Orgies, someone green

A pretty cyan magic circle shines brightly with the special effect of firefly-like spots flying all over the area.

The sight was beautiful, leaving everyone mesmerized.

And as her fiancé stood in the center of the magic circle, Sona felt magic fluctuations that were more outrageous than the attack that killed Diodora earlier.

Out of concern the people who had sensed Eiji's power came to check if there was anything wrong with the Peace Treaty conference.

Her older sister, Michael, and Baraqiel rebuilt the barrier as soon as possible to keep the people of the Underworld from coming to this place.

Although the barrier was not as strong as the one specially made by Azuka-sama and Fabium-sama, it was enough to temporarily hold back the people outside.

Actually this was done so that the people outside would not know that Sirzechs-sama had died and was currently about to be revived by Eiji.

Her fiancé, Eiji agreed to revive Sirzechs-sama, but not only that. Vali also suddenly begged her fiancé to revive Azazel.

The news of Azazel's death shocked them, after all they only knew the man was said to be in retreat and busy with his Sacred Gaar research. The reality is that the man is already dead? No wonder Baraqiel had come to represent the Fallen Angel Faction in today's Peace Treaty conference.

But put that aside. Reviving the dead... Sona was worried that it would not be something easy, even for her fiancé.

Asking Eiji to revive Sirzechs was understandable after all it was Rias' older brother and Grayfia's husband. She also wanted Eiji to revive their Devil Faction leader to make the situation in the underworld less chaotic.

It was just that Vali and even Baraqiel begged to revive Azazel which made him a little unhappy because wouldn't that inconvenience her fiancée? But Eiji agreed to the two men, more precisely he said "I'll try it, but don't get your hopes up. Reviving Akeno's mother is already difficult enough, so I'm not sure if trying it on those two will work or not."

[If it weren't for the fact that Sirzechs is Rias' older brother. I was actually reluctant to revive that guy who didn't like me very much. There was also Grayfia who begged me.]

[It's not that I'm tempted by what the silver-haired woman promised and I'm also not tempted by Serafall who wants to keep her promise. I have no shortage of beautiful women.]

[Don't get me wrong! I'm doing this only because I don't want to see the beautiful heroines sad.]

[Cih! Why am I so soft like protagonist JP? It's disgusting and I also agreed to bring men like Azazel to life. Aren't I very kind? It's just that that guy will also be useful for overcoming some plots in the future.]

[In the end I did this to reduce troublesome things in the future. I'm not a gentle man!]

Eiji, why don't you just admit that you're soft?

Good person, even in his heart can't be honest.

Sona couldn't help but smile, her fiance was not only handsome and strong, he was also so cute that it made her want to bite him. Looking at the others, she saw many females like Tsubaki, Akeno, Rias, Grayfia, Gabriel and even her older sister looking at Eiji with a she-wolf gaze.

Was it just her imagination? Well... Actually what worried her the most was her older sister.

She didn't understand what promise her sister had to Eiji? She smelled something suspicious.

Sona knew her older sister was not very close to Eiji because the woman was always busy with her work. But without realizing it, there seemed to be something between her fiancé and her older sister.

"So-Tan, why are you looking at Onee-sama like that?" Her older sister asked in confusion.

"No, I was just wondering what kind of promise you had with Eiji?" When she asked this, she saw her older sister start to panic.

"Ah... That... Let's talk about that later, okay? See, Eiji seems to be successful~!"

Serafall pointed at Eiji who exploded with cyan light like a pillar piercing the sky, Sona and the others were also staring ahead.

This was the first time they had seen magic that could revive the dead, even Michael was seeing this for the first time and he was looking at Eiji seriously.

No one knew what the Great Seraph was thinking.

But certainly at this time Rias and Grayfia were excited to see the crimson-haired man created from the magic circle not far from Eiji. Vali and Baraqiel too, they were excited to see the man with black hair and golden bangs standing not far beside Sirzechs.

Eiji really managed to bring these two back to life!

They could see Eiji slightly wiping his sweaty forehead in front of Sirzechs and Azazel's confused gazes.

"Yo you two. I hope you know how to thank me for bringing you back from Lady Death."


After knowing the situation, Sirzechs who remembered how he died at the hands of Diodora, he walked over to Eiji who was being hugged by Sona and Akeno.

His gaze looked complicated, but after hearing Eiji revive him from the mouth of his younger sister and wife, he smiled gently and of course he thanked Eiji sincerely.

"Eiji-kun, thank you for reviving me. It seems that I have always misunderstood you. I don't know why I didn't like you back then even though I know you helped Rias a lot."

Rias and Grayfia smiled seeing Sirzechs who now seemed to no longer hate Eiji unreasonably.

Eiji nodded at the man and said, "It's fine, you're Rias's older brother. Rias and Grayfia begged me to revive you, so I did."

At the mention of the silver-haired woman, he looked at her and Grayfia who felt his gaze blushed slightly and looked at Sirzechs doubtfully.

Grayfia thought she should talk to Sirzechs later.

Although from his inner voice Eiji did not say anything about collecting her promise, she was not the type of woman to take back what she said.

[Grayfia, why are you blushing when you see me? Hey it's very pretty, but too bad it's a married woman. I have no intention of ruining people's households. About the promise Grayfia said earlier too, I won't collect it.]

.... Even if you're not going to charge me, I still...

Eiji's reluctance as if he didn't take what she said before seriously only made Grayfia pinch her maid's skirt and look at Sirzechs with pity.

Sirzechs did not realize his head was heavier than usual, he thought it was just a side effect of being revived by Eiji's magic. He didn't think at all and didn't realize that it was because of the green hat with the stopwatch attached on top of his head.

Hearing what Eiji said made him feel guilty about what he thought of the boy before he died and was revived.

Eiji in front of him looked more pleasing to the eye, this time he would not oppose Rias being with that boy.

Azazel who also knew the whole story from Vali and Baraqiel. He was happy that the Three Faction Peace Treaty was really successful, and he was also happy that he was revived after he died of an unknown disease.

Although Azazel felt that his death had something to do with Eiji because before dying he provoked that boy. He kept his mouth shut, he wasn't stupid to think of taking revenge on that boy when the current situation wasn't bad either.

Compared to taking revenge for Kokabiel's death, he valued his life more. Besides, if Eiji could kill him as easily as before without anyone knowing, he could definitely do it again a second time!

That boy could even bring the dead back to life, a person with such power was definitely not something he could offend. Don't make enemies, it's better to establish a good relationship with him!

"Eiji-kun, I am Azazel, Governor General of the Fallen Angels and Grigori is very grateful to you. Let's forget our conflicts in the past, if you need anything from me, don't hesitate to ask me and Grigori is also happy to help you"

Azazel thanked and even sounded fawning.

Eiji looked at the man in the black suit with amusement. Fortunately having learned from the experience when he revived Shuri, he didn't forget to make Sirzechs and Azazel dressed like in the original work because he didn't want to see a naked man.

Hearing what Azazel said, he unhesitatingly said, "Then I want you to share your Sacred Gear research data with Rias and Sona."

Rias and Sona were surprised and pleased with what Eiji said.

Sacred Gear research data! Who didn't know Governor General Grigori, Azazel was a Sacred Gear researcher who was even able to create his own Sacred Gear?

If devils like them could get their hands on those things, it would greatly help Sacred Gear users in their Peerage.

"You're really asking for so much, aren't you?"

"What? Were you just joking before? Should I ask for something smaller?"

Azazel smiled wryly, he hurriedly shook his head. "No, isn't it just research data? The Fallen Angel Faction has reconciled with Devil, I don't mind sharing my research results with the heirs of Gremory and Sitri."

"That's good." Eiji nodded, he actually didn't care much about the things Azazel had, but those things were quite useful to Rias and Sona. So just take advantage of this opportunity to blackmail the man.

Sirzechs nodded in satisfaction, he was also pleased with seeing Eiji blackmail Azazel for Sacred Gear's research data.

'As expected of my future brother-in-law. Berfore I was blind to antagonize that very good boy and oppose his relationship with Rias.'

'Come to think of it why did I have such a favorable impression of a perverted boy who was greedy for my sister's body like Hyudou Issei? It's strange, but whatever, that's now in the past.'

After that, Sirzechs, Serafall, and those who sat on the leader's seat still had to announce to the people in the Underworld and Heaven that the Three-Faction Peace Treaty was successfully signed and the noise that happened before was the result of a terrorist attack.

In addition to the name of the Khaos Brigade, the name of the heiress of the Astaroth Clan was also of course not hidden. Diodora Astaroth had colluded with terrorist organizations like the Khaos Brigade to kill people at the Peace Treaty conference.

Because of Diodora's actions, he was killed by a person named Eiji Seiya whose identity was the fiancé of the heir Gremory and Sitri. Sirzechs and others made him look like a hero who saved the people at the Peace Treaty conference when the terrorist attack happened.

Eiji's name naturally began to spread in the underworld and heaven. Many people were curious about him, especially certain people began to pay attention to him because they knew the power of the person who was able to envelop the entire underworld previously did not belong to Sirzechs but to him.

Because Sirzechs admitted at that time he was caught off guard and was successfully trapped by the enemy before he was saved by Eiji. This was clearly a lie because the truth was not like that, apart from keeping face, Sirzechs and the others also did it to keep Eiji's ability to revive the dead a secret from the public.

After all if many people knew the ability Eiji had, there was no doubt that more trouble would come than gain.

Eiji did not say anything about this, he left with his girls not long after. Oh right, there was also Gabriel who wanted to come with him but failed because at that time Michael held her back on the grounds that they had to return to Heaven.

Actually, as long as there were not many troublesome matters coming his way, he was fine with what Sirzechs and the others were doing.

As for his name becoming famous in the Underworld and Heaven? Well... It was not bad because with that he could attract the attention of other heroines who happened to be in the underworld.

In addition to the above, there were also Diodora's peerages who committed crimes with him and they were all arrested. Eiji remembered the blonde woman who was supposed to be Diodora's Queen glaring at him with hatred as if he had killed her loved one before being dragged off to a prison in the Underworld that he himself didn't know where it was.

Was there a police station in the Underworld? He didn't know for sure the woman whose name was never mentioned in the original work was actually beautiful, she was only slightly worse than the heroine. But did he care? No.

He didn't care. It was already soft enough for him not to kill the beautiful women in Diodora's Peerage even though back then he could also do it easily.

At first he had the evil idea of enslaving them, but hey he remembered weren't they all second-hand items that Diodora had worn many times? Unless they were heroine or certain named characters that caught his attention, he had no tolerance for receiving second-hand goods.

So he let the women go and didn't care anymore what happened to them in the future.

Currently Eiji was at Sona's house, this was the woman's private mansion which was located not far from her parents' house.

While people were still busy with celebrations because the Three Great Factions had reconciled.

In the bedroom, several Kuoh Academy female uniforms were scattered on the floor, complete with underwear and one male outfit.

Cough! There were obscene sounds like wet kisses, and loud slaps of flesh from within the room.

¶{This adult scene is prohibited for viewing by creatures under the age of 18.}

"Miss System, are you online? I didn't expect you to have such a hobby."

Eiji squeezed Sona's small waist and rocked his waist faster. The girl moaned in pleasure, she squeezed the sheets in a dog-like crawling position and raised her ass on him.

He pushed his cock further into the girl's tight pussy until it made her howl which made the other girls in the room giggle.

Rias was also here, as he mentally talked to his system, she kissed him greedily while hugging him from behind. Eiji could feel her big breasts pressing and rubbing against his back which made his cock even harder as it hit Sona's baby room.

Lastly, there was also Akeno who sat on Sona's ass while hugging him from the front and licking his pectoral muscles. Besides holding Sona's waist, he occasionally slaps Akeno's ass which makes the girl let out an obscene moan.

Feeling the girls' sweat and smelling their body odor, Eiji was going crazy like a wolf but he could still communicate with his system.

¶{Not host. Don't get me wrong, I am now in the mode of not seeing and hearing anything but your voice.}

"Anything like that?"

¶{There is.}

Changing positions Sona is already panting with his seed spilling out of her pussy hole. This time Akeno moves to the back and Rias serves him with her mouth. The redhead opens her mouth wide and swallows his big cock, still covered in cum, and Sona's juices into her mouth.

Rias' tongue licks his shaft while massaging it with her hot throat. Her mouth is like a vacuum and her big green eyes are also staring at him from below with unbearable lust.

The crimson hair and sweat dripping on her breasts do not help, but make her even more obscene.

While squatting on the bed, she held his thighs while moving her head back and forth. Eiji groaned, the first heroine of the franchise was very good at pleasing men even though he knew Rias was doing this with someone for the first time.

And Akeno, the girl was not to be outdone by Rias. She squatted behind him while playing with his balls with one hand and licking his back door.

Eiji was dumbfounded, this combination of two of the hottest and hottest girls from the Highschool DxD franchise was insane! Many men out there who knew his current situation would be horny and jealous until their cock exploded.

If Issei's protagonist was still alive, that guy would probably go crazy seeing what these two women were doing to him.

¶{Host, do you want to check your reward?}

Either this woman couldn't read the atmosphere or she wanted someone to talk to her.

Holding Rias' head, Eiji complained in his heart. "Don't you know what I'm doing?"

¶{You're having a Foursome. I'm just asking.}

"Then no. Stop talking! By the way, make sure the reward is good, okay?"

¶{Hmph! You still dare to ask for a good reward after telling me to stop talking? I'm leaving!}

"Miss System?"


The woman suddenly thirsty for attention, Eiji shook his head. Sona who had been watching from the side couldn't stand it anymore, she had recovered enough stamina and joined them.

Exchanging positions again, this time Rias crawled on the bed and opened her big ass cheeks wide with her hands. The pink ass hole that seemed to breathe was on display in front of everyone in the room.

Eiji didn't hesitate to shove his cock into her ass hole. Rias screamed in pain, but she didn't ask him to stop, she asked him to push it all in at once.

"Ahhh~! Eiji~! Eiji~!"

Unlike Sona who had experienced anal once, Rias was experiencing it for the first time and the girl had just opened the door to a new world.

She moaned like a bitch while screaming "Harder! Harder!" and begged him to fuck her like there was no tomorrow. After reviving her older brother, the girl's fondness for him had already passed the hundred mark if there was a system to count those numbers.

The girl was already obsessed with him and the proof was that she did not persuade her brother's wife to stop offering herself to him.

She had no problem making her brother sad by losing his wife rather than not letting her brother's wife join her fiancé's harem.

What a good girl.

He fucks Rias hard by riding her from behind, squeezing her big tits, and kissing her until she has trouble breathing before trying various positions. Akeno and Sona could only watch them while playing by themselves and looking at Rias with envy.

They couldn't wait to take her place!


Except for Eiji, no one realized a black-haired woman with twin pigtails had just teleported into the house and she was now peeking at what they were doing from the crack of the door.

Eiji smiled amusedly, he wasn't going to make that girl easy after making him wait so long.

After Rias passed out with a distended stomach filled with his seed. He pulled Sona again which made Akeno frown as she hadn't even gotten her turn yet.

Sona was surprised, because unlike all the positions she had tried, this time Eiji carried her from the front, made her face the door, wrapped his arms from under her legs and held her neck. This position made her legs splayed out above her head and both her pussy and ass holes opened wider.

Akeno was surprised to see the position Eiji was using on Sona, she wanted it too!

Sona's face was hot, she was embarrassed to be made in this position and nervous because she was curious how it would feel when Eiji's cock that had pressed against her back door would give her pleasure.

However, to her surprise, Eiji said to Akeno. "Akeno, use this on Sona."

With his creation magic, Eiji created a pink dildo out of thin air. Akeno caught Eiji's dildo which was slightly smaller than Eiji's penis and gulped as her gaze fell on Sona's pussy.

Her Fetsih S was triggered, with a sadistic smile she squatted under Sona who was being carried by Eiji. Rias had no idea what crazy things the three of them were doing while she was passed out.

Sona was terrified to see what the two of them would do to her "W-Wait, Eiji, t-this... Isn't it too much to plug my two holes together like this? What will I feel..."

"Don't worry, you'll just be taken to heaven." Eiji kissed the girl's cheek and said with an evil smile as Akeno pressed his Dildo against Sona's front entrance with her hand.

On cue, he penetrated Sona's back door with his cock and Akeno penetrated Sona's front door with his Dildo.

"Ahhhh~!! Eiji! Akeno! Fuck you both! Slow down! Oh~~!"

Sona screamed loudly, as her two holes were simultaneously filled and rapidly pierced. Her head was empty, filled only with pleasure that made her mind drift and made her expressions uncontrollable.

Her face facing the door was so lewd, she rolled her eyes upwards and stuck out her drooling tongue.

This made the woman who peeked through the crack in the door dumbfounded and her heart stung as she saw her younger sister being fucked by Eiji and Akeno.


A/N: If you want to read 8 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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