The fight with the heroes

"Older sister? You mean Yuki? So you're Kurumi..."

Although Mio was increasingly disappointed in Basara for not coming to her and Maria's rescue, even after Maria informed him, he still did not come and seemed to prioritize his date with his childhood friend over the safety of his two younger sisters.

'Me and Maria are just Basara's half-sisters after all, what did I expect?' Mio thought bitterly.

"How do you know my name?" Kurumi was a little surprised that Mio knew her name right away. Even so, she still looked at that demon king's daughter coldly. "Forget it, I don't care how you know my name. Before you die, do you have any last words? Mio Naruse?"

The two men standing behind Kurumi watched in silence. One of them was a blonde with a silver spear in his hand, Takashi. Maria was injured after being hit by his spear. And the other was a shoulder-length brown-haired man with closed eyes and a faint smile on his face, Shiba.

Just like Kurumi, both of them were also heroes sent by the Hero Clan to kill Mio.

Seeing Kurumi raise one of her hands with the magic circle concentrated on her and Maria, Mio gritted her teeth and stood in front of Maria who was staring anxiously at her back.

"You guys came to kill me, right? Can you at least let Maria go?"

"Mio-sama..." Maria was moved that the girl she served was willing to sacrifice her life for her, she felt guilty. Should she use that? Although it was uncertain whether she could defeat the three heroes in front of her, she could at least buy some time until reinforcements arrived.

But considering they were now inside a city enveloped in a magic barrier belonging to one of the brown-haired heroes. She wasn't sure if her idea would work or not.

It was not Kurumi who answered Mio's question, but Takashi who gripped his Byakko spear. "It's true our mission only told us to kill you. But you want us to let the succubus go? As heroes, we can't do that."

"Demons and succubus are both evil creatures. Reducing your numbers in this world is a good thing for humanity. Kurumi, you talk too much. Let me do it."

Kurumi frowned, unhappy that Takashi was ordering her around. But she nodded and let him do it. After all, it made no difference as long as they successfully completed the mission.

Mio was angry at Takashi's racist words and didn't even want to let Maria go. Hence, she was going to fight back. A crimson aura enveloped her body and her hair began to fly in the air. The wind blowing strongly around her, with her hands she shot a huge fire magic at the heroes in front of her.

Takashi who saw the burst of fire in front of him shook his head. He made a light slash with his spear and all that flames were instantly blown away by the wind. The wind was so strong, Mio was even thrown far back and Maria frantically tried to catch the girl.


"Ugh... I'm fine Maria. Sorry, I'm still very weak even though you've trained me many times."

"No! Mio-sama you're actually strong, it's just that you..."

"I know. It seems I can't hold back this power anymore. So Maria, run away and leave me. I don't want to hurt you because I can't control it well."

What power was Mio referring to? Aside from her Demon King Wilbert's daughter identity, many people were after her because of the power inside her. This power, Mio always held back as much as possible until she sometimes felt pain. But in this situation, rather than dying without trying her best, it was better to let it all out. It was just that Mio was worried that Maria would also be injured or worse killed because of her.

"Do you think I can't hear what you guys are talking about? Mio Naruse, whatever you want to do. Before you do, I will kill you both."

Takashi started running as fast as the wind and jumped while swinging his spear. Byakko was one of the Four Gods who resided within his spirit spear. As such, she could manipulate the wind to an extreme level. He believed with this attack, he could tear the demon king's daughter and the succubus in front of him to death.

Mio and Maria who saw Takashi instantly appear in front of them panicked, Mio didn't even have time to release her hidden power. She unconsciously hugged the injured Maria and closed her eyes.

She thought the two of them might actually die, but at this moment...

[I'm doing it again for heaven's sake. This plot is a bit different from the original work, but whatever. The real protagonist has come!]


Mio and Maria were surprised and delighted, they opened their eyes and sure enough. The first thing they saw was Eiji's back, the man was blocking the attack that was about to hit them with a sword that sparkled with golden light.

It wasn't just the two of them. Takashi, Shiba and Kurumi who saw Eiji's arrival were also surprised. But that surprise was nothing when not only deflecting Byakko's attack, Takashi whose attack was blocked by Eiji was thrown until he crashed into many buildings behind him.


Kurumi shouted the man's name. Shiba just stayed silent and looked at the silver-haired man who had just arrived warily. Especially the sword in the other party's hand that was emitting golden light. The first thing that came to mind when he saw that sword was the Holy Sword. But which Holy Sword would be able to make a god-class weapon like Byakko bounce so far away? Besides, the thing that made him wary was that he could not be sure how strong the silver-haired man was even though he could usually do so easily to others.

Kurumi on the other hand looked at the man who had just come to save Mio and Maria curiously. From Eiji's inner voice that she had just heard, was the silver-haired man in front of her Eiji himself? It seemed to be true because Mio and Maria shouted "Eiji!".

Eiji placed Excalibur over his shoulder casually, he turned around and smiled at the two girls sitting on the ground. He extended one of his greenish glowing hands to Maria and used high-level healing magic to quickly heal her internal wounds.

"Yo Mio, Maria. I happened to be passing by in this vicinity. Leave this matter to me."

"Thank you for coming and healing Maria, Eiji." Mio smiled, she felt safe seeing Eiji's arrival even though there were still two other heroes who had not been defeated. As for Eiji just passing by and helping them? She felt Eiji was lying because he was embarrassed to admit the truth. With the knowledge of the plot, he must be trying to find their location to save them, right?

With this, Eiji had saved her twice already, she was very touched.

Eiji nodded at Mio.

Maria who saw Mio's reaction looked at Eiji with a wink and a sweet smile on her face. She also thanked him, but obviously the loli also seemed to be saying "good job!" with her gaze.

Eiji pretended not to realize what Maria was hinting at. But he had to admit this loli did a good thing. If not for the letter she sent for him last night, unless he used "Heroine Monitoring" to check what was wrong. He would be too late to come here because he didn't know the plot had changed so far.

The protagonist Basara wasn't even here. He wasn't sure if it was because of the things Maria was doing in the back, or Kurumi who was now staring at him in a daze.

He walked over to the group of heroes with Excalibur in his hand. It had been a long time since he had used it and it was time for them to act again.

The Excalibur in his hand buzzed and his holy power blinked repeatedly. Seriously?

¶{Don't underestimate Excalibur-chan's intelligence! It's no ordinary sword, it's a growth-type EX-class weapon! The one in the original work isn't even this smart.}

Excalibur-chan? Okay Miss System, I don't know where you even got this sword from.

With Excalibur-chan in his hand which made golden fairy dust also fly around him, he walked up to the two people in front of him.

"So... Next, which one of you wants to dance?"

"Eiji Seiya! Is that you? Take this!" Kurumi attacked first, even though she had been mesmerized by Eiji's good looks, she remembered that it was this man who had mocked yesterday that she and her older sister were brain dead.

She finally had a chance to vent her frustration, and did not hesitate to use high-level spirit magic. She knew Eiji was strong, so she didn't hold back and immediately unleashed her strongest attack. Without any magic circle, compressed wind was created in one of her hands and shot out a tornado that flew towards Eiji.

Eiji stared at the tornado that was capable of destroying the ground and buildings in front of him indifferently. He didn't even need Excalibur to block the attack, he just opened his mouth slightly to puff the tornado away and the natural disaster was instantly dispersed. This was not magic, this was purely his outrageous physical strength after the Anos fusion reached 100%.

Kurumi who saw her strongest attack blocked with just a puff stared at Eiji in disbelief. Even Shiba opened his eyes slightly when he saw that scene.

Kurumi was actually pushed until she hit the wall of the building, but that was it. She gritted her teeth and was about to use another magic, but Eiji suddenly appeared behind her and before she could react her neck was hit until she lost consciousness and fell into the arms of her enemy. With his magic, Eiji teleported the girl to Mio and Maria's side.

"You two, take care of her for me. She's Yuki's younger sister. It'll be troublesome if Yuki finds out I killed her younger sister."

Mio and Maria looked at Kurumi who was lying beside them, they looked at the girl intricately. After all, it was this girl who had previously almost killed them with the other two heroes. However, they also knew Kurumi was Yuki's younger sister. Although they hated the girl a little, hearing Eiji tell them to take care of her, they obediently did so.

It was just that was it true that Eiji was being gentle with Kurumi because she was Yuki's younger sister? He didn't do it because this girl was one of the heroine and had a beautiful appearance, right?

"...." Eiji really didn't know what the girls were thinking. Even if he knew, he wouldn't panic because what they were thinking wasn't wrong. But putting that aside, right now he was staring at the man whose name was Shiba Kyouichi. That man was not only one of the heroes, he was actually also one of the villains in the original work.

It was also not an ordinary villain, but a boss villain who was actually capable of killing the protagonist Basara and Chisato if he was serious at this stage. Unfortunately this guy likes to pretend, just like someone.

¶{Who? Isn't that you?}



Eiji looked at the man standing not far in front of him with a faint smile, the man did too.

"So you are the rumored Eiji Seiya? The one who has so far killed the Sea God Poseidon and defeated one of the strongest beings in the world, Thor in a competition?"

"Is the Hero Clan's intelligence network that good?"

"Hm... Don't know, who knows? By the way you treat Kurumi gently even though she's part of our group. Is it just because she's Yuki's younger sister?"

"Maybe so. But who knows?"



Eiji and Shiba stared at each other and mocked. The latter opened his eyes that had been closed and revealed his eyes that were as dark as an abyss. The atmosphere around them looked normal, but if ordinary people were walking around them right now. They would have fainted because the air around them was so heavy. There was a tension that made even Mio and Maria who were watching in the distance wonder why Eiji was taking the time to chat with Shiba? Was that person particularly strong compared to the others?

At this moment, Takashi, who was previously blown away, was not dead. He walked up to Shiba and looked at Eiji with blood on the corner of his mouth. The Byakko in his hand also had several cracks from colliding with Excalibur earlier. It was obvious that the spear that held one of the gods inside was still under Eiji's Excalibur-chan.

Miss System who was watching somewhere had a smug expression on her face.

¶{Show these people the greatness of Excalibur-chan, host! They're still arrogant just for seeing a fraction of Excalibur-chan's power!}

What's with this woman? She was urging him to show off with Excalibur. Even so, Eiji did not refuse.

"Shiba, who is this man?" Takashi was naturally angry because of what happened to him earlier. Some of his internal organs were injured due to a mere push from the other party's sword. However, seeing the man talking to his senior. He felt the need to ask what the situation was first.

Shiba glanced at Takashi, Takashi was surprised and a little scared to see Shiba open his eyes.

"Our mission failed, Takashi. We must retreat."

"What?! Why? I admit this man is strong, but if Byakko and I are serious. And you join the fight too, I'm sure we can--"


"...." Takashi immediately shut his mouth, he didn't dare to argue with Shiba's order.

Shiba looked at Eiji again. "Did you hear that? We will retreat. Eiji Seiya, I know you seem to want to protect Mio Naruse and that succubus. If we fight, the barrier I created will be destroyed and the city will be affected."

"The people who live here will also be hurt. It would be against the rules of the Hero Clan, so we will--"


Eiji snapped his fingers. The three-dimensional barrier Shiba had created using his power was transformed and strengthened by his barrier. Shiba could not help but be dumbfounded and looked at him coldly.

"I have strengthened this barrier. Even if the gods fight here, they will not affect the real world."

"Also, do you think you can leave after hurting Mio and Maria? I don't like seeing people bully women and people I like."

"Whoever it is, they must die."

You say that but what about Kurumi? Shiba complained in his heart. That girl was also part of their group, but unlike her, they were treated differently.

However he didn't have time to say anything because right now he and Takashi were thrown backwards due to the terrifying magic fluctuations of Eiji's body.

Eiji raised Excalibur to the sky with both hands, a golden beam thousands of meters long by hundreds of meters wide exploded from the blade. Like a holy light that pierced through all darkness, Excalibur also split the air and illuminated the world.

Along with his swing, in an instant the sky collapsed and an enormous shockwave spread out in all directions. Land, buildings, and everything in a straight line hundreds of kilometers long, were all destroyed, with sparks and electricity along the line.

Mio, Maria, and Kurumi who were covered by Eiji's transparent black barrier before that happened. Except for Kurumi who was still unconscious, they stared at the scene in front of them in shock and at the same time in awe...

"If I know my Excalibur has become this cool with only 50%. How about 100%?"

Eiji stuck Excalibur into the ground with both hands and looked at the masterpiece he had created. Actually if it wasn't for the barrier he created, the slash would have been exaggerated enough to split the planet.

¶{Yes!!! That's my baby! My Excalibur-chan is showing her power!}


Ignoring the excited Miss System, he looked to a certain point. He smiled, instead of being disappointed, he was excited.

[As expected of a villain boss! At this point you're actually better than the protagonist!]


A/N: If you want to read 7 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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