Akeno is crazy, pushing her mom

There was no one but them in the small alley.

Before Baraqiel was about to say anything, still with a smile on his face, Eiji interrupted the man.

"Baraqiel-san, don't worry. Not only Akeno, I will also take care of Shuri-san."

"Eiji, what do you mean?" Baraeiel clenched his fists. If not for the fact that the boy in front of him favored Akeno and he knew he couldn't beat him due to the obvious difference in power.

Baraqiel had actually wanted to beat Eiji for a long time.

Although that boy already had Akeno, he opened a harem.

Not just stealing Sirzechs wife, Grayfia. And not just greedy to get the older sister of his fiancée, Serafall.

Baraqiel knew there were many other women connected to Eiji. All this time he had always held back his dissatisfaction just because Akeno looked happy with that boy.

But Eiji dared to think of Akeno's mother!

He dared to think about his wife!

Baraqiel hoped he had only misunderstood, because if not...

"It's just as you think. Baraqiel-san, there are many beautiful women in this world. Why not give up on Shuri-san and look for another one?"

"I see Shuri-san no longer loves you. If you continue to force her, I'm afraid as a good future son-in-law, I can't stand by and have to do something."

"Eiji, are you threatening me? You already have Akeno, you still want her mother? Shuri is my wife!" Baraqiel stared at Eiji sharply, sparks of holy lightning began to dance all over his body.

Even if he knew he could not defeat Eiji.

Unlike Sirzechs, Baraqiel could not stand the green color in his head. He would rather fight Eiji to the death than...!

"Father-in-law, Baraqiel. Even if you don't want to, you have to do it. From now on, you can't chase after Shuri-san anymore, you can only look at her and can't try to touch her again like before, okay?"


Baraqiel did not answer, or rather he could not. Currently his body was frozen as if not his own which made him horrified and tried to stop his mouth from wanting to say "Okay."

"Good answer... I'm not that bad. If you want a woman, you should go find another woman who has nothing to do with me, okay? You can date or even get married again."


"Well... You should behave normally while obeying my words. Father-in-law, aren't we family? I'll take care of Akeno and Shuri-san from now on." Eiji said, his eyes already turning into Mangekyou Sharingan. He didn't want to kill his own woman's father, but Baraqiel was too stubborn, only genjutsu could solve this problem quickly and gently.

"Eiji, I understand. Shuri no longer loves me, I must not force her." Baraqiel smiled, the holy lightning in his body had also been retracted. The big man had a guilty expression on his face.

"Right, sometimes loving someone is enough to see them happy with someone else."

"Hahaha! I think you're right. Eiji, I hope you can convey my apologies to Shuri and Akeno for what happened earlier."

"Don't worry, I'll convince them not to hate you too much."

Eiji's face was so thick, even Miss System who was watching was embarrassed. Especially after Baraqiel said goodbye and returned to Grigori. At that moment, his host had a crazy idea.

―Maybe I should release the Mugen Tsukuyomi genjutsu like Madara did in this world? That way, not only people like Baraqiel, the villains will also...

¶{No! If you do that, the rest of the plot won't be counted by the system and you won't get any rewards!}

―Tch! What about this plot?

¶{That doesn't count either.}


¶{Yes, but without that, this plot does not affect the other plots. Is this even a plot? Shuri is just an ordinary pretty milf that you are reluctant to let go of!}

Eiji is disappointed, he can only be satisfied with milfs... He meant to help Shuri not to be bothered by her ex-husband anymore. But hey it's not bad, because after he returned to Akeno and her mother's house. He explained to the two women that from now on Baraqiel would definitely not look for trouble anymore.

Even if he came, he would only come as a father who missed his daughter. Akeno had to put up with this, she at least really persuaded the girl not to hate Baraqiel so much. This made Shuri smile, she liked her future son-in-law even more.

"Shuri-san, instead of staying here alone. Why not stay with us? There are many bedrooms in my house."

It was already afternoon, Eiji and Akeno spent half a day with Shuri. While Akeno was not surprised by what Eiji said. Shuri was slightly surprised and smiled seductively.

"Are you sure? Inviting your mother-in-law to live with you and Akeno. I remember there were many other women living there and they were all your women. Could it be that Eiji also wants his mother-in-law?"

"...." Akeno.

"Ahem! Shuri-san, you must be joking. I'm just worried that you're lonely living here alone. Besides, Akeno stays at my house more often than she stays at her mother's."

Eiji meant well, there was no way he was going to admit his true motives, at least out of his mouth. But contrary to what he thought, Akeno smiled. That girl also didn't seem to mind?

Shuri actually wanted to tease her daughter, but she was destined to be disappointed and confused by what Akeno said.

"Okaa-san, I agree with what Eiji said. Besides the girls, there are also mature women like Grayfia, Serafall, Tearju and Yasaka living in Eiji's house. I'm sure you'll like chatting with them rather than staying here alone."

"If you feel lonely as a woman. Instead of looking for another man, you can also ask Eiji to help you."

"Ara Ara. Akeno, are you serious?"

"Fufu. Okaa-san, your daughter is not a stingy girl."

"Oh my~ Is it alright?"

"As long as Okaa-san herself doesn't mind of course. As for Eiji? Darling, you won't refuse, right?"

The mother and daughter who could be misunderstood as twins by others stared at him.

Eiji was dumbfounded that this development was faster than he thought.

[Akeno is crazy, she just convinced her mother to live in my house and told her mother that she doesn't mind sharing her man with her.]

[First Asia, Mio, then now Akeno. Oh wait, I think Sona has done something similar too. Shuri is undoubtedly a beautiful woman. Just like Akeno, she looks like Yamato Nadeshiko!]

[So beautiful and virtuous with good household skills. Which man would refuse? I'm just a little sorry for Baraqiel that his daughter wants to give him a green hat.]

That's what you say to the woman who helped you get her mom?

You call her crazy?

Stop pretending, I know you're interested in my mom!

Akeno rolled her eyes.

Do you know what Eiji did when they spent time with her today? Whenever they were together, she clearly saw him often glance at her mother with the gaze he used to give his woman.

Especially when they were cooking food in the kitchen, Eiji seemed to enjoy seeing them both wearing aprons of the same color.

His gaze also often fell on their asses!

As for feeling sorry for Baraqiel?

She saw Eiji rubbing his nose before saying: "Sure, why not? Shuri-san, I definitely treat you well. The Seiya family has no shortage of room for a woman as beautiful as you."

Pity for her father? Where? Akeno couldn't see it!

Shuri held her cheeks in the same way Akeno often did. The woman did not expect her future son-in-law to be so honest.

"Shuri-san, what do you think?"



Faced with her second question, what should Shuri do?

Shuri didn't even think about Baraqiel at that moment. She really had no more affection for the man after knowing what Akeno went through before Eiji revived her.

And speaking of reviving her. She actually felt she owed that boy a lot.

Eiji was so handsome and strong, unlike anyone else, he could definitely protect her and her daughter from any wind and rain. Shuri didn't hate him, she actually quite liked him.

So isn't it obvious?


¶{Ding! It was detected that the host has changed the plot in the [Highschool DxD] franchise.}

¶{Successfully changed the plot of [Highschool DxD] by 65% by wiping out the Hero Faction, preventing Ophis from being divided into two, wiping out the Evil Dragon army and foiling Rizevim's plan to resurrect Trihexa!}

¶{Ding! Congratulations host, you got the "Black Hand of the Goddess"}


Eiji dropped the kobe beef he had just finished grilling and was about to give to Ophis with his chopsticks, fortunately the reaction of the Infinite Dragon God was quick. With the girl's personality, she did not move from her seat--but the meat floated and flew into her mouth.

"That was close. Ophis, good catch."

"...." Ophis was busy chewing, she just nodded at Eiji.

Eiji patted the loli's head before passing his chopsticks to Momo. The pink-haired girl naturally took the chopsticks from his hand and looked at him in confusion.

"Where are you going, Eiji-san?"

"I have a sudden urge to use the toilet."


Momo looked down at his pants and blushed slightly. No, why are you blushing? Eiji's lips twitched, this girl must be thinking of his little brother.

For dinner, they had a barbecue. It just so happened that Shuri had also just moved into their house and they made it more festive as if celebrating the arrival of another woman in his home.

No one was surprised that he had brought Akeno's mother home. Eiji thought it was because he had already said it in his inner voice, so the girls already knew, right? Even Grayfia had prepared a bedroom for Shuri when they got home.

Leaving the women who were having fun on the first floor, Eiji was in no hurry to eat Shuri and went to his own bedroom. Once there, he took out the object he had just gotten from the system!

Precisely a jet-black glove with dragon-like scales and an ominous purple pulse.

Black Hand of the Goddess.

Probably because Ophis had something to do with the reward this time.

He got this glove.

In fact Eiji wasn't familiar, but after looking at the description the system gave. He had to say that the reward this time was quite good.

As the name suggests, this glove once belonged to a goddess who was later passed down to one of the villain bosses in the game. And like Ophis, this glove had limitless power. Not infinite, but limitless which is actually not much different.

But if what the description says is true. With just a wave of the hand, this glove has a destructive power that can blow up planets with ease.

Eiji wasn't sure how far Ophis could go with her infinite power. Even so, the Black Hand of the Goddess was definitely no worse than the Infinite Dragon God since it was a product of the system.

"The good news is it's a good addition to my collection, the bad news is I don't know where to use it."

¶{You can go into space to blow up uninhabited planets.}

"Just to try on these gloves? To be honest without a suitable plot, I'm too lazy to use them."


Not just the Black Hand of the Goddess, but even the other rewards Eiji had obtained so far. Many of them he had not used simply because the enemies that often provoked him were too weak.

There was the option to take the initiative to find trouble, but hey for the sake of the plot and rewards.

Eiji still has to be patient for now.


The next day.

During the lunch break in the occult research room.

"Hello Eiji-sama, this isn't the first time we've met."

"Oh it's you. What about your older brother?"

"Ah he's... Onii-sama, is at home. Ravel wanted to thank you for what Eiji-sama did for Onii-sama and the reinforcements you sent back then."

Under the gaze of Rias and the others, Ravel bowed her head to Eiji. From the clothes she was wearing, it was not hard to guess that the girl started school here.

Just like in the original work, now Ravel should be a first year high school student. Even so, her figure was much better than girls her age.

Eiji could see Koneko staring at Ravel's chest with envy. The two of them were obviously the same age, but there was a considerable difference. In fact Ravel wasn't that big, she was a petite type of girl, it was just that her figure was curvy and her breasts seemed a little bigger than her original work.

"If you're talking about Alpha and the other girls I sent to help the Alliance. I can understand, but you're thanking me for what you did to your older brother, Riser?"

Just like Eiji, Rias also looked at Ravel in confusion.

Ever since Rias and Riser broke off their engagement. Except for receiving a box of Phenex Tears sent by the Phenex Family, the crimson-haired girl had not even bothered to find out the things that happened to her former fiancé.

Eiji needless to say, unless Ravel took the initiative to come at him like now-he would probably continue to forget the existence of this heroine.

The mission he gave Alpha and the others when the Khaos Brigade attacked the underworld was also not very detailed. He just told them to help the devils in the underworld.

Eiji had no idea Alpha and the others were promoting his name in such a way.

"Does Eiji-sama remember when you made Onii-sama's sword malfunction?" Ravel asked.

The girl smiled wryly, she ignored Rias and the others who seemed to be holding back their laughter―her gaze that was a little hot like a nymphomaniac was only focused on Eiji. Seeing again the man whose inner voice she had often heard, don't know what the girl was thinking.

Eiji certainly realized how Ravel looked at him.

"I remember."

"Thanks to that Onii-sama has changed into a better person. Even after he recovered, he stopped with his playboy hobby, practiced his peerage seriously and learned to manage the Phenex territory!"

"Congratulations, I didn't expect that it would trigger character development."

"Yes! And that's thanks to Eiji-sama!"

"No need to be so serious, I just did it to teach your older brother a little lesson."

"Even so, even so, there were also your subordinates that you sent out back then. If it wasn't for you, the Phenex territory would have been completely destroyed and we would have been tortured to madness by Crom Cruach."

"There's something like that?" Eiji just found out, Alpha and the others did not include this in the report.

Ravel nodded vigorously. "Yes, that's why the Phenex family sent Ravel here. Actually, Ravel took the initiative..."

Just like her older brother, this girl liked to refer to herself from the third point of view, right? Eiji found it funny.

"Okay, so why did Ravel ask Rias to call me here?"

"That... Ravel wants..."

Ravel pinched her school skirt nervously, there was a blush on her cheeks that made everyone in the room look at her strangely.

Especially Rias, her lips twitched. Just yesterday Eiji got Yasaka and Shuri. Now there is another woman who took the initiative to give herself to that man?

This frequency is increasing, it's too much!


A loud explosion sound was heard from the other side of the school. There were also magic fluctuations that many felt in the occult research club room.

"What's going on?"

Rias and everyone got up from their seats, Ravel naturally did not finish her words which made Eiji sigh.

[Actually I remember there was a plot today. It's a bit different from the original work, but the protagonist Basara is definitely in trouble.]


A/N: If you want to read 7 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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