his body, they were just sealed away.

Who did that? Eiji, of course.

That bastard obviously wouldn't be that kind to him.

I don't know what he was planning this time, but what made him relieved was...

"It seems like this is really the real world. That bastard just let me go, even his previous two female subordinates who I don't know what they look like are no longer heard from either."

"Looks like I'm really free."

Issei looked at his own appearance, he was still wearing a plain red T-shirt, short black pants, and flip-flops.

This was still the same shirt from the day he conspired with Kokabiel to attack Rias and the others.

For now, he was thinking of going home soon. As for his sealed power? He felt very confident that it was only a matter of time before he could activate his powers again.

This was the protagonist's unreasonable confidence and he did not know it.

"Eiji-san, where are we going?"

A familiar voice sounded, Issei stopped his steps and looked around.

"This... Isn't this Irina's voice? She, is she with Eiji?! Damn, where is she?!"

He looked around with bulging eyes that made the passers-by look at his fearfully and strangely.

He didn't care.

He had to quickly find out where the voice of Irina who seemed to be with that bastard was coming from!

Even though he felt that the voice was coming from right in his ear as if someone had brought the audio device closer to him.

His unreasonable intuition told him that his childhood friend, Irina, was indeed there.

"Hm... Let's see, how about we go to the game rental over there?"

This familiar male voice... It's Eiji!

"Eh? Why are we going there?"

Irina's voice seemed confused. No, Irina! You better not go anywhere with that bastard!

"I see you're looking glum, even though you said you were fine after finding out your God was gone. So why not turn your mind to fun things like playing games?"

Issei snorted. That bastard played this trick to get Irina. As a man, how could he not know one of these tricks to seduce women.

"No! Irina! Where are you?! Don't accept Eiji Seiya's invitation!"

On the side of the road, he shouted for his childhood friend, making people look at him as if he was crazy for suddenly shouting on the street.

"Eiji-san, so you're doing this to cheer me up? Thanks... Let's go over there! Incidentally, when I was a kid I used to play video games with my childhood friends!"

"Your childhood friend is here, Irina!" Issei shouted again while running past the many shops on the side of the road.

He searched frantically for Irina.

"Strange, why do I feel like I hear someone calling my name from a distance?"


"I don't know but it sounds like my childhood friend..." Irina's voice sounded small.

"Want to find him?"

"No! Eiji-san, it's probably just my hallucination, even if it's true. I don't want to see him for now!"

"I see. Then let's go in."

"Un!" Irina replied in a voice that sounded excited.

Issei's expression turned ugly.

"No, Irina! No, don't go with that bastard! Ahh!!! Where are you, where- huh?"

About ten meters away, he saw the back of a two-ponytailed brunette girl who had just entered a game shop with a white-haired boy.

Who else if not Irina and Eiji?

Issei's eyes lit up seeing this, god or whatever it was must be helping him, he would definitely prevent his childhood friend from being stolen by Eiji!

Rias, Akeno, Sona... That bastard stole them already.

This time, he won't let his childhood friend be stolen just like any other woman!

Especially, since he knew his childhood friend should have liked him since childhood.

Although he might have disappointed her when he conspired with Kokabiel back then. But he was confident that he could make his childhood friend's love blossom again.

He was confident.

Very confident.

He would do it!

Yes, he would, but somehow his lower half, which had not been excited for a long time, suddenly reacted when he saw Irina and Eiji enter the shop together.

He felt strange, but no matter what he had to save his childhood friend!


A/N: If you want to read 7 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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By the way, don't forget to throw power stones and leave a review to motivate me :)


A/N 2: Sorry, but as I've said before. I'm honestly not good at politics. If I explained all the scenes in detail, I'd probably make Eiji look really pathetic because of my inability to understand politics. So I did a time jump and of course there will be a little monologue explaining what happened before in the following chapters.