Lucia was dumbfounded!

[Tsk! If it weren't for Ramusas' other identity and the plot. I don't want Mio to bother coming to the Demon Realm. I'll directly destroy those disgusting people.]

[Isn't this Demon Realm vast? I'm actually a bit interested in having my own territory. It's not impossible for me to rule the Demon Realm. Being a King or Demon Lord sounds quite fun.]

[But put that aside.]

[In the original work. Mio, Basara and the others were not welcomed well after coming to Wildart Castle. Obviously Mio was Wilbert's daughter, she was the heir to the previous Demon Lord's power and wealth.]

[Lucia, however, on the first day Mio came to her biological father's residence. She was not given proper care and was made to sleep in a dirty room. Maria who became her own younger sister, Basara, Yuki and Kurumi also received the same treatment.]

[Basara in the original work didn't say anything about this, but I don't want my own woman to be treated badly. Lucia was just following orders, I know that. The person behind this is Ramusas.]

[Besides him, there are also people from the Demon Council who in this plot keep insisting that Mio be given to them. Ugly, not only are they greedy for the power inside Mio, they are also greedy for her body.]

[That's why in the near future they must die.]

The heroines were surprised.

Mio was too, but more than that, she was moved to hear what Eiji said.

The man's voice sounded annoyed.

Mio thought Eiji was fascinated by Lucia because he suddenly patted her shoulder, but she didn't expect him to secretly scold Ramusas who supposedly treated her badly.

She didn't know her uncle's other identity that made Eiji refrain from doing what he wanted.

But it must be because Eiji cared for her, right? Mio looked at the back of the man who had taken her virginity gently. Although Eiji was often busy with other women because of the plot, when her turn came, he really took good care of her.

Mio had no regrets for being Eiji's woman.

Except for Lucia, the other women who were there saw Mio looking at Eiji with love in her eyes. Her flushed face didn't help either, the girl fell deeper.

They were a little jealous of Mio because Eiji said all that for her sake.

[Rias: Mio, control your face. Aren't you worried about what Eiji said? Many people here seem to be targeting you.]

[Mio: ...I know, I'm also starting to regret a bit for bothering to come here. Sorry for troubling you guys. But Rias, are you jealous?]

[Sona: Yes, Rias does.]

[Rias: Huh? I'm serious here! Also, Eiji seems to have an idea to master the Demon Realm.]

[Akeno: Ara Ara. Isn't that great?]

[Tsubaki: I remember Mio-san is the daughter of one of the Faction leaders.]

[Maria: To be precise, Mio-sama is the candidate for Demon Queen of the Moderate Faction!]

[Mio: T-That title is kinda... I'm just a high school girl.]

They fell silent and looked at the girl in question flatly.

No, obviously you're not just a high school girl. All of us here are the same.

"...." Mio wanted to say something, but when Lucia and Eiji faced each other.

Basara suddenly came forward. "Eiji, how can you ask that? I'm sure Lucia-san didn't mean‒"

"That's right. Ramusas-sama did tell me not to serve you well. He wants Mio-sama and her group to stay in the maid's bedroom that hasn't been cleaned yet." Lucia sighed. She didn't know how Eiji found out, but instead of lying, she admitted it honestly.

"...." Basara was silent. Was Eiji right? He felt the girls looking at him with quite painful gazes. Rias and the others were fine if they did, but even you too, Yuki?

His two younger sisters too...

It seemed that before knowing more details, it was better to keep quiet.

Even so, it would be a lie if Basara didn't feel sour. He wasn't sure, but he felt he was the one who should be the center of the group. Eiji stole something from him. Recalling the conversation with Chisato a few days ago as well, knowing his aunt had an ambiguous relationship with Eiji.

Basara felt a considerable sense of loss.

But Basara was calm, he wasn't impulsive. After all it was just his feelings, he knew it was unreasonable to accuse Eiji without evidence.

But about his aunt and two younger sisters, he felt the need to talk to Eiji later.

Eiji didn't know what Basara was thinking, he didn't care and smiled faintly at Lucia.

"So what do you want to do? If you're really doing it. I'd better bring Mio and the others back."

"Forget Ramusas. If he still wants us to come just because he wants to and still makes us wait in an unworthy place."

"He should come to us himself."

"...." Lucia's expression became colder. If it was someone else who spoke harshly about her master. She would have attacked him already, Eiji was actually no exception.

Lucia knew Eiji was strong because he was able to kill one of the Demon Council and Cardinal Sins members, Zolgear.

Lucia had even watched the video. But as Ramusas-sama's servant, she had to teach a lesson to the one who...


That was what she was thinking, but she couldn't take any action as she stared into Eiji's red eyes.

The man was smiling, but his eyes were not smiling at all.

Lucia froze, her body unable to move and shivering slightly as she currently felt a pressure that was far more terrifying than her master!

As one of Ramusas' personal servants, Lucia herself was not weak. But in front of Eiji...

Lucia had the illusion that she was an ant standing in front of a Dragon. No, this feeling was even more terrifying than the Dragon.

Lucia wasn't sure, but fortunately at this time someone clapped.

Everyone naturally turned their heads only to see a middle-aged man walking towards them from the direction of the gate.

The middle-aged man looked friendly.

"Sorry to interrupt your discussion." He bowed slightly, his gaze glancing at Mio and the others before focusing on Eiji. "My name is Claus, nice to meet you. I heard your complaint, sorry. I didn't expect Lucia to do this to her daughter Wilbert-sama and her friends."

[Claus? Although this old man is not a very important character. I remember he was Wilbert's strategist or something.]

So the old man subordinate to her father? Mio understood, it made sense that he was defending her.

Maria was actually worried that if Claus didn't come, she herself would shout out to stop her older sister. Fortunately nothing bad happened, she breathed a sigh of relief.

What Maria and Lucia didn't know. Inside the castle, their mother was also about to take action. Sheila who could hear Eiji's inner voice was also naturally anxious about what her eldest daughter would do.

It's fine if it's someone else, but this is Eiji. From Zest who had heard Eiji's inner voice longer than her, Sheila knew the man's power seemed to be greater than she thought. His words about being able to destroy the Demon Council single-handedly might be real.

"But Ramusas-sama's order‒"

"I will report this to Ramusas-sama myself. Lucia, you don't need to worry."


Claus looked at Lucia, Lucia could only remain silent and seemed to accept what he said. No matter what status Claus was there, he was actually higher than servants like herself and had the ability to persuade Ramusas.

But at this moment, Eiji who had been holding Lucia's fragrant shoulders for a long time suddenly had an idea. Instead of paying attention to Claus, he glanced up and down at Lucia and imagined her, Maria and her mother together.

That sight looked good... Eiji admitted he was more lustful these days, he blamed his teenage hormones for that.

'Miss System.'

¶{Your appetite grows as your power increases. But no problem! Leave it to me!}

'As expected of my system. We seem to be made for each other.'

¶{Host, don't say anything embarrassing. You make me embarrassed and want to vomit.}

Hey that last one was a bit much.

But whatever, it's already on.

[This woman is lucky. You should thank old man Claus. If it weren't for him and you being Maria's older sister. Oh I remember you're also Sheila's daughter.]

[You're pretty, but that doesn't mean I can't hit a woman.]

[Lucia must have felt it earlier. I just showed her a little spiritual pressure from my eyes. She immediately fell silent and shivered with fear.]

[Hey I feel a little bad for bullying women. But it's her fault for overestimating herself.]

"...?" Lucia widened her eyes, she was surprised and wary. Especially at the man in front of her!

That voice... She was sure it was Eiji's voice, but the man did not open his mouth.

She also didn't feel any magical activity or anything.

His voice just appeared in her head.

Eiji didn't seem to be talking to her, rather he was talking to himself while mocking her.

Even Lucia who was usually calm and cool could also get angry because people mocked her.

But put that aside.

What is this? Why did she seem to be able to hear Eiji's inner voice?

Squinting her eyes, Lucia scanned Eiji's handsome face as if checking if he did it on purpose? But Eiji gave her a confused look.

[What's wrong with this woman? Lucia stared at my face without blinking. After being reprimanded by old man Claus you fell in love with me? Something is wrong with your brain.]

My brain is wrong? Your brain is wrong! How can you be so narcissistic and think I'm in love with you just for staring at your face without blinking?

He looks so handsome and calm on the outside, but on the inside... This man is so annoying.

Lucia's lips twitched, unconsciously squeezing her servant's skirt. She saw Maria giggling and the girls staring at her in silence. For some reason, Lucia felt embarrassed. She didn't show it on her face of course. But, could Maria and the girls hear her too? Otherwise, they wouldn't have reacted like that.

Lucia felt that this initially serious situation was developing in a strange direction.

And the cause was the man in front of her.

Eiji Seiya, somehow he seemed to know a lot about her. Knowing she was Maria's older sister was nothing wrong since the girl had called her 'Lucia-neesama' not long ago, but he also knew her mother.

Eiji knew about Sheila.

Lucia didn't know before she invited Mio who was at Basara's house yesterday. Actually her mother and Zest had invited Mio a few hours earlier than her.

This was different from the original work which made the woman confused.

"Eiji Seiya."

"Yes, Lucia-san."

"...." This man had an overly familiar tone to him even though he added -san, since when have we been that close? But Lucia sighed. "Until when do you want to hold my clothes? Please put your hands away."

Eiji feigned surprise, he reluctantly removed his hand from Lucia's shoulder. "Don't get me wrong, I was a little distracted earlier."

[What a pity. Lucia's shoulder honestly felt good to touch. Her flesh and muscles are soft, but strong enough to bend anywhere.]

[Is it because she's a succubus like Maria? I want to touch her longer, but forget it. My women are watching, it would be bad if they knew I was greedy for Lucia.]

Sometimes being so honest and showing his bad side would make his inner voice more convincing, Eiji deliberately did this.

That way, these women wouldn't be so suspicious and not think he knew they could hear his inner voice and deliberately...cough, no need to mention it.


No, we already know...

The heroines on the scene rolled their eyes.

Even Sheila had not expected Eiji to be so greedy. She knew he already had Maria in his harem. But he also wanted Lucia? He wanted both of her daughters!

But not impossible, Sheila held her chin. Actually right now she and Zest were watching what was happening in front of the castle from one of the rooms. There was an object similar to a CCTV screen there, a magical version that was more convenient to use.

"Sheila-sama, what are you thinking?"

"Zest-chan, I was just thinking about how to tie Eiji to our side. The younger ones like Maria already did it first, but Lucia has been single for a long time."

"As a mom, I'm worried she'll never have a boyfriend until her skin wrinkles from being so serious about her work."

But creatures like us have a long and youthful life. Especially succubus, Sheila-sama.

Zest wanted to say this, but forget it. Did Sheila forget? Yesterday Eiji also mentioned in his heart that he was interested in her.

So it's not just your two daughters, exactly you and your daughters are also desired by Eiji.

She remembered Sheila was a widow.

However, Sheila-sama. Why are you now looking at me with such sparkling eyes?


"...." Zest didn't want to answer, but she remembered. Since a month ago, the other party was basically her new master.

Reluctantly, "Sheila-sama, what are your orders?"

Eiji knew he succeeded, but he didn't know his luck was so crazy. He also didn't know the halo harem above his head was shining until it covered the entire castle at the moment.

Only Miss System was enjoying watching it all with popcorn.


Lucia didn't know what to say. Eiji said all that in his heart after all. And when she was about to say something about it, she couldn't say anything as if there was a force silencing her.

Just as she was about to insist, she felt a sense of danger as if she was going to die that scared her.

Whatever it was, Lucia knew she couldn't tell Eiji that she could hear his inner voice.

However, this man was very two-faced. On the surface he looked cold to her, but inside he was actually attracted to her!

Lucia didn't realize it, but the corners of her mouth turned up slightly as she was proud of her charm. Eiji was quite cute, obviously he was fascinated by her, but pretending to be cold? Cut!

"Cough." How long had he waited? Claus didn't know what was really going on, but he pretended to cough to get attention.

Eiji turned to the old man. Being too preoccupied with Lucia, he ignored him. "Claus, right? Nice to meet you. I'm Eiji Seiya."

"Oh you're Eiji Seiya? I've heard of you." Claus stroked his short beard, he also turned to Mio's other friends, especially Basara. "Jin Toujou's son, Basara Toujou is also here."

Basara nodded with a small smile at the old man.

Although not a demon, his father was famous in the Demon Realm.

Claus glanced at Rias, Sona and the others. Except for Mio, Eiji, Basara and Maria. He didn't recognize the others. But since those were the people Mio brought, they must be the girl's friends.

"Then let's go inside. I'll lead the way for you all myself."


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