Protagonist city

"Rizevim, this is bad. Lune's signal disappeared. I can't detect it, she's probably already...."

In a study-like room with several bookshelves and a lit candle on the table. The leader of Hell, Dokuro looked at Rizevim who was sitting casually holding a grail with annoyance.

"There's no need to say it. Lune-kun probably died at the hands of Eiji or his girls. What a pity.... She's actually a pretty good seedling, but she doesn't seem to listen to my advice...." Rizevim did not even glance at the short skull. He looked at the Sephiroth Graal, one of the original thirteen Longinus in his hand with a thoughtful expression.

He had long ago obtained this thing from a young Dhampir who hailed from the Tepes Faction and it was actually two out of three pieces. Unlike the other Longinus, the Sephiroth Graal was split into three parts.

Rizevim monopolized two pieces and he had previously used it to revive extinct evil dragons.

Unfortunately his grand plan was thwarted by Eiji's group and the Alliance. Now he was wondering what he should do with this thing? He wants to make the world more chaotic...

Although his evil spirit troops were very good, according to the latest reports from his own people, Eiji and his girls seemed to have a way to defeat those monsters.

After learning this, the Son of Lucifer knew he had to rack his brains again to strengthen his group.

"That's it? Rizevim, you'd better make good on what you promised our group. Unlike you, other devils aside, I lost two of my elite subordinates!"

Dokuro was angry and sad, after all, after Haqua's departure caused by his own orders, Gira and Lune were the two best people in his group. Thanks to Rizevim, even though the man knew the man named Eiji Seiya was very scary, he still sent his own people to provoke a dragon.

"Ah about unsealing the old Hell. Dokuro-kun, Don't worry, the researchers on my side almost managed to do it. Besides, the creature named Weiss will be a good addition to our forces."

"...Is that so?" Dokuro asked skeptically.

Rizevim smiled slightly, "There are other groups affiliated with Qlippoth. They're all magicians who I've told to help the researchers about the seal made by the six goddesses you're referring to."

"If it doesn't work, we can also hunt down the six goddesses. With the power of our organization, it should be easy."

Dokuro thought what Rizevim said made sense. Unlike before, Vintage had joined forces with Qlippoth. They had failed to hunt down the goddesses in the past, but now?

If there was no problem, their next operation should be a success.

... He didn't know he had just raised the flag.


However, even without that, the morning after Eiji returned to the main dimension.

He took some of his girls off from school and went to Maijima. More precisely Maijima City which was about 700 km away from the border of Kuoh City.

It was a town where the protagonist of The World God Only Knows and most of the characters from the franchise lived. According to Haqua, compared to other cities, before the appearance of the evil spirits— it was the city with the highest concentration of loose souls/kaketama.

Eiji wasn't surprised, after all it was the city where the protagonist lived. Protagonists are trouble magnets, it's no wonder that the city they live in happens to be the center of all trouble.

The same thing happened to him, Issei, Rito and Basara.

"Eiji, this town is nice... On the way, I didn't see any old buildings or anything like that." The Idol girl who happened to have a day off from work said. Her purplish-black hair looked shiny under the sunlight.

Her starlit eyes too, they looked even more sparkling than before.

If it wasn't for the magic that made people ignore her appearance, many passers-by would have recognized that she was the most popular Idol in Japan — Ai Hoshino!

"Now that you say it.... All the buildings we passed are indeed in good shape." Eiji said.

They came here using the family car, a Pajero Sport with slight modifications by Lala and him that allowed it to open the spatial tunnel. The car was able to shorten the 700 km distance in just a few seconds before running normally after arriving in this city.

Leaving the car in the parking lot building, they walked and took in the sights of the city.

Maijima City did not have many skyscrapers like Kuoh City and even Kyoto — instead, they saw many residential complexes here.

Of course there were tall buildings, but there weren't many of them.

"About that, this city is actually a new city built on a small island. It's only natural that the buildings still look good." Haqua who had something to do with this plot naturally followed.

And true, this city actually stands on a small island. If the car was normal, Eiji and the others had to cross a long bridge to cross the ocean.

"How long has it been?" Asked Sona, even she seemed to have just heard about this town. Heiress Sitri was interested in increasing her knowledge with things she didn't know yet.

Rias and the other girls who came along on this trip such as Ai, Lavinia, Asia, and Lala also looked at Haqua curiously.

Haqua tried to remember something with a finger on her lips and said, "This city was officially established for about 20 years and has a population of about 80,000 people."

"I see. Compared to other cities, this city is indeed relatively new..." Sona said.

Kuoh City itself had a longer history than that. Before she and Rias took over, the city was originally under the care of a pureblood devil named Cleria Belial who had a certain incident and had been around for more than 50 years.

Rias who looked at the surrounding buildings had sparkling eyes, the trees lining the streets and the shops.... As a young lady Gremory who aspires to live between the Underworld and Japan.

She liked many things about Japan. And this small town actually smelled like the countryside.

"This is the first time I've seen a town that looks like a village!"

"Rias, don't say that out loud." Eiji pinched the cheek of the crimson-haired girl. This sexy girl could be adorable sometimes, but her mouth was a bit loose.

[Didn't you see the stares of those people? They might be offended by what you said.]

"Ah... No, I didn't mean to mock. I actually like it..."

Rias thought these people misunderstood her.

Sona and the other girls looked at the girl flatly.

"Eiji, Eiji~! What kind of shop is that? Is it a cake shop?"

The cute pink-haired girl tugged at her sleeve, Eiji naturally glanced at the shop she was referring to. The shop wasn't very big, the wall was attached to another shop and had a board with a picture of something that looked like a cake.

Before he answered, Haqua did it first.

"Lala-san, that's not a cake shop. It's actually a stationery shop."

"Eh?" Not only Lala, but the other girls were also confused.

After all, the board in front of the shop door clearly had a food-like logo.

"So this is what the village is like. They have a unique taste in shop signs." Rias said with a smile on her face. People couldn't tell if she was really praising or mocking.


Eiji wondered where the protagonist lived? The anime did not mention the exact location. Glancing at Haqua.... The girl definitely knew where Keima's house was, but on second thought — he was just a little curious and didn't care if he could meet the protagonist or not.

He was just here for the plot.

¶{What about the girls in this franchise?}

Miss System, please. I'm here to work, not to pick up girls.


Her host's words would be convincing if they were said by someone else, but this was her host, his credibility level was....

Miss System chose to remain silent and continued watching.

"If you want to try the cakes in this city. I can recommend a shop." Haqua said with good intentions.

But Lavinia's lips twitched and said before Lala or the others nodded. "All of you, you haven't forgotten what we came here for, have you?"

The girls fell silent. Of course they knew they didn't come here for a vacation. There was a reason why they followed Eiji here.

Put aside Lala and Asia who just wanted to play along with Eiji.

During this time Ai was also not idle. Besides practicing as an idol, she also practiced her superpowers. She doesn't do it alone, there are women in Eiji's harem like Grayfia or Kuroka who sometimes watch her while practicing just in case.

What about the other girls? Haqua couldn't stay silent because just like Lavinia, she also wanted to prevent Vintage and the group of evil magician from breaking the seal of the Old Hell where there were many Weiss locked up. It would be bad if those creatures were released into the human world.

As for Rias and Sona? They came along out of curiosity and represented the Alliance to stop Qlippoth's evil plan. About their peerage too, originally they wanted to bring it, but their group would have too many people and stand out on the street. Therefore, Koneko, Tsubaki and the others were told to guard Kuoh town while they were gone.

"Well, to try some cakes or something else in this city. We can do that later. Now those bad guys are probably close to breaking the seal." Eiji said casually. But the girls were anxious, especially Haqua and Lavinia.

"Eiji, we must prevent them immediately. Do you know where the seal is located?" The beautiful blonde witch knew that with Eiji present, it didn't matter whether the enemies managed to break free from the seal or not. Seeing the man's relaxed attitude, her anxiety lessened, but it would be better if they could prevent trouble early before anything bad happened.

Even Haqua who knew a lot about this city didn't know the exact location of the seal. But Eiji? As the one who knew the plot he definitely knew!

"Hm.... I don't know for sure. But it should be over there." Eiji pointed to a place at the far end of the city. Haqua and the others were confused because the man didn't say it clearly.

But they almost forgot Eiji was an actor. On the surface he didn't know for sure, but in his heart...

[In the original work]

Here it is, the familiar opening sentence of the spoiler. Not only the girls, all the heroine who could hear also raised their ears.

[The so-called Old Hell seal is actually still located in Hell itself. But access to this place had already been destroyed by seven particular goddesses. It was isolated by some kind of dimensional magic and the only access for people to get there was through Maijima City in the human world.]

[More precisely it was off the coast of Maijima Seaside Park, inside a cave covered by a large rock. In addition to being the gate to 'East Fortress Greda' which is said to be the final battlefield of the Almage-Machina War.]

[This is the place where the Goddesses and the New Devil led by the skull whose name I forgot were defeated in the past, and the Goddesses finally sealed away all the Weiss. Although 60,000 Weiss have been successfully freed en masse, it is said that they are only a fraction of the entire Old Hell and therefore, most are still trapped there.]


Many of them mentally exclaimed. Haqua was even a little embarrassed that she didn't know as much as Eiji even though Hell was where she was born.

Is this the power of the person who knows the plot? This is just a prophet!

And this is just Eiji's knowledge, right? That man still hadn't shown his true power.

At least Haqua had never seen it with her own eyes.

At this moment, when they decided to go in the direction Eiji pointed.

"Cih!" Rias clicked her tongue and waved her hand to release a wave of PoD.

The crimson wave enveloped their group and extended for several meters.

Dom! Dom! Dom!

All the girls in the group became alert. Rias did that to fend off the many magic attacks that suddenly flew towards them.

Eiji glanced at the neighborhood where people used to panic and run. In a certain direction there was a group of people in witch robes staring at them with killing intent.

His eyes looked at those people indifferently.

"Ah~♪ The surprise attack failed, what a pity. The devil girl of the Gremory family seems to be as strong as rumored."

Licking her lips with a sadistic smile, a woman stood in the air with hundreds of purple-robed people behind her.

Her short hair was decorated with many ribbons. Unlike the others, she was wearing a purple Gothic lolita dress.

Behind her, there was also a cross-shaped purple flame that was larger than her body.

[Rias: This woman is showing off.]

[Sona: Alright Rias, I don't think it's time to make a big deal out of this.]

"You...." Lavinia seemed to recognize who the woman was and narrowed her eyes.

"Lavinia, do you know her?" Eiji asked. He had no idea who the woman was although he knew the purple flames emanating from her looked like a certain Longinus. Whoever she was, she was definitely from the DxD franchise.

He didn't recognize her because she was a minor character.

"Eiji, that woman is one of the leaders of the Hexennacht and also the holder of one of the Longinus, Incinerate Anthem— Walburga."

As Lavinia said that, the woman in question could hear her and giggled.

"Lavinia, it's been a long time and you still remember me? To be remembered by the number one magician of Grauzauberer, you make me a little embarrassed~"

Walburga sounded like a carefree woman, but none of them thought she was a kind and shy person from the sadistic smile on her face.

"That's right, my name is Walburga, one of the Grauzauberer leaders. I didn't expect you all to come to this town... What are you looking for? Do you want to disrupt our plans?"

"..." Lavinia and the girls were silent. It wasn't that they were afraid of the number of magicians Walburga had brought or the woman herself.

They wondered who would want to go ahead and finish these people off first?

Walburga narrowed her eyes, her gaze fixed on Rias and the others, especially on Eiji. Since she knew Rias, she also knew Eiji. At least from the rumors that were circulating even though his hair color was different, there was no mistaking it, it was definitely him.

Even so, she was confident with this many magician troops and the Incinerate Anthem that could burn dirty creatures like devils more effectively with its holy fire.

She said, "I knew it~ Since you want to disrupt our plans, then...die."

Unlike before, this time Walburga herself attacked. All the magician behind her retreated because at this moment— enormous purple flames exploded from the woman's body.

The flames created a purple tornado that soared into the sky.

The surrounding buildings were destroyed and turned into ashes.

The Incinerate Anthem is considered one of the Holy Relics, along with the True Longinus (Holy Spear), Graal Sephiroth (Holy Grail), Alphecca Tyrant (Holy Nails) and the Shroud of Turin.It is the "Holy Cross" on which Christ was crucified.

So this level of fire is definitely no ordinary fire. It is a fire that contains immense holy power within it.

Devils like Rias, Sona, and even Haqua felt a little uncomfortable with the fire coming from the Incinerate Anthem. The first two were much better off because their strength had already surpassed Maou. But Haqua? Her face was pale and luckily Asia tapped 'Touch of Rekos' on the ground and the holy power that didn't hurt the devils, instead increased the resilience of their holy power, enveloping Haqua and the other two devils.

The three girls thanked Asia, especially Haqua, she looked at the blonde girl as if she was an angel.

"It's just a small matter. No need to thank me."

Asia smiled, she glanced at Eiji and wondered what he would do?

Eiji patted Ai's shoulder, the girl looked at him in confusion.

"Wait a minute."

He said that not to the idol girl, but to Walburga who threw a tornado of purple flames at them. He knew it was too late, but it didn't matter.

Eiji stretched out his index finger, the tip of his finger glowing with golden-white light.... The particles of light gathered as if with the same color as the setting sun.

Solar Shot.


Walburga and the hundreds of magician were dumbfounded. Why?

It was because the tornado of fire created by the Incinerate Anthem that reached 100 meters high was pierced by the beam released from Eiji's fingertips.

Such a large tornado was instantly dispersed and the black clouds covering the city sky were also blown away for hundreds of meters.

According to the weather forecast, it was originally going to rain, but now it was the opposite.


A/N: If you want to read 7 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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