Evil dragons army? Legendary evil dragon? Move aside, the heroines will show off!

From the tip of the sword, people could see a bubble-like transparent ball of light flying towards Samael. It quickly grew in size and enveloped the creature's large body until the area within a 100-meter radius was also covered.

Shortly after, they saw Samael open his mouth, he screamed and struggled, but no sound could be heard as if he was locked in a transparent soundproof space.

His body suddenly had white incisions, many incisions appeared to cover his entire body before his existence disappeared into spots of light.

This was one of Shirohime's shikai abilities.

Creating a space where infinite soul slashes attack the target from all directions. The function of the space itself was to prevent the slashes from spreading in all directions. Otherwise, not only Samael's body and soul would be cut down to the size of an atom and unable to reincarnate. Everyone here and this dimension would also be cut cleanly.

In the match against Thor in the past, Eiji was actually about to use Bankai Shirohime's ability that created an infinite soul slashing domain capable of covering all of Asgard. That was why at that time he hurriedly canceled his attack. Otherwise, he didn't care about the gods like Odin who were there, but there were Grayfia and Rossweisse who were within his attack range at that time.

His Zanpakuto ability was too terrifying, his Shikai and Bankai modes only had one technique. Even so, all of those techniques were too underhanded and hard to control. For now, just because White Ichiho's character card fusion had reached 46%. Eiji at least didn't have to worry about losing control just because of using his Shikai.

Unlike the Bankai which was the final form of releasing his Zanpakuto power. Shikai is the first form of release. So there was obviously a level difference between the two, but Shirohime's Shikai was more than enough to kill a creature cursed by the God of the Bible like Samael.

At this moment, the creature's soul could not even go to the Realm of the Dead because its soul was already destroyed.

A certain skull must have been surprised.


The women in Eiji's harem were not surprised by Eiji's show of power, but Kunou and the Western Youkai were the opposite.


Just like Cao Cao said, when he and Eiji fought in the alternate dimension created by Dimension Lost.

Girls like Lala, Yui, Haruna, Xenovia, Irina and the others were indeed having problems.

At first they were traveling to a location not far from Yasaka Shrine, they were playing on the beach. However, at that time from the direction of the sea, many western dragons flew towards them.

The number may reach hundreds, many people there panicked of course. Even the Youkai who guarded the supernatural side of Kyoto immediately appeared because they realized the dragons were intent on destroying the city and everyone in it.

And from the looks of those dragons, they were Evil Dragons!

Dragons that are supposed to be extinct and have a more ferocious temperament than other dragons.

These dragons have great killing intent and always want to destroy everything including themselves.

The Youkai who knew this panicked and lost confidence of course, but―

"Space Space-Kun."

Seeing that the dragons had almost reached the city, Lala told Peke to change her clothes into combat clothes. It was an all-white outfit with Deviluke-style black stripes with a hat on top of her head. Its durability was much stronger than ordinary armor, Lala wore it just in case before making a shooting pose with her hands.

Every dragon flying in the sky, after becoming her target instantly turned into minced meat. Regardless of Evil Dragon or whatever, their defenses were useless in front of the blue portal that suddenly appeared in front of them and killed them instantly.


"Who is that girl? Is it a devil?"

"I know Yasaka is getting a visit from one of the Maou. The other side wants us to join the alliance..."

"Ah, so it must be people from the Devil Faction?"

"Stop talking and hurry up and help. There are some dragons that managed to enter the city."

"Yes Nurarihyon-sama!"

The Youkai stopped babbling and obeyed their leader's orders. It was the leader of the Eastern Youkai Faction, Nurarihyon!

There were also people from the Five Principal Clans who helped fight the Evil Dragons. They split up because not only the coastal side, the other side of Kyoto was also under attack!

Even so, unlike Lala, they seemed to be having trouble fighting the Evil Dragons.

"Should we split up?" Yui asked. She and Haruna had just finished helping the other students evacuate. Although they were a little scared at first, they managed to hit a few Evil Dragons that were about to attack the other students.

The two of them were actually surprised that their slender hands were able to repulse a seven-meter dragon.

"You two should take care of the students and teachers of our school. It's still hard to kill those dragons with just physical strength."

"Irina is right, leave killing those dragons to us. Those of you who can't use magic yet should focus on defense."

"Ughh..." Hearing what Irina and Xenovia said. Not just Yui and Haruna, but girls like Mai and Run also groaned. They began to regret that they often refused things like Sacred Gear that Eiji offered them.

It was true that their physical strength was strong and on par with dragons due to the effects of the Master-Servant contract. But even for Mai who had eaten Devil Fruit, it was still rather difficult for her to kill an Evil Dragon without combat experience.

Therefore except for repelling, killing the dragons was left to Lala, Irina and Xenovia who happened to be with them. There was also Momo, she was helping Yui's group. While Nana? She also became a dragon slayer with Reginleif in her hands.

When Lala started teleporting at high speed from dragon to dragon flying in the sky and destroying them with her space manipulation.

Irina decapitated each Evil Dragon with her Excalibur Mimic, she did so with ease after combining magic and her Water Breathing Style. Each slash of her sword was enveloped in water with such extreme sharpness that the Evil Dragon's defenses were as soft as tofu.

The girl's only problem was that she had to jump from the head of the dragon she had slashed to another dragon. She also jumped between rooftops just to decapitate another dragon.

The sight certainly made the people of the Youkai Faction and Five Principal Clan dumbfounded because the girl was having fun, right?

Xenovia was not to be outdone by Irina either. A crimson Boosted Gear armor with a green Orb and some golden spikes covered her body. But unlike Issei, her armor was more feminine. It exposed Xenovia's cleavage, her beautiful face also not wearing a helmet.

Xenovia also sprouted Dragon wings from the back of her armor and she flew! With Durandal in hand, the orange aura of Variant Detonation mixed with the green aura of Booster Gear.

The dragon slaying scene in the sky became even crazier.

Like fireworks in daylight, Xenovia broke through the speed of sound. She blasted each Evil dragon with brutal slashes that were filled with excessive power for a woman. The sound of "Boost! Boost! Boost!" from her armor didn't help either, it kept multiplying her power by 100 times every 5 minutes just because Xenovia's body was able to bear all that power.

Ddraig himself was surprised by his new host body. This body... Even when Xenovia was a woman. She had a body that was stronger than all of his hosts so far.

As the scene unfolded, many supernatural beings watching instantly recognized Xenovia as the Red Dragon Emperor!

"What is this feeling?"

"Vali, that's my rival. Ddraig, he seems to have a new host and it's one of Eiji's women. Do you want to fight with her later? A fated battle?"

"No." Vali replied very quickly.

"...." Albion, the White Dragon Emperor who resided inside the young man's armor didn't say anything because he knew Vali just didn't dare to provoke Eiji by challenging one of his women.

Vali and his group were now in the underworld. Just like Kyoto, many Evil Dragons mass-produced by Rizevim using Sephiroth Graal were attacking this place.

They were fighting outside the walls of Lilith, the capital of Satan.

There were also Sirzechs, two Maou, and other devils who were certainly helping. Before this, in fact, they had been told by Rias and Sona that Khaos Bridge would attack in the underworld. So this time they were actually not without preparation, they had evacuated many devils to a safe place before this Evil Dragon horde came to attack the underworld.

Even so, their battle was still quite difficult because it wasn't just ordinary Devil Dragons. There were also Legendary Devil Dragons like Crom Cruch, Landel, and Grendel whose strength was no worse than the Two Heavenly Dragons.

And the dragons were split up. Besides Lilith, they also targeted Gremory Territory. Bael Territory, and Phenex Territory simultaneously.

Sirzechs and the other two Maou had no problem defeating enemies in one place, but enemies scattered from each other were definitely troublesome. They could not save many of the city buildings that were destroyed in the process which made Khaos Bridge receive a lot of hate from the devils.

They had asked Heaven, Grigori, Norse Mythology and Greek Mythology for help. The latter ignored them which made Sirzechs know Zeus did it on purpose, he betrayed the Alliance even though there was no sign of Gods from Greece helping Khaos Bridge.

But for the others, they got the news that they were also under attack!

Rizevim who made all this mess somewhere burst out laughing.

"Hahaha! Destroy! Create more chaos in this world!"

"Did you see that, Euclid? This is what a devil should do!"

Euclid nodded. "As expected of you, Rizevim-sama. But are you sure this is enough to distract Eiji?"

Rizevim stopped laughing, he smiled faintly and held a golden cup in his hand. It was no ordinary cup, it was a Sephiroth Graal, two of the three pieces to be exact.

Though it was incomplete as the last piece was still on the body of a Dhampir who was actually the original owner of this Longinus. Unfortunately taking everything from the woman would cause him to die and the Sephiroth Graal would disappear.

Rizevim could only be satisfied with Sephiroth Graal's ability to revive the souls of dead creatures. With enough sacrifices, he managed to revive some Legendary Evil Dragons and mass-produce ordinary Evil Dragons. Although the Evil Dragons were not as powerful as the Legendary Evil Dragons, the power equivalent of a Middle Grade Devil was definitely enough to cause a lot of destruction.

Of course, this was only one of Rizevim's crazy plans.

"I believe it will take a while for Eiji to defeat Samael and the Hero Faction. They're strong, but not strong enough to defeat that guy."

"Holding him off for a while is enough. By now our people should have kidnapped some of our targets."

"Especially that girl who looks a bit like the Heir of Gremory. Something inside her should be enough to awaken the Apocalyptic Beast!"

Rizevim started laughing again, Euclid felt reassured by the old man. They just needed to wait...

Euclid also couldn't wait to see his sister's expression. Grayfia, he would be brought to her and he would make her beg for his love.

As the two villains behind the scenes envisioned their beautiful future.

They did not know the Shadow Garden that had been moving in darkness was beginning to move under the light.


"Ravel, run quickly!"

The Phenex region that was also attacked by the Evil Dragon horde was now almost destroyed. Many buildings were reduced to ruins... Seeing his older brother and the rest of his peerage being overwhelmed by the dragons.

The overwhelmed Ravel was also frightened. She and Riser, and the other devils of the Phenex Clan. Although they were almost immortal, these dragons, especially one of the Legendary Evil Dragons, Crom Cruach just wanted to destroy them time and time again!

Riser and several other Phenex devils had already died many times and come back to life thanks to the Phoenix Tears and powerful regeneration abilities. But Crom Cruach who led the dragons never tired.

Crom Cruach who was in the form of a 20-meter tall black Western Dragon had a sadistic grin on his face.

"How many are called Phoenix Tears?Ten?Twenty?In front of me, Crom Cruach, use as many as you want. But, I will definitely kill you more than a hundred times!I'll chase you relentlessly until your consciousness is wiped out hahaha!"

"It's nice to see the dragons dominating and oppressing you devils."

"By the way devil girl over there, you keep relying on your big brother to protect you. He has died so many times, it's not fair. You should also taste death!"

Riser wanted to get up and wanted to push Crom Cruach again with his power, but his injuries were too severe and he was still in the process of regenerating.

Ravel was angry, seeing Crom Cruach about to shoot flames from his mouth at her. she hurriedly made a defense magic to protect everyone. She knew it was useless because she wasn't strong enough, but she would do it! Even if she had to die many times!

"Quite a big lizard. With a body that big you're not ashamed to bully people weaker than you?"

"Huh? Who's that?! Dare to call me a lizard, I'll―"

Before Crom Cruach finished speaking and turned around to see who dared to mock him.

The sound of beautiful threads rang in everyone's ears, Crom Cruach's huge body was suddenly tied up with many glittering threads. Crom Cruach sneered, would those thin threads be able to hold him? But he was surprised that his body was actually restrained! He couldn't release the threads at all, even with his incredible physical strength!

Something was wrong with this thread!

At that moment, out of nowhere, the figure of a beautiful blonde-haired woman in a black bodysuit accented with gold appeared above Crom Cruach's head. Her beauty left the watching Phenex devils including Riser dazed.

It was Alpha, the blonde elf holding a black sword in her hand. Before Crom Cruach roared because people dared to step on his head, Alpha jumped off his head. With a blue aura like fire enveloping her body, the source of the thread was apparently connected to her sword.

Unlike Alpha who was fine, Crom Cruach whose body was burned by the blue flames roared in pain. The legendary Evil Dragon felt his soul burning. He tried to untie the threads binding his body, but it was useless as they were threads that had been strengthened by Alpha's magic. The blue flame was also unusual, it was actually one of the spells Eiji had taught Alpha.

Just like Eiji's other women, Alpha also had a Master-Servant contract. Her power is much stronger than Alpha in the original work. So here it is, in short after Crom Cruach screamed in pain for half a minute.

Crom Cruach died, he didn't become ashes, but the huge body was now just an empty shell as his soul had been burned to the ground.

The other Evil Dragons in that place were actually the same, they were all tied up by threads and burned to death by Alpha.

The chaos in the Phenex region was stopped by one person. Actually, not only there, other Shadow Garden members also did the same thing. They helped stop the chaos that Khaos Bridge created in Heaven and other places.

When asked, they would say something similar.

"Um... Miss, who are you? Whoever you are, thank you for helping us. The Phenex Clan is in your debt." Ravel who stood closest to Alpha said while bowing her head. She looked at Alpha in awe like a fangirl.

Alpha smiled slightly, "I am a servant of Eiji-sama, a member of Shadow Garden. If you want to thank, you should thank my master."


Eiji who had just returned Kunou to Yasaka smiled at the sight of that beautiful mother and daughter hugging each other.

Yasaka who had heard everything that happened to Kunou was angry of course, the Evil Dragon horde that attacked Kyoto didn't help either, making her want to vent her anger.

Luckily Eiji had done it for her, he killed the people of the Hero Faction and his friends had also helped kill the dragons attacking her territory.

Yasaka was of course very grateful to Eiji and the others, especially to Eiji. She lowered her posture, making her large breasts almost spill out of her kimono again.

"Eiji-sama, I don't know how to repay your help..."

"No, Yasaka-san need not bother. It just so happens that I also have problems with the Hero Faction and Khaos Bridge. I can't let those bad guys succeed with their plans." Eiji said while slightly glancing at Yasaka's white valley. It wasn't long, just a split second.

But Yasaka noticed his gaze, she smiled and chuckled. The sound of that milf's laughter was more beautiful than bicycle bells, Eiji tried to keep his face straight because Rias, Sona, Serafall and the others were also looking at him.

―Miss System, do it.

¶{Okay host! Time to cheat― I mean use subtle hypocritical tricks.}

What did this woman say? Eiji didn't know...


"Yasaka-san, how about you ask Rias and the others? After all, they helped too."

[Although I would feel good if Yasaka also gave me something in private. I won't say it of course, this is bad. Hey what was I thinking.]

"...." The heroines.

"???" Yasaka has a question mark on top of her head.

She clearly saw Eiji not open his mouth, but that voice...


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