Hachiman's unique taste, Yukino was surprised!

"What's wrong?"

Yukino raised her eyebrows, once again she asked Hachiman because the boy suddenly shouted.

"I-It's nothing. Haha... I just remembered something."

Hachiman laughed awkwardly, and at the same time he also cursed his system!

Yukino looked at him strangely, the black-haired girl felt something was wrong with the dead fish-eyed boy.

If it was her before meeting Eiji, she would have asked Hachiman further because she was worried about him.

But now that the dead fish-eyed boy disappointed her with his recent actions, she was more indifferent to him and continued reading the book quietly.

Seeing Yukino stop looking at him strangely, Hachiman did not feel relieved because he knew he would probably make the girl look at him disgusted next!


Of course it was because of what the system wanted him to do!

Playing a video of a femboy singing for five minutes? Let alone five minutes, he doesn't even want to play it at all!

Hachiman was disgusted.

And this thing called a system still wanted him to play that video at the highest volume in the service club? If he was alone it was fine, but the problem was that there was also Yukino!

Hachiman was naturally embarrassed, he really didn't want to do this so-called quest.

Although the 100,000 yen reward money was quite tempting for a student who came from a simple family background like himself.

But still...

'System, can you change the quest? This quest is a bit...'

[Host, system-released quests cannot be replaced. You have 15 seconds left before the quest is considered a failure and the system will be disabled for three years.]

[At that time you might regret not completing this quest. One's youth is limited, don't you want to get a lot of money and pretty girls in your school days? How about the pretty girl sitting in front of you. If you have a lot of money and super abilities that you can get from the system. It's not impossible to make that girl fall in love with you.]

'Why do I feel like you're a devil seducing a human? Also who wants to make Yukino fall in love with me!'

Hachiman's heart wavered, there was a slight blush on his face that if seen by Yukino who was reading a book, the girl would definitely feel disgusted.

The system refrained from saying anything rude about his host.

[10 seconds left. Your time is almost up.]

'Ahh! I know! I know! Damn it. Didn't you say this was a small experiment? Why do you still have to threaten me with disabling you for three years?'

[8 seconds. This is also a test for you, host. How is it possible that this system will give someone good things just like that? At least I want my host to be competent and that he can complete the quests given by the system without shame.]

'It makes sense but... What guy wouldn't be embarrassed to play a femboy video at the highest volume in front of a girl?!'

Hachiman complained, he even suspected whether this thing called the system was playing tricks on him? But the threat was effective for him because he also didn't want to lose the golden opportunity of his life! He knew that if this thing called the system could really give him what he said, from now on his mediocre life would definitely become extraordinary!

Hachiman could imagine himself in the future becoming a winner in life with the help of the system.

Who wouldn't be tempted by this?

[6 sec.]

He took out the cell phone in his pocket, gritted his teeth and searched for femboy videos in the browser.

At first he thought it was quite difficult to find, but as it turned out it was easy, there were quite a few femboys releasing their videos on the internet which made him shudder, especially when looking at all the video covers featuring a man dressed up as cute as a woman.

Instead of cute, they looked creepy!

'F*ck! Do I really have to play one of these videos out loud in front of Yukino?!'

Between the chance of being the winner in life and how Yukino reacts when she hears what he's playing on his phone.

Hachiman found this choice very difficult!

[3 sec.]

'I want to die... I hope I made the right choice.'

With the eyes of the dead fish looking increasingly lifeless, Hachiman clicked on one of the videos.

He also didn't forget to turn up the volume of his phone to the highest level.

At this moment, the voice of a flirtatious and pretentious man echoed in the service club.

"Hello~ My name is Besty-chan~ I'm a man who likes to dress up like a woman and this time I'm going to sing a song called Rain With You"

Damn it! Why don't you just start singing instead of introducing yourself?!

Hachiman wanted to slam his phone, he glanced at Yukino and sure enough she was looking at him with...

Strange and disgust.

"Hachiman, you have unique taste." Yukino said, she shifted the table and chair a bit to be further away from him.

"No. Yukino, you misunderstood! Let me explain, I..."

Before Hachiman could explain, the famboy on his cell phone started singing a song. His voice did sound pretty good, anyone would think he was a woman if they didn't hear his self-introduction at the beginning of the video.

The lyrics of the song sounded so melancholic and melancholy that one would want to cry, but instead of wanting to cry Yukino felt nauseous and looked at Hachiman with coldness mixed with disgust.

"Enough Hachiman! Do you want to make people's ears hurt hearing what you're playing on your cell phone? You have no shame in playing something like that at such a loud volume."

"Turn it off right now! If you want to hear things like that, you should do it in your house!"

She scolded the dead fish-eyed boy, thinking he would actually listen to her.

But unexpectedly, Hachiman didn't turn off the sound of the man in women's clothing singing on his cell phone.

He was still holding his cell phone and staring at her in embarrassment.

"Um... Yukino, please hold for 5 minutes, okay? Also, it's not what you think, I don't like this kind of thing, I just..."

"You! Are you crazy?!"

Yukino stood up from her chair, she looked at Hachiman in disbelief.

Do you really like songs sung by a man pretending to be a woman?

Hachiman, I really don't know what's wrong with your brain.

How could I in the original work fall in love with you?

Don't tell me you actually like the guy who...

Yukino shuddered, because that boy stubbornly wanted to play something like that on his cell phone for five minutes.

The black-haired girl did not have the patience to listen to the voice that entered her ears for so long.

"Yo what are you guys doing?"

Before Yukino wanted to leave the club, the club door opened and a silver-haired boy appeared.


Not only Yukino, but Hachiman who was frantically trying to explain himself to Yukino was also surprised by the boy's arrival.

"Why are you so surprised at my arrival? You didn't forget I'm also a member of the service club, right?"

"I didn't forget."

"Right, it's just that it's unusual for you to come to the club, usually..." Hachiman didn't know whether he should be happy or sad with Eiji's arrival, but before he could finish speaking, Yukino interrupted him.

"Usually you're busy playing with your girlfriends after school. So it's quite surprising a boy like you came to the club."

[Yukino, is it just me or is there a hint of sourness in your voice? Don't tell me you're jealous?]

Yukino gave Eiji a disgusted look.

[Well...I guess not?]

Eiji who had just arrived smiled wryly, but inside he vowed to educate Yukino when the time came.

That cold and disgusted face, he would definitely make the girl feel humiliated and beg for him desperately later.

By the way, protagonist Hachiman. How are you doing? You must really like the reward I gave you.

Eiji glanced at Hachiman in the corner of his eyes with a smile.

"So what are you guys doing? Listening to music? This song... Yukino, do you like songs like this?"

Yukino felt offended when Eiji misunderstood something, she disdainfully pointed at Hachiman and the cell phone in her hand that kept beeping with a man's melodious voice.

"Are you blind? Hachiman was the one who played that song on his cell phone."

Ignoring the harsh words from the girl's mouth, Eiji looked at Hachiman who looked embarrassed.

[What's with the embarrassed expression as if your parents saw the collection of porn videos on your cell phone? Hahaha! Protagonist Hachiman, what's wrong with you?]

Yukino looked at Eiji flatly, this guy really liked laughing at protagonist, right? But hearing his inner voice, he seemed to really have no idea.

What the black-haired girl didn't know, Eiji was actually acting. How could he not know the protagonist Hachiman was forced to play a video of femboys singing? He also knew the dead fish-eyed boy had golden fingers like the current system.

Of course, after all, he was the one who gave her the system!

Previously, he had used 5000 system points just to create a standard system with intelligence, quests, and rewards.

Damn, that was a bit expensive.

But that's okay. Seeing Yukino staring at Hachiman with disdain, that black-haired girl's favorability to the protagonist must have decreased again by a few points.

It was worth it and this system could still be used again for as long as he wanted.

As long as Hachiman was still greedy for the rewards the system provided, Eiji could continue to use this method on him.

Besides Yukino, there are also other heroine in this franchise in the future...

Eiji approached Hachiman and immediately took the cell phone in his hand curiously.

"Can I take a look? I wonder who sings with a voice this good."

You ask, but you already took my cell phone!

Hachiman panicked, what time is it? Is 5 minutes still long? He wanted to turn off his cell phone immediately but now it was even more impossible because it was in Eiji's hands!

"Wait! Eiji, don't!"

It was too late, Eiji looked at the video that was playing on his cell phone. His face froze, looking confused.

If only it was alright, but that boy was holding out his cell phone to Yukino!

{Damn it! Eiji, what are you doing?! Yukino's already disgusted that I played femboy's video on my phone, and now you're even letting her see it firsthand!}

{Won't Yukino be even more disgusted? Yukino, no! You're misunderstanding me! I don't like that kind of thing!}

"Yukino, do you know this girl?"

"Girl?" Yukino didn't want to see the video on Hachiman's phone at all, but the silver-haired boy thrust the phone at her and it was too late.

Her eyes were tainted!

Filthy! So dirty that it made people sick!

Indeed, the person looks like a girl by 70%. But if we look closely, we can see that it's a man dressed as a woman!

Hachiman, you said you don't like that kind of thing? Then why did you play that video for more than five minutes with such a loud voice!

"Gross! Who are you calling a girl? She's a guy! Turn it off right now, I can't stand it!"

Yukino snatched Hachiman's cell phone from Eiji's hand and turned it off before placing it on Hachiman's desk.

After the melodious voice stopped.




Yukino let out a sigh of relief and looked at Hachiman with... Not knowing what kind of gaze she was giving him.

But Hachiman definitely felt that Yukino's gaze was painful.

He didn't even wonder if the quest had been successfully completed or not.

[Ding! Congratulations host, you successfully completed the quest by playing a 7-minute 34-second video of femboys singing on your cell phone!]

[That's more than 5 minutes. That's amazing! Host, you amazingly played that video for more than the time specified by the system. The system recognizes you as his official host from now on.]

"....." Hachiman.

[Ding! The reward has been transferred! 100,000 yen has been transferred to your account, host! Please check.]

Hachiman began to regret following this thing called the system, but what had happened had already happened. He picked up his phone, opened his mobile bank app and was surprised to find that the balance in his account had actually increased by 100,000!

This system really is real!

Although Yukino's impression of him decreased because of this, but Hachiman felt he could still restore his image in the girl's heart later.

With a system that could give him another reward later every time he completed a quest, Hachiman was excited and confident that he could regain Yukino's good impression of him!

Perhaps, he could even make the girl... Feel that way about him, cough.

Hachiman glanced at Yukino, the girl raised her eyebrow and gave him a cold and disgusted look.

He immediately averted his gaze from the girl.

{No way! What was I thinking? Bah bah. There are many women in this world, why out of all those women do I have to make Yukino fall in love with me?}


Yukino looked at Hachiman surprised, she didn't expect in this situation that the boy would think of making her fall in love with him.

Crazy, who would want to fall in love with you, Hachiman! Especially after what you played on your phone earlier, the thought of having a boyfriend who likes that kind of thing already gives me goosebumps.

Unfortunately, Hachiman didn't know what he was thinking "later" seemed to be getting harder as Yukino's disgust for him grew hearing what he was thinking.

Eiji tried not to smile so widely this time, he feigned surprise and said: "What was that? So the girl who sang earlier was a man dressed as a woman? Yukino, Hachiman. You two usually hear this kind of thing at the club?"

"Of course not!"

"That's not true!"

Yukino and Hachiman denied together.

Yukino snorted and said, "Didn't I say that it was Hachiman and his cell phone? She's the one with that kind of hobby."

"Wait, Yukino. I said it was a misunderstanding. I actually just accidentally clicked on that video while I was surfing the internet." Hachiman tried to make excuses, he certainly could not tell Yukino the truth about the quest from the system.

Things like that. Hachiman certainly knew to keep it to himself.

No one should know that he has a system!

Eiji: "...."

"Then. Why didn't you want to turn it off when I told you to? Why did you insist on watching it for so long?" Yukino asked this which confused Hachiman.

"That... Actually I..."

Seeing this, Yukino didn't want to ask the boy anymore, she wondered why the protagonist in her franchise had such a hobby? What upset her was that she was in love with Hachiman in the original work and he still dared to dump her for another girl.

[I just found out Hachiman actually likes watching videos of men in women's clothing, he likes femboys?! Wait, if I remember correctly. In the original work there was also a feminine boy who was in the same class as Hachiman, the two had a good relationship...]

[I remember in an anime episode, Hachiman blushed when he saw a feminine boy named Totsuka giving him valentine chocolates.]

[Damn I thought Hachiman was just embarrassed because Totsuka did look really cute like a girl, but he also turned out to like that type!]

[Yukino, you're pathetic. The protagonist actually doesn't just like cold girls like you, he also likes feminine boys.]

[Pffft! Hahaha! Oh hold it, I shouldn't laugh. It's not good to laugh at people just like that.]

Yukino's expression darkened, she looked at Eiji who turned his gaze away from her with trembling lips as if holding back laughter.

At first she was surprised to hear that in the original work there was a character like Totsuka who had a good relationship with Hachiman. It only made her even more certain that Hachiman really liked femboys.

But what upset her was...! This guy, Eiji really liked to taunt her in his heart!

On the surface polite enough, on the inside actually laughing and mocking her!


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