Staying at Haruna's house

Haqua du Lot Herminium.

Commonly called Haqua by her friends. Oh no, they are not her friends. Actually it's more like her classmates or colleagues.

There were also some friends, but due to her rather arrogant personality, she hardly recognized anyone as her friends.

She had also never admitted that until now, unlike her other colleagues or her "friends" in the Runaway Spirit Squad who had managed to capture Kaketama on more than one occasion.

She, despite being the best graduate in her class with the highest grades had also managed to join the Runaway Spirit Squad.

She, Haqua du Lot Herminium.

Has never managed to catch a single Kaketama in her more than 300 years of age.

300 years old was in fact still considered very young for a devil in New Hell and Haqua was one of the youngest members of the Runaway Spirit Squad.

But still...

Some other young members of the Runaway Spirit Squad had even managed to capture at least one Kaketama less than a year after they successfully joined the Runaway Spirit Squad.

The Runaway Spirit Squad was a special organization created by New Hell to capture Loose Souls/Kaketama who escaped from Hell.

It was the number one organization in New Hell and many New Hell devils aspired to join the organization after graduating from their education.

Haqua was the best graduated devil in New Hell about ten years ago, and it had been ten years since she became one of the members of the Runaway Spirit Squad.

But unlike her brilliant performance at school, in the Runaway Spirit Squad, she...

"Ugh... Why am I always unlucky like this."

"Even though I managed to detect that Kaketama. I'm sure its location is here."

"But where is that creature now?!"

Haqua stomped the ground in annoyance, her pretty face pouting because again she failed to catch Kaketama.

Compared to Kaketama who had possessed the body of someone who was difficult to catch after that happened.

The Kaketama she detected earlier was known to not be possessing someone's body.

That kind of Kaketama was an easy catch! Especially when it was a mid-level Kaketama.

Haqua was very confident she could catch that Kaketama just by opening the Kaketama catcher bottle in front of the creature and after that she would successfully catch the Kaketama for the first time!


That Kaketama was not here.

Either she had run away somewhere else, possessed someone's body, or...

Haqua shook her head. "There's no way someone would have caught that Kaketama before me."

"I'm the only Runaway Spirit Squad in charge of searching for Kaketama in this Kuoh city."

While flying and checking every corner of the school using the purple scarf around her neck called Hagoromo.

Unlike her Kaketama detector, Hagoromo has a flight function and other functions such as capturing/searching for suspicious objects in the vicinity.

The school grounds were clean without any traces of battle or anything.

Haqua finally realized something.

As far as her eyes could see there was nothing wrong, but she could feel the fluctuations of Kaketama's energy and other people's magic lingering in the air.

The fluctuation was very small, but as the best graduate devil from New Hell. Although she had not managed to capture a single Kaketama so far, she was able to detect the energy fluctuations left behind.

She even knew that the Kaketama was indeed here before, he was here and he seemed to have fought with someone!

Haqua widened her eyes. "No way! I'm the only Runaway Spirit Squad assigned to this town, so it's impossible for anyone else to catch that Kaketama."

"Unless that person is a member of my Runaway Spirit Squad who has the task of capturing Kaketama who has special tools and techniques to capture that creature."

"That person can't possibly catch that Kaketama, right? Unless..."

She rubbed her chin and thought of certain possibilities that she thought were ridiculous, especially when she often looked down on most people she thought were beneath her.

"I almost think that the person who fought with Kaketama has killed that Kaketama."

"Sigh... That's ridiculous."

It was not impossible to kill Kaketama directly, even for her with all the spells and weapons in her hands.

But as the people of the Runaway Spirit Squad, she knew how difficult it was to break through a loose soul's physical defenses. Many of them preferred to use special techniques or tools to capture loose souls because it was easier to do.

Even so, with Haqua's personality of looking down on others, she immediately denied whoever it was that came before her had killed Kaketama with her own power.

"Hm... What is this?"

Suddenly as she walked around the schoolyard, she stepped on something. She picked up the object and was dumbfounded when she saw it.

"So handsome... Cough! I mean, what foolish human would drop his student card here!"

The object she picked up was the student card of a student at the school she was at.

Since it was a student's student card, naturally there was a photo of the student's face on it and that was what made Haqua who had been single for over 300 years blush a little.

But she quickly calmed herself down. It was just a human after all, she looked down on humans, even if their appearance was very handsome or beautiful.

Reading the information on the student card, she could also tell the name of the owner.

"Eiji Seiya? So that's his name..." Haqua muttered.

Don't misunderstand. It wasn't that she was interested in this student card owner, she was just...

That's right, she suspected that the Kaketama she had previously detected had possessed that boy named Eiji Seiya!

She put the student card into her pocket.

What was she planning to do?

"Not too late!"

"I have to find that boy to take out the Kaketama in his body!"

Haqua who was previously upset now seemed excited after finding the clue.

She thought that Eiji Seiya was not the source of the magic fluctuations she felt before, nor could she accept the idea that human had killed that Kaketama.

She rather believed that Eiji Seiya had been possessed by that Kaketama.

But whatever it was, Haqua caught the bait!


On the other side.

Eiji actually dropped his student card at school on purpose.

It's not that he thought Haqua would find his student card.

Actually, he just did it on a whim when he thought of several possibilities that someone from the franchise might find his student card.

He was just betting on his luck to create a plot that connected him with the heroine.

Right now he had no idea that one of the heroine from the franchise had actually picked up his student card and had the idea to look for him.

If he knew, he would just smile and wait.

Having watched many franchises in his previous life, he was certainly familiar with the plot of the heroine dropping an item and it just so happened to be found by the protagonist.

He just reversed that plot, he didn't expect it to work.

But put that aside.

That's for later.

Right now he's going to have fun with Haruna.

In the girl's house which did not seem too big or small, to be precise, inside her bedroom which was feminine and had several photos of the protagonist Rito in it.

The first time the girl found him he looked at the photo.

She frantically explained that they were pictures from middle school and she had forgotten to throw them away.

Her reaction was too much, she could see the girl was worried that he thought she still liked Rito.

She was about to remove the photos of Rito from her room, but he stopped her.

The girl was confused. 

He said, "It's okay, this will be more fun."


Haruna seemed clueless at the time. Even so, after a shower and dinner together.

The girl offered to sleep together in her room on the grounds that there were no other empty rooms in her house except for her parents' and older sister's which of course could not be used carelessly.

She was wearing a thigh-length purple nightgown that showed off her white shoulders and curves.

As one of the heroine, she was undoubtedly beautiful.

Eiji pretended to be surprised. "Haruna, I don't mind sleeping on the living room sofa. You actually don't need to..."

"No! I-I've invited you to stay at my house, Eiji-kun. How could I let you sleep on the sofa?"

Despite trying to look calm, her flushed cheeks could not hide her nervousness and embarrassment.

[This girl is flirting with me, right? I was just planning on resting normally.]

[Although not as fast as when I sleep with a girl. Cough, I'm fine with that.]

[But what's with this girl? She's suddenly very aggressive to get me to sleep with her!]

Haruna became even more embarrassed when she heard this.

She certainly knew her current actions were too bold!

If it was her before today, she would definitely not be this brave.

But after seeing Eiji help her this far, she couldn't help but fall in love with the boy and when she heard the boy was going to another girl...

She... She crazily asked the boy to stay at her house!

'Haruna, Haruna, what are you thinking?! You're too impulsive!'

'Even if you like Eiji-kun. Isn't it too soon to give yourself to him tonight?!'

Haruna suddenly hesitated, but when she saw Eiji's still pale face with an expression that pretended to be fine.

She had the urge to push the boy into her bed to let him rest as soon as possible.


At first Eiji wanted to pretend to be reluctant a few more times, but he didn't expect the girl to immediately push him onto her bed.

The girl was now straddling him and she was pressing her modest breasts into his chest.

Rito, you're going to get the green hat again!

He secretly used his magic to do something and contacted someone.

"Eiji-kun..." Haruna's violet eyes seemed to have a sense of shame, but there was also lust in them, especially when she saw Eiji was on her bed and she was straddling him in a perverted position like this.

Feeling something poking her ass, she immediately recalled Eiji's penis that she had often dreamed of.

By the way that boy was now wearing a white shirt and shorts that he created with his magic.

She suddenly thought wouldn't it be easy to take off Eiji's pants in this situation?

Seeing the boy's surprised expression, she became more energized and courageous.

"Tell me Eiji-kun. Is there any way to make you heal faster? If there is, just tell me and I'll do it for you!"

"Huh? Why are you suddenly asking this? I just need to rest and I'll heal by myself."

"Lies! Eiji-kun, I know you actually have a way to heal yourself faster, right? But because of what method you should use, you hesitated to ask me because you didn't want to trouble me."


Eiji wanted to say that Haruna's brain circuits were almost as good as Rias at interpreting things like this.

It made him so comfortable that he wondered if it was because of his harem halo? Well whatever it was, he certainly wouldn't refuse good things to him!

Although he would pretend to be reluctant at first, but in the end he would eat Haruna up tonight.

Looking at Eiji who seemed to be silent as if hesitant to answer.

Haruna knew the boy would not want to say that.

He would rather suffer than take advantage of a girl like her.

If it was another boy. For example like Rito, he would definitely take advantage of her to ask her for perverted things in this situation.

After helping her and making her indebted to him.

Rito would definitely do that without hesitation.

Which made her dislike him.

But Eiji was different. He was worried about her feelings, not even willing to mention what kind of method could actually make him heal faster.

Actually from his inner voice earlier, she could already guess it must be something perverted because he needed the help of Lala or a woman named Kuroka in bed.

Even so, knowing Eiji didn't want to ask her for such things and pretending there was no such method.

Haruna was so moved that she wanted to give her body and soul to that boy tonight.

And she did, precisely after she heard his inner voice accidentally reveal what perverted methods he had to heal himself faster.


Rito had just finished dinner with his younger sister.

Lately he's been focusing on increasing his power.

Feeling his Void Dragon bloodline getting thicker inside his body, he felt his body 20 times stronger since he was slapped by Eiji last time.

He was getting stronger!

"Hahahaha! I did it! I got promoted to Void Distorter!"

Void Distorter.

This is a race that feeds on universal radiation and fixed star energy. As long as there are radiation and stars in this world. His body will become stronger and his ability to manipulate the void will also increase.

Although the process is not so fast and can be said to be slow unless he directly injects himself Void Dragon bone marrow in that place which can make him directly promoted to a higher level.

But that's okay...

Rito was satisfied with his current increase in power and felt he could slap Eiji for the first time.

After all unlike him, that bastard was human... No, he might be an Alien with strange powers. But compared to his Alien race that was trash.

Rito was confident that his race as a second-tier void being called a Void Distorter was superior to Eiji.

Now he was very confident in his power!

He was also confident that he could get back Lala, Yui, and Run who had fallen into Eiji's hands!

There was also Haruna, the girl who had been cold to him for a week. But with him now, especially with his appearance that became more handsome after his race promotion.

He was confident to make Haruna crazy about him.

Just wait.

Haruna will beg him to fuck her and give her a child later.

After all this time, he will finally be able to get back his girls in his previous life!

Eiji? That boy had no idea what horrors would await him when he stole all his girls.

Although Rito said that for the umpteenth time, he seemed to have forgotten how many times his confidence was destroyed by Eiji.

Well but putting that aside.

Ding Dong~

At this moment, Rito suddenly heard his doorbell ring.

Ding Dong~

Ding Dong~

"Looks like Mikan is asleep. Alright, I'll check who comes to our house at this hour."

"Maybe it's dad?"

Although he doubted it was his father because he usually slept at work and would only come home once a week on Sundays.

Now it was Tuesday, so the possibility of this being his father was quite small.

So who? He would only know when he opened his door and saw him in person.

"Are you Yuuki Rito?"

"Yes, it's me. Man, I'm sure I didn't order anything online."

The one who came to his house at night was a young man who looked about the same age as him.

But he was wearing a courier uniform which proved that he probably worked part-time as a courier even though he was a student.

This young man is a hard worker.

He felt he had a very good impression on him even though it was the first time he met him.

Maybe he should give him a drink first before he left? He remembered Mikan bought some juice boxes that she kept in the refrigerator this afternoon.

"You didn't order, but someone wanted to give you a gift. So take this."

The young man immediately pushed the package into his hands.

"Eh but, who is---"

"I don't know. Just take it, I want to quickly finish my work and go home."


Rito knew the young man was only doing his job as a courier.

He didn't know who exactly the person who sent him the package was.

But can't you be more friendly? I was going to give you a box of juice as a tip.

After the young man who delivered the package went home.

Rito closed the door and returned to his bedroom.

With his power, he opened the package box easily and took out the contents.

But at that moment, he widened his eyes because what he saw was...


He honestly didn't know what the person who sent him this kind of thing was thinking.

Luckily he knew how to use this thing because his father also had it and he once used it to watch a movie to make it feel like a movie theater in his room.

"Whatever it is. The person who sent me this must have wanted to show me something."

"I'll try to see."

Rito innocently connected the cables to turn on the mini-projector in his room.

He planned to point the projection at the wall.

He turned off the lights and...

"Yosh, I just turned it on."

Rito was not suspicious at all.

It was just a projector after all. He was very confident that such an object would not hurt him, even if it exploded, he could manipulate the void to envelop the object and the explosion would be useless.

Physically, he would not be hurt.

However, he didn't think about other types of attacks.

For example, like... Mental attacks?

Well, Rito turned on the projector and light began to gather on the walls of his room to create an image.

"Oh? It's a video."

He looked at what was displayed curiously, but he widened his eyes as if he knew something.

"This bedroom... I feel familiar."

"Ah! I remember, in a previous life, I visited Haruna who was sick and that must be her bedroom!"

Rito smiled, he was excited at the thought of Haruna sending him this.

The girl felt guilty for being cold to him, so she wanted to apologize by sending him a gift? This video... It would definitely feature Haruna saying words of love to him.

He could not help but laugh.

"Haruna, don't worry. Since you're at least not with Eiji like the others."

"In this life, you will be my first wife!"


After being satisfied to be happy. Rito was in a good mood, he turned up the volume of the video and sat on his bed as if preparing to watch a movie.

In the video. There was no mistaking that it was Haruna's bedroom.

Decorated with cute pink walls.

White furniture.

Some dolls and...

Oh, there were also photos of him in middle school in a frame.

Rito smiled.

Haruna still loved him very much, she even still collected his photos like in his previous life.

As he continued to watch the video for a few seconds, he was confused because the video never moved and only showed his photos displayed in a frame placed on the study table.

He was about to do something to the projection as he thought it had a slight error, but he stopped after hearing Haruna's voice.

There was also a shadow on the wall shown in the video.

The shadow was strange because it seemed that in it there was not only Haruna sitting on the bed, but there was also someone whose body Haruna was sitting on.

"Haruna, what are you doing? You, hey why suddenly take off my pants!"

Rito was dumbfounded, it was not her voice but the voice of a man who came in the video.

And that voice strangely sounded very familiar!

He, he immediately had a bad feeling!

And sure enough.

"Me? I will heal you. I'll take care of you and make you feel better."

"Eiji-kun~ Oh, it's as big and long as I remember."


Haruna's voice sounded coquettish and filled with lust for the opposite sex.

This was the first time he heard such a voice from her.

But put that aside.

Rito froze and his expression instantly became ugly.

"No way! No way! Haruna and Eiji..."

"What are they doing?!"


A/N: If you want to read 8 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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