Eiji begins his plan to conquer a girl

Eiji smiled, this morning, although he was late, the teacher did not punish him, nor did the other girls who were late.

Why? It was because they had a relationship with Rias and Sona who were the leaders of this school behind the scenes.

Gosh... He felt bad taking advantage of this kind of thing so as not to get scolded by the teacher, but it couldn't be helped, okay?

Early in the morning Yami came to his door to try to kill him and he slapped the girl's ass until she cried.

Then, there's also the heroines having a discussion to form a heroine group at his house which makes him come to school even later.

But still, even though the teacher didn't scold him, Yui did.

"Eiji-kun! You're more than an hour late!"

At that time, when he just came to class and sat down in his seat, Yui with a pretend angry expression reprimanded him. However, if you took a better look at her face, the girl blushed and looked at his face in a daze.

"What about Lala, Asia and Run? I'm sure they're late too. Did you scold them, Yui?"

The girls in question pretended not to hear what he said, but their gazes were fixed on his appearance with nypmho eyes, as were the other girls and the female teacher in the class.

If he had to give an example of what he looked like now, he almost resembled a character from a certain franchise called Gojo Satoru. He now almost resembled him, especially with his red eyes that had returned to blue, yet seemed to have flecks like galactic dust in them.

Unfortunately it wasn't those eyes, it was just a special effect of being a Saint-Galaxy Man. Also, unlike Gojo's snow-white hair, he had silver hair.

His height had also increased by 4cm which made him no shorter than Sirzechs who was slightly taller than him at the time.

At that moment, the people in the class looked at him in a daze.

"...." Eiji.

"They at least came earlier than you, Eiji-kun. You were late longer than them! Next time, don't repeat it, okay?" Yui looked like a mother scolding her child.

"Yui, isn't just scolding me unfair? Even sensei didn't scold me and tell me to sit down..."

"Hmph! Of course, how could sensei dare to scold you?"

Yui rolled her eyes, she seemed to understand why the teacher did not reprimand him, Lala, Asia, and even Run.

[Don't blame me. Blame Rias, she must have told these teachers to give us special treatment].

Rias: ???

That girl must be dumbfounded.

That was the case until school went on as usual, and the school hours ended.

But instead of going home with Lala, Asia, and Run.

He told the girl to go home first because she had something to do.

[I had to save a girl.]

Hearing this, the three girls understood.

They even seemed to support him for it and Lala looked forward to the new sister.

"...." He gave the girl a thumbs up.

But still, Eiji actually felt a little bad, even though he didn't care about school because he was a time traveler and in his previous life he had graduated from university.

If he didn't have a system that made him have to hunt down the protagonist and the heroines for rewards, he definitely wouldn't have bothered attending school here.

¶{Putting that aside host, what are you doing right now?}

"Me? I'm starting my heroine conquest plan."

¶{... I understand, but...}

"...." What exactly this woman wanted to say, he did not understand.

¶{But host! You, you! You've been standing on the sidelines and just looking at Haruna from there!}

¶{34 minutes! You've been doing this for 34 minutes!}

Miss System, calm down...

Did you forget the plot?

Speaking of Haruna. Right, it was time to attack the purple-haired girl.

Not attack her literally, but attack her heart and make her fall in love with him!

Right now, after school hours ended, and extracurricular school hours began.

Under the orange afternoon sky.

Eiji stood with one hand on his chin while watching Haruna who was practicing tennis with the other girls.

Because of his attractive appearance, of course many people there glanced at him, especially the girls at the tennis club.

One of them was Haruna, although the girl looked nervous and pretended not to see him.

That girl was a member of the tennis club.

It was the same as in the original work.

From tens of meters away, he could clearly see Haruna wearing a light blue and white tennis uniform.

Her slender figure looked agile as she moved to hit the tennis balls coming towards her.

With his vision, he could even see the girl's sweat dripping down her white neck.


"For God's sake, Miss System! I'm doing it right now!"

¶{Doing what? You haven't even made a move to woo Haruna or anything like that yet.}

Hearing this, Eiji rolled his eyes and said: "Are you crazy? You forgot what my relationship with Haruna is like?"


Calling her crazy is too much.

But Miss System remembered all this time that her host was not very close to Haruna, even if he was in the same class as the girl.

Actually except for speaking a few words like...

"Eiji-kun, have you done your homework? Sensei, told me to collect everyone's homework."

"Homework? Sure, here it is."


Then another time.

"Eiji-kun, here's your exam question sheet."

"Oh? Okay, thank you Haruna."



Then another time.

"Eiji-kun, today is your picket schedule."

"Don't worry, I'll do it."



All the conversations her host and Haruna ever had were basically just that.

Neither of them tried to get close to the other which made both of them very awkward.

Put aside her host who didn't want to curry favor with heroine who still liked protagonist at that time.

But even Haruna herself, although she often peeked at her host in class, especially glancing at his pants made her wonder if that girl was a pervert?

Just that... The girl did not try to contact her host at all, although her expression often looked dreamy while staring at her host.

Cough, whether the girl was shy or too quiet, she didn't know.

The girl was obviously at least interested in her host, but she was filled with doubts like those girls in romcom novels.

"Do you understand now? It's not good if I suddenly go up to her to seduce her..."

¶{Oh come on, isn't it just because you don't want to take the initiative to curry favor?}


Eiji did not deny, unlike some protagonists who also hunted heroine like him.

He did not like to take the initiative to woo the heroine obviously. It was fine if there was a situation that allowed him to take the initiative without losing face.

But if not? For example like this...

"Haruna, good job. Here's a drink for you."

"Eh? Eiji-kun? Why are you suddenly..."

At that time, the girl must have seen that he was trying to approach her and tried to seduce her which made the girl secretly must be proud, right?

Although he knew Haruna might not be that type of girl, but he himself disliked suddenly approaching a girl with such obvious intentions.

It made him feel disgusted with himself.

It wasn't the same as him trying to approach Ai who happened to need his help to take a sanitary napkin and he could utilize this to approach her.

But to approach Haruna? If there was no good opportunity, he wouldn't make a move!

Then what was he standing here for almost an hour for? Well that's a plot.

Fortunately today there was a plot that allowed him to approach the girl without losing face.

Seeing the purple-haired girl occasionally glance at him awkwardly...

"Okay, it's time."


Miss System thought her host would move, but no, he was still standing there!

It's just that his inner voice sounded...


Haruna didn't know what happened to her today.

She felt her mood was worse than usual.

She was sad.


Often absent-minded.

Even when doing her usual tennis club activities, she now can't focus and often can't hit the balls coming towards her.

It's been almost a week since she felt like this.

Today is worse.

Put aside the matter of Rito, the boy she used to like. Yes, she used to. Now she no longer liked Rito so much, especially after the boy disappointed her so many times with his bad actions.

The things that happened yesterday where Rito tried to make Run fall in love with him in that way was the final blow to her heart that made Rito no longer there.

Well, maybe she still thinks about that boy sometimes.

But that was it, it shouldn't have put her in such a bad mood like now.

Even though the inter-school tennis tournament will start the day after tomorrow and she as a member of the tennis club was also selected as a representative to participate in the tournament.

But her current condition makes her worried...

And actually she also wondered what Eiji was doing on the sidelines of the tennis club? The boy was just standing there watching the people at the tennis club.

No, was he watching herself?

"What is he doing there? I bet none of his girls are here."

"Wait, could he be after me after all this time?"

Haruna felt a little excited at this thought, but she also became wary.

Although she didn't hate Eiji so far, she was even a little interested in him, especially when she kept thinking about his cock that she accidentally saw.

"Haruna! You lost the ball again!"

"Ah! Sorry!"

Her face flushed, she felt embarrassed thinking of lewd things while playing tennis.

She was a little upset as to why Eiji was even there? What was he up to?

Honestly, she was not in the mood, and now she was even more unfocused.

She didn't blame Eiji for that, it was just that she felt something was wrong with her.

"Haruna, you played really badly today." The senior member of the tennis club from the third year reprimanded her, she looked at her with a mocking gaze.

Haruna lowered her head. "Sorry senpai, I... I'm just not feeling well today."

The third-year senior snorted. "Soon the inter-school tournament will start and you're in this condition."

"Yesterday and a few days ago were also like this."

"Haruna-san, I think you should resign from the tournament that will be held the day after tomorrow and let other members replace you."

She froze at this, even though she had been practicing hard for these few months for the tournament.

Although she used to think about her love affairs a lot, every day, she never forgot to practice tennis so hard.

Why did she practice so hard? It was because she wanted to be a professional tennis player... Just like her older sister.

This inter-school tournament is her first step.

She couldn't just lose this opportunity.

Haruna forced a smile, she looked at the third-year senior with a tighter grip on her tennis racket.

"Senpai, don't worry. I just happen to be not feeling well... I'm sure tomorrow I'll be back to my usual self and be able to participate in the tournament normally."

"You!" The third-year senior looked displeased.

Actually Haruna was chosen as the representative of the inter-school tennis tournament because her skills were the best among all the club members.

If there was no Haruna, she was the one who should have been the representative for the tournament because her tennis skills were only slightly worse than the purple-haired girl.

Seeing Haruna looking unkind this week, today she decided to make the girl give up and let her take her place.

But the third-year senior sighed, she wasn't impulsive either. Even so, she looked at Haruna coldly.

"Well Haruna-san, you said tomorrow you should be back to normal, right? If at that time your condition was still as bad as it is now."

"You really should let someone else take your place. Not just me, even everyone in this club thinks the same as me, right?"

Hearing the senior's words, the girls in the tennis club looked a little intimidated, but they agreed and some of them just didn't want to cause trouble by disagreeing.

It's just that Haruna, that girl is pathetic.

The girl lowered her head while biting her lips with a sad expression.

"Hmph! Let's go!" The senior turned around and left with her two friends.

By the way she also glanced at Eiji who was watching not far away and seemed to be trying to tease him with her gaze.

However, Eiji didn't notice her at all and didn't even look at her which made her annoyed and actually left with her friends.

At this moment, when Haruna left and told the other tennis members that she was going to rest for a while.

Sitting on a long bench not far from the tennis court.

The truth was that she just wanted to adjust her mood, and she was also actually very worried hearing what the senior had said earlier.

If tomorrow she is still like this, she will really be replaced by someone else!

She didn't want that!

She wants to join the tournament!


[The pathetic Haruna... What a pity.]


Haruna smiled wryly. "What? Is that boy mocking me? He's probably watching all this time just to see how bad I am, right?"

"When that senior scolded me, he didn't even come to help... Just kidding, who am I to him anyway?"

Her mood getting worse, she looked sadly at the tennis racket in her hand.

However, what she heard next left her dumbfounded.

[Should I help her? I actually know what's wrong with Haruna. Even if that girl says she'll be back to normal tomorrow, the truth is that she won't be able to.]


Why can't she?!

Is she really going to be replaced by someone else in the turnament to be held the day after tomorrow?!

Haruna was extremely reluctant, she naturally looked at Eiji who was standing far in front of her.

From her vantage point, she could only clearly see his silver hair, but she knew right now that boy was looking at her.

[It seems like a long time ago that Haruna felt something was wrong with her, it must have started a week ago where she probably disliked protagonist Rito more and more.]

Yes! Yes!

It did start a week ago!

Wait, why is Rito mentioned here? Does it have anything to do with him?

Haruna was confused, but she finally knew why her condition became like this after hearing the next words.

[The Will of the World, or so I call it. Seeing a heroine like Haruna who was unlikely to be with the protagonist, she changed the plot and decided to create a scenario so that Haruna could fall in love with the protagonist again].

[How? Well right now, ordinary people can't see it, but me? I can see that in Haruna's body there is something called a loose soul.]


"Loose Soul? What is that? Is it something dangerous!?"

"I'm going to die! Oh no, Eiji-kun said, this thing might make me fall in love with Yuuki-kun again?"

Knowing this, Haruna felt disgusted. Who is the Will of the World? Are you a mother who forces a girl to fall in love with your son?

Even so, she was now panicking!

So all this time, her condition became this bad because of that thing called loose soul!

Naturally, she was naturally patting herself down and wondering how to get that thing out of her body?

[Runaway spirit or Loose soul, as the name suggests. It is actually a spectral being that has been freed from the confines of hell.]

[It's actually a creature from another franchise, but the World's Will was crazy and she threw such a creature at Haruna so that she could create a plot that would allow protagonist Rito to do something like cure Haruna.]

[And how to cure her? People who have been possessed by loose souls, they will actually always feel depressed and over time will feel that life is boring until they decide to commit suicide].

Haruna was horrified to hear this, she, what should she do to get that thing out of her body?!

Eiji, that boy must know, right? And sure enough, that boy knew and he told her from his inner voice.

She was happy of course, but she was also surprised and hesitant because the way to get the loose soul out of her body was by...


A/N: If you want to read 8 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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