
In a castle located in the middle of a barren land and hidden under the foot of a mountain.

Deep inside the castle, Rizevim sat in front of Dokuro and four old men with sheep-like heads; although they were wearing masks, even the Son of Lucifer did not want to examine what was underneath the masks because it must be very ugly — even more disgusting if they really had goat faces.

Still, with his personality, he smiled amusedly.

"In Greek mythology, Satyrs are creatures with human bodies with goat-like features, such as ears, tails, and ram-like horns. They are lovers of wine and women and are ready for any physical pleasure..."

"It's not for nothing that you named your group Satyrs, right?"

One of the goat-headed men with a more conspicuous robe because unlike the black robes of Dokuro and the other three old devils, he was wearing a red robe — Roudret Ruhm Lentrant, the true leader of Vintage, Runaway Spirit Squad and Satyrs simultaneously pretended to cough and looked at Rizevim with annoyance.

"You're not wrong...but Rizevim, we came here to discuss more important matters."

"Oh tell me. Is it about our failed plan in Maijima?"

"You know so why are you so calm?"


Roudret smacked the round table in front of them and added in a dissatisfied tone. "Rizevim, so far only our side has really suffered losses. Not only is Vintage on the verge of collapse and the Runaway Spirit Squad no longer useful. You yourself don't seem to have suffered any losses."

"And why should I? From the very beginning the plan to deal with the Goddesses and the Old Hell seal was your idea... Have you forgotten? I have also sent several groups from my side to assist in the operation." Rizevim supported his chin with one hand and said with a faint smile.

"Don't tell me you're a youngster who aims to expect everything to be fair and just? Even when you're in cahoots with other villains? Hehe that's funny..."

He laughed and he sneered in his heart; after all who actually took the initiative to cooperate with his group? He also suffered losses, for example his tool group, the Hexennacht who withdrew from affiliating with Qlippoth after Walburga's death and the Magician Nilrem, the group led by Euclid perished.

However, he and Euclid did not care much about this.

From the beginning, those people were there to be ordered around and could be disposed of at any time. The same was true for the people in front of him.

"...." The goat's face behind Roudret's mask wrinkled and looked dark. Rizevim's words and gaze that seemed to belittle him made him angry.

Dokuro/Yuri who saw this hurriedly said, "Roudret, may I speak?"

In his current identity, he was basically that man's subordinate.

Roudret glanced at the midget skull, Rizevim and the others as well.

"Dokuro, speak up."

"...I think instead of making a big deal out of our failure. It's better to focus on our next plan. Isn't there still an army of evil spirits? As long as we focus on increasing the number of those creatures and training them; there is still a chance of achieving our goal."

"Hoho Dokuro-kun, compared to them, you understand the value of those creatures well." After working together so far, Rizevim felt that the midget skull could become another Euclid. He had the potential to be his right-hand man.

In fact he had already invited him to actually work for him instead of following a bunch of old goats. Unfortunately Dokuro refused his offer and seemed very loyal to his group.

"Roudret, what Dokuro said is right."

"Yeah, we don't have much choice now anyway."

"The Old Hell has even been overrun by the Goddesses and Devils of the New Hell. We should bet on the things the Rizevim have."

The three Satyr members said, they persuaded Roudret not to be impulsive.

Roudret was silent. From the start he had no intention of exploding or anything like that. He was just a little emotional because the Rizevim could still calm down and laugh after they failed for the umpteenth time.

Still, he felt that Dokuro, who was originally his puppet, was very kind. His loyalty to the Satyr seemed to have increased considerably since he first attracted him to the organization.

Originally he had always suspected that the skull was not very loyal and had ideas of betrayal at any time. After all, before this, Dokuro was a devil from the New Hell faction who was famous for his talents and powers that were superior to those of the devils of his generation.

This was also one of the reasons why he invited Dokuro to join the Satyrs. At that time he also threatened him a little with the power behind their organization which made him agree.


After they finished discussing their next plan with Rizevim. Dokuro followed the old devils back to Old Hell.

Although it was said that the goddesses had taken control of Old Hell, it was only a part of the area, specifically at East Fortress Greda where they had previously sacrificed themselves to seal the place.

There were several other regions in Old Hell and the Satyr headquarters was located at the southern end of Old Hell.

It was hidden deep in the dense devil forest and far from any settlements. There was a giant square building that looked like a pyramid hidden behind a barrier.

Many of the devils who supported the Old Hell factions numbering in the thousands actually lived inside there.

If Dokuro—no, Yuri hadn't managed to get Roudret and the other elders to believe in her despite her being a Satyr member—she would never have known there was a building like this in the Old Hell.

"Dokuro, how long have you been with this organization?" Sitting in the leader's chair, Roudret asked her. The throne-like room was actually quite dark as it was lit only by the blue flames that had the same origin as the Scythe of Testament that only Haqua and other noble-titled devils usually possessed.

All those flames were used as torches that lined the walls.

Kneeling not far from Roudret and the other elders sitting in front of her, she calmly said. "About 700 years."

"That's quite a long time, but for devils like us that number isn't really that much..." Roudret said. As the name implied, old devils like them were at least over a thousand years old.

They had existed since the time of the creation of the Old Hell.

Yuri certainly remembered this and she did not say anything because Roudret continued.

"Even so, we've decided to appoint you as one of the elders. Dokuro... Are you happy?"

"I'm very happy."


"Yes, it is an honor for me to be one of the elders like you even though I am much younger than the other old devils... I will work harder for Satyr."

Behind her skull costume, Yuri lied naturally. She was actually reluctant because what fun was there in being one of the leaders of a group of goats? However, many of these goats actually possessed power equal to or stronger than her.

That was why she couldn't destroy this group alone and needed Eiji's help.

Roudret and the other elders did not realize it, but behind Dokuro's skull face was actually a charming smile.

They did not realize what was wrong. Roudret even nodded in satisfaction and took out a goat's head... It was actually a mask.

'You've got to be kidding.' Yuri cursed the bad taste of these old people. Couldn't they design a mask or costume that had nothing to do with goats?

Pretending to be a skull for hundreds of years was already tiring enough. Now these people seemed to want her to pretend to be a goat in order to have the same appearance as them.

This was disgusting.

"Dokuro, come here. I'll give you the honor of putting our symbol on you."


"This is also actually a magic artifact. Your magic resistance will increase slightly after wearing it."


"Dokuro, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and come here."



Roudret frowned. The other elders also did the same.

Not only silent, the Dokuro in front of them actually took out a small skull from his pocket.

They knew it was a special cell phone popular in New Hell. Dokuro seemed to have just texted someone.

However, what happened next surprised them.

Dokuro, who they knew to be a male midget skull, suddenly turned into a woman.

The woman had a nice figure. She had short, neck-length black hair, wore a long-sleeved shirt, a mini skirt, dark stockings and a black collar around her neck.

Overall she was a beautiful and sexy woman.

The elders' eyes widened and looked hot at the sight. Just as Rizevim had said about, he was not wrong. As Satyrs, they were indeed lovers of women and physical pleasure. In short, things that smelled of sex as it was not uncommon for them to kidnap a group of women in the human world to entertain themselves.

So seeing Dokuro become like this, they couldn't help but be excited!

"Dokuro, is that really you?" Roudret asked. Instead of suspecting something bad, he thought Dokuro was revealing her true form and wanted to please them.

Seeing the heated gazes of Roudret and the other elders, Yuri took a step back and took out her Scythe of Testament. Hagoromo also appeared around her neck. She looked at the old men with coldness and disgust.

"It's me and don't get me wrong, you think I'm showing this form to please you guys? Roudret and all of you who are here.... Stop daydreaming, it's time for you all to die."

"What?! Dokuro, you dare say that to us?!"

"Dokuro, apologize right now. Depending on your sincerity, we'll forgive you."

"Dokuro, it's not too late. At most we'll just punish you! Don't worry, this punishment will be light."

The elders were angry but they seemed to have softened because of the form Dokuro was now displaying.

Yuri did not appreciate this at all. Her gaze grew colder. Did these old men think she didn't know what punishment they were thinking of? Whatever it was, it was definitely something perverted!

"Dokuro, what do you mean, pointing your scythe at us, you–"

Roudret did not finish his words because at this moment a male devil entered and shouted frantically.

"Elder! Someone... or rather some unknown people just entered the barrier! They've also killed a few of us!"

When the man finished saying what he said, Yuri suddenly appeared in front of him and swung her scythe.

His head detached from his body and burned with blue flames.

The woman spun her scythe gracefully.


"Don't call me Dokuro. From now on my name is just Yuri, Yuri Nikaido and yes, I betrayed this organization."

Ignoring Roudret who called out to her angrily, a pink portal suddenly opened under her feet and she fell into it.


Standing on the yellow sand. Eiji saw Yuri appear beside him and nodded at Sheila.

"Good job, Sheila."

"Fufu. Eiji-kun, things like this are easy for me~"

The legal loli seemed pleased with the praise. If not Lala and his own abilities, in this field, Sheila and her spatial tunnel were reliable.

"Eiji, thank you for coming. If it wasn't for that portal it would be a little difficult to get out of there after offending those people." Yuri said with a hint of surprise on her pretty face.

Moving her directly to his location through a spatial tunnel was definitely not in the script. After all, the woman had only texted him that now was the right time to destroy the remnants of Vintage and Satyr.

Of course, the premise was whether he agreed or not and he agreed.

After he, Chisato and Lavinia returned to Japan. The two women decided to move into his house. Shortly after that this plot came.

Eiji waved his hand as if it was just a small matter on his part at Yuri with his gaze fixed on the people who came out of the Pyramid in front of them.

Their appearance was unique because besides wearing black robes and five-eyed masks. Not all, but many of them had goat-like heads. The most conspicuous was the goat in the red robe who was staring at them from the top of the pyramid with several people.

From their faces, he could see those people staring angrily at Yuri.

"So these are the people from the Satyr organization?"

"Yes, it's them..."

"Are you sure it's a devil, not a humanoid goat?" It wasn't Eiji who asked but Chisato who was looking at the people strangely because this was the first time she had seen such a species.

She came here just because she was curious.

Yuri didn't know who this woman who was prettier than her was, nor did she know who the loli who seemed to be responsible for moving her here was. Besides them, there was also Haqua and several other girls she had seen before.

They must all be Eiji's women.

Although a harem was not impossible in the supernatural world, this number was a bit too much, right?

"The old devils in Old Hell do have that kind of appearance."

"I see." Chisato nodded.

Instead of staring at the thousands of enemies who were staring at them, the group stared at Eiji.

Eiji rubbed his chin with a thinking expression. Originally he planned to have Ophis kill these people, but in the end he himself came here with his women.

"Eiji Seiya, it's you! That appearance, there's no mistaking it. You're the one who has foiled our plans so many times!"

"Dokuro, you decided to defect to that man's side? No wonder you dared to betray us... You bitch! You're going to die with them!"

"What are you all waiting for? Attack that group!"

Roudret roared and couldn't believe that their numbers and power stronger than Dokuro couldn't defeat Eiji's group. Previously she and Rizevim had only sent small people in their organization.

Where are they now? This is the Satyr headquarters! All the core members whose power was stronger than the loose soul hunters were here!

Following their leader's words, all Satyr members took out their scythes. Some of them also used staffs like RPG game wizards that could throw long-range attacks.

Eiji who saw those people charging towards him and his group fell silent.

[I'm not surprised by the boss villain's dialog, but where does the confidence that these guys can win come from?]

The heroines who were there also fell silent.

Probably as people from the villain's camp. When meeting the protagonist group, their IQ would naturally drop which made them overconfident.

But they seemed to have forgotten.

They wouldn't be here if most of their evil plans hadn't failed because of Eiji.

"Eiji, leave this to me."

That soft voice made the temperature in the environment around them cool down. Eiji and the other women in his group were fine.

But it was a different story with the invading Satyr members, those closest to the center of the phenomenon were shivering.

Lavinia raised her staff to the sky. The blonde hair under her pointed hat and witch's robes fluttered.



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