Eiji vs Evil God of Zoroastrianism!

"M-Mongrel? I am the Evil God of Zoroastrianism from Persian mythology, Angra Mainyu! Eiji Seiya, you called me a mongrel?!"

This was the first time Angra Mainyu was called a mongrel, he felt insulted.

Moreover, as an evil god, he did not have as much patience as the other gods.

He was like the Evil God Loki who felt he had great power, but was too confident to start Ragnarok and provoke every faction.

Now Angra Mainyu couldn't wait to go head-to-head with Eiji and kill him!

Eiji's previous taunts where he kept insulting the gods didn't help either, making Angra Mainyu who was proud to be a god unable to hold back his emotions.

Originally he wanted to pretend to be a woman, use beauty tricks and kill his target who lowered his guard with that.

Although that method was disgusting because he himself was male, Angra Mainyu did not have the psychological burden to do so.

He did it because he knew Eiji Seiya's power could not be underestimated and that boy seemed to be obsessed with beauty.

Hades had told him this, which was why Angra Mainyu used his transformation ability to turn into a beautiful and voluptuous woman.

However, who would have thought that Eiji was stronger than he thought because he could see through his disguise, even his true appearance!

And not only that, the boy also said that he had enslaved Nyx and killed Erebus. Basically two members of the Hell Alliance were defeated by him.

Angra Mainyu who was also a member of the Hell Alliance was sent to check on the whereabouts of the two people and became reinforcements to deal with Eiji.

At this moment, Angra Mainyu's black and chaotic divine power exploded from his body.

This time it was bigger!

The sky became overcast and naturally for a god-class being, the pressure he emitted was able to cover the entire school, city and even beyond.

However, the barrier in Kuoh Academy that devils like Rias and Sona had created was automatically triggered.

It instantly isolated the evil divine aura that Angra Mainyu was emitting in the school.

Although at this time many ordinary students and teachers at the school fainted due to the tremendous pressure Angra Mainyu was emitting from the roof.

Eiji wasn't worried about his girls who had Master-Sevant contracts with him at school, they would definitely be fine.

What about the other girls who didn't have Master-Sevant contracts but had a fairly close relationship with him? Well at this moment Eiji also immediately released his aura to protect Utaha and Aika behind him.

The golden aura that exploded from his body immediately pushed away Angra Mainyu and destroyed his black aura.


The Evil God of Zoroastrianism, Angra Mainyu was sent crashing into the wall on the roof of the school and he vomited blood.

His flaming eyes blinked repeatedly which meant he was looking at Eiji in disbelief.

Some of his internal organs were severely injured.

Angra Mainyu frantically flew into the sky and kept his distance from Eiji.

Utaha and Aika looked at Eiji in awe.

Eiji sneered and said, "This is why you're a mongrel. With such little power, why should I bother calling your name? Are you worthy?"

"Eiji Seiya... don't be arrogant just because you managed to hurt me a little! I haven't–"

Angra Mainyu wanted to say he wasn't serious yet, he hadn't unleashed all his power, but Eiji interrupted him with Excalibur in his hand and made a sky-slashing motion from the roof.

A huge golden pillar of light crashed into the Evil God of Zoroastrianism.

The slash split the sky and clouds for hundreds of kilometers.

For a moment the sky above Kuoh city was illuminated by golden light.

The scene attracted a lot of attention.

Put aside the people outside the school.

In the school.

Not only Utaha and Aika, Eiji's girls like Rias, Sona, Lala, Mio, and the others also saw the scene.

Protagonists like Rito and Basara who were strong enough to survive the pressure Angra Mainyu emitted earlier also looked up at the sky from their class in a daze.

They knew it was an attack that Eiji had unleashed.

That man seemed to be fighting with someone.

And those who already knew Eiji's power and were slapped by him were a little sympathetic to the person who provoked him.

Even so, the protagonists secretly clenched their fists.

"Is this the level Eiji has reached now? Then I... Damn! I have to train more, at least raise a few more levels to prevent that bastard from laying his hands on Mikan in the future!"

With the determination of an older brother who wanted to protect his younger sister from Eiji or any other bastard out there, Rito sat back into his seat.

He completely ignored his fainting classmates and girls like Yui, Lala, Asia, Haruna and Run who were watching Eiji's fight from the window.

The girls were not worried about Eiji because they believed in his power, especially when the enemy was male. Unlike what happened with Nyx, they didn't need to intervene to control Eiji's lower half.

"Eiji, fight~!"

Still, it was Rito who heard Lala's sweet cheer for Eiji. Although this was not the first time after the girl was no longer his fiancée like in his previous life, Rito frowned.

He felt sour.

What is this? Can I still be jealous that Lala is with that bastard?

A hint of green filled Rito's heart that he had not felt in a long time because he had previously determined that women only affected the speed at which he drew his sword.

Rito shook his head, forget it and think of something else.

In fact, with his current power, he was capable of destroying the city by himself.

After going through a lot of training in his home secretly, his Void Dragon bloodline from his previous life had evolved so much that he was no longer human.

He was now a Void Distorter and Rito vaguely believed that soon his race would evolve again.

He was getting closer to his peak power in his previous life.

Rito was confident, when he got his peak power from his previous life. At that time Eiji who he didn't know what his race was because he had many abilities, he would still lose to the strongest Void race in the universe!

Unlike Rito, the protagonist Basara's reaction was more calm. After all, this wasn't the first time Basara had seen Excalibur's slash.

He had seen more of what Eiji could do while in the Demon Realm, for example the thousand-meter Susanoo.

Of course, Basara didn't forget to train to become stronger.

He was much stronger now.

But instead of competing with Eiji, even after hearing what Eiji did with his lips last time in the school health room, Basara wondered when Eiji would help him to get his two mothers back?

"Maybe Eiji hasn't gotten any news about my mother yet... If he finds out, he'll definitely contact me."

Unfortunately Basara trusted Eiji too much.

He didn't know Eiji actually already knew Sapphire's location from Sheila and could go to the Divine Realm at any time to save Raphaeline.

After his two younger sisters, two childhood friends, and his aunt became Eiji's women.

Basara did not think that Eiji might also target his two beautiful mothers.

Back to the school roof.

Eiji who had put Excalibur back into his inventory.

He looked at the empty sky, the figure of Angra Mainyu was nowhere to be found.

The god was probably dead because he was swallowed by the pillar of light earlier.

At least that's what others thought.

However, Eiji whose gaze was still fixed on the sky frowned.

"Wow! Eiji-kun, you're so strong! I thought you were just bragging about what you did to those gods, but you're really capable of killing a god!" Aika said excitedly.

She was very surprised by the previous fight.

The way she looked at Eiji changed. That boy was not only handsome, he was also actually so powerful that he was able to unleash magic that usually only appeared in anime.

The blue and gold striped silver sword that he suddenly pulled out of thin air and unleashed a sky-splitting golden slash was also very cool!

Aika was wet, she looked at Eiji with heat and a blush on her cheeks.

Instead of being scared by what she had just seen, the girl was aroused!

"Eiji-kun, are you alright?"

Unlike the perverted girl, Utaha was more concerned about her boyfriend's condition.

She thought after unleashing such a powerful attack Eiji would run out of magic or something that made him uncomfortable.

After all, this is what usually happens in novels when the protagonist goes overboard.

However, Utaha was too worried.

Eiji naturally ignored Aika and answered Utaha first. "I'm fine. All those attacks weren't enough to tire me out."

"Then... What about that evil god? Is he dead?"

"Him? He's still alive."

Utaha wanted to sigh in relief because she thought Eiji would say "Yes, that god is dead." with a proud expression because he managed to show off in front of his girlfriend.

At that time Utaha would praise him like Aika did and the two of them would love each other even more.

But no, "He's still alive?!"

Not only Utaha, Aika looked around anxiously and immediately hid behind Eiji's back.

They were just ordinary high school girls, it would be a lie if they were not afraid of Angra Mainyu whose figure was quite frightening.

If there was no Eiji, they definitely wouldn't have been that calm before.

Feeling the softness pressing against his back, Eiji was happy. He wanted to scare the girls a little to make them more dependent on him, but forget it.

He looked at a certain point in the sky and said, "Stop pretending to be dead, I know you're still alive."

Instantly, the white mist that merged with the clouds gathered above the sky and formed the figure of Angra Mainyu. But unlike before where his limbs were complete, now he only had one arm.

The evil god's face looked extremely ugly. Fortunately he had the ability to turn his body into mist which allowed him to avoid attacks.

So far to face powerful opponents such as gods or other powerful beings, he had always been able to survive their attacks with this ability which made him more confident of course.

Still, because Eiji's previous attack was sudden and too fast, his left arm did not survive the sword slash.

Angra Mainyu was slightly frightened by the holy power that Eiji's sword unleashed. He almost died in one strike because of it!

That made his pride hurt and even more angry.

"How?! According to the information, you're a devil! Why are you able to use the Holy Sword and release that much holy power?!"

The Evil God of Zoroastrianism shouted in confusion and disbelief.

Before coming, Hades had already told him a lot of information about Eiji. From all kinds of abilities and his race that should be watched out for.

However, the information Hades had was obviously only a fraction of the truth!

Of course, it was not like Angra Mainyu would retreat with little to no detailed information about his target. After all, he was an arrogant Evil God, he thought that even though Eiji was strong, he was still weaker than him and he could kill him easily.

But reality slapped the Evil God of Zoroastrianism in the face. The divine power that Eiji had previously unleashed, he felt it was even stronger than the divine power that the angel leader, Michael possessed!

In the past Angra Mainyu had fought with that blonde angel, so he knew. Although the Evil God was not weak to holy power, if the holy power was too strong he would also be injured!

Eiji wanted to answer, but two large magic circles with the logos of Gremory and Sitri appeared on the roof floor.

Rias, Sona and their respective peerages appeared and immediately approached their group.

"Eiji, we've come to help!"

"I thought Eiji was fine. Is our help even needed? The enemy is only an evil god."

"What do you mean 'only?'! I'm the Evil God of Zoroastrianism! Angra Mainyu! You young devils should know my prowess!"

Angra Mainyu's shout in the sky was ignored by everyone.

Prowess? What prowess? One of your hands was just cut off by Eiji.

Rias and Sona were the first to speak from the group, Eiji waved his hand at them and looked at Akeno who was about to laugh "Ara Ara" as if telling her to be quiet for a while.


Akeno pouted, the girls giggled

The boys like Yuuto, Gasper and Saji smiled wryly.

Soon, they looked at Angra Mainyu who only had one arm.

They stared at him calmly.

There was no fear or excessive caution as if they were not taking him seriously.

Angra Mainyu was not pleased with the stares of those people.

He was an evil god no less famous than Loki, couldn't they be a little scared or intimidated by him? Some even looked at him with amusement which made him even angrier.

He knew it was the devils that ruled this city, Heir Gremory and Heir Sitri. But that was it, Angra Mainyu didn't take them seriously either.

He was only wary of Eiji but he would definitely change his mind if he knew the power of Rias and Sona.

By then would it be too late to escape?

"Glad you guys finally came but just shut up and leave this to me." Eiji said and at the same time his inner voice was heard.

[And Sona is actually right. I don't need any help. It's just the Evil God of Zoroastrianism from Persia. Still, whose school is this? Shouldn't you guys at least come early when that guy makes his presence known?]

Rias, Sona and the girls who could hear inner voices like Akeno, Tsubaki and Koneko in the group that had just arrived looked embarrassed.

To be honest if they hadn't changed their minds earlier they were just thinking of watching the fight.

It was Eiji after all. Unlike the protagonist of the original work, they were so confident in his power that they thought there was no need to jump into the field to help him.

But after watching for a while, the sense of responsibility as the devil who became the ruler of this school and city made Rias and Sona feel guilty.

Their little hearts couldn't stand it.

They immediately teleported with everyone and came even though it was a bit late.

"So... Where were we?" Eiji asked Angra Mainyu.

Angra Mainyu replied, "I asked why you could use such powerful holy power. Aren't you a devil?"

"You asked that." Eiji nodded.

Don't know why the two of them talked so well without mocking and yelling at each other like before.

Utaha and Aika's lips twitched. It seemed like they were the only two normal girls dragged into this situation.

They weren't sure if this was how people in the supernatural world who had previously killed each other talked?

Meanwhile Rias, Sona and the other girls were talking to Utaha and even Aika. The latter was a little nervous as it was her first time being talked to by the most popular girls in school.

Aika was also surprised that Rias, Sona and the others turned out to be devils!

"Does it matter that you know? You're going to die anyway." Eiji returned to insulting mode.

Angra Mainyu growled, but soon laughed loudly and showed a sadistic smile. "That is indeed not important. But Eiji Seiya, do you think losing one of my arms is enough to convince you that you can beat me? You, the girls and the devils... I will make you regret for underestimating me. I kill you all! I'll show you the power of the true Evil God of Zoroastrianism!"

Eiji did not say anything, the others were the same.

At this moment, Angra Mainyu created many magic circles in the sky.

The number probably reached hundreds to thousands, the colors were various and the magic fluctuations were enough to make at least everyone except Eiji and his girls who were strong enough feel the oppression.

As the Evil God of Zoroastrianism, Angra Mainyu was able to use various kinds of magic.

Fire, water, wind, lightning, darkness, light and other magic, even dragon slayer magic can be mastered.

He was ready to unleash all that magic on Eiji and everyone at school.

However, how could Eiji let him? Before Angra Mainyu finished casting his magic, with a flash of dark red Eiji's figure suddenly disappeared from everyone's gaze.

He suddenly appeared in front of Angra Mainyu with a speed that the evil god himself could not keep up with.

Although Angra Mainyu panicked slightly because he thought Eiji wanted to disturb his magic casting by attacking him at close range, he sneered.

Did Eiji forget he could turn his body into mist?!

Of course, Angra Mainyu could also use it in this situation and he did. His body turned into mist and his magic was not interrupted at all.

Even so what made the Evil God of Zoroastrianism dumbfounded was that Eiji was just standing still in front of him.

The boy smiled faintly and his snake-like eyes glowed with colorful light. Angra Mainyu wasn't sure, but seeing Eiji's eyes, he suddenly froze!

This was the first time he was this scared in his life because in front of him was no longer Eiji.

It was a monster!

Of course just a monster wasn't enough to scare him, but the size of the monster was even bigger than the Great Red and Trihexa he had seen in the past.

"Huh? Where am I? Eiji, is that you? You... You're not a devil!"

"What kind of M-Monster are you?! Why are there creatures like you in this world?!"

The Evil God of Zoroastrianism didn't realize his own magic had been undone.

Although he thought he was safe because he was still in the form of mist, but finding himself in a place as dark as outer space while being stared at by the creature in front of him horrified him.

His heart was filled with terror!!!

He saw a snake whose eyes were the same as Eiji's but it was huge, bigger than the planets and monsters he had previously thought of.

From his position he could only see its head and half of its body, he didn't know how long the snake's body was.

What was certain was that the snake was green with scales that looked colorful, looking both beautiful and frightening.

And the huge snake opened its mouth which was even enough to swallow a planet.

Perhaps because he was so frightened and so shocked because he felt himself to be as small as an ant, the Evil God of Zoroastrianism couldn't move and let the snake swallow him.



Looking at Angra Mainyu who fell onto the school roof and failed to cast his magic, Rias and the others didn't know what Eiji had just done.

Previously they only saw Eiji who suddenly appeared in the sky looking at each other with the evil god.

Soon, the situation became like this.

"Eiji, what did you do to him?" Sona couldn't help but ask out of curiosity.

She could feel that Angra Mainyu had died with a terrible expression on his face as if he saw a ghost or something very frightening.

To kill a God in this way...

Maybe only Eiji can do it.

Eiji's eyes had returned to normal, he smiled at Sona and the others. "Oh I just poisoned him with a poison that can make him hallucinate until he sees something funny. It was just a hallucination, but it felt very real."

After all it was one of the poisons with the deadliest hallucinatory effect that Jörmungandr had.

And he could spread it by making close eye contact with his target.

Although Angra Mainyu had the ability to turn his body into mist so that he could avoid various attacks.

He still couldn't avoid the poison that was intangible and spread through the gaze.

Well even without it he could kill him in many ways.

"Poison? Hallucination? Why would a hallucination make him die like this..."

Sona didn't understand, the others were the same.

Eiji shrugged and said, "Maybe he's just too afraid of big snakes? In any case, this evil god is dead. Rias, I leave his body to you."

Rias understood what her fiancé wanted from her, she waved her hand and a wave of power of destruction struck Angra Mainyu's corpse.

Immediately, Angra Mainyu's body vanished without leaving anything behind.

If Hades saw and knew what happened to his three friends.

Would he vomit blood?

[Host, have you forgotten? Hades' entire body is a skull. He has no blood to vomit.]

Hearing what Miss System said, Eiji shook his head.

That's right, Hades is a skull, he doesn't even have... Cough.

"What a pity."


A/N: If you want to read 7 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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By the way, don't forget to throw power stones and leave a review to motivate me :)


For those of you who know the original work and are wondering. I intentionally modified Jörmungandr's abilities like some of Eiji's previous rewards.