Hahaha how could I be greedy for my own future mother-in-law? I admit she's very pretty, but hey...

"Fufu of course not, you're not in the wrong room, Rias."

The woman's laughter that was pleasant to the ears made Eiji's eyes very energetic. Even if they were in the wrong room, he felt it was worth it to hear and see his beautiful mother-in-law.

That's right, the woman who was laughing was Venelana who was sitting and drinking tea leisurely as if she had been waiting for their arrival.

However, it wasn't just that woman. There was also a woman in a magical girl outfit who jumped up and hugged him like a koala.

"Eiji-chan~! It's been a long time, don't you miss Onee-chan~?"

Who else if not Serafall? This woman who likes to come and go as she pleases is so shameless.

"What if I say no?" Eiji hugged the woman's small and plump body. If you are shameless, don't blame me for being shameless either.

Serafall was dumbfounded, this was different from the script in her head where Eiji would be embarrassed and try to get away from her! What happened was just the opposite, the boy hugged her tightly in front of everyone, she could even feel his hands going inside her magical girl clothes and caressing her smooth back.

Eiji's hands were so good, with just a touch on her skin, she felt so good that she wanted to moan.

However, she held back her moan and looked at the boy with a frown.

"You said no? Hmph! Then let go of Onee-chan!"

"Sure." Eiji released the magical girl's body and threw her to the floor.

"You! Eiji-chan, you really let go of me?!"

"You told me to do it..."

"At that time, you should have just held me and coaxed me gently!"

"Sorry, but that's too much trouble."

Serafall puffed out her cheeks, not knowing whether she was pretending to be angry or really angry. But whatever it was, seeing the interaction between the two, Venelana widened her eyes slightly.

She who had been waiting in this room for almost an hour with Serafall certainly knew the reason why that woman was here too to meet with Eiji.

It's just that unlike her who wanted to meet her future son-in-law, Serafall wanted to meet her future brother-in-law.

But is that really so?

Although Serafall often acted childishly like a little girl, Venelana knew the woman did it just for fun. Except for her younger sister, Serafall would never throw herself at another person and let the other party touch her intimately, especially if it was a man!

However, what does she see now? As a woman who had been married for many years, how could Venelana not see the way Serafall looked at Eiji was really like a little girl sulking because the person she liked was not doing what she wanted.

To think that Sona was her younger sister and Eiji was her younger sister's fiancé... Venelana felt Serafall had such a strange idea of wanting to have the same man as her younger sister?

Ignoring Eiji and Serafall who were having a small quarrel... Rias wasn't surprised, Sona had previously told her that her older sister also seemed to have an ambiguous relationship with Eiji and it was only a matter of time for that.

So instead of paying attention to the two, she looked at her mother in confusion.

"Mom, why are you here? Why you arent in the same room as father and onii-sama?

With the Gremory family's status in the underworld, they naturally had an exclusive room to watch Rating Game matches.

She originally wanted to bring Eiji and the others to the same room as her family. But after thinking about Grayfia who was already Eiji's woman, she chose to rent another VIP room because she was worried that problems would occur if Eiji, Grayfia, and her older brother were placed in the same room.

Seeing your ex-wife serving another man in front of you. Isn't that awkward? Rias felt sorry for her older brother, so she did this.

"I'm here to meet and watch the Rating Game with my future son-in-law, what's wrong? By the way you guys, sit down."

Venelana told the truth, her gaze fixed on Grayfia, her son's ex-wife. Grayfia who felt her gaze looked a little awkward. Venelana smiled, she shifted her gaze again to the other girls who seemed to be related to her future daughter-in-law.

Were they her daughter's rivals in the harem? All of them were indeed beautiful and had their own advantages that were not inferior to Rias.

Especially one of the pink-haired girls whose hair was the longest among the other two. The girl looked around curiously, her emerald green eyes looked innocent, as their gazes met, she smiled at.

Seeing that pure bright smile that would make any man's soul feel healed, Venelana felt that her daughter's status in the harem might be below that girl.

She looked at Rias with concern. My daughter, are you alright?

Rias: ???

The crimson-haired girl did not know what her mother was thinking, she nodded and motioned for Eiji, Lala and the others to sit down.

"Mom, then I'll leave Eiji and the others with you. I also have to prepare for the match with Sona. Eiji, I'm going."

Rias didn't bother asking why Serafall was also here because wasn't it obvious? Especially when she saw Serafall trying to climb Eiji's body with her short body and Eiji seemed to be enjoying himself.

Eiji smiled at Rias. "Be careful, don't kill each other, okay? After all, Sona is your sister."

"Hm~ I know." Rias would certainly refrain from killing and she knew Sona would also do the same as a sister in Eiji's harem and her best friend. This was purely a competition to show how strong they were in the eyes of the many devils and people from other factions who happened to be invited as spectators.

Seeing Rias and her peerage exit the room. Serafall who had climbed back on Eiji's body snorted and glared at him.

"Eiji-chan, what do you mean? Sona-chan will definitely win!"

"Well who said Sona would lose anyway? I didn't say Rias would win either. With the strength of the two now, it's hard to be sure unless they fight each other."

[Also, I know as a siscon. You will only support your little sister in this Rating Game. So there's no need to blab, and it's better to think about how you're going to keep your promise to me.]

[This woman never keeps her promises, I'm honestly getting disappointed.]

Serafall froze, it's not like she forgot about what she promised Eiji. After the incident on the stairs last time and getting the green light from her younger sister as well. She had been gaining confidence ever since!

Who was the woman who never kept her word? It's just that she's been busy lately, okay? Due to Sirzechs and Ajuka's request, she needed to visit other factions such as Norse and Greek Mythology to send invitations directly to them!

It was actually an alliance invitation so that the two mythologies would also join their Three Factions to make peace. As a Maou in charge of foreign affairs, only she could do this job to give the two mythologies enough face.

The gods of the Norse were famous for their cunning while the gods of the Greeks were famous for their arrogance. Although on the surface they had a good reputation, Serafall who had once fought against them knew how bad they were.

However, Sirzechs, Ajuka and even Azazel wanted the two parties to join their Three Faction alliance. It was good if all the creatures from the various Factions could make peace, but Serafall was honestly against this idea, especially when the leaders of Norse and Greek mythology neither agreed nor rejected the alliance when she directly extended the alliance invitation to them.

They said that they wanted to see their strength in front of her face first. Serafall cursed those damn gods in her heart, so she meant that if their power was weak, those people would definitely reject the alliance and perhaps think of waging war against them?

When Serafall conveyed this to Sirzechs, the man was not angry, instead he asked her to invite those people again to watch the Rating Game match held today.

Serafall was honestly disappointed with her best friend, Sirzechs and even Ajuka who always seemed to agree as long as Sirzechs wanted to.

They don't mind making peaceful efforts that look like licking the gods like this.

Serafall felt humiliated, but what could she do?

The other Maou, Falbium also just nodded and supported Sirzechs' idea so her objection was useless since the three Maou besides her had already agreed to this idea.

Serafall was a little anxious to hear Eiji was disappointed in her, she remembered the system and activated the ability she now had to see Eiji's favorability to her.

[Favorability: 41 (Only slightly likes and is interested in you, and if it's lower than this, he just thinks of you as a friend and his future sister-in-law. That's a very healthy relationship.)]


I don't want a healthy relationship!

Serafall shouted sadly in her heart. Obviously the last time she checked it was over 50 points if I'm not mistaken. Now it was reduced by more than 10?!

Woo woo woo! What to do?! What to do?!

[Host, did you forget about me? Don't worry! It's not too late for a woman to win a man's heart as long as the man's favorability to you hasn't reached negative numbers.]

'System? Right, I forgot you're smart enough to talk to. But don't you mean it shouldn't be too late for a woman to win a man's heart as long as he's not married?'

[Don't worry about those unimportant details. Do you want advice to increase Eiji Seiya's liking for you?]

Serafall sometimes felt like she was being tricked by this thing called a system, but in this situation, she had no other choice, right?

So let's listen first.

While Serafall suddenly became quiet and sat obediently as Eiji placed her beside him.

Venelana looked at Serafall strangely, what was wrong with this woman? Before she was very noisy, now suddenly became quiet?

Venelana didn't know Serafall was actually talking to someone inside her head, she certainly couldn't guess what the magical girl was doing right now. So instead of paying attention to her, she looked at Eiji who was sitting in front of her with the other girls with a smile on her beautiful mature face.

[Mother-in-law is very beautiful. Worthy of being the mother who gave birth to the first heroine like Rias. Her face is similar to Rias, but more mature with a very beautiful motherly smile.]

[Her brown hair looks soft, even at that age, she still looks very young. Instead of a mother, I feel like I'm looking at Rias' older sister.]

[Her figure is also still very good, her skin is white and firm, it is also still very round and big. It's a pity that she still has a husband.]

So what would you do if she didn't have a husband?


The heroines in the room naturally looked at Eiji, even Serafall who was discussing with her system looked at Eiji in surprise.

I mean... Eiji, don't tell me you're so greedy that you also want your mother-in-law in your harem?

Rias who was discussing the 'secret' strategy to fight Team Sona with her peerage in another room suddenly stopped hearing what Eiji was thinking about her mother.

Eiji, you're not serious, are you?

You already took my brother's wife, and now you're interested in taking my father's wife?! My mother?!

[Why are these girls suddenly looking at me? By the way I only appreciate my mother-in-law's beauty. It's not like I want to take Venelana away from my father-in-law.]


Rias breathed a sigh of relief. Grayfia was still fine, but her mother? That was quite problematic. She didn't know what to do if Eiji was really interested in her.

Fortunately the inner voice could also only be heard by the heroines. So she was also relieved that her mother hadn't heard what Eiji was thinking about her.

So everything was fine, right?

"Hm... Whose voice is that?"

Venelana asked while looking around which made the heroines in the room stare at her in horror.

No way.

Is this woman also...

Unfortunately Rias did not see this scene.

"Venelana-sama, we didn't hear anything. Maybe you heard wrong? I'll pour tea for everyone."

Grayfia quickly moved to divert attention, even if Venelana was no longer her mother-in-law, she still respected that woman. And as a woman who became a maid out of hobby, it was her duty to do something like pouring tea.

"Thank you Grayfia. But you don't have to be so polite with me, I'm no longer your mother-in-law. Just call me Venelana."

"No, how can you? I still respect you, Venelana-sama."

Venelana giggled, Grayfia was too serious about her maid hobby as usual. It was a pity that the woman was no longer her son's wife. However, what has happened, has happened. She did not blame Grayfia for breaking up with Sirzechs and choosing to be with the same man as her daughter.

It was a surprising thing, even in her long life as a devil because it was the first time she had seen such a thing.

"So my son-in-law, Eiji. When are you going to introduce these girls to me?"

Venelana smiled meaningfully, she had not seen Eiji for a long time and saw him now. That boy seemed to be getting more and more handsome. Also, the voice she heard earlier...

"Of course, mother-in-law. Let me introduce them to you."

Eiji did not panic, he also smiled at Venelana while ignoring Serafall who pinched his thigh.

Is this woman suddenly jealous? That's good.


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