Helping Koneko and Nana

"Koneko, it's actually easy to get what you want. Without my help, you can also do it yourself."

It was night. Sheila and Zest had already returned to the Demon Realm after inviting them. The woman also did not forget to invite Mio and the others.

Mio basically agreed. Before going home from school, they even had a discussion about this. Other than Mio, just like in Yuki's original work, Kurumi and Basara came along. Basara needless to say, even though the plot was different from the original work, Mio was still her younger sister and as a protagonist she couldn't stay silent when her younger sister was in trouble.

If it was Mio before becoming Eiji's woman, she would have been touched to hear Basara was willing to follow her to the Demon Realm despite the danger and fall in love with him even more. Unfortunately, the current Mio was only slightly moved by Basara and gave him the "good Onii-chan" card.

Yuki too, in fact her relationship with Mio is not that bad. Without fighting over Basara, she and Mio were good classmates. Although Yuki never said it directly, she couldn't stay silent when Sheila extended her invitation to Mio in class before school.

Maria was surprised to see her mother, they looked more like a pair of sisters than mother and daughter.

And Kurumi, she wanted to help Mio because she was her sister in Eiji's harem and had shared a bed together. Yuki didn't know the latter, even if she did, what could she do? In fact after Kurumi told her about her relationship with Eiji, Yuki was not so opposed to their relationship and just nodded. Behind her expressionless face, who knows what the blue-haired girl was thinking.

Now Eiji and Koneko sat facing each other in the study room. While Eiji was relaxing; reading a book with the cat licking him under the table.

Koneko looked at Eiji in confusion as the man's lips sometimes twitched as if he was constipated.

"Eiji-senpai, do you have a stomach ache?"

"No, I'm fine."

"Oh... About what you said before, how exactly?"

With golden eyes filled with hope, and white pajamas as white as her hair. Koneko was very cute. Yet the girl wasn't satisfied with herself, she wanted to be as big as Kuroka and the others.

Eiji knew the reason why Koneko was willing to stay at his house was because Rias seduced the girl with his ability to enlarge women's breasts.

Ignoring the pleasure below his waist, Eiji rubbed his chin and said. "Koneko, I heard that you often train with Kuroka. She has taught you everything she has, right?"

Koneko nodded. "Un, Kuroka-neesama has done it."

"Then, you must already know how to manipulate the ki around you and synchronize it with your touki."

"In this condition you will usually enter your nekomata mode."

Koneko wasn't surprised Eiji knew how her power worked. After all it was Eiji, the one who knew the plot of the original work.

Even so.

"I have indeed mastered my nekomata mode. But what does this have to do with enlarging it..." Although her face was expressionless, Koneko had a slight blush on her snow-white cheeks.

To be honest when she was alone with Eiji in one room like this, the man's gaze made her a little uneasy.

Koneko couldn't resist bringing her thighs together and squeezing them tightly.

She knew Eiji was a pervert who had fucked her king and her elder sister. There were also other women, this man had many women, his appetite was unquestionable.

But is he also interested in petite girls like her?

When thinking of this, Koneko had no rejection in her heart.

It was just that Eiji had never taken the initiative to look for her since their first meeting on the school roof a few months ago.

Koneko felt that the other party wasn't interested in her because of her figure which made her depressed.

Obviously she's also a heroine, right? Why would this pervert ignore her? Snort!

"...." Eiji didn't know what Koneko was thinking. If he knew, he would argue by saying it's not like I'm ignoring you, Koneko. Except for cases like Maria being eaten first because of the plot. I'm just prioritizing the big ones first over the small ones. I want the small ones to grow first before I eat them... Cough, but there was no way he would say all that to Koneko.

He would pretend like it was now.

"Koneko, you don't know. Actually even though you've mastered your nekomata mode. Receiving your nekomata side after making up with Kuroka. You've never used it at full power, right?"

"That's... I've never done it." Koneko never had the chance to do so. After all, to fight her current enemies, the nekomata mode that grew ears and her two cats that increased her power were enough.

Eiji knew this, even in the plot of the evil dragons attack, unlike in the original work, many of the dragons were slaughtered by Lala and the others. Rias was also stronger than the original work, she could fight the boss villain by herself. At this point, except for Akeno whose strength has increased due to the influence of the Master-Servant contract. The other peraage members were only there as additions.

"Then try doing it now." Eiji said.

Koneko hesitated. "Here?"

"Yes, is there a problem?" Asked Eiji while looking at the white-haired girl confusedly and excitedly.

Koneko shook her head. "Nothing. It's just that I felt like I heard something earlier."

"It was probably a rat. Don't think about it too much. Now quickly show your full power without holding back at all."

"Un, since Senpai said that then..."

Koneko blushed. As a nekomata whose ears and smell were sharp. She clearly heard a moaning sound like a girl choking on something. The origin of the sound was from under Eiji's desk, there was someone inside there.

And based on her understanding of Eiji, she knew that man must be doing something perverted down there!

This man, while talking to her, he was also...

From the smell, she could even tell who was hiding down there.

Even so, in this situation, it was difficult for her to expose the other party. Or rather, Koneko would rather try to do what Eiji said.

Koneko stood up, she closed her eyes and focused on the natural ki around her. She absorbed them slowly into her body and synchronized them with the flow of touki in her body.

Her ears and two cat tails appeared. She could feel Eiji staring at her more intensely than before which made her embarrassed.

Usually after entering this state, Koneko would stop because she was basically already in level 2 nekomata mode based on the number of tails.

She was much stronger in this mode. It was no problem to destroy a tank in one punch.

But Eiji told her to continue which meant she had to absorb more of the natural ki around her.

Koneko did so.



Do it until she reached her limit!

Perhaps because Koneko was too focused and closed her eyes, she didn't realize her pajamas were getting tighter and the buttons were coming off one by one.

The soft-looking white skin was exposed a lot in front of Eiji's eyes.

From Eiji's perspective, he could see Koneko's height which was originally 138 cm slowly increased to 160 cm!

Not only that her figure was also growing. The waist that was originally petite became more fleshy and curved like an hourglass.

Her short legs became long legs equivalent to a model.

Her hands are also the same.

Koneko's facial features that were originally more inclined towards cute now became more beautiful and mature.

Her hair also grew past her shoulders.

And the most amazing thing was...!

[It's growing! Koneko has grown up! Like jumping through time a few years, the cute loli Koneko became an older sister! Her chest even grew into the same E-cup as Kuroka's!]

[Hey hey, Koneko's Nekomimi charm has gone through the roof. If Kuroka is a wild cat whose every move is flirtatious and lustful.]

"...." Kuroka who is on the first floor with the others.

So that's the image of me in your mind?

What about my sister?

[Koneko is a house cat! Her white hair and white skin that looks pure and untainted is so beautiful! As she stood in front of me half-naked because her clothes were torn...]

[Damn! Like a cherry on top of a snowy hill, it's also very hot! What man wouldn't want to dirty it? And what's with that white kimono that suddenly appeared? Ah, although it makes it more beautiful. I'd rather see her naked!]

[99 points! I like it! Only when there aren't any clothes, it will be 100 points from me.]

The heroines didn't know how to comment on this man.

Not only was he so excited about Koneko somehow growing up.

Eiji was also evaluating and grading the girl.

Unlike Eiji who seemed calm and cool on the surface, in his heart he was also a pervert like any other man.

However, Koneko was very happy to hear so many compliments about her from that man.

Koneko opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was Eiji's heated gaze on her body.

But put that aside.

She looked at herself, lowering her head.

Not the floor she often saw, she was now looking at her own cleavage!

Koneko wanted to cry from happiness! Incidentally, there was a mirror in the study room. It was right beside her, she could see her much taller self with a proportional figure wrapped in a white kimono.

Such big breasts, such plump thighs.

No wonder Eiji looked at her hotly as if he wanted to eat her which made her heart pound.

Glancing at the man who was still sitting, Koneko smiled sweetly.

"Thank you Eiji-senpai! What do you think... Am I pretty now?" Koneko's golden eyes flashed with mischievous light. She placed one hand on her waist and stood in a posture similar to Kuroka.

[This girl... Not only did your body get bigger. You've also changed your personality to be somewhat similar to your older sister? You're getting more confident! That's good, but don't play with fire with me, okay?]

[At least for now. It's hard, especially with the girl hiding under the table and licking my lollipop. Ugh! Can you calm down? Don't be jealous of Koneko! I'm helping you here too!]

[Koneko has her own way. I'm helping you my way!]

"...." Koneko's lips twitched. She was happy that Eiji was completely mesmerized by her current appearance.

But glanced at the table covering Eiji's legs.

"...." The pink-haired girl who came first and had been hiding for a long time because of the arrival of Koneko who had the same goal as her.

Nana refrained from gnashing her teeth because currently her mouth was full of Eiji's penis.

Her face was red, her hair was disheveled and her skin was sweaty because it was hot down here.

She was wearing pink pajamas that had all the buttons undone to reveal her chest.

If anyone saw Nana at this time, they would be dumbfounded because the flat girl looked very erotic.

There was white liquid spilling from the corner of her mouth.

Even so, to vent her frustration because Eiji told her to do this to get what she wanted. She didn't resist because she didn't actually hate it either. She initially enjoyed it...

At least until Koneko came along and seemed to have her own method of making her grow up!

Nana was a little envious, but that was it. What annoyed her was that Eiji was mesmerized by the girl while she was giving him mouth service.

The man's penis was even getting harder and bigger inside her throat.

She was jealous.

So she moved her neck more viciously. Moving her head back and forth while enduring the feeling of wanting to vomit because Eiji's penis was so long.

Nana wanted to make Eiji moan in front of Koneko and embarrass him.

Unfortunately Nana was naive. What she was talking about was Eiji, the man whose face was as thick as a wall and had no shame.

That man is shameless!

"You're welcome Koneko. Before you were also beautiful and cute. Now you've become even more beautiful. Many men out there including me will be mesmerized when they see you." Eiji said with a smile on his handsome face. One of his hands went under the table and held Nana's head.

Nana was dumbfounded, her head was not her own. Instead of stopping her, Eiji moved her head faster!

Wuu wuu her throat might hurt after this.

Nana's eyes were blurry, what could she do? She couldn't resist because she was also aroused and enjoying it.

'Eiji... Brother-in-law...Oh~ This flavor... Like strawberry yogurt, so delicious~!'

Now Nana understood why her older sister, Lala and the other women were so obsessed with Eiji. Aside from the good looks, power, inner voice and other factors.

They must be addicted to this man's milk, right?

Koneko walked over to Eiji's desk and stood right in front of him. She placed both of her hands on the table vigorously until her chest swayed according to the law of gravity. "Really?! According to Eiji-senpai, which one is prettier, me or Kuroka-neesama?"

"...." Eiji fell silent. His gaze naturally fell on the cleavage under the girl's kimono. He glanced at Koneko's beautiful face which was smiling faintly. The girl was trying to keep her face expressionless, but the blush on her cheeks betrayed her. "You two are both beautiful. Kuroka is a black cat and you are a white cat. You have your strengths and weaknesses."

Koneko rolled her eyes. Unable to choose one, you chose the safe answer of praising both.

As expected of you. Harem-senpai.

She did not hate him, even though this man was a pervert, she knew he was a very good person. At least to his women.

Eiji had also helped her make up with her older sister.

If it wasn't for him, Koneko knew she would continue to misunderstand Kuroka and hate her just for killing trash.

Eiji had also happily helped her when she asked for his help to make her breasts bigger. Not only that, he basically made her instantly grow up to have a figure not inferior to her older sister.

'In short I was moved by Senpai. Being stared at this closely by Eiji-senpai...with that kind of gaze. My heart is noisy, my body is hotter than usual.'

'This feeling, I might have been...'

¶{Yes! Hahaha! Yes!}

Miss System, what's wrong? You're not crazy, right? You haven't rewarded me yet, you can't go crazy yet!

Eiji was concerned about Miss System's mental state.

¶{My host, you and the women around you are crazy. Please continue your hard work.}


Speaking of the women around me... Aren't you also one of them?

Looking at Koneko who was looking at him gently and calmly like lake water. Eiji's lips trembled, he tried to hold back his groan because Nana was a fast learner and had a talent for this!

Even after he stopped moving his hands, Nana still moved her head greedily.

"Eiji-senpai, are you enjoying it so much?"

"Koneko, what are you saying? I don't understand." Eiji pretended not to know. He remembered Koneko was a nekomata and how to unlock her adult mode, but he didn't remember the girl's hearing and smell being sharper than Rias and the others.

Koneko pursed her lips. She had felt fine before, but why was she bothered now? She seemed to be jealous of Nana who was now eagerly tasting her senpai's penis.

Now her figure was already this good. Can't she join in? If it's Eiji, she doesn't mind.

She definitely won't lose to Nana! She also wouldn't lose to her older sister and the other women in Eiji's harem.

Hearing Eiji feign ignorance, Koneko snorted and climbed onto the table which left the man dumbfounded. Nana who was busy under the table certainly felt the vibration above her head and wondered what Koneko wanted to do?

Koneko crawled like a cat on the table, her face just inches away from Eiji's. In this mode, shirone mode. In addition to her appearance, her power was also much stronger than level 2 nekomata mode.

"Senpai, I just realized something." Koneko said with a sweet breath that blew into Eiji's face.

Eiji averted his gaze from Koneko's breasts that were clearly visible in this position. He glanced at the beautiful face in front of him with 'confusion'.

"What did you realize, Koneko? You just realized your brother-in-law's good looks?"

Koneko smiled slightly, but raised her eyebrows. "That's one of them. But Senpai, you're very narcissistic, right?"

Eiji shrugged his shoulders. "Indeed."

"...." Koneko didn't expect Eiji not to deny it. But this was Eiji, this man did not like to play according to routine.

"I seem to be in love with you, Senpai... Even with Kuroka-neesama, Rias-neesama and the others. I love you, in the future, can I be your bride too?"


Nana who heard Koneko's confession to Eiji under the table was so shocked that her head hit the table.

But she didn't know, after Koneko said that. The girl didn't wait for Eiji to answer, she actually grabbed the man's face with both hands and kissed him passionately!

At this moment, hearing the voices above her, Nana felt green.

Obviously she came first.

Not only did Koneko get what she wanted first, she also confessed first to the man!

Nana had dozens of grievances in her heart, but what upset her the most was that she couldn't do what Koneko did. With her tsundere personality, it would be difficult.

And Eiji, in this situation, he dared to grab her head again. Nana widened her eyes and almost went crazy as she tasted more strawberry yogurt flooding her mouth.


A/N: If you want to read 7 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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By the way, don't forget to throw power stones and leave a review to motivate me :)


A/N 2: It's a bit late to ask this, but have any of you read a novel with a protagonist named Samantha Bella? The novel is called 'The Villains Need to Save the World?', what do you think if she actually became a woman? I mean right from the start she was female (A female protagonist in my mind even though in the original work it was a gender bander protagonist).