Breakfast with two Himejima girls

"Did Akeno and Eiji have breakfast?"

"That... They both seem to still be in the bedroom. Should I wake them up, Suzaku-sama?"

"No need. You go, I'll do it myself."

The maidservant bowed slightly before leaving.

From her bedroom, Suzaku who was already dressed up beautifully — more than usual — walked towards the room she had prepared yesterday for her cousin and her boyfriend.

Things about her uncle's death yesterday were quickly settled. Basically except for cleaning up a bit of mess, people who had dissatisfaction also did not dare to do anything.


Although it didn't show on her face, Suzaku was embarrassed and annoyed to hear that the elders in her clan seemed to be urging her to have a good relationship with Eiji.

What good relationship? Those old people!

Her face felt hot, how could she not understand? Just like when she was told to get engaged to Tobio for the sake of the clan, this time those old people wanted to sell their leader to her cousin's boyfriend.

... Strangely she didn't really resist...

"Akeno, Eiji, are you awake...?"

Yesterday, instead of going home, Suzaku who felt uncomfortable for not paying anything did not let Eiji and Akeno just go home and invited them to stay at her house.

The two did not refuse.

Now they were at her main residence. A traditional Japanese-style mansion, so the bedroom door in front of it was also naturally a thin sliding door.

Of course, the insulation was not very good.

That was why Suzaku froze as she heard...

"Mnnn... Ahhhh...! Darling...! Ah, it's already morning... Please... Give me a break-ohhhh! Again, my stomach is full of your seed~!"

Her cousin Akeno's voice sounded very lewd.

Suzaku's face turned red.

Her hand that was about to slide the room door aside hung in the air and trembled slightly.

"What, yesterday you said you wanted to satisfy me? Come on Akeno, in a minute..."

That man, Eiji with a voice accompanied by successive slaps of flesh said.

"D-Darling, how many times did you say 'in a minute?', you kept moving your waist until now- Ahh...hnmm...Yessss~!"

"It's okay, right? You seem to like it anyway, especially when I-"

"?! ... Ohhh~! Ohh~! Darling, harder~!"

Akeno moaned louder as a different but louder slapping sound was heard.

The door was thin from the start, in addition to hearing, Suzaku could also actually see the shadows of two people.

Sliding the door slightly without a sound—this was something Suzaku hadn't thought of, she didn't expect her to be this kind of person.

But she couldn't help it!

Inside the bedroom whose back door was open and made the room sunlit.

Her cousin, Akeno was crawling like a dog. Her white skin was drenched in sweat and her breasts bounced every time her boyfriend banged and slapped her ass.

The girl's face... She stuck out her drooling tongue and upturned eyes which made Suzaku cover her mouth with her hand.

She could see clearly as the thick, long object entered Akeno's now widened ass hole.

Eiji continued to push his cock, ramming it repeatedly into her cousin's hole, he pulled Akeno's ponytail and also slapped Akeno's big ass with his hands.

The girl's ass cheeks even had red marks. And actually not only that, on Akeno's body there were also many bite marks and hickeys, you can imagine how long they had been doing it and how crazy they were.

The bedroom was also very messy, there was a lot of white and sticky liquid everywhere.

Suzaku who saw this scene was shocked but her shock was nothing compared to when she saw Eiji who was also naked like her cousin.

It must be said that this was Suzaku's first time seeing a naked man. Looking at those toned muscles and looking chiseled like a god's statue... Eiji's handsome face didn't help either, making her body hot.

Suzaku swallowed, she wasn't sure, but she might have a nosebleed.

'S-Suzaku, what are you doing?! How can you watch your cousin having sex with her boyfriend?!'

Suzaku wanted to retreat, get out of there and better wait for the two to finish. But her body was more honest, she was still there with her hand unconsciously rubbing her crotch.

Her panties were wet.

Her gaze did not blink as—


Akeno's tight moans fascinated her, it was also because Akeno's belly looked enlarged as if it was being filled by something.

The girl's face looked very happy, she was obviously tired but still raised her ass to her boyfriend.

Eiji took his dick out of Akeno, now Suzaku could see its full size and she was shocked—

Coated in a white liquid that seemed to glisten under the sunlight coming in from the back door.

Such a big thing actually entered Akeno's body?!

And it was still through her asshole!

Suzaku felt her own hole twitch.

Her breathing was a little heavy at the moment, she herself didn't realize it but she was aroused from seeing Eiji and Akeno having sex.

As Eiji turned Akeno's body upside down and rubbed his dick against her pussy hole — Akeno slightly complained that he was a liar and wanted to continue breaking her body — however, the girl wrapped her arms around Eiji's neck and said "Fuck my pussy again. Make it as messy as my ass hole... Darling~ Treat me like your bitch at my cousin's house. Fufu, it's so hot, right?"

", re...."

Hearing what Akeno said, Suzaku opened and closed her mouth, she couldn't keep her voice down.

B-Bitch?! Akeno wanted to be treated like a whore by her boyfriend?!

And Eiji? The man's penis looked slightly enlarged after hearing what Akeno said. He's getting excited?!

However, Suzaku just realized the voice she let out was quite loud. She was basically calling her cousin's name and Eiji and Akeno's ears, how could they not hear her?

Their gazes met hers.

Surprisingly Akeno was not surprised, in her lewd appearance, she smiled seductively at her cousin.

"Ara Ara Ufufufu. Suzaku nee-san, are you here? Good morning~"

"Morning Suzaku." Eiji also greeted Suzaku, he was even still squeezing Akeno's breasts while positioning his penis at the entrance of Akeno's pussy in front of her.

There was no panic on his face like a certain protagonist, he smiled at Suzaku who opened her mouth.

The girl's stiff expression looked cute.

"I, I.... It's a misunderstanding."

"Don't worry, Darling and I didn't misunderstand. You must have wanted to wake us up, right? But you saw this... Oh my, you watched for quite a while there. How is it?"

"How what?! A-Akeno, you, you and Eiji..."

"I mean isn't it fun watching your cousin have sex? Suzaku nee-san, Darling's figure also looks very good, right? His penis is also very tasty, want to try it?"

Akeno blinked her eyes as she said that.

Suzaku pointed at her shameless cousin.

Her finger trembled.

"Wh-What?! Akeno, are you crazy?! I'm your cousin! Eiji is your boyfriend...!"

[Yes that's right. Akeno... You're crazy.]

Akeno's lips twitched.

'Darling, you say that but your penis has become as hard as a rock–no, it's even harder than that.'

'Pervert man.'

She pulled the man's head and pressed it against her twin hills before saying to her cousin who was still standing at the entrance.

"Suzaku nee-san, didn't we talk about this yesterday?"

Suzaku gasped, although she didn't want to see two naked people entangled with each other on the futon (Futon is a type of traditional Japanese bed), it was hard for her to take her eyes off Akeno and Eiji's bodies.

Her face was already very red, she remembered what Akeno had said to her in the cafe restroom yesterday. In fact the girl had offered her to become one of Eiji's women in return for him helping her with her clan's problems.

At the time she hadn't refused or agreed, but she thought Akeno was crazy for pushing her own cousin onto her boyfriend.

Even though she knew Eiji had a harem and should have no problem adding women, Suzaku still thought Akeno's idea was too much—but if Eiji really wanted her, she didn't know how to refuse him because after coming this far; she didn't actually think she would refuse—this wasn't the same as when she did Tobio!


After some consideration in her heart, especially yesterday where Eiji had helped her and he had hugged her. Her chest inexplicably felt hot, her heartbeat had quickened then and it was the same now...

Who knew what Suzaku would think if she knew sharing a man with her own cousin was nothing compared to sharing a man with her own sister or mother.

Of course, the latter two were what some of the women in Eiji's harem had done.

That was for later.

"Um... But it's already morning... You guys haven't had breakfast either, right? Are you sure you still want to continue?"

Akeno rolled her eyes.

'Cousin, are you looking for an excuse to escape? Unfortunately I won't allow it!'

Akeno waved one of her hands, she was not only good at using lightning and holy magic, she could also use other magic.

Suzaku was caught off guard, she felt a strong wind blowing and pushed into the bedroom.

With a 'bang!' the bedroom door also closed and even locked by itself.

It was Akeno who used wind magic.

"Akeno, what are you..."

Suzaku fell to the floor, lifting her head, Akeno had already left Eiji lying on the futon and was standing in front of her with a smile that made her swallow.

"Don't worry, Suzaku nee-san. It might hurt at first, but you'll definitely get hooked... It doesn't matter even if you haven't known Eiji for long, love can come after you enjoy the sweetness of the forbidden fruit."

"I'm sure you won't regret it, we'll become a real family ufufu."

[I wonder where Akeno heard those words of wisdom. I don't want to force Suzaku hey... However, Suzaku— you don't seem to refuse?]

Suzaku glanced at Eiji, especially his penis which was pointing at the bedroom sky with a dreamy look. She didn't even react when Akeno used her lightning to tear off her shrine maiden clothes and revealed her naked figure that was no less hot than hers.



"What is this barrier? When I came yesterday this wasn't there."

Early in the morning, Tobio visited his fiancée's residence again; he still considered Suzaku his fiancée even though the girl clearly broke off the engagement between the two of them.

But that didn't matter, Tobio hadn't given up yet and thought he could persuade Suzaku.

"What did you come here for?" The Himejima clan gatekeeper blocked his way and questioned him.

Tobio frowned, unhappy that in order to visit his fiancée, he would still be stopped by the gatekeeper.

"I came to see my fiancée, Suzaku." He said.

However, the gatekeeper laughed.

"Hahaha! I know you, you Tobio. You've also come here before because of the call of the elders."

"Then why are you laughing and blocking my way?"

"Hehe- well, it's because what you just said was funny. Our leader, Suzaku-sama already announced it clearly yesterday that she has canceled her engagement with you. Now you say you want to meet your fiancé? Pfft hahaha! You-Gahhh!"

The gatekeeper cried out in pain, he looked up at Tobio who had just punched him angrily in the stomach.

"Tobio, how dare you–"

"Why wouldn't I dare? It was your clan that begged me to help yesterday. Now this is the attitude of the gatekeeper they have? I'm honestly not afraid to kill you here."

The gatekeeper wanted to retaliate, the other gatekeepers also began to appear and knew a little bit of what was going on. However, the cold and oppressive gaze that Tobio exuded terrified them.

There was also a human-sized dog that appeared from the shadows and stood beside Tobio while growling.

They knew it was one of Longinus, the famous Canis Lykaon.

Its power could undoubtedly kill them easily.

It didn't take long for Tobio to be let in and told that the golden barrier enveloping the Himejima Clan was made by someone named Eiji who came with Akeno yesterday.

The barrier serves to block evil spirits and it's proven to work because not long ago a group of evil spirits were unable to enter the Himejima Clan and were facilitated directly upon touching the barrier.

But that's not the point!

Tobio's expression became ugly, he even felt his head heavier than before after hearing some Himejima clan members whisper that Eiji Seiya and Akeno Himejima stayed at the leader's house last night.

Although it wasn't clear, Tobio's protagonist senses twitched and felt that something bad was going on!

Because of that—

He activated one of his abilities to merge with shadows and quickly bypassed all the elders and other Himejima clan members who might want to stop him.

He entered the courtyard of the building where Suzaku lived.

With his sharp senses-like a dog — he heard something at 11 o'clock and it was a room beside the fish pond.

Normally his shadow could also enter the room to check in detail, but the room in front of him was locked and covered with a magic barrier.

His shadow could not enter.

"Those voices. No way, I might have heard wrong. Suzaku wouldn't be in this room, she..." Tobio convinced himself.

However, his sharp hearing made his expression very ugly.

"Ahh! Ahh! Eiji... Oh! Mnnnn~ Please slow down... Ahh! I... I'm going crazy~!"

It was Suzaku's voice, she was moaning. Her voice sounded lewd... Even everyone who had ever watched porn knew what was probably going on with that girl.

Tobio's pupils shrank, his heart tightened—an overwhelming unpleasant feeling filled his heart.

His body froze right there.

"Ugh! Suzaku, sorry but it's impossible. Your pussy is so hot and moist, I can't help it! These breasts too, damn it. Isn't it bigger than Akeno's?"

"Mnhhh~! Oh... Don't say that... Ahh~ Ahh~ Eiji..."


Tobio staggered, of course he wanted to stop what those people were doing. But no—why did he vomit blood?

Before this, he had always thought the Suzaku he knew from the original work and met her yesterday was not a cheap woman. She was a virtuous woman who was cool and very beautiful. She was no worse than Lavinia and to be honest Tobio who had been single for a long time fell in love with her just because of her curvaceous body and talked to her a few times.

That was why he now felt his heart ache as if it was pierced by needles. His face was pale, he couldn't believe the Suzaku he had been thinking about all this time was now having sex with that guy—

"Ufufufu. Suzaku nee-san, come on, you should move your waist harder for Darling to feel it."

"S-Such as this? - Hnnn~! Ahhh... It goes deep inside me, Eiji! Eiji! ...A-Akeno, what are you doing with that whip?"

"This thing? Of course to slap your big ass simultaneously while you're being fucked by Eiji's cock. It won't hurt, you'll definitely enjoy it."

"No! Akeno, you can't-"




Suzaku moaned very loudly as the slap sounded, she sounded crazy, especially with the clapping sound that also continued.

Suzaku's moans continued, she sounded like a bitch.

"That woman! Yesterday she was cold to me, refusing to marry me even though I could help her..."

Unexpectedly, just because Eiji helped her put up the barrier, Suzaku was actually willing to sleep with Eiji and even had a threesome with Akeno, her own cousin in the morning which was actually more immoral than marrying him.

Tobio felt so angry!

How was he any different from Eiji? He was sure yesterday he pretended well but Suzaku was disgusted with him.

This wasn't fair!

And yet...

Tobio didn't dare to imagine the scene that happened in the room, he felt green.

He was also very jealous of Eiji!

Although Tobio had never seen Akeno in person except from the anime, he knew as the heroine, the girl was of course very beautiful! And Eiji was fucking the two girls together!

"Eiji, I'm killing you right now! Suzaku, you bitch...! You rejected me just because I'm your cousin, feeling reluctant to marry me. But now, you're having sex with Eiji and your cousin, Akeno!"

Tobio roared, his heart bleeding, feeling very unwilling and coincidentally a green leaf from the surrounding trees happened to land on his head.

The protagonist lost his patience.

He called his dog, Jin to perform the ultimate attack that would destroy the building and kill the people inside.

He can do it and is confident.

But before he could do so his body suddenly froze, he and Jin felt a terrifying and powerful pressure pressing them to the ground.

The pressure was so strong, too strong that Jin was forcibly disabled and he himself lost his consciousness.

Who is it?

Before Tobio fainted, he only saw a pair of slender legs clad in tight black shoes and pants.

There was also a charming sounding female voice at that moment...

"Geez... Want to disturb Eiji-kun's breakfast? Onee-chan, won't let you~"

"Now, what should Onee-chan do to you? Hm~ I'll ask Eiji-kun later. Let's take this guy to the headquarters and imprison him first. Bella, take him."

It was none other than Liala. Now it was her turn to be the guard in the darkness around Eiji. This was done if this kind of situation occurred and Eiji had foreseen it.

This was not the first time this had happened, for example to the protagonists and villains before.

"Huh?! Why does it have to be me? Liala, you're the one who dropped the man and his dog. Why not just you? I don't want to touch any man other than Eiji."

The female protagonist became more and more obedient and submissive after her body was conquered by Eiji. She looked at the protagonist Tobio who was lying on the ground with disdain. Her hatred for men seemed to still exist; however Eiji was an exception.

Bella looked at the room where Eiji was having sex with the two women with envy.

She wanted to join and taste her master's cock, but she was working right now.

In the Shadow Garden organization, this was the rule. Unless Eiji returned to the headquarters or called them, during working hours they were not allowed to interfere with his affairs, especially when he was having sex with other women.

It wasn't Eiji who made this rule, but Alpha who was very strict.

None of them dared to go against the orders of the blonde elf who was now busy training the new girl named Haqua at the headquarters.

"Just use your demon hand. That black hand that comes out of your shadow. You have somewhat similar abilities to this guy." Liala said, she didn't want to carry Tobio either.

Even her younger brother who was now busy stabilizing the Demon Lord Faction in Demon Realm was not allowed to touch her again like before.

"...It can't be helped. That's a Demon God's exclusive ability, by the way, okay? It's called Samantha's Sacred Hand. There are purple ancient lines on each layer of the black hand and it definitely can't be confused with the toy this guy has."

Bella said something very insignificant.

"Onee-chan doesn't care... Just do it."

Teaming up with a woman like Bella honestly made Liala sigh a lot.


"Eiji, hmm~ Ah, I'm sure I heard Tobio's voice earlier..."

Suzaku who was straddling him and riding his cock was panting, her white skin was sweating and her breasts kept bouncing every time she swung her own waist.

Her black hair in a ponytail was pulled by Akeno from behind; Akeno herself seemed to enjoy slapping her cousin as if she was training her to be M.

Eiji only had to hold Suzaku's slender waist or play with her beautiful breasts.

He had cum many times inside the girl.

Suzaku's cold face had also turned lewd although a moment ago she was worried when she heard Tobio's roar.

"You might have heard wrong. If it's really him, he won't be able to stand hearing your moans and will blow up this room." Eiji said while savoring Suzaku's red eyes that were staring at him greedily.

She continued to swing her waist, continuing to squeeze his semen into her womb; if she slowed down her pace, Akeno would slap her ass harder even though when it happened she seemed to enjoy it.

As expected of women with the last name Himejima.

Are they all potential masochists?


A/N: If you want to read 7 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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