The green God of Darkness

The next morning, the day after Eiji conquered Nyx with his sword.

The figure shrouded in black aura finally arrived in front of Eiji and it happened to be just as Eiji and the girls were about to leave for school.

"Eiji Seiya! I finally found you!"

"Oh congratulations?" Eiji said to the young man wearing all black clothes, he looked like a suspicious character.

That youth was none other than the God of Darkness, Erebus.

He finally met the boy who most likely knew something about his little sister's whereabouts!

The God of Darkness glared at Eiji sharply, he also noticed the other girls standing beside him. Hades was right, this boy must really like beauty and sex. Since Nyx was beautiful, she probably...

Erebus' expression became ugly.

"You must be the God of Darkness, Erebus."

"Heh you know? Then it will shorten. Eiji Seiya, tell me honestly. What did you do to my little sister? Where is she?!"

"Your little sister? You mean the Goddess of the Night, Nyx?"

"Yes! You really know! Eiji Seiya, you better tell me where my little sister is or I'll plunge you into the darkness with those girls."

The God of Darkness threatened with a black aura expanding from his body. The originally clear sky, the street and the surrounding buildings were shrouded in darkness.

The God of Darkness wanted to throw Eiji and his girls into his subspace of darkness. This ability was similar to one of Longinus, Dimension Lost.

However, Eiji vaporized. Girls like Lala, Rias, Sona, Ravel and the others didn't panic either.

After all...

"!— no way, why can't I teleport you guys to my dark dimension?!"

His ability failed, his black aura had spread to the surrounding environment. But that aura could not touch Eiji and his girls and even Eiji's house which was not far beside him!

That was why Erebus was surprised.

Eiji sighed and said, "That's natural, that kind of dimensional magic is ineffective on us. Not because of the difference in power, but because you did it near my house. Brother-in-law."

At this point, his home defense mechanism had been strengthened many times over. Even if this world was destroyed, his house and the people living there would be fine and would not be able to be affected by the magic power of others who were hostile to them. Dimensional magic was no exception. In the case of his woman and himself, they would still be fine as long as they stayed within a ten meter radius of his home.

This was why Erebus' magic failed to forcibly bring them to his dark dimension.

They were still within the range of Eiji's home Anti-Magic.

Except for them, people who did not have permission or were hostile to Eiji and his girls would not be able to harm them with magic.

This was the power of the Anti-Magic mechanism! In their spare time, Lala and he worked on this for fun. Eiji couldn't help but smile remembering that moment, especially when he fucked the pink-haired girl in his lab.

Lala had no idea what Eiji was thinking. If she knew, she would blush. Actually ever since she awakened her Charmian charms, Eiji ate them more often at night which made her happy.

Unlike Erebus who was in a bad mood. Eiji and his girls were in a very good mood.

"Your house? Power difference? What nonsense. I'm a god! I'm definitely stronger than all of you- wait. Eiji Seiya, why are you calling me brother-in-law?! You, what is your relationship with Nyx?! Don't tell me you've defiled my little sister!"

"God or whoever it is. You dare to point your fangs at Eiji-sama and my sisters! Ravel will not forgive you! —Barret."

In her shock and worry about her little sister, the Dark God reacted too late with Ravel who shot a fireball from her hand.

It was not an ordinary fireball that the devils of the Phenex Clan normally used of course.

It was Phenex's level 1 magic!

Don't be fooled by its size of only twenty meters, the heat and power inside was dozens of times stronger than Hellfire.

The God of Darkness didn't know this, he was arrogant and thought with the black aura enveloping him. The attack wouldn't be able to hurt him.

But what happened was just the opposite, he was burned alive by the house-sized fireball and thrown far back. Erebus screamed, his body was on fire and he was rolling on the street of the housing complex.

It took more effort for him to get rid of the golden flames burning his body by creating a light black armor that wrapped around him.

Erebus was relieved that he managed to get rid of the flames burning his body, he did not expect the attack thrown by the young devil to be able to injure him.

He looked at Ravel who was standing in the distance grimly.

"That aura, I know you're a devil. How dare you make a surprise attack on a god!"

"Cih! Level 1 is not enough to kill a god huh. Eiji-sama, I'm sorry. Let me use my level 8 magic! I will definitely turn this annoying god into ashes for you."

"Hey you ignored my words?!"

"Well, Ravel. No need to apologize, save your magic. Lala, save your scythe. Asia, Rias, Sona, Run, you guys too. I'll personally have a conversation with brother-in-law myself."


Eiji patted the head of Ravel who looked reluctant. The blonde girl looked at Erebus with a yandere gaze that made the God of Darkness flinch slightly.

Erebus was confused. Obviously he was the one who should be angry here, but that girl was far more angry and had unlimited killing intent on him! And what humiliated him was that not only was he hurt by the girl, he was also intimidated by her gaze!

As one of the Primordial Gods, the God of Darkness. To him, this was humiliating.

Even worse, the gazes of the other girls, some of whom he knew were famous devils, Heir Gremory and Heir Sitri also made him increase his vigilance.

Those girls were not simple!

"Ehh~ Alright." Lala put her scythe back into Peke's pocket with a sweet frown on her face.

"Darling said that. I will give up on becoming a God Slayer..." Rias stopped the Power of Destruction she was about to fire.

Asia, Sona and the other girls also canceled what they were about to do reluctantly. Otherwise, Erebus would have been dead by now.

Eiji slowly walked up to Erebus while speaking. "Now brother-in-law, can we talk?"

"Don't call me brother-in-law! Eiji Seiya, you... I say again, where is my little sister?! You didn't do anything bad to her, right?! If you dare to do so, I'll kill you!"

Erebus was angry and anxious, although he wanted to kill Eiji right now, his curiosity about what happened to his little sister made him restrain himself.

Eiji, who was originally a little far away, suddenly appeared in front of Erebus. He put his hand on the man's shoulder which made him freeze.

So fast!

His eyes could not keep up with the boy's speed.

"Don't worry about Nyx. That woman wanted to kill me before. But because she was pretty, I wasn't cruel enough to kill her after defeating her. Ah correction, after my girls caught her and tortured her all night."

"And the next morning... Nyx agreed to give herself to me. She fell in love with me. Her moans are cute and I love the way she wiggles her hips. Erebus, I will take care of your little sister from now on. That's why I call you brother-in-law."


The black aura on Erebus' body thickened and exerted a terrifying pressure. The ground beneath his feet cracked like a spider web. His expression was distorted with 40 points of anger and 60 points of jealousy. His eyes glowed with purple light and looked at Eiji fiercely.

Even so, Eiji was fine. He looked at the God of Darkness with a friendly smile.

In the face of Erebus' wrath, he was very calm.

With a funny look, he even added, "Oh right, this morning Nyx wore a cute lacy maid uniform. During breakfast, she fed me several times. She gets happy whenever I praise her. Now she is in my house and is learning to cook from one of my women."

That was no lie. After being conquered yesterday, Nyx had actually defected from the villain camp and gone to his side. With a reddish-purple Master-Servant tattoo on her white neck and a positive level that touched 98.

Eiji wasn't worried that she had ideas of betraying him. She even took the initiative to leak the information of the Hades-led Hell Alliance to him. She told him where the headquarters of those people were and who the members were. Even though Eiji already knew, he still thanked Nyx and patted the Goddess on the head which made her purr like a happy cat.

Now Lucia was teaching the woman to cook.

"No way!! My little sister couldn't have done all that! She's not in love with you! Eiji Seiya, you clearly threatened her! After I'm done with you, I'll bring Nyx back!"

Erebus roared, he raised his fist wrapped in black aura. He was so angry that he wanted to blow Eiji's head off.

The God of Darkness was confident. From this close range, he could kill the boy.



Not only Erebus. The girls watching, all the people and animals in the area around the compound. No, time in that city and world stopped.

However, it didn't take long for Eiji's girls to move because Eiji excluded them in his Time Matter field. He also made Erebus realize what was happening to him now. Unlike other people out there who didn't realize time stopped, the God of Darkness could.

Erebus looked at Eiji who lost his smile with horror in his eyes.

This boy, he has the power to manipulate time?

And it's at a level enough to freeze time around the world!

Hades apparently didn't overestimate Eiji's power. This boy was indeed a monster. He's a very dangerous existence for the gods!

"Brother-in-law... No, Erebus. It doesn't matter whether you believe me or not." Eiji shook his head, removed his hand from Erebus' shoulder and extended one finger to his forehead.

Feeling Eiji's finger touching his forehead, the God of Darkness broke out in a cold sweat. He wanted to move his body to move away and keep his distance from Eiji. But it was useless, except for the brain that responded to everything around him, his body could not be moved.

"Actually I don't want to kill you because you're Nyx's older brother. But hey you don't seem to want to reconcile with me, right?

Impossible! You dare to defile my little sister! Eiji Seiya, I want to kill you, tear your corpse apart and give your limbs to dogs! The Siscon god shouted madly in his heart.

Although he didn't want to believe what he heard from Eiji's mouth. He knew there was little chance that Eiji had not eaten his beautiful little sister!

His head felt very heavy. There was currently an illusion of a green hat on top of Erebus' head and not only that. Many images of his little sister being fucked by Eiji appeared in his mind. It was very vivid, especially the expression of Nyx who seemed to be enjoying herself while being ridden by Eiji.

Vaguely, Erebus could even hear Nyx's voice saying "Eiji-sama! Eiji-sama! Ahhh~ Yess~ Do it harder~! This goddess belongs to you~". That made his heart ache like being stabbed by thousands of needles until he wanted to vomit blood and faint.

Erebus didn't know those images were real, Eiji transferred those images to his brain using magic through the finger attached to his forehead.

This was Eiji's gift to Erebus. How was it? Do you like it, brother-in-law?

Erebus' face was pale, he swallowed the blood that rose to his throat and gritted his teeth while looking at Eiji with a hateful gaze.

"Just like Nyx who was previously a member of the Hell Alliance, you are also a member of that group. You're basically a villain. Nyx will definitely understand, I have no other choice but to do so. So let's see. Can you withstand this? —Thunder."

Dark red lightning crackled from Eiji's body and flowed to the tip of his index finger, coiling around Erebus from head to toe like a snake, destroying his black aura defense and scorching his body.

The dark red lightning engulfed his entire body, leaving him unable to even scream.

After releasing his lightning for a few moments, Eiji pulled it back. Time in the world also returned to motion.


Erebus collapsed to the ground in a pitiful state. His eyes turned white and the armor covering his body disappeared.

There was an overwhelming reluctance on his face that was filled with hatred.

The expression on his face was similar to that of NTR's victim which made Eiji satisfied.

He had just used BoBoiBoy Thunderstorm's ability again after a long time. Although not to the point of blowing up the city or destroying the surrounding area. The lightning that shocked Erebus' body was stronger than the original work.

It was amplified several times by his magic.

And of course Erebus...

"Is he already dead?"

The one who asked was Yukino. After the girl was eaten to the bone by Eiji. She stayed at Eiji's house for one day at the insistence of the other girls and got acquainted with everyone in Eiji's house. This morning, she went to school with Eiji and the others.

Among the girls, in fact Yukino was the most nervous because it was her first time seeing a god. At least an aggressive god because Nyx who was wearing a maid uniform in Eiji's house seemed harmless to animals and humans.

Of course, after all Nyx had lost her pride after being tortured by the other girls and conquered by Eiji's penis. So to the people who had relationships with Eiji, she seemed like a nice girl.

Still, this God of Darkness or whatever was even defeated easily by Eiji. Yukino was not the type of girl who liked strong men with superpowers. However, she had to admit that right now— Eiji who had dark red lightning sparks dancing all over his body was handsomely cool! Especially with that handsome face looking at Erebus' corpse indifferently.

Without Yukino realizing it, it wasn't just her. Rias, Sona and the others were staring at that boy with hot gazes.

They were looking at him as if they wanted to give birth to his children.

Eiji turned to his girls with a smile that left them dazed.

"He's already dead. Let's continue on our way to school."


A/N: If you want to read 7 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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