Going into enemy territory, someone seeking death?


There was a reason why Basara took the initiative to train alone. He went into the forest quite far from the castle.

And sure enough, the person whose existence he sensed was leaning against a boulder and staring at him with a cigarette in his mouth.


"Yo Basara, it's been a while."

The middle-aged man with disheveled brown hair, wearing glasses, a white shirt and gray pants was Basara's father ― Jin Toujou.

There were two large non-wounds on his face that were evidence of his battles in the past.

Jin looked at his son whom he had just met again after three months casually.

"How are you? You and your two younger sisters are getting along well, right?"

"That's... Yes, we get along well." Basara smiled bitterly. It was true that the relationship with Mio and Maria was good, but not knowing why, he felt dissatisfied with this relationship.

There was always something wrong and out of place.

"From your expression it looks like you are dissatisfied. Is it because your two younger sisters have boyfriends?"

"Father, that's not it... Mio and Maria are my younger sisters."

"Yes?" Jin took the cigarette out of his mouth and exhaled the smoke. He chuckled before looking at his son seriously.

"Basara, to be honest I purposely let Mio and Maria be your younger sisters because of their identities."

"I know."

Basara wasn't even surprised his father knew Mio and Maria had boyfriends and he didn't ask how she got to the Demon Realm. He also knew there was no way his father didn't know Mio and Maria's true identities and he still sent them to be his little sisters.

... It was his father after all.

"And did you know, Basara? I deliberately let the three of you live in the same house so that your relationship would heat up."

"I just found out about this one."

"Unfortunately you seem to be preceded and defeated by another boy. His name is Eiji Seiya, right?"

Although Jin had not seen his son for a long time because he was busy looking for his mother, Sapphire who was hiding from everyone. Jin also had his own connections and he always knew the things that happened to Basara.

The God of War's nickname was not only based on his power, but also his intelligence and vigilance which made him feared by Demons, Gods and Heroes.

In Basara's case, even though he left him for several months, Jin always tried to get the latest information about his son and the people around him.

Because of that; Jin knew about Eiji Seiya, the boy who stole the wedding dress he had prepared for his son. Even Raphaeline's cousin Chisato was rumored to have an ambiguous relationship with the boy.

Jin was actually unhappy after knowing all this. Basara didn't know, but his father was actually planning a harem for him. However, Eiji's existence made his plans deviate in the wrong direction.

How could Jin not feel annoyed and find his son rather pathetic?

"Um... He's actually my friend. Father, our relationship is not as bad as you think. Not long ago Eiji even saved me twice."

Jin took another sip of his cigarette. Indeed, he also knew about the incident of one of the gods, Ornis who kidnapped Basara and tried to kill him. From the reports he thought it was Chisato who saved his son, but Eiji also seemed to be involved in it.

Then yesterday, when the Moderate Faction attacked the city of Wildart. Jin didn't know the details because the eyes and ears he placed in the city lost connection with him during the battle. Most likely, the other party died. At that time Jin was also traveling to the other side of the Demon Realm to find traces of Sapphire. ―However, there were some people gossiping about the greatness of Eiji Seiya who slaughtered all the troops sent by the Demon Lord Faction and Demon Council with overwhelming power. Some also said something about Jin Toujou's son almost defeating the famous demon war hero Gald and cutting off one of his hands.

But in the end it was Eiji who killed Gald and even repaired all the damage and revived the people killed by the attack.

Only from this did Jin know a boy the same age as his son might be stronger than he thought. This was definitely not something Basara could fight against, at least for now which made Jin sigh.

Especially when he saw Basara actually had a good impression of Eiji who had stolen the hearts of the pretty girls around him.

"Since when did my son become this pathetic?" Jin's eyes narrowed, a sword appeared in one of his hands and a fiery green aura enveloped his body. Not only that, his aura also soared like a pillar piercing the sky.

Basara was dumbfounded when he saw this. What was wrong with his father? Why was he walking towards him with such fighting intent? He also sensed his killing intent!

However, Basara did not remain silent. He also took out Bryhildr and the same green aura but smaller than his father's enveloped his body.

"Father, you..."

"I already heard about it. You want to participate in the tournament that the two Factions are holding, right? Your power has indeed increased a lot, I can sense the same gravity magic and red aura as that woman."

"But that's not enough! Basara, it's been a while since we've practiced. This time I will train you seriously. Don't die, okay?"

Basara was actually curious who the woman his father was referring to and wanted to ask, but before he could do so. Jin had already appeared in front of Basara and performed a slash that was enveloped in a large green aura. This was the same Banishing Shift that Basara usually used. However, this power was stronger as if it could erase everything.

Basara's expression became serious, he felt that his father was really serious and wanted to kill him!


Inside the barrier, the girls who were busy practicing didn't know a huge explosion occurred in the forest quite far from the castle.

The explosion was almost as powerful as the half-serious attack of Eiji's Excalibur. Even so, Eiji didn't care, he could still realize what was happening outside the barrier. He knew Basara must be training with his father, Jin Toujou.

It was still the same as in the original work, but Eiji knew there were also differences such as Jin disliking him for thwarting the plan to make a harem for his son.

Who knows what that man was planning next.

"Eiji-sama, Delta smells the same odor as the person she killed yesterday. That person is now outside, can Delta kill him?"

"You mean the same smell as the spy Jin sent out yesterday? Well... Ignore that guy for now. But if he takes the initiative to come to the door, you are allowed to fight him with all your power. I wonder who is stronger between my beautiful subordinate and the protagonist's father."

Sitting on the beach chair he created with his magic, Eiji watched his girls from a great distance. He also had to expand the area inside the barrier by 2 kilometers for that. After all the sparring that Mio, Maria, Yuki and Kurumi were doing against Rias and the others was in another league. The ground within a radius of 100 meters was blown up, the mountains created were also hollowed out by their attacks.

"Hmpf! Of course Delta is stronger! Especially with Eiji-sama's mark on her body. Delta can kill that guy!"

Delta referred to herself in the third person and acted sweetly by kneeling beside Eiji and letting him stroke her head like a dog being petted by its owner. Her wolf tail even wagged left and right.

As for the mark Delta was referring to, it was the crimson colored Master-Servant magic tattoo on her neck. Just like the other Shadow, after having sex with her in their World Tree headquarters ― Eiji rewarded them with the same tattoo as his woman.

They were very happy of course, girls like Delta begging several times to make wolf pups with him. By the way, if Alpha was an Elf and Zeta was a Beastkin Cat, then Delta was a Beastkin Wolf; she was the youngest of the Nine Shadows, occupying the fourth seat. A 15-year-old wolf girl.

Just like the other Shadows, she was beautiful of course.

¶{I remember you saying that before.}

I said it again, what's wrong?

¶{No, nothing. Continue!}

Eiji shook his head, he often wondered if Miss System was jealous or there was something wrong with her brain. After Delta was satisfied receiving a skinship from him, she immediately teleported out of the barrier and seemed to be monitoring the protagonist's father's movements. Eiji had told her to do that. Except for Xenovia and Irina who were guarding the house with the other girls, the other Shadows were doing their respective tasks.


Three days passed in a flash, the day of the tournament finally arrived. On the way to the Demon Lord Faction's territory, Eiji and the others rode in a luxurious horse-drawn carriage even though they could directly teleport to their intended location with teleportation magic.

"There are many soldiers lined up outside." Rias said while glancing out the carriage window.

"If they attack all at once..." Mio muttered in a dramatic tone.

Akeno laughed. "Ara Ara. They will all die."

Tsubaki adjusted her glasses. "That way there's no need to bother with the tournament, we can finish everything at once."

"Pffft!" Several girls in the carriage laughed.

[The atmosphere that should have been a little tense in the original work became so light. Can you guys be more serious? If the people of the Demon Lord Faction know we don't take them seriously at all...]

[They would definitely feel humiliated and simply not believe this group of beautiful girls are so powerful. They have absolutely no idea... Some of the girls in this carriage can actually solo against two or three Demon Lords by themselves.]


The heroines there looked at each other and smiled.

"Eiji-kun, are you hungry?" Tsubaki who deliberately sat beside Eiji asked softly. She leaned towards him with her face quite close.

The fragrant scent of soap and flowers pierced Eiji's nose.

"Before leaving we had breakfast. But yes, I'm actually a little hungry. This train is too slow..."

"This morning, I happened to borrow the castle kitchen to make an egg sandwich with fish meat filling that is popular in Demon Realm. Eiji-kun would like to try it?"

"Sure, how could I refuse Tsubaki's home cooking? Give me one."

Tsubaki took out a food box out of nowhere, she must also be able to use magic to store her things. When the box was opened, the aroma of egg sandwiches with an unknown ― but-popular fish meat filling in Demon Realm filled the inside of the carriage with a scent that made several girls gulp.

There were several pieces of sandwiches in the box, Tsubaki passed one to him and Eiji ate it immediately. His eyes lit up, he looked at Tsubaki who was smiling like a wife waiting for a compliment from her husband.

"Tsubaki, I just found out that besides making tea, you are also good at cooking... I'm a little envious of your future husband."

"Fufu, glad Eiji-kun likes it. But my future husband is..."

Tsubaki looked at Eiji as she said that. In the past three days, whenever they finished practicing, the girl would approach Eiji and give him a lot of codes.

Eiji enjoyed it of course. He didn't plan on waiting any longer, in this tournament he could probably eat Tsubaki.

Seeing Eiji's gaze staring at her hotly while chewing her homemade sandwich, Tsubaki blushed and wondered if Eiji was planning to eat her anytime soon? She was a little nervous and excited.

"Tsubaki-san, Tsubaki-san! Can I have one?"

"Tsubaki, although I'm happy with the progress you've made. Forgetting your King in this situation is not a good thing."

"Maria, sure. And Sona, I still have a basket of sandwiches. I also brought some jams, take this."

This time Tsubaki took out a food basket full of sandwiches and several jars of jam, there were also bottles of sauce and mayonnaise inside.

"Isn't this too much? Then I too..."

"Tsubaki-senpai, me too!"

"Tsubaki, we're friends, I'll take some."

"Rias, people take one, but you... How hungry are you?"

"Sona, my body needs more nutrition than you."

"Ara Ara. Me too, excuse me."

"Zest, feel free to take some."


"Hmm~ The taste of Demon Realm fish is similar to Salmon."

Looking at the atmosphere inside the carriage, Eiji felt instead of going to have a seven-on-seven duel in the tournament that determined the future of Demon Realm. These girls were actually...

Because they were too absorbed in eating Tsubaki's sandwiches ― they had no intention of getting out of the carriage, even after the train stopped for two minutes because they had reached their destination.

Basara who was sitting in the driver's seat with the driver because the carriage was full opened the carriage door from the side.

"We've arrived, when are you going to get out... Are you having a picnic?"

"Basara, you said what I wanted to say. Do you want one? Tsubaku made it for us."

Hearing what Eiji said and seeing Mio and the others busy eating sandwiches.

Basara's lips twitched. He who was sitting in the driver's seat felt tense seeing the many troops of the Demon Lord Faction standing guard outside. Whether to welcome them or ambush them, he silently prayed that the worst would not happen as it would be a bit troublesome.

He thought the others were also a little anxious or at least wearing serious expressions...

But what was he looking at now? These people were actually treating this trip as a picnic!


In the end Basara didn't refuse, he felt it would be rude to refuse the food Tsubaki had made for them. He accepted it from Eiji and ate it quickly.

It tasted good, Basara felt much more relaxed, even as they faced the young man who exuded a fairly strong demonic aura and stood in front of the line of soldiers.

"Sorry to keep you waiting so long. There are some things we should discuss in the carriage." Basara apologized on behalf of everyone to the young man in front of him.

The young man was actually Balflear who nodded slightly and smiled gracefully.

"It's alright, honored guests of the Moderate Faction. Welcome to Lundvall Castle."

"I am His Majesty Leohart's adjutant, Balflear, pleased to meet you."

After that, Balflear also began to explain to Eiji and the others that he would lead them to the room that had been prepared for them. He also did not forget to add that Leohart directly asked him to lead them.

Balflear thought these people would be a little nervous being stared at by the thousands of soldiers standing guard around the castle. But except for Jin Toujou's son Basara, the others seemed to be too relaxed.

The girls were just looking around curiously, and the man with black hair and red eyes...

Balflear wore a serious expression as he walked in front of the group and led the way for them. That man, although his hair color was different, he knew the other party was the Eiji Seiya who was rumored to have killed Zolgear!

Balflear was a little anxious, he was worried that the people from that vengeful Council would make trouble if they saw Eiji in a place like this. Not that he cared for Eiji, but it would be bad for Leohart's reputation if the representative of the Moderate Faction was treated badly here.

But just as they were about to enter the castle door, a tall figure with a skull face and four arms under his cloak blocked them.

"Hey who is this? Is that the representative of the Moderate Faction? I seem to have come here at the right time."

Balflear's expression was slightly ugly. The most troublesome person from the Demon Council had appeared in front of them!

"Belphegor-dono, that's right. They are representatives sent by the Moderate Faction. I will escort them to the room that His Majesty has prepared."

"What about His Majesty himself? Where was he when his honored guests arrived?"

"That... His Majesty happens to be busy with something right now. He will come in a little while, but before that I must send them to―"

"Really... His Majesty has poor time management. He did not even greet me personally."

Belphegor averted his gaze from Balflear who was looking at him coldly. To him, such a lowly demon did not even deserve to be called by his name.

He glanced at the representatives sent by the Moderate Faction, the yellow eyes behind his skull mask seemed to glow slightly at the sight of the beautiful girls in the group. Among them, he knew one of the crimson-haired girls was Mio Naruse who was discussed by many people in Demon Realm including himself.

The girl's appearance was as beautiful as he knew from the information, but the girls who came with her were no less beautiful! Besides Mio Naruse, who stood out the most, there was another crimson-haired girl who was even hotter than the others.

Belphegor also glanced at the two young men in the group. One was his son Jin Toujou, and the other was Eiji Seiya who had killed one of the Council members, Zolgear. He didn't care about Zolgear's death, but as the leader of the Demon Council ― he had to provide justice for his subordinates, right? It was a matter of face and he might be able to pick up those beautiful girls.

A demonic aura leaked from Belphegor's body, making his appearance more intimidating before saying.

"Nice to meet you all, I'm Belph―"

Under the surprised gazes of everyone except Eiji, before Belphegor finished introducing himself ― his body suddenly exploded into a mist of blood that littered the floor around the entrance.



"What happened? Belphegor-dono suddenly exploded!"

"This is bad! Is he really dead? Belphegor-dono! Belphegor-dono!"

The demons who were Belphegor's followers panicked, but the most panicked at the moment was actually Balflear who was staring blankly at Belphegor's blood and flesh splattered on the floor.

He was confused...

His face was a little pale at the thought that this would cause a huge political problem for Leohart who would be suspected of killing Belphegor! Of course, the representatives of the Moderate Faction at the scene would also be suspected.

When Balflear saw the reactions of the people from the Moderate Faction, he saw that they also seemed to be surprised.

But there was one person who smiled and walked over to Belphegor's corpse. It was Eiji Seiya!

"Ah... I lost control a bit there, sorry. I really can't stand scum who leer at my woman."

"Y-You... You're the one who killed Belphegor-dono?!" One of Belphegor's followers pointed at Eiji and shouted.

Eiji didn't bother glancing at him, he stared at Belphegor's blood and pieces of flesh calmly.

"Kill? Who killed who? Look carefully, this guy is still alive..."


Saying that, he extended his finger to the floor. Instantly, Belphegor's blood and flesh splattered on the floor shone and was replaced by Belphegor's living figure.

The revived Belphegor stared at Eiji who gave him an amused look and the demons who looked surprised. Beneath his mask, cold sweat involuntarily dripped.

Vaguely, he knew he had just...

"Did I just die?"


A/N: If you want to read 7 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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