Are you sure this is a punishment? Not a reward?

Master-Servant Contract, this was the contract type magic that Maria had originally thought of using on Basara after hearing that the boy still wanted to protect her and Mio sincerely even though their identities would also put him in danger.

But then again, Basara's condition and what she heard coming from Eiji's inner voice made her hesitate.

After all, the Master-Servant Contract was not an arbitrary magic that could be used on anyone. In Maria's view, this magic was tantamount to binding her and Mio to a man who would be their only one.

It was almost like a woman choosing a man to marry because once they were connected by the magic, they had to do lewd things to enhance their relationship.

The stronger the master and servant's relationship, the stronger the power increase they get. Maria also considered the advantage in using this magic of course, it was none other than to increase her and Mio's power faster.

In this world, power was needed to protect themselves.

Especially Mio, she was the Demon King's daughter who was being hunted by her father's enemies, and she had a duty to protect her for some reason. Maria had been with Mio for years, the two of them were like a pair of sisters despite not being related by blood.

Maria certainly cares a lot about Mio, so she also wants the girl to get the best man for her. Basara might be the protagonist of their franchise, but knowing that man did not have the ability to fertilize a woman. Not just for Mio, but Maria also didn't want to choose a man like that as their man.

That was what she thought of Basara, but she did not know what Mio thought.


On the other side.

After Eiji returned to his house and finished dinner.

"So should I call you Tearju sensei now?" Eiji smiled seductively at the woman.

It didn't take long for Tearju to learn many things on earth and things about Japan so she definitely knew what "Tearju Sensei" meant. It didn't even take her half a day to learn all that information using Lala's computer.

Because of that, she seemed to have decided to apply for a job as a teacher at Kuoh Academy. It was the same as in the original work except the school was different.

The reason why she chose to become a teacher at Kuoh Academy was also of course because Yami went to school there.

"Eh..." Tearju blushed and said softly: "E-Eiji-san, I haven't started teaching at your school yet. Except at school, you don't need to call me sensei..."

"Okay, but why are you adding -san to my name now?"

"I heard people in this country say it's a form of politeness. So I'm doing it to you too. Is that wrong?"

Eiji shook his head, not knowing when, he was already sitting next to Tearju. Tonight, Tearju was very fragrant, she looked alluring in white pajamas in the shape of a dress that reached her knees. While sitting on the sofa with a book in her hand, her snow-white thighs and bare legs were also exposed.

Eiji suddenly thought of something and said: "No need to be so polite. Tearju, you probably don't know yet."

"Don't know what yet?" Tearju tilted her head in confusion, she wanted to move away from Eiji, but her body was already cornered at the end on the sofa.

"On Earth when an adult man and woman live in the same house. As long as they have a good enough relationship and are not related by blood."

"A woman should call the man Husband. And vice versa, tha man can call the woman Wife."

When Eiji finished saying those shameless words, he thought he could slightly fool Tearju who had just arrived on Earth yesterday.

"Nonsense! Eiji-san, do you want to fool me? Although I haven't fully learned all the things on Earth, I know the thing you mentioned only happens when a man and woman are married!"

"It's still the same with men and women on other planets!"

Tearju widened her eyes, she glared at Eiji behind the lenses of her glasses. Even so, realizing the other party's handsome face so close to hers...

Tearju could feel her heartbeat speeding up like a deer.However, she gritted her teeth and suppressed her throbbing emotions. 

No! You must not let yourself be mesmerized by that man!

Her purpose in coming to earth was to make up with Eve. She has no idea of getting into a romantic relationship with a man! Besides, starting tomorrow she was a teacher at Eiji's school, so this throbbing feeling was tantamount to an impure relationship between a teacher and a student!

On earth, wouldn't this kind of thing be considered immoral?

Unfortunately Tearju didn't know the identity of her current teacher which only made Eiji even more excited about her.

[Well... At least I tried. I remember a certain native was able to fool a beautiful tourist from another country into calling him Husband. I think I can do the same to Tearju.]

[But alas. I originally wanted to tell Tearju a little information about Yami that could help her make up with that cute assassin.]

[But now? Just do it next time.]

Eiji sighed, he pretended to be disappointed and was about to leave.



He actually left and was about to step on the foot of the stairs leading to his bedroom on the second floor.

But Tearju didn't move, she just stared at him for a while before resuming reading her high school level physics book because she was teaching as a physics teacher tomorrow. Although her knowledge of physics was very high as a scientist, she was still worried that the physics taught on earth was different from what she knew.

Wouldn't it be bad if she taught her students knowledge that did not match their abilities?

"Um... Tearju, I'm going to my bedroom." Eiji said and wondered if she wouldn't try to stop him?

Tearju rolled her eyes, she looked at Eiji lightly before saying: "Good night, Eiji-san. I'll still stay here for a while longer."

About Eve, she was actually not too worried and was in no hurry. Now thanks to her own information gathering, she had already managed to find out where Eve lived and where she went to school.

By being a teacher at the same school as that girl, she thought she could try to make up with her slowly. She didn't need to ask Eiji for help so that she wouldn't owe him too much either.

"...." Seeing that the woman was not acting as he thought, Eiji was a little surprised that the trick that usually worked would fail now.

"Miss System, has my charm decreased lately?"


"What about my good looks?"


"Can you say anything other than no?"

¶{... Should I say yes when it's no? Host, I advise you to check your reward before you get to your bedroom.}

Not knowing why, Eiji felt that Miss System's tone sounded a little wrong. It felt as if when he got to his bed, he wouldn't have a chance to check the reward and that was why she was reminding him now.

Standing in the hallway, he stared at the hallway of the second floor of his house.

Nothing was wrong at first glance.

"Miss System, what's wrong?"

¶{Nothing. Just your feelings. I repeat do you want to check your reward now or not?}

Miss System originally wanted to tell the truth...but forget it. It wasn't something bad for her host after all.

Eiji narrowed his eyes, he was tempted to check what would happen using one of his abilities. Actually he also realized that something was wrong because downstairs, he only saw Tearju who was reading a book. Whereas during dinner, everyone was there.

Rias, Akeno, and Sona too. They had returned from the Youth Devil Gathering in the underworld. What happened there, Rias and Sona told me that Sirzechs announced that a week from now there would be a Rating Game for the young devils to participate in. However, it was not like in the original work. After realizing Sona and Rias' powers were in the Demon King's league and there was no way the other young devils could beat them due to the obvious power difference.

Sona and Rias still participated in the Rating Game, but their matches were only arranged between them. So in the Rating Game that would be held a week from now, Sona and Rias only had one match and that was between them.

After all, Sona and Rias still had to prove their strength to the other devils in the underworld even though people like Sirzechs and Serafall knew how strong they were now through the Kokabiel and Diodora incident.

But put that aside.

After dinner, except for Tearju, the women suddenly all went up to the second floor. Eiji thought they had gone to their respective bedrooms, but that didn't seem to be the case. Oh, apart from Tearju. Momo and Nana were still visible.

The two girls were now peeking at him from one of the bedrooms, who knows what Nana was doing in Momo's bedroom.

When he turned his head to look at them who were staring at him from the crack of the door, they hurriedly re-entered the bedroom, but he could hear Nana shouting "Hmph! Beast, I don't understand why Onee-sama and those women..."

"Sttt! Nana, don't speak ill of your sister-in-law." Momo was heard reprimanding her older sister.

After that there was no more sound, just a small whisper between the two girls that made Eiji even more suspicious that something was wrong here.

"Well... Let's check the reward first."

Whatever it was, Eiji believed his women would not hurt himself. There was even a collar around their necks that proved how much they were loyal to him. So there was no need to worry.

¶{Ding! It was detected that the host had changed the plot in the [Shinmai Maou no Tastement] franchise.}

¶{Successfully changed the plot of [Shinmai Maou no Tastement] by 29% by killing Lars, making the protagonist's younger brother Basara misunderstood by the heroines, and making heroine Maria hesitate to make a Master-Servant contract with protagonist like in the original work.}

¶{Happy host, you get "Misfortune Card ×1"}

"Misfortune card?" Eiji who got this kind of reward for the first time was confused of course.

According to the description sent directly to his brain, this card was just like its name, it could be used to make someone experience bad luck. And that bad luck could cause one to step on cat poop, slip on banana peels and other bad luck of that level. However, such things would happen frequently within 24 hours!

Eiji pouted, isn't this reward worse than usual?

He had worked hard on the plot before...

Just now he wanted to complain to Miss System, but she interrupted him.

¶{Host, don't ask why. Isn't this reward not too bad? You can use it on a protagonist out there.}

"It's.... Not a bad idea. Well let's save that card for a lucky protagonist later."

Now. Eiji looked at his bedroom which was at the end of the hallway, he walked slowly to it. As he opened his bedroom, he was actually a little nervous.

He just remembered something Rias said and agreed with Sona and the others when they came back from school together.

That stuff about punishment...

Were those women serious?

"Eiji-sama, you finally came." Grayfia in her maid uniform greeted him right in front of the door she had just opened. The woman smiled, her red eyes looking at him gently. As soft as a puddle.

Eiji was dumbfounded, not because of Grayfia standing in front of him but because of the background behind the woman!

What was supposed to be her bedroom, why inside there looked like a view of the vast corridor of Kuoh Academy.

"Grayfia, did you and the girls connect my bedroom to the school?"

Eiji's first thought when he saw the scene in front of him was that one of his women who was good at magic used magic to create some kind of portal that connected two places.

However, Grayfia shook her head, she took one of his hands and led him inside. Not forgetting to lock the door and lead her through the school corridors.

"No, Eiji-sama. What you see now is not the real Kuoh Academy."

"In that case, it must be some kind of magic."

"That's not it either."

"Then what?" Eiji did not feel the magic that could create the scenery around him. Even so, everything he felt and saw here seemed very real.

It actually reminded him of the project he and Lala were working on.

Wait, could it be...

Grayfia nodded. "Sona originally proposed to play sadistic games like chaining you to the bed."

"That girl..." Eiji's lips twitched and said: "Then?"

"Then Lala suggested something else. She said she had completed a new invention called the Netori-Kun Simulation Room. It's still not perfect, but it's enough to have fun."

"I think by now Eiji-sama has guessed. Instead of punishment, this is actually a reward for you~" Grayfia whispered in his ear, her fragrant breath made Eiji couldn't stand it, he let go of her hand and squeezed her big ass.

Grayfia groaned, a blush appeared on her cheeks, she tilted her head slightly and said: "E-Eiji-sama, please calm down. Not now... You still have to follow the plot that Rias made and follow it gradually."

"Rias?" When Rias was mentioned, Grayfia who was walking beside her suddenly disappeared mysteriously. Eiji wondered what exactly these women were playing at.

Although he roughly knew what the function of Lala's invention called the Netori-Kun Simulation Room was. Rias's so-called plot left him confused and curious.

Then the scenery around him suddenly changed. The atmosphere of night suddenly turned into morning. The originally quiet corridor was suddenly filled with several students.

"Eiji!" Rias' cheerful and beautiful voice sounded from behind, Eiji turned around only to see the girl throwing herself at him and hugging him. A soft and warm sensation pressed against his chest.

Behind Rias, there were members of her peerage such as Akeno, Yuuto, Koneko and Gasper. Surprisingly there was also Asia in the group. The group looked like in the original work, but it wasn't just them.

Among them, there was a boy with spiky brown hair who was staring at the sight of Rias and him embracing with disbelief on his face.

The boy's expression looked extremely jealous and quickly turned ugly.

"B-Buchou, who is that boy? Why are you hugging him and sticking your breasts on him?!"


A/N: If you want to read 8 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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A/N 2: A bit of a plot lemon, not long, one more chapter tomorrow and the next plot on the way.