The confident Suou Himejima


What Miss System said made him sigh mentally.

This woman didn't understand the drama he was directing.

If he was his system, he should know that what he was saying right now was just to see what Akeno would choose.

What the girl chose actually didn't matter to him because it was easy for him to deal with people from the Himejima Clan or whatever.

So what if those people were from the Five Principal Clans? If he wanted to, right now he could directly kill the people currently hiding around Akeno's house.

With his current power, his senses could detect people within a radius of 100 kilometers if he focused his senses, and that could still be enhanced further with his magic.

A few tens of meters from here, he knew where Akeno's house was located from the original work and he could see it. Those people, especially their group leader who was most likely Akeno's uncle. In terms of power, they were as strong as cannon fodder characters, Akeno should have no trouble fighting those people, but they were smart enough to set up a barrier around the shrine where Akeno's house was located that had the function of suppressing devils below the middle class.

Even so, Eiji was sure it was still not enough to defeat a heroine like Akeno and the reason why in the future he saw the girl overwhelmed against those people was simply because of the plot!

As for reviving Akeno's mother that his system said? Well he hadn't forgotten about it of course.

"So Akeno, what's your answer?" Eiji asked the girl again.

Akeno smiled wryly. "I think it's too much to kill them."

"You know, right? Your uncle is planning to kill you with that many people."


"You know, right? Those people have also hurt your mother in the past, especially your uncle who has some involvement in it."


Akeno bit her lip, in fact earlier she was almost tempted to take revenge on her uncle and the people of the Himejima Clan. There was also her father whom she now hated even more because he failed to protect her mother in the past.

But she thought of the big picture! If she and Eiji killed the people of the Himejima Clan, especially her uncle who had status in the Clan. Wouldn't there be a conflict between the Himejima Clan and the family her King, Rias? Although she was sure that the girl would be fine supporting her since the ones taking the initiative to look for trouble right now were her uncle and the people of the Himejima Clan.

Thinking that her personal feelings were creating a bigger problem, Akeno abandoned her intention to kill those people.

She shook her head and looked at Eiji nervously. "No, Eiji. I think just driving them away is enough. You... Are you disappointed with my choice?"

Eiji smiled, he shook his head, released her chin and said. "No, I'm just giving you a choice. Whatever your choice is, it won't lower my judgment on you, Akeno."

"Although I'm a little reluctant to let the people who have hurt you go so easily."

"Eiji... Why do you care about me so much?"

Akeno was moved, her eyes slightly moist, and her seductive onee-san mask had long been replaced by her real face that looked fragile and wanted to find someone to depend on.

"What do you think?" Eiji looked at her watery gaze and asked.

"How would I know?" Akeno felt her heart beating so fast that she dared not look at the boy in front of her.

At this moment she saw the boy grabbing her hand that was previously pierced to the point of bleeding by her own nails. A soft green light shone on her hand and instantly the wound was gone.

"After all you are one of Rias' peerage and Rias' best friend. If something bad happens to you, I'm sure Rias, my fiancée will be sad. Seeing you in trouble, of course I will try to help you."

As a bastard, how could Eiji dislike a girl as beautiful as Akeno who had entered his radar? But of course he had no intention of admitting this first from the other party because there was a saying that whoever took the initiative to admit first, he would lose.

Just kidding, he did it only because he didn't want to rush things.

Besides this was not the time to confess to a girl because he still had a few surprises to really conquer the girl's heart completely.

"Just because of that?"

Akeno felt disappointed, she thought Eiji would confess to her.

It seemed like the reason Eiji had helped her so far was because she was one of the heroine in this world that required the boy to help her like he did other heroine.

Eiji did not answer, he changed the topic. "Then let's go now.

Before Akeno could say anything, a magic circle glowed under her and Eiji's feet and instantly they teleported away.


At a shrine where there is a traditional Japanese style house next to it.

The house is actually Akeno's house and the girl actually lives next to the shrine.

If she doesn't go to school and has no other activities, she is often the shrine maiden there.

But putting that aside, in the darkness of the Shrine that surrounded Akeno's house.

There were a dozen people in exorcist outfits. Unlike Irina and Xenovia's tight and sexy exorcist outfits. That people were wearing white Hakama with red accents and various exorcist weapons.

They were actually people from the Himejima Clan who were planning to kill Akeno tonight!

As people of the Himejima Clan, they were certainly not ordinary humans. They possessed supernatural powers, specifically as part of the Five Principal Clans that mastered the power of the Sacred Beasts, the Himejima Clan possessed one known as the Vermilion Bird. Those who are part of the Himejima Clan have been blessed by the Shinto Gods, allowing each member to use the Fire Phase, one of the Five Elements.

The leader of the group, an old man with a cold expression looked at one of his subordinates. "Are you sure Akeno lives in this shrine?"

"Yes, according to the information we got, Akeno Himejima does live in this shrine. Suou-sama."

One of his subordinates who gathered information in Kuoh city told him that. Suou Himejima did not say anything else but his cold gaze continued to be fixed on the shrine entrance.

Besides having the status of being the former head of the Himejima Clan, Suou was also actually Akeno's uncle who used to hunt Akeno down 7 years ago because she became a fallen angel child. Unfortunately in the past, he was unable to kill Akeno to clear the stain on the Himejima bloodline because of the deal he made with the devil of the Gremory Clan.

But at this moment, Suou found Akeno very disturbing and he decided to kill the girl even though he would be breaking the deal he made with the devil heir of the Gremory Clan.

A few hours ago he and his men had managed to secretly infiltrate Kuoh city without being noticed by the devil who commanded this territory.

At least that's what he thought.

It's just that after waiting for almost 2 hours.

He still saw no sign of Akeno.

Suou frowned. "Shouldn't a girl be home by this time?"

Then remembering something, he snorted. "What do I expect from a fallen angel child? Right now that girl must still be playing outside with dirty devils who are just as dirty as she is."

Suou had a disgusted expression on his face, but after saying that he suddenly froze, as did all the subordinates hiding in the darkness.

"Gee who's being so racist here? Is that your uncle, Akeno?"

"Yes... It's him."

A familiar girl's voice rang in Suou's ears and when he turned his head, he saw a girl similar to Shuri standing side by side with a silver-haired boy.

The two of them suddenly appeared in the center of the shrine and they seemed to already know the whereabouts of him and his men.

"Akeno! Is that you? You finally came! This time, I'm not letting you escape. You must die! Everyone, kill her and the boy next to her!

Suou said that, but there was no movement at all. All of his men that he brought from the Himejima Clan could not move, and he himself could not move!

It felt like there was a force preventing them from doing anything, even the blessing from the Shinto God that allowed them to manipulate the Sacred Beast flames could not be used at the moment!

Only Suou could speak.

"What's going on?"

Eiji who had just teleported with Akeno waved his hand. With his magic, he made uncle Akeno and all his men gather in front of the two of them and at the same time sealed their power.

He used Anos' "Yg Neas" and "Zola" spells to do that.

Akeno looked at her uncle and the people he brought from the Himejima Clan complicatedly.

"Uncle... You broke our agreement. Does my cousin know about this?"

Suou who could still move looked at Akeno coldly. He was not stupid, he knew at this point that it looked like his plan had failed and it must be because of the silver-haired boy Akeno had brought!

If it was just Akeno, he was sure he could deal with the girl easily, but the force holding him and his men at this moment...

"No, how could that woman let me do this if she knew about it? So Akeno, what are you going to do? You want to kill your uncle? As expected of a fallen angel child, you are just as evil as those creatures." Suou mocked.

The woman he was referring to was Suzaku Himejima. Besides being Akeno's cousin, she was the current Himejima Clan Head and he knew she actually had a pretty good relationship with Akeno. So of course, his plan to kill Akeno this time was kept secret from her.

Akeno frowned, she clenched her fists, but at this moment Eiji sneered.

"Old man, aren't you embarrassed to say that after planning to kill Akeno?"

"Who are you! You're the one who did this, right? Let me and the others go right now!" Suou roared.

Eiji felt that these people were starting to resemble the people in those novels. In this situation, the protagonist would introduce himself to an insignificant character and start mocking each other before the face-slapping scene.

Eiji was too lazy to talk to this person and preferred to get to the point.

He looked at Akeno, and coincidentally the girl was also looking at him.

"You sure you don't want to kill him?"

Akeno's lips twitched. "Eiji... Don't kill them, okay? After this. I plan to report my uncle's actions to Rias. With this, I'm sure my uncle and the people he brought will be punished by their Clan for breaking the agreement we made in the past."

Hearing this Suou was a little surprised, he did not expect Akeno to just let it go.

Even so, instead of thanking her, he still looked at Akeno and Eiji with an unfriendly gaze.

"Akeno! You--"

"Shut up."

The moment Eiji said that, the old man immediately shut up because his body really could no longer speak. To do this, Eiji was actually still using the same spell, he didn't plan on arguing for so long with an insignificant character like uncle Akeno who he himself didn't remember the name of. There were also the people the old man had brought, they were so weak that he could kill them with a wave of the hand.

But alas, Akeno didn't want him to kill those people and preferred to let them be punished by their Clan. Eiji knew that if these people returned to their Clan, the one who would punish them would be Akeno's cousin whose name he remembered was Shuzaku Himejima.

That woman was beautiful, she had black hair and red eyes that were no less beautiful than Akeno even though she was not a heroine.

¶{Host, control your thoughts, but if you want, why don't you visit cousin Akeno later?}

What Miss System said was a pretty good idea.

But put that aside.

Eiji stared at uncle Akeno with a coldness that made the gaze of the other party staring at him instantly freeze in fear as if seeing something in his eyes.

"Did you hear that? If it weren't for Akeno's compassion, you and these weak people would have been no longer in this world. Do you believe that? Want me to prove it?"


Suou wanted to say the youngster in front of him was arrogant, but his body and mouth could not be moved, and even if he could, he knew what the silver-haired boy said was true.

When staring into those blue eyes that had stars in them, although it was beautiful, he felt like he had the illusion that he was thrown into space and saw the darkness devouring him which made him horror.

It felt very cold.


As if he would die at any time as long as the boy wanted him to.

Even the gods he had served all this time, he had never felt a difference of this magnitude that made people with high self-esteem like him inevitably submit.

Not only him, all of his men also seemed to feel a sense of terror when looking into that boy's eyes.

They all wanted to shake their heads as if to say "No, you don't need to prove it!" But they could not move an inch which made them even more frightened, and Suou felt a sense of humiliation, especially when he saw the boy looking at him with amusement.

"Why aren't you guys talking? Hey I asked you guys."

"....." Suou and all his men gritted their teeth.

How can we talk?! You made us unable to do so!

Akeno stared at what Eiji was doing, and she couldn't help but think that this boy was more sadistic than her.

If Eiji had to describe the feelings Suou and his men were experiencing.

They were like group chat members who were mute by the admin and the admin suddenly called them to answer even though they were on mute.

This kind of feeling of humiliation, Suou, the former head of the Himejima Clan was experiencing it for the first time.

He was furious, but at the same time also afraid of Eiji because he knew how terrifying the boy's power was just from his gaze.

"Since no one answered, I'll assume you believe what I said."

Suou and his men breathed a sigh of relief, but Eiji suddenly raised his hand that glowed with red light at them.

That sent their hearts into panic and fear!

Eiji kept his word to Akeno and completely banished her uncle and the people he brought with him by teleporting them straight to the Himejima Clan.

Of course, he didn't just make them leave without suffering.

He knocked them unconscious and secretly changed something inside them using one of Anos' spells.

For Akeno's uncle who hated that Akeno had the blood of a fallen angel in her. Now the old man would feel what it was like to be transformed into the creature he hated the most. The people he brings along is the same, Akeno's beautiful cousin will surely be shocked to see them.

"Eiji, are you sure you didn't do anything to them? I won't blame you, I'm just curious." Akeno asked this because she saw Eiji had a strange smile as he drove away his uncle and the people he brought.

Eiji shrugged. "I did do something to them, but don't worry. It won't get them killed."

[I used one of my spells called "Gavea" to change a person's source into another type of source. I basically turned the race of uncle Akeno and the people he brought into fallen angels.]

[Those people hated Akeno so much just because she was a fallen angel. Now I'm letting them feel what it's like to be the creature they hate.]

[I hope Akeno doesn't mind this. Seeing her own uncle insult her, if it wasn't for Akeno not wanting me to kill that old man, I would've...]

"!!!" Akeno was dumbfounded.

The heroines in server one who heard this were just as surprised as Akeno.

Knowing Eiji did all this for her, Akeno was so moved that she wanted to kiss the boy right now, but the voice of someone she hated interrupted her.


Out of the darkness, a rough-looking middle-aged man with black hair, a matching beard, and a muscular body appeared.


A/N: If you want to read 8 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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