Helping the protagonist and heroine

¶{Ding! It was detected that the host has changed the plot in the [Bunny Girl Senpai] franchise by 82%.}

¶{Congratulations host, you earned a God Level Poké Ball!}

Poké Ball?

You mean that ball-shaped object that can catch pokemon? But there are no pokemon in this world...

¶{This is a customized version, so it's not just for pokemon. You can also use it to capture any monster or even people who are no more than god-level.}

¶{For example, you can capture a certain dragon-type heroine and keep her inside the Poké Ball because the space inside is also very spacious and comfortable to live in.}


¶{Should I say it more specifically? You can capture...}

Okay enough, I got it. Save that for later.

Thanks for the reward.

¶{Yes host!}

Miss System hummed inside his head, in a good mood. Eiji too, he was in a good mood looking at the two people in front of him.

They were a brown-haired boy and a blue-haired girl who carried stacks of papers in their hands.

Who else if not the protagonist Basara and the beautiful Yuki?

Eiji smiled and said, "What a coincidence. Basara, Yuki, where are you two going?"

"Basara, let's go quickly." Yuki didn't seem to want to linger with him, she urged Basara to walk.

However, Basara remained silent and stared at the air with a somewhat dazed look.


"Ah sorry Yuki, what did you say? By the way Eiji, Yuki and I were told by the teacher to organize the classwork in the teacher's office."

The reason why Basara was a bit absent-minded earlier was actually because of the quest from the system that suddenly appeared.

Basara frowned, why does it have to be now? The quest the system gave was actually easy yet strange, but the reward it gave was quite tempting.

"Oh... Is there anything I can help you with?" Asked Eiji which made Yuki raise her eyebrows.

"Eiji, you're from a different class. Shouldn't you go to your class immediately?"

Yuki was clearly reluctant, she tried to drive Eiji away.

Eiji didn't lose his smile, he looked at the girl and said, "It's okay, the teacher in my class is very nice. She won't mind one of her students skipping a lesson or two for helping students from other classes."

Yuki whose face was expressionless rolled her eyes. "That's bad, you just want to skip class."

Also, I still suspect you have other motives.

Although Yuki knew since hearing Eiji's inner voice in the cafe, that boy didn't seem to have any bad intentions towards Basara.

He definitely has bad intentions towards her!

[I'm not denying that. The lessons of high school students are of no use to me, after all I already learned them in the previous world. If it wasn't for the many heroine and protagonists in this school, I wouldn't bother being here.]

[It's better to go with my friends to the teacher's office to organize assignments or whatever than to listen to the teacher in front of the class.]

[Besides, with Rias and Sona being the bosses behind the school, I won't get in trouble from those teachers.]

Who are you calling your friend...

That inner voice sounded like a naughty student who was too lazy to follow school lessons and took advantage of his special situation, but Yuki did not hear any conspiracy related to her or Basara in it.

Did she misunderstand?

Eiji seemed to just want to skip class and help them.

Even so, Yuki didn't want Eiji to disturb her alone time with Basara! Just this morning, she managed to defeat Mio Naruse so that the girl would not follow her and Basara because only the two of them were summoned by teacher. The Demon King's daughter could only sit in her chair and stare at her and Basara with annoyance which made her happy.

And now that there was Eiji, she also wanted to drive this guy away.

But Basara was...

"Then come with us. Eiji, can you hold this half for me?

"Basara, why..."

"Yuki, it's alright, right? With Eiji, we can finish the assignment given by the teacher faster."

Basara said that with a bit of pleading, how could Yuki refuse? She could only nod and wondered if Basara didn't even think about her who only wanted to be alone with her?

Is he so insensitive to a girl's feelings?

Unfortunately yes, it wasn't that Basara couldn't realize Yuki's feelings, but the quest given by the system made him not pay much attention to the girl's feelings. Otherwise, he would have politely rejected Eiji out of consideration for Yuki.

The quest that the system gave him was very simple, he only needed to agree to Eiji's offer to help them and the system gave him a new ability called "Conceptual Activation".

Basara was quite excited about this ability, but he was completely unaware that the things the system gave him were actually something he himself would master in the future.

"Okay, give it to me."

Eiji took half the paper in Basara's hand which was much more than Yuki. Yuki pouted, they then continued walking to the teacher's office.

While Eiji and Basara were laughing and joking between boys, Yuki whose face was still expressionless felt annoyed because she felt neglected by the two boys. No! She didn't care about Eiji at all, she was just annoyed because the boy interrupted her alone time with Basara and was also annoyed because Basara paid more attention to Eiji than his childhood friend.

Arriving at the teacher's office, it happened that a female teacher in a lab coat who was about to leave the teacher's office was stunned to see them.

Precisely the woman glanced at Eiji.

"Eiji, what brings you and your friends here? Are you making trouble?"

Basara and Yuki naturally stopped, both looking at Eiji and the female teacher curiously.

Eiji's lips twitched, he wondered if his womens considered him a trouble-making boy?

Last morning Mai, now Shizuka.

He looked at the woman with a meaningful look and said, "Shizuka Sensei, how come? Didn't you see the papers in my hand? I'm a good student who helps my friends to organize the assignments."

"Really?" Shizuka widened her eyes as if surprised. She looked at Basara and Yuki.

"What Eiji said is true, she helped us to organize the assignment." Basara said honestly.

"Yes, Eiji is willing to skip his own class to help his friends from other classes, Sensei." Yuki said too honestly and intentionally.

It seemed like she wanted to take advantage of this opportunity for Shizuka to take Eiji away to be punished or something.

However, she seemed to forget Shizuka was also one of the heroine.

Shizuka originally also wanted to punish Eiji just because she felt it would be fun to do so. After all, she still remembered the student who bullied his own teacher in the bedroom!

Imagining what happened that night, Shizuka's pretty face reddened slightly, but it was only for a moment before she glared at Eiji as if she was angry.

[Shizuka, believe it or not. If this woman gets in the way of my good deeds, I won't hesitate to tell the entire school that she's one of my fiancées now.]

[And did this woman forget or pretend to forget she still owes me a date? Hehe originally I didn't want to rush to collect her debt, but now...]

Yuki who was secretly excited to see Shizuka preparing to scold Eiji was stunned to see the woman suddenly change her face in the next second.

The woman suddenly looked at Eiji gently and patted his shoulder.

"Eiji, you are indeed a good student."

"Sensei, I'm glad you know that."

"Yes so continue what you want to do to help your friends. About the teacher in your class, don't worry, Sensei will definitely make her understand that you skipped class because you were doing something good."

"Thank you Shizuka Sensei, you are very kind."

"Haha of course."

"You're also very pretty."

"Ahem! Eiji, please don't tease your Sensei."

The two smiled, Shizuka wanted to run away immediately. She hoped that with this Eiji would keep her engagement to him a secret. To be honest she almost forgot Eiji was now her fiancé, if the teachers and other students found out she was engaged to her own student...

Actually it wasn't a problem, the only problem was that she would lose her face as a teacher!

There was also a date promise where she had to obey Eiji's wishes during the date, she was worried that the boy would do something very bold to his teacher if she currently made him dissatisfied.

Looking at Shizuka who hurriedly left the teacher's office after saying that. Eiji looked at Basara and Yuki who were stunned.

"Let's continue."

"Um... Eiji, you seem to have a good relationship with Shizuka Sensei."

"Why do you look surprised, Basara?"

Basara shook his head and smiled. "No, it's just that I heard Shizuka Sensei is a rather..."

Although Basara had not transferred to this school long ago, he had already heard from his classmates about which teachers to fear and avoid if possible. Shizuka was one of the teachers who was famous for her fierce personality and did not hesitate to hit unruly students with her fists.

So seeing Eiji and Shizuka talking friendly even though Eiji actually did the wrong thing, Shizuka didn't punish or scold the boy which made him a little surprised.

The two must have known each other for a long time and had a good relationship as teacher and student.

Basara never thought the relationship between the two went beyond that.

"Fierce and grumpy, right? Well Shizuka Sensei is actually cute when she's angry. But it's also fun to tease her when that happens."

"...." Basara wondered if Eiji was speaking from experience? He didn't know much about Eiji even though they were already friends.

Speaking of friends, Yahiro had been absent from school since yesterday. There was no news from the boy, even the teacher didn't know if he was absent due to illness or other problems.

Sitting at one of the teacher's desks, they put down all the papers that were actually the homework of all the students in class 2C. After that, they also still had to organize the new lesson schedule and etc.

Yuki was not happy, she completely forgot that teacher named Shizuka was also one of the heroine and had such a relationship with Eiji. That woman must have changed her attitude because she heard Eiji's inner voice!

Wait now that she thought about it, she knew the other heroines like Utaha and Shizuka could also hear Eiji's inner voice and the protagonists like Basara. So wouldn't that mean the Demon King's daughter and the Succubus could do it too?

As they were busy organizing the task, Eiji's inner voice suddenly sounded.

[Wait a moment. This plot... Isn't this a bit familiar? If I'm not mistaken, right now Mio must be feeling unwell and is being treated at the school health room. But Basara should be there with her, right? He can't come with Yuki.]

[Even so the opposite is true. The plot is bound to change, I've also eliminated hidden dangers like Yahiro who pretends to be a friend but is actually one of the villains who will stab Basara in the back.]

[If Yahiro hadn't come to me with killing intent back then, I wouldn't have bothered to eliminate one of Basara's future enemies either.]

[Because of that Mio shouldn't be in danger like in the original work. Well except for the wild demons who might still pursue the girl because they are attracted to something inside her.]

No wonder Yahiro Takigawa didn't come to school from yesterday, apparently that boy is already... Yuki wasn't sure what Eiji did to that boy, although she didn't care much about the other party, but Yahiro was also one of Basara's friends, right?

Yuki frowned, Eiji seemed to have committed a crime like killing people, but knowing Yahiro's identity was actually a villain who would stab Basara in the back.

Yuki actually felt a little happy that Eiji had killed such a dangerous person for Basara. Although the boy seemed to sound like he was denying that he cared about Basara, Yuki felt that Eiji was just embarrassed to admit it.

It seemed like Eiji really considered Basara as his friend which made him more pleasing to the eye.

As for Mio Naruse? She...

Feeling Yuuki smiling slightly at him, Eiji pretended not to know.

He looked at Basara who didn't realize Yuki was smiling at him.

It's a pity, but it's okay. Besides Yuki, Mio, and other heroine. There are many beautiful girls in this school, looking for one of them to be Basara's girlfriend doesn't seem like a bad idea.


In the afternoon, at the school health room.

Unlike in the original work where Mio felt unwell due to the influence of her Master-Servant contract with Basara where when she was jealous of seeing Basara with another girl, a punishment feature would be triggered that made her body hot like a fever.

Mio's current condition was different, she indeed felt her body was hot which made her weak and uncomfortable. No idea why, but it was definitely not the effect of the Master-Servant contract since she and Maria had not done it with Basara. Maria had never even mentioned about this, since returning from the cafe, the two had chatted with Basara and confessed their identities to the boy.

But Basara was still willing to accept them which made them touched, even so they only had normal interactions as a family.

Although Mio was a little jealous seeing Basara and Yuki spending time in the teacher's office until the afternoon. She didn't think much of it and was quite happy with her new family, but what was with this hot feeling pulsating in her body?

Mio was confused, she had actually been lying in the school health room since morning. She was waiting for Basara to pick her up, but until now the boy had not arrived.

"Is he still busy with Nonaka? Stupid Onii-chan..." Mio didn't know why she was so upset, then she remembered something.

"Eiji should also be with them, right? From his and Basara's inner voices, I know he's with them."

"By the way what did that guy mean about something inside me? He even knows I'm in the school health room right now."

Remembering the silver-haired boy, the door of the school health room suddenly opened and someone entered.

Mio was happy, she thought it was Basara, but the person who came in turned out to be...


A/N: If you want to read 7 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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