Yami is confused, I have a sister?

Kuoh Academy.

The side yard of the first-year student building.

Because of its nice view with trees and some long chairs lined up.

Usually, during the lunch break, some students would have lunch or hang out there.

Yami was one of them.

The blonde girl was sitting alone while eating taiyaki and reading a book. She seemed to be enjoying herself until...

[Yami was a loner as usual. Aren't you already friends with Nana and Momo? You can have lunch with them!]

"Mind your own business, Eiji Seiya." Yami muttered, she continued her daily routine quietly.

That man must be watching from somewhere. But so what?

As long as he did not come to her, she would ignore him.

Of course, she must not have forgotten the other party was her target.

[In the original work... Ah no, I mean the plot I checked this morning. Today, one of the villains who just came to earth will target Yami. I know that girl is strong, but just in case I'll be watching her from a distance.]

"I don't need you to watch over me."

Yami's eyes narrowed, she increased her vigilance after knowing someone might attack her.

But without realizing it, the corners of her mouth turned up at the sound of Eiji worrying about her.

[As a galaxy-famous assassin, Yami has a bounty on her head. The villain who will attack her is a bounty hunter.]

[Due to the plot change, that bounty hunter is unlikely to be driven away by Yami's sister.]

"My sister? Who?"

Yami was confused, she was sure she was an only child created by Tearju using nano technology.

She didn't have any sisters at all.

Tearju who was sitting in the teacher's office was just as confused as Yami. She was also worried about the people who were targeting the girl. As for Yami's sister? She had a guess about who it was.

"What's wrong Tearju?" Shizuka asked the blonde woman. Just like other heroines, she knew Tearju could also hear inner voices.

But she pretended not to know, and asked as a good coworker.

Tearju herself forgot the woman sitting next to her was a heroine. Eiji rarely mentioned her anyway. She shook her head and said, "It's nothing. I just remembered something, but there seems to be no need to worry because someone will take care of it."

"You mean that boy?" Shizuka blurted out, she regretted it and hurriedly closed her mouth.

"Shizuka, do you know Eiji?"

"No, I just guessed and thought you had a problem with a certain naughty student haha."

Shizuka waved her hand and laughed awkwardly. There was a reason why she was pretending like this. Actually it was because she wanted to avoid Eiji so that he wouldn't remember to collect a debt from her! And that included fooling the other heroines who had something to do with that boy.

However, Shizuka knew Tearju was actually staying with Eiji. If this woman suddenly mentioned her name in front of Eiji. Wouldn't that boy remember to collect her debt and humiliate her?

Shizuka knew if that happened she couldn't refuse because she wasn't the type to take back what she said.

So far, Eiji seemed to have forgotten and that was good. Although she missed that boy a little... Just a little of course. Shizuka hurriedly shook her head, it would be bad if people at school knew she was engaged to her own student!

Looking at Shizuka who suddenly shook her head with a slightly red face. With a scientist IQ like Tearju, how could she not be suspicious?

But on second thought, Shizuka's name was familiar. She felt that in the past Eiji had mentioned her name in his inner voice.

At this moment, when Yami walked further into the schoolyard. In fact Yami deliberately went to a quieter place to test whether what Eiji said about the bounty hunter who came to earth to hunt her down was true? If so, the person in question should be provoked when she goes somewhere like this alone.

And sure enough, the sound of footsteps suddenly emerged from behind a tree and came out to display its form.

"Khu khu, Konjiki no Yami. The high-priced fugitive. I see you seem to be enjoying yourself on this planet."

"You really appeared." Yami looked back and saw a figure over 2 meters tall standing there.

That person had a lot of muscles and had a metal-colored body.

That must be the bounty hunter Eiji was referring to.

"You know me? I'm honored! Hahaha!"

"...." Yami wanted to say no, this guy misunderstood. But whatever, her golden hair was already floating in the air and ready to fight.

"That's right. It's me. The muscular aviator, the strongest bounty hunter, Mr. Guch Mucho! Konjiki no Yami, I want your head! Although we have no grudge, I will―"


Before Guch or anything else could finish his words, his body was blasted by a pillar of golden light that suddenly descended from the sky.

The big man died instantly without leaving anything behind.

Yami was dumbfounded because it wasn't her who did it. She hadn't attacked yet!

Was it Eiji?

[Well... You guys are really serious about competing, right? Not even allowing me to do a heroine rescue even though it's not necessary?]

Eiji looked at what happened with the "Heroine Monitor" with a wry smile. He wasn't actually at the scene, Yami even misunderstood that he was around to watch her and felt warm because of it.

But the truth? Eiji was on the roof of the school right now. Sitting next to him, there was Utaha who had recently come to his class to invite him to have lunch together.

Eiji certainly did not refuse. Under the envious gaze of several male students who were also having lunch on the roof. A beautiful black-haired senior with a curvaceous figure that undoubtedly stimulates male hormones. Moreover, the round and long legs were wrapped in black stockings.

Her pretty face and snow-white skin didn't help either. One of the most popular girls in the third year, Utaha was now feeding Eiji with her chopsticks!

And that bento, it was her homemade bento that made several male students stare at Eiji with envy and hatred. However, none of them dared to disturb the two.

"Is it delicious?"

"It's very delicious. Utaha senpai, have you finally fallen in love with your junior?"

"Eiji-kun, you're narcissistic. I'm doing this to thank you for all your help. But who knows? Maybe this beautiful senpai is really in love with you?"

Utaha smiled coquettishly, she shifted her body closer and whispered in Eiji's ear. The fragrant smell and softness of the girl's body fell on him.

Eiji's lips twitched. If there were no other students on the roof with his morality that was getting lower as his power grew.

He wanted to punish Utaha here with his sword.


Asia quietly apologized to Eiji for doing what she wanted to do first. But before leaving for school, they had already discussed about this, right? So it should be fine.

[Asia: I did it!]

[Mai: did what?]

[Asia: 1 point for me. Kyouko, what about you? I think you better give up.]

[Kyouko: No! Asia, you're lucky this target isn't far from you. There are still other targets. If they appear in front of me, I'll slaughter them and get the staff!]

[Asia: Good luck then.]

[Rias: You guys are really excited, right?]

[Ai: I'm starting to feel a little sorry for the villains.]

[Sona: Who's hunting who?]

Asia who had just killed Guch Mucho with her Balance Breaker mode smiled. She thought the bounty hunter was strong, but he was very weak.

It was a bit wasteful to use her Balance Breaker just to kill him. After deactivating her Balance Breaker, she looked at Yami who was staring at her in confusion.

"Yami-san, are you okay?"


"That's good. By the way, Eiji-san sent me here because he was worried about you."

"Is that so?"


Asia lied with a very natural expression. Yami was fooled by the girl and believed what she said.

Yami's impression of Eiji became better. Although she herself could defeat Guch Mucho. This kind of protected feeling made her feel comfortable.

Unfortunately Yami hadn't joined the heroines' chat group yet. If she did, she might not know what to say when she saw the game the girls were playing.

But unbeknownst to the two of them.

A red-haired girl had been watching everything that was happening on top of one of the school buildings. She originally wanted to make a move to kill Guch Mucho for daring to attack her sister, but someone was already ahead of her.

"Um?" Yami felt someone's gaze from the top of the school building, she glanced in that direction and saw no one there.

Yami was sure she wasn't hallucinating. Whoever it was, if they were looking for trouble with her, she would hit them.

However, Eiji who was watching the whole thing from the "Heroine Monitor" saw better than all and laughed.

"Eiji-kun, don't laugh while eating. You might choke. Is that another pretty girl?"

"Cough! Senpai, how did you know?" Eiji sometimes didn't realize how predictable he was by the heroines who had been hearing his inner voice.

Sitting on a long chair, Utaha raised one leg to her thigh. The plump pair of thighs were piled on top of each other. That posture made Eiji's gaze glance at the black stockings that were getting stretched because of the flesh inside.

[Utaha has nice thighs. So fleshy and white. Combined with the black stockings she's wearing, the contrast suits her perfectly!]

[I don't know what went wrong with Tomoya's brain in the original work to reject such a beautiful girl.]

The heroines: "...."

Utaha giggled, she certainly noticed Eiji's heated gaze staring at her thighs. The man didn't bother to hide it either, he wasn't hypocritical like other men, but he was shameless.

Even so, Utaha did not resent his greedy gaze on her body. Just because the other party was Eiji who had helped her a lot of course.

They had finished lunch and were eating desserts such as bread and milk from the school cafeteria.

"So I was right? Eiji-kun, you're a perverted junior. You're also bad. When having lunch with a pretty girl, how can you think of another girl?"

"Pretty girl? Where?"

Eiji looked around, Utaha pinched his waist with an annoyed look. She pretended to be angry.

Eiji didn't yell, he didn't even feel amused by the girl's pinch. Even so he immediately looked at Utaha with a surprised look.

"Ah right. There's a super beautiful girl sitting next to me. What blind man would ignore her?"

"It's you." Utaha rolled her beautiful red eyes.

Eiji shook his head, he wrapped his arms around Utaha's soft waist and placed the girl on his lap.

Utaha blushed, she didn't expect Eiji to be this brave. After all, there were still other students watching on the roof!

Seeing Utaha senpai who is usually cold and keeps her distance from others, even from her classmates now looks like a shy girl on a boy's lap.

There were many sounds of boy's heartbreak and girls eagerly gossiping.

"Bad junior. Let me go."

"What if I don't want to?"


"I'm what?"

"You're shameless! Do you like your senpai that much?" Utaha was actually trying to tease.

But she didn't expect Eiji to say, "Yes, I like her. How about senpai being my girlfriend?"

Utaha slapped the boy's chest gently. Anyone could see that the girl didn't hate sitting on Eiji's lap and being hugged by him.

Utaha was just embarrassed, but she pretended to be calm and looked at Eiji's handsome face who was also staring at her. Her heart pounding, she snorted and said: "You mean one of your girlfriends? Do you think I'll agree?"

"Why not? Isn't it nice to have many sisters serving your man? If you get tired at night, you can tell your sisters to replace you."


Utaha wondered what Eiji was really talking about? However, as a writer of romantic novels with an adult genre. She quickly realized what the boy meant.

Her face was getting redder, this was also caused by something poking her butt.

"Bah bah! You think you're the harem protagonist?"

"You guessed it right."


Wait, Utaha remembered that Eiji was indeed telling the truth. Eiji is not the protagonist of the original work, with the status of a time traveler or transmigrator from another world. This man was like a fanfic protagonist hunting down another protagonist's heroine.

She, Kasumigaoka Utaha is actually the target of his capture. But does Utaha hate him? She didn't. After knowing Eiji and hearing his inner voice all this time.

Unlike tsundere girls like Eriri. Utaha knew it seemed like she had fallen in love with Eiji and she did not deny it.

So seeing Eiji tilt his head with a confused expression from seeing her not speak. Instead of answering him with words, under the gaze of the students on the rooftop, Utaha lifted her lips as if offering them and closed her eyes.

How could a veteran like Eiji not understand what Utaha was doing? The girl was asking for a kiss!

Only a herbivorous protagonist would refuse something this good. Eiji didn't care about the audience, he bent down and was about to kiss Utaha's delicious lips.

But at this moment...

"Fat woman, Kasumigaoka Utaha, what are you doing? Stop!!!"


A/N: If you want to read 7 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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