Because of someone, Eiji was glad didn't have to get his own hands dirty

Sona is currently busy doing her accumulated tasks in the student council office.

After her father took back his duties as Clan Chief, she was finally free, but not really because after returning to school, there was a lot of student council work that greeted her.

Sona didn't complain about this as she would rather be occupied by work than not have anything to do.

She was a workaholic, she loved to work.

She looked at her secretary and queen standing beside her and asked.

"Tsubaki, what about the preparations for the Sports Festival tomorrow? The student council has already made an announcement about it in advance, right?"

Tsubaki raised her glasses slightly. "We already did while you were busy in the underworld yesterday, Kaichou."

"What about the agenda for tomorrow's event?"

"We have also prepared it and informed all the students about it."

Sona nodded, she was glad that Tsubaki, Momo, Saji and the others could be relied upon to take care of student council work in her absence.

She also looked at the other student council members and said. "Good job all of you."

Momo, Saji, Reya, Tomoe and Ruruko who were Sona's peers as well as student council members looked happy to receive praise from Sona.

Ruruko raised her hand excitedly.

"Ruruko, what's wrong?" Sona asked, she wondered what one of her pawns wanted to say.

Ruruko Nimura was a second year student and it had been almost 2 years since she joined her peerage.

Usually Ruruko was quite quiet, but this time she took the initiative to ask.

"Kaichou, about the division of groups in the Sports Festival... I remember that second-year students will be paired with first-year students in the three-legged race." For some reason Sona saw Ruruko occasionally glance at Saji. Hm... This girl... Could it be...

"Although I know the division of groups is random, can I ask to be paired with Saji-kun?"

Sona was dumbfounded, she saw Ruruko blushing and Saji who heard his name mentioned also looked embarrassed.

"I don't mind using a little student council authority for that, but you two... Since when? Don't worry, I don't forbid my peerage members from having relationships with each other."

Tsubaki and the others looked at Saji and Ruruko with smiles that made the two embarrassed.

Saji had completely given up on pursuing Sona, he now had another girl in his heart. Actually it wasn't that long ago, maybe about two days ago where she and Ruruko spent more time together in the Student Council Office without Sona.

Their relationship heated up very quickly back then and Ruruko suddenly took the initiative to confess to him. For a guy like him to be recognized for the first time by a pretty and cute girl like Ruruko, even though Ruruko was not as pretty as Sona, he was happy and accepted her confession.

Now the two of them are dating.

"T-That... It was only two days ago when you were on school leave, Kaichou. Now me and Saji-kun are dating." Ruruko said with a shy girl's face.

"Ah, I see." Sona smiled, she was of course happy and relieved, especially after knowing what Saji looked like in the original work from Eiji's inner voice.


Knowing that the boy seemed to have completely given up on pursuing her and was already with another girl, she now didn't have to worry about Saji still having ideas about her.

"Saji, I hope you take good care of Ruruko and never make her sad. If you do..." Sona said with a serious expression to Saji that made the boy shudder.

"Don't worry Kaichou! I will definitely never make Ruruko sad! Even if I do, I will apologize to her and slap myself until she forgives me!"

It sounded exaggerated, but Ruruko who heard this was moved. "Saji-kun..."

Sona nodded in satisfaction at what Saji said. These two were her peerage after all, and she really didn't want any of them to come into conflict with each other.

It was good to take precautions.

Speaking of seeing the pink air around Ruruko and Saji, she couldn't help but miss Eiji.

From his inner voice not too long ago, that boy didn't seem to go to school because he was busy again with the new heroines that appeared.

What were their names? Momo and Nana? These two seem to be Lala's younger sisters.

Sona had no problem with this as it wasn't the first time Eiji was busy due to dealing with other heroines.

She herself was busy with her student council work and had no time to visit him, but after she completely finished all her work and had some free time...

Sona decided to blackmail Eiji as much as possible in bed later.

Thinking of what happened that night, her face that looked serious and cool in front of her peerage had a slight blush as if excited.

Unlike Sona who at least had someone. Tsubaki, Momo, and Tsubasa felt acid rise to their hearts seeing Ruruko and Saji who were spreading dog food in the Student Council Office.

They were happy that these two were happy with each other, but couldn't they refrain from showing off in front of them for so long?

It's getting annoying.

Just know there are still some singles in this room!

Tsubaki turned her head and looked at Sona, she saw that the girl's expression seemed excited with a blush on her cheeks.

With her intelligence, she knew her King must be thinking about her fiancée.

Thinking of her fiancée...

'I wonder if Sona's offer back then is still valid today?'


Time passes.

In the underworld.

The atmosphere in the underworld has been very peaceful lately.

But without anyone knowing except for the people in certain basements.

There were many screaming voices from people whose bodies were chained by chains capable of sealing their powers.


"Let go! Let go of me! Diodora! How dare you act so wildly! Aren't you afraid of the Sitri Clan's wrath?!"

"Damn it, what are you doing?! Heir of Astaroth! I'm a devil from the Labolas Clan, how dare you--Ahhh!!"

"Diodora, Agares won't let you go either if they know the Heir of Astaroth kidnapped many devils from every Clan, you'll--Ahhhh!!!"

A handsome dark blue-haired youth in expensive clothes ignored the shouts and curses with a disgusted smile on his face.

In the end, those more than a dozen middle- and high-grade devils did not finish what they were saying because their bodies vanished in less than 10 seconds when their bodies were absorbed into the dark portal that opened from one of his hands.

Diodora Astaroth, heiress of the Astaroth Clan.

That was his name and current status.

Why did he say current? Because the current him is not the real Diodora Astaroth.

He is actually a transmigrator from another world who after dying in his previous life due to being run over by a train suddenly found himself alive again in the body of one of the villain characters from an anime he once watched.

In the original work, he knew Diodora Astaroth was one of the villains in the Highschool DxD franchise whose face would be slapped by the protagonist and lose his status as the heiress of the Astaroth Clan.

That happened exactly a week ago.

With a system that was the clichéd golden finger of a transmigrator, he had lived his life in this new world. With his Devouring System, he can grow strong by absorbing 5% of the power of each person he devours using his system's ability.

Although it sounded like cheating, in fact it was not easy for Diodora, especially when he was a very cautious person and chose to gather his power first before showing his power in front of everyone.

He was different from the original Diodora who would immediately show off just because he had a small snake in his pocket and was not afraid of people slapping him, he did better than the person in the original work.

To herd more than a dozen middle and high-class devils from each Clan into Astaroth territory, he certainly had to rack his brains, he certainly wasn't so reckless as to directly capture each of them in their territory; because that would get him into trouble.

His current actions, except for the people he had devoured and his peerage members who were as loyal as slaves. No one knew that those people had been killed by him. Even if there were people who suspected, he had gotten rid of all the evidence and people could not just beat him without clear evidence.

"Now my power has reached that of an ultimate-class devil without the help of that little snake. I can even use the special abilities of the devils from the Sitri Clan, Labolas and Agares."

"Unfortunately it's still small, my power manipulation of each special ability is still not as good as people of the same level from each Clan."

"I still need to find more people to devour. It would be best if it were devils of the Phenex Clan who have the ability to become immortal or people at the ultimate class level in order to increase my power even further."

Walking out of the secret basement of his home, Diodora had a friendly smile and clean clothes as if nothing had happened before. The servants and people in his family also did not suspect anything was wrong with him.

After arriving at his private office, he summoned the Queen of his peerage who basically served as a secretary to help him handle his work as the heir to Clan Astaroth.

"Diodora-sama, what do you need?" A beautiful woman with long wavy blonde hair and blue eyes asked.

Her figure was voluptuous and heroic, even if she was not one of the heroine in this world, Diodora wanted to curse Diodora in the original work who was very obsessed with nun girls, especially that heroine named Asia Argento.

The current Diodora, he is certainly not as obsessed with nun girls as in the original work, he is fine as long as the girl is beautiful.

But that aside, his main goal in life is to become the strongest so that no one can kill him before he enjoys beautiful women and all that this world has to offer.

Perhaps because in his previous life he died because someone pushed him onto the train tracks as the train was about to pass, he has PTSD related to that and feels the world of Highschool DxD is a hundred times more dangerous than a speeding train.

So he had to make himself feel safe first.

Unlike other transmigrants in the novels he had read, he decided to act in a very cautious manner to increase his survival in this life.

Although there were times when he had to take risks for a more favorable outcome.

"Claudia, when exactly will the Three Faction Meeting be held? I remember telling you to get information about it."

"There will be many fat sheep there, especially Sirzechs and the other two faction leaders."

"I hope you don't disappoint me."

Knowing the plot in the original work although he felt that the plot in this world was somewhat different from what he knew. Diodora knew the plot of the Peace Treaty between the three Factions still seemed to be the same as in the original work and he would of course seize this opportunity.

Sirzechs, Serafall, Michael, Azazel, the protagonist, and the heroines were there.

They were all just fat sheep gathered in one place to be preyed upon by him.

Diodora was already fantasizing that if he succeeded in his high-risk plan, he would become as powerful as he wanted to be quickly.


The next morning.

Eiji who had just woken up and idly checked the plot that would happen in the future using his "Future Sight".

He suddenly burst out laughing.

"Hahaha! Looks like I don't need to use my own plan to get rid of Sirzechs."

"But still, I have to take precautions to keep my girls safe when that happens."

Going to the bathroom inside his room and taking a shower, he was not surprised to find out that a transmigrator had appeared in this world and became a villain character.

Regressor protagonists existed, how could something like Villain Transmigration not exist? Even though the World's Will is dead, it's not impossible for anomalies like transmigrators or people like him to appear, especially when this world is an amalgamation of many franchises that are quite messy.

In any case, as long as he could still control the situation, he did not panic and could still go about his routine as usual.

"Devouring System heh? Compared to my Gluttony Ring, such a thing is just a lower level."

"That Transmigrator also doesn't seem to know that the protagonist and Azazel in this world are dead."

"Lack of care in gathering information before attacking. You call yourself cautious? Fart."

Eiji shook his head, but it was actually good to let the other party do the dirty for him. That way, he won't be the villain in the eyes of others.

He even had a good idea for the upcoming plot later.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile.

He was in a very good mood this morning, but when he came out of the bathroom with a naked top and a towel covering his lower half.

Before he was about to get dressed.


The door to the room suddenly opened and the cliché happened...

Eiji sighed, he somewhat regretted not using magic to bathe and dress faster like usual.

[Not bad.]

[This is why brat need to be taught not to break into someone's room just like that.]

[It would be fine if it was one of my women, but you guys? Forget it.]

"Who are you calling brat! Eiji, you...huh? Why are you naked? You beast!"

Despite saying that, Nana covered her flushed face with both hands, but there was a gap between her fingers.

"Nana... Don't call Eiji-san like that. After all, we're the ones who suddenly entered without knocking."

Momo who came along with Nana looked at Eiji unblinkingly and with a slight blush on her cheeks.

They both saw Eiji with his upper body naked.

His ferocious muscles were neither big nor small, but very stylish and strong. The eight-pack abdominal muscles were evenly distributed and the shark-like lines were clearly visible.

The body was like a walking work of art.

This was the first time they had seen a man's body that beautiful, even their father known as the Galactic King didn't have such a good body!

Such a body would definitely make many men envious and many women crazy.

They stood at the door in a daze for five or seven seconds before Eiji said.

"Have you guys seen enough?"

The two pink-haired girls gasped.

Eiji smiled playfully, with his magic, he immediately made himself wear a school uniform which made the two girls' gazes look a little disappointed.

[These girls are perverts. Do you guys want to see me continue to be naked?]

"Eiji, you narcissist!" Nana shouted while pointing at his face with a blush still clearly visible on her face.

The tsundere girl obviously wouldn't admit that she was mesmerized by his body.

"I'm just asking, why are you suddenly calling me a narcissist? This is my room, I just finished bathing and two certain girls suddenly walked into my room without knocking first." Eiji had a dissatisfied expression on his face.

Nana was silent hearing this, she didn't know what to say because she broke the door to Eiji's room on purpose as a form of her little revenge yesterday where she was forced to apologize to him.

Momo who saw this hurriedly said. "Sorry Eiji-san, I actually told Nana to knock on the door first, but that girl immediately broke down the door to your room."

"Momo! What nonsense are you talking about? I remember you didn't say anything back then!"

"Oh? So that's it. If it's Nana, I can understand."

"Eiji? You believe what Momo said?"

Nana was dumbfounded. She felt that these two people had suddenly colluded to blame her in such a way.

Even her younger sister would rather help others than her own older sister.

"Momo, what do you mean!"

Momo tilted her head in confusion. "Nana, what do you mean? I don't understand what you're saying."

"You! You!"

"Alright enough Nana. Don't fight with each other. So, why did you two come to my room?"

Instead of answering, Eiji changed the topic which made Nana even more annoyed. The girl snorted, folded her arms and looked the other way.

Momo smiled and kindly said. "Onee-sama told us to wake you up because she was worried that you hadn't woken up yet. By the way everyone is already in the dining room and they're waiting for you to have breakfast together."

Everyone? Everyone in question must be Lala, Asia, and Run.

Except for Kuroka who still hadn't returned from her organization, Momo and Nana had gotten to know everyone at his house yesterday.

Regarding Momo and Nana living in his house, none of the other girls in his house had any objections about it.

They all welcomed the two girls well, especially Run who had known Lala for a long time naturally she also knew Momo and Nana when she was a child. They were childhood friends.

But put that aside.

Eiji knew Momo was telling the truth, but he always felt the way this girl looked at him had a hidden meaning.

In the original work, compared to Lala and Nana, of the three siblings, Momo was the girl who was best at pretending.

Even him, he didn't know whether this girl liked him or not with the smile on her face at the moment.

By the way now he saw Momo and Nana wearing the same school uniform as Lala and the others.

The meaning was clear.

Today there would be two more transfer students at his school.


A/N: If you want to read 8 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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