Finally met

Tearju Lunaticue, she is a genius scientist who comes from an organization led by a man named Torneo Rudman on a certain planet.

The reason why she was chased and almost killed to get to earth, the leader of the organization knew she wanted to escape from the organization and no longer wanted to work for him on projects around nano machines.

Apparently Torneo Rudman was obsessed with the masterpiece "Eve" that Tearju had made before, so he wanted her to make more "Eve" for him by forcing her to work as a researcher in his organization, with no salary, and only being fed and drink like a prisoner.

Why treat Tearju like that? Couldn't Torneo Rudman hire Tearju like a normal person? He can, but since Eve was sold by Torneo Rudman to a certain organization, Tearju no longer wants to continue the "Eve" project, she wants to resign from the organization, but Torneo Rudman is a villain type of character.

So he forced Tearju to continue working for him until one day Tearju couldn't take it anymore and found an opportunity to escape.

Torneo Rudman who knew Tearju had escaped sent his men after Tearju and even preferred to kill her if she couldn't be brought back to the organization.

Fortunately Tearju managed to escape the pursuit of those men even though she was still fatally wounded. And of all places, she came to planet Earth because she got the Information that Eve was there.

Tearju didn't say it clearly, but Eiji knew the woman must have known Eve/Yami was on this planet from his inner voice.

Poor woman, before becoming the heroine in To Love Ru, Eiji also knew the woman was connected to another franchise called Black Cat. He actually never watched the latter anime, but he knew from the wiki in his previous life that Tearju's life in the franchise was difficult.

It was only when her plot arrived in the To Love Ru franchise that her life became better. Leaving aside her reunion with Yami, the plot in To Love Ru is also less heavy and more ecchi and comedy here and there.

So Tearju also became more relaxed, in the original work he even worked as a teacher at Sainan High School just because Yami went to school there.

"What a bunch of trash. Are they also still going to chase you to this planet, Miss Tearju? If they come, don't worry. Eiji-sama and I will protect you."

"With my power, killing them is as easy as killing a chicken."

The one who said that was the silver-haired maid Grayfia, she seemed a little emotional hearing of Tearju's experience to get to earth.

Eiji was stunned, he also wanted to say more or less the same thing Grayfia said, but the woman preceded him.

Grayfia, you stole your master's line!

Tearju was moved to hear what Grayfia said, she felt a warm current flowing in her heart. It had been a long time since she had heard of someone who cared so much about her, she felt her vision foggy.

"Thank you Miss Grayfia, I..."

"It's okay. Miss Tearju, you don't need to be so polite, you can call me Grayfia. I am Eiji-sama's maid after all."

"Ah... Then Grayfia, you can also call me Tearju."

"No, you're a guest. I still have to maintain my modesty." Grayfia said.

Tearju pursed her lips, a little disappointed, but what could she do? She couldn't force Grayfia either.

"Ahem! What Grayfia said is also what I want to tell you. Since you're from another planet, you must have no place to live and no money in this world. Tearju, if you want, why don't you stay here for a while?" Eiji pretended to cough, he shamelessly directly called the woman's name familiarly.

Tearju lightly wiped her previously wet eyes, she smiled, but looked very hesitant when she saw Eiji who invited her to stay temporarily in his house.

What was the concept of staying in this man's house temporarily? She was worried about her innocence if she had to live in the same house as Eiji.

So she hesitated, she wanted to refuse, but...

[I know the reason why Tearju came to earth was for Eve. She wanted to meet with Yami and mend their relationship. In the original work, it took quite a long time for the two to reconcile. But with me here? Should I help Tearju? I can tell Tearju about the things Yami likes on earth to help her reconcile with that girl.]

[But should I? We're not that close, hey... Why should I bother to...]

"Okay I'll trouble you to stay at your house for a while, E... Eiji." Tearju bit her lip and said.

She wanted to refuse, but she also didn't want to miss the chance to reconcile with Eve who had misunderstood her all this time!

After all, she came all the way to earth just for Eve. No, should she call Eve Yami now? On earth Eve seems to use another name.

Besides, she also didn't know where Yami was now. There were many things she didn't know about Yami on earth and it seemed like it would be faster to ask Eiji for help.

Although she felt that her innocence was in danger if she stayed in Eiji's house, but that was actually just her feelings. It was uncertain if Eiji was that bad of a person just because he lived with many beautiful women.

And even if that was really the case, she...could she refuse? What Eiji said was true, now she had no money and no place to live.

"You agree? That's good."

"Wait Eiji. I remember there are items inside my starship. Maybe I can exchange those items for..."

Tearju remembered the items inside her starship, her eyes lit up, she thought she could exchange those items for money on earth. And after that, she could buy her own house so she wouldn't have to bother living in Eiji's house.

As for information about Yami? She could visit Eiji's house occasionally to play and ask questions. After all, it was not impossible with her intelligence and abilities that she could find out information about Yami herself.

However, what Eiji said next made Tearju's glasses almost fall off.

"About the space ship you're referring to, that thing actually suddenly exploded not long after I got you out of there. So your stuff must have vanished as well."

"N-No way... Even if the starship suffered some damage due to the attack from those people. It shouldn't be that bad to make it explode, right?"

"Why are you asking me about that? I don't know..." Eiji shook his head and drank his tea.

[Maybe because I hit her too hard back then? If I hadn't, it would have been hard for me to break in and save the dying Tearju.]

So it's because of you!

Tearju opened her mouth, but no words came out because she couldn't blame Eiji either. After all the other party did it to save her, she should be grateful, but still...

She smiled wryly, she really had no other choice but to stay with Eiji for a while.

Eiji had many beauties no less beautiful than her living in his house, so there was no way he was so greedy for her body, right?


After successfully persuading Tearju to stay in his house, Eiji was in no hurry. Of course, he could see the wariness in the woman's eyes as she looked at him.

It was a bit much, but Tearju seemed to have a rather bad prejudice against him for some reason.

Perhaps because there were many women living in his house? He was thought to be a flower-gathering bastard and that was not wrong.

Even so Eiji did not panic, he had a way to conquer Tearju and even Yami who was practically her daughter. That way, he will get the complete package.

¶{You mean Oyakodon?}

"It's the name of Japanese rice food mixed with chicken, eggs, sliced green onions, etc."

¶{No, I mean the kind of relationship a man has with a pair of mothers and children.}

"Let's stop talking about that topic."

Eiji now had school. While he and Tearju were chatting, he was already wearing his school uniform at that time and yes, he came to school late when Lala, Asia, Rias and the others had already left for school first.

Forget the punishment for coming to school late, nothing like that would happen to him. So he went to school normally, came to class, and at recess he went to the vending machine.

He bought a canned drink, but not just for him, he bought two. After that, he walked leisurely to the roof of the school which was located in the next building.

This was the building under which there were students in grades 2-C, 2-E, 2-G, and 2-I. At Kuoh Academy, the second-year student building was divided into two. Now Eiji walked up each floor, he continued to walk while drinking the canned juice he bought slowly and after arriving at the roof of the school which was not locked.

There weren't many students there, precisely besides him, Eiji could only see two boys chatting near the iron fence. With a faint smile that seemed friendly and welcoming, he walked up to the two. As if realizing his arrival, they turned their heads with a slightly surprised look.

"Why are there other students coming here?"

Eiji ignored the slick-looking green-haired boy's question, he looked at the disheveled brown-haired boy with light green eyes before finally looking at the green-haired boy.

"You two can also come here, why can't I?"

The green-haired boy smiled with his eyes closed. "No, it's just that the roof of this building is usually locked, unless you bring a key to open it first like us. Students who know this won't go to the roof."

"I'm a student from the building next door, I didn't know the roof of this building is usually locked. I just happened to come and the roof door was already open. So here I am."

"So that's it. Are you a student from the next building? What did you come here for?"

"Oi Yahiro, aren't you being too rude? There's nothing wrong with a student from another building coming here too." The brown-haired boy tapped the shoulder of the green-haired boy called Yahiro.

Eiji knew who that boy was, Yahiro Takigawa, that was his fake name.

The boy had a slightly strained smile after seeing his face up close, he seemed to recognize him so he was being unfriendly out of caution.

Yahiro scratched his head, he seemed to realize his mistake and said: "I was just curious, Basara. I didn't mean to be rude to Eiji."

"You know my name?" Eiji pretended to be surprised.

Yahiro nodded. "Of course, you are Eiji Seiya, how could I, Yahiro not know the most popular male student in this school? You're also famous for..."

"What are you saying?" Eiji smiled as if he didn't want Yahiro to continue what he was saying. If not? The green-haired boy already felt a cold sweat on his back.

"Hahaha no. The point is I know you. By the way, my name is Yahiro Takigawa from class 2C." Yahiro smiled kindly and introduced himself cheerfully.

The brown-haired boy naturally introduced himself while extending his hand to Eiji. "I'm a transfer student who just entered today, my name is Basara Toujou. May I call you Eiji?"

Eiji's smile seemed a little wider, he ignored Yahiro and shook the protagonist's hand.

That's right, the brown-haired boy named Basara Toujou was the protagonist! There was a reason why he came to the roof of the next building, and that was because there was a protagonist who had just transferred schools.

In the original work, Basara is the protagonist of the same franchise as the heroine Yuki. You can guess who was the childhood friend who captured little Yuki's heart in the past, and that person is Basara!

Damn. The protagonist stole an early start, but that's okay. Eiji didn't panic, while shaking hands with Basara, he naturally felt the power that the protagonist was hiding.

Tsk, tsk, not bad. In the early stage of the plot, if it weren't for the past trauma that prevented him from using his full power, the protagonist Basara would have been very strong. At least compared to protagonist Issei, Basara's current power is only slightly worse than protagonist Rito who has gone crazy with training now.

However, it was still far from Eiji's power. If he wanted, Eiji could kill Basara right now, but he wouldn't do it. At least before that, he had to harvest some rewards first from this franchise.

Don't forget about those beautiful girls either.


What's wrong with this woman? Excited?

Eiji ignored Miss System and said kindly to Basara. "Sure Basara, nice to meet you. Would you like some fruit juice? Take this."

He passed the juice he bought earlier to Basara, the boy naturally caught the canned juice that was thrown at him.

"Uh... Yahiro also gave me one earlier, but thanks."

Not polite to refuse people's kindness, he opened the lid of the canned juice and drank it. Besides, Basara was actually happy because not only Yahiro, but other students in this school were also very kind to transfer students like him.

In Basara's eyes, he already considered Eiji and Yahiro his pretty good friends.

However, there was a feeling of anxiety as if someone was preparing to steal something from him? Strange...

Whatever it was, it definitely had nothing to do with Yahiro and Eiji.

Maybe it's just his feelings.

Seeing Basara and Eiji who had started chatting about random things, Yahiro's lips twitched.

He was obviously the one who came first, why was he ignored?

Although he was worried that Eiji knew his identity, he still pretended to be casual and said to the silver-haired boy.

"Eiji, what about me?"

"How what?"

Eiji and Basara turned to Yahiro.

Yahiro's smile didn't fade. "You gave Basara a can of juice. Why don't you give me one too?"

"No, I happened to only give two." Eiji said.

Just kidding, he knew Basara would be here. How could he not also know Yahiro was here? Even so, he didn't bother buying three drinks.

He even bought two just to be able to approach the protagonist Basara and establish a "good" relationship with him.

"Yahiro, if you're thirsty, why don't we go to the vending machine downstairs?" Basara suggested.

Although he was just as new to Yahiro as he was to Eiji today, he would not be stingy in paying attention to his new friend.

The two boys gave him a canned drink each before getting acquainted with him.

Basara wondered should he also give them one each?


A/N: If you want to read 8 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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