Hitting heroine

It wasn't difficult for Eiji to find Mio's location, especially with the safety magic he had given the girl secretly a few days ago.

Even though Lars was dead, strangely the plot was still running even though it wasn't completely the same as in the original work because...

On the roof of the school, he saw Mio fighting with a brown-skinned woman who should only appear in the later plot!

Besides having brownish skin, the woman had white hair, golden eyes, a rabbit tail and horns in the shape of rabbit ears. Her figure is tall and slender, especially with her tight and skimpy clothes that reveal her beautiful cleavage.

With all that, she looks like an exotic beauty.

And she's also one of the heroines in the original work!

Boom boom boom!

Mio released her magic, from the magic circle, she created a hurricane that flew towards the woman in front of her.

A few minutes ago, the person who came to the health room was not Basara or anyone she knew, it was the woman in front of her who seemed like she was also a demon. The other party simply said "Mio Naruse, you should come with me". Mio who saw this unknown woman didn't seem to hesitate to use violence to take her away forcibly, she immediately attacked the woman with her magic and tried to escape.

In the end here they were, even after her magic attack hit the woman so many times that it left her breathless.

The woman was not injured at all!

The wind magic that Mio had just fired was casually swatted away by a wave of the other party's hand.

Mio felt desperate and wondered where Maria and Basara were right now? If those two didn't come soon, she would really be kidnapped by the woman in front of her!

She didn't know who that woman was, but she knew it must be someone who had something to do with the people who often targeted her.

"Are you done yet, Mio Naruse? If you're trying to delay time for the little succubus, Basara Toujou or even that man to save you. It's useless, those people must be busy dealing with the many wild demons that invaded this school."

"Before they come, I will take you to my master."

The brown-skinned woman walked step by step towards Mio, her words and face very cold.

Mio wanted to run away, but because she was exhausted after using too much magic, she couldn't move much. And hearing what the woman said, her face paled because she knew what she said was true.

Leaving aside who the master in question was, but who was "that man"?

Other than Maria and Basara, Mio didn't know who else was willing to save her?

"W-Wait! Can we talk about it nicely? I..."

"Sleep Mio Naruse, when you wake up, you'll know who wants to kidnap you."

The brown-skinned woman didn't want to talk much more with Mio, in fact she was also a little anxious and in a hurry. She reached out her hand quickly to hit Mio's neck and knock her unconscious, but before her hand hit the other party.

The movements of Mio who tried to dodge and the brown-skinned woman who was about to attack froze.

[Hey this plot is wrong... That woman, Zest came earlier to kidnap Mio. I remember she was also one of the heroine. Maybe because I killed Lars earlier, Zest who was also in charge of monitoring Mio from the Demon King Faction took action sooner.]

[That guy, Zolgear seems to be in more of a hurry than the original work to rape Mio. Where is the protagonist? He still hasn't come until now! Your heroine will be kidnapped to Zolgear's place, unlike in the original work, since this plot came earlier, I actually doubt you can save Mio after she was successfully kidnapped by Zest.]

[Although I'm not interested in stealing Basara's chance, but seeing Mio like this... Tsk, let's help.]

Of course the reason Mio and Zest were frozen was not because of Eiji's inner voice, but there was also a force that made them unable to move.

At this moment, the figure of the silver-haired boy also suddenly appeared between the two. He faced Zest and caught her wrist.


Mio who saw the boy's broad back was touched, she now understood who the man the woman named Zest was referring to was. It turned out to be Eiji!

And the woman who tried to kidnap her, she also turned out to be one of the heroine and her master turned out to be Zolgear! The one who killed her parents! The person she hates so much!

In the original work, Zolgear told this woman to kidnap her so he could rape her? Mio's body trembled, she had goosebumps and was already scared at the thought of actually getting kidnapped by Zest.

Fortunately now that Eiji had come to her rescue, the stone hanging over her heart was finally released and she already felt safe just by looking at the boy's back.

"Eiji Seiya..." Zest whose wrists were gripped and difficult to release looked at the man in front of her frantically.

She was also surprised to hear things about herself revealed from Eiji's inner voice, especially about her being one of the heroine.

Before this, she had actually been able to hear Eiji's inner voice for a long time. So she also knew a lot about him and that's why when Mio's body attracted the attention of many wild demons tonight, she wanted to seize this moment to kidnap Mio. It was also urged by her master, Zolgear who suddenly told her to kidnap Mio and bring her to him without the knowledge of the people from the other Demon King Faction if the opportunity arose.

And now when many wild Demons were targeting Mio was the perfect time.

But after Eiji appeared, Zest knew it would be difficult to complete the mission Zolgear had given her.

"You know me?" Eiji smiled at her.

"Let go of me." Zest said coldly, she did not want to answer Eiji's question.

"Oh? What if I don't want to let go of your hand? What can you do?" Eiji didn't care, of course he knew Zest must have investigated his information because lately he was seen around Mio and she could also hear his inner voice.

He asked only because he wanted to talk a lot with her, but it was a pity that she didn't appreciate the chance he gave her despite knowing how strong she was from his inner voice.

Zest's other hand suddenly sprouted a long, sword-like claw, and at an extremely high speed, it swung towards his neck.

Eiji casually caught the attack with his fingers using his other hand, under the surprised gaze of Zest who still seemed to underestimate his power for thinking an attack like this would succeed in injuring him. He released both of her hands and before she could react, he punched her in the stomach creating a stream of air behind her.

Zest was thrown like a cannonball and her body crashed into the wall creating a spiderweb-like crack. Eiji certainly refrained from killing the woman, but the blow was enough to make a powerful rank S Demon like Zest clutch her stomach with an expression of pain.

Blood dripped from the corner of her mouth, some of her internal organs were also injured from the blow.

Zest stared at Eiji who stood indifferently with an aura that felt much stronger than her master, her gaze at the boy became horrified and her demonic instinct told her to run away immediately. Honestly knowing what kind of person Eiji was from his inner voice, she thought he wouldn't be so cruel to her since she was also one of the heroine.

Earlier because of seeing him smile at her and ask her nicely, she sneered in her heart and thought Eiji was weak to beautiful women. She wanted to take advantage of that to slash his neck, but it turned out that she still underestimated him too much back then so that one blow from him was enough to make him hurt to this degree.

At this point, Zest doubted if she could defeat Eiji and kidnap Mio? There was also Basara Toujou who was actually the protagonist and the girl of the hero clan that was bound to come soon.

She knew now that it didn't seem possible.

So with a cold stare, she stood up and created many magic circles that shot lightning at Eiji and Mio. She knew Eiji would have no trouble deflecting all those attacks, she seized the moment to teleport to the Demon Realm and escape from there!

What Zest thought was right, Eiji indeed had no trouble deflecting all her attacks, the golden colored magic barrier enveloped Eiji and Mio and blocked all the attacks.

The smoke of the explosion covered the roof, after the smoke disappeared, Mio saw the magic barrier made by Eiji disappeared and the woman who wanted to kidnap her was also no longer visible on the roof.

That woman escaped!

She looked at Eiji anxiously and said, "Eiji, you... You're not chasing her?"

Eiji turned to look at Mio and shook his head. "No, unfortunately I was too late to stop her."

That was a lie. He had clearly let Zest escape on purpose.

As for the reason? Of course he didn't completely let Zest escape from his hands. He had secretly attached a tracker to the woman and was just waiting for the right opportunity to teleport to her location at any time.

Actually Eiji was waiting for Zest to return to her master's residence, after that...

Seeing Eiji smiling regretfully, Mio couldn't believe it, she narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

"Really? You didn't accidentally let the woman who wanted to kidnap me go just because she was pretty, did you?"

"Ahem!" Eiji pretended to cough. "How is that possible? By the way I'm sure we've never known each other before."

"But you seem to know me already? You're also not surprised at my power."

"T-That..." Mio suddenly realized that she was being too familiar to Eiji who actually just met her in person.

Eiji must be confused, right? Of course the boy didn't know she recognized him from his inner voice after all!

Mio actually wanted to tell Eiji the truth that she knew about him from his inner voice, but she remembered Maria telling her not to tell anyone that they could hear inner voices. Not only from Eiji, but also from Basara and the others.

Although Mio slightly disagreed, but in the end she agreed with Maria.

Then she remembered something and hurriedly said, "I know you're Basara's friend. Basara is my older brother, he has told me about you. Your name is Eiji Seiya, right? I'm Mio Toujou, Basara's younger sister."

"As for why I wasn't surprised after seeing your power. I'm not an ordinary person either, you must have seen my fight with that woman earlier. I'm actually a demon."

Eiji chuckled seeing this girl almost saying the same thing Rias said when she introduced herself as a devil.

The difference was that Rias called herself a devil while Mio called herself a demon.

He felt deja vu, especially when the two girls both had crimson hair which made him unable to help but laugh.

Seeing Eiji suddenly laugh after she said all that, Mio was dumbfounded and pouted, she didn't understand why this man was laughing at her. Did she say something funny?

"Why are you laughing?! What's so funny?! Stop laughing, otherwise...

"Otherwise what?

"I... I'll kill you a hundred times!"

"Hahaha!" Eiji laughed harder, he wiped the corners of his eyes slightly which made Mio puff out her cheeks and look at him in annoyance.

This was the first time someone dared to laugh at her.

At school many male students fawned over her and admired her beauty. None of them dared to laugh at her.

But Eiji? This boy...

Even though he had saved her and felt grateful to him.

He was annoying!

Mio folded her arms and grunted making her two volleyballs bounce.

Eiji glanced at the phenomenon for a bit before staring at Mio's pretty face that was staring at him like an angry hamster.

[This girl is so cute. Too bad she belongs to the protagonist Basara...]

Mio blushed. On the outside this guy was laughing at her, but on the inside he was praising her appearance.

She was happy, but she frowned because since when did she belong to Basara? Basara was just her older brother! She admitted she had good feelings for Basara and relied on him, but it was just a family relationship unlike in the original work!

If Eiji knew what Mio was thinking, he would sneer. If he hadn't come to her rescue earlier than Basara, he was sure this girl would definitely not think that way because at that time her affection for Basara would definitely exceed family ties.

"Okay I'll stop laughing at you. I just remembered something funny earlier. Are you okay, Mio? Are there any serious injuries on your body?"

"No! Hmph!"

"That's good..."

Eiji nodded with a smile, looking very worried about her but in his heart that person was actually...

[I remember Mio was also one of the tsundere heroine. This girl is actually rather troublesome.]


"What's wrong Mio? Is something wrong? In addition to my combat power. I also have pretty good medical skills. If you want, you can try my massage skills."

"N-No! Who wants to be massaged by you... Y-You pervert."

Mio suddenly remembered from his inner voice, this guy had indeed healed a girl named Mai with his massage techniques. So he definitely wasn't lying.

It's just a massage? Doesn't that mean letting Eiji press and grope her body?

[You say that but your face turns red as if you're interested in trying it. You're just a tsundere girl who's hard to be honest.]

[How cute.]

Who's interested in trying it?

Who are you calling a tsundere girl?

Also, I don't know if you're mocking me or praising me for continuing to call me cute!

Mio's chest rose and fell, the man in front of her was so two-faced!

Even so, instead of hating him, she somehow felt like she was having fun at the moment.

Unfortunately, the school's rooftop door opened at this time and two people appeared. One of them was the person Mio had been waiting for a long time but he came late and brought a girl she didn't like with him.

"Mio! Are you alright?!"

Seeing Basara and Yuki who came at the same time, Mio somehow felt disappointed and a little sad in her heart.


A/N: If you want to read 7 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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