A bloody scene of an arrogant villain

"Huh? Who are you? You dare to teach me to do something, do you know who I am?!"

Zephyrdor who had just noticed Eiji's arrival looked at the man angrily.

Especially when looking at his face that was more handsome than him, there was a hint of jealousy in his eyes that made his high-class demon power explode.

Zephyrdor seemed to want to intimidate Eiji and humiliate him in front of everyone.

He did it without recognizing Eiji's identity.

Either he forgot because he was mentally unstable, after all many of the audience recognized who Eiji was or he really didn't know.

Whatever it was—

"You? I know... You are Zephy... No, aren't you just a mongrel? A mongrel that goes wrong should certainly be taught how to behave properly."

"That's why I'm telling you to stop, it's an order."

Eiji's words were undoubtedly full of contempt and arrogance that made the audience shocked.

And not only that, in the face of the demonic power that Zephyrdor exuded. Eiji was not affected at all, he walked towards the green-haired man with a condescending look.

His steps were relaxed, but everyone who heard the sound of his footsteps, somehow their hearts skipped a beat.

The atmosphere in that place became tense.

Being called a mongrel, this was a first for Zephyrdor. He felt insulted of course and... Angry!

Anger further eliminating his rationality, he did not wonder how Eiji was fine under the pressure of his demonic power.

In Zephyrdor's eyes, Eiji was just a random person who was filled with a sense of justice and dared to meddle in the affairs of nobles.

Unlike these people, he and Seekvaira who came from the remaining 72 Pillar families were nobles in the underworld.

Eiji who he didn't recognize was just a commoner!

How dare a commoner insult a noble.

Such a crime must be punished by death!

"Bastard, you insult me?! Who do you think you are?! I'll-"

"Huh?" Zephyrdor didn't finish his words. Originally he wanted to create a magic circle to attack Eiji.

But before that happened his body felt very heavy, he fell and his knees hit the floor.


He, Zephyrdor Glasya-Labolas knelt down in front of the commoners and the people who were now watching!

Zephyrdor's expression was ugly, his face slightly pale due to the shame and humiliation that welled up in his heart.

He lost a little of his anger, looking at the man with black hair and golden eyes who stood right in front of him in a daze.

Eiji smiled slightly, but his eyes still looked down on Zephyrdor who was forced to kneel by the magical power of the King of Heroes.

A golden aura enveloped his body, his charisma and reasonable arrogance naturally increased by 200 points, making people including Rias and the others mesmerized.

Except for his girls and Seekvaira whom he excluded, many of them had the urge to kneel to him as if he was their King.

Although he only released a bit of his passive aura after activating the character card of the King of Heroes, Gilgamesh.

There was also the bloodline of one of the Primogenitors, Jörmungandr.

That combination created absolute oppression in lesser beings, devils were no exception.

Originally Eiji wanted to be the protagonist who waited for the villain to attack before he did a face slap.

But forget it, this green-haired man was too weak. This weak creature dared to look down on him, killing him was too easy, Eiji decided to teach him a painful lesson.

"You don't recognize my face, unlike those guys... Although I don't care, I seem to be quite popular in the underworld. Have you ever heard of Eiji Seiya?" Eiji asked with one hand in his pants pocket and his other hand in a ready posture of snapping fingers.

"Eiji Seiya? I don't recognize you! What are you doing to me?! Let me move, bastard! You're the one who doesn't recognize me, I'm Zephyrdor Glasya-Labolas! Humiliating me like this... You will not end well! You're going to die, damn it!"

Zephyrdor had no idea what he was about to face, his mind wanted to stand up and kill the man in front of him. However, his body was inexplicably heavy and didn't listen to his commands!

Although he wasn't afraid, his body trembled as if his instincts as a devil said otherwise.

Zephyrdor was confused.

And looking again at the people watching... Many of them looked at the man named Eiji Seiya who dared to humiliate him with a familiar gaze. Many of them were amazed and afraid of that man, but they looked at him with pity and oh? There were Rias and her peerage among the crowd.

For some reason Rias Gremory looked at him sharply as if he had offended her somewhere.

Zephyrdor instantly broke out in a cold sweat, he started to panic a little. What's wrong?!

Zephyrdor dared to force Seekvaira to sleep with him, but Rias? Although he was also tempted by that extremely hot Maou Lucifer's younger sister. Her power and background that was higher than his was not something he could offend, even if his mind was unstable due to his defeat to Sairaorg which made him bolder to transgress.

Before and until now Zephyrdor was an arrogant person. He was like the unrepentant Riser of the past, a playboy, but his personality was more wild like a delinquent. In Japan, people like him can be called Yankees who often don't care about the rules and do whatever they like.

Always busy having fun, Zephyrdor missed the rumors about Eiji. He did hear that after breaking off the engagement with Riser, Rias had gotten engaged again to someone who upset him.

Then it was also revealed that the man who was engaged to Rias was also engaged to Sona Sitri. Zephyrdor was very jealous and angry at the lucky guy who monopolized the two most popular young female devils in the underworld before he got over it by having fun with the prostitutes.

But that was it...

Looking at the man who was now looking at him as if he were an ant. Zephyrdor didn't know how great Eiji Seiya was, he didn't care and unleashed his demonic power with all his might!

However, it was useless. His body was even too scared to be able to release his demonic power!

"Is that so? Then you should blame your own ignorance for what happens next." Eiji said and flicked his finger towards Zephyrdor.


With that sound, in front of everyone.

Zephyrdor exploded into a mist of blood!

His flesh, blood and internal organs were scattered on the ground making the devils stare at the scene in horror.

Zephyrdor was a high-class devil, but Eiji only needed to snap his fingers to kill him!

This level of power made the devils who only knew Eiji's prowess from the rumors they heard and some of his battle videos on DevilTube open their eyes wide.

Unlike before, there was now not the slightest doubt about Eiji's power. This was a man who had slain several gods and his power was definitely no less than the Four Maou, maybe even more!

The Demon King's nickname was not just a name!


Seekvaira covered her mouth with her hand, she herself was not afraid to kill a bastard like Zephyrdor.

Although it would cause a bit of trouble because the man was still a high-class devil of the Glasya-Labolas family and his existence was still valued even though he was no longer the family's heir. Seekvaira was confident in her status as the heir of the Agares family and with many eyewitnesses knowing that Zephyrdor was the one who first sought trouble with her.

She would be fine.

Her actions would only be legitimate self-defense against the bastard who wanted to rape her.

However, Eiji was different... That man was a third party who wanted to help her. He did not hesitate to kill Zephyrdor in front of the eyes of many devils and did not seem to worry about the consequences at all... Just for her?

Seekvaira was moved.

If the audience noticed the gentle and slightly shy expression the Agares heiress had now. They would doubt whether this was still the same woman who had previously looked so cold and insulted Zephyrdor with her razor-sharp tongue?

Rias happened to notice her childhood friend's expression and sighed.

"Seek-chan, you're too easy, right? When Sairaorg helped you to get rid of Zephyrdor in the past you didn't make that expression. Why is it that when Eiji did it you... As expected of Darling. Even Seek-chan started showing signs of falling in just under an hour."

Rias muttered while looking at Seekvaira with some disappointment.

Although she had already approved of the girl since Zekram and Eiji's conversation. Given Seekvaira's cold and serious personality, she thought it would at least take a while.

Akeno who heard what the girl said handed her a face-sized square object.

"Rias, take this."

"Akeno, what is this? This is..."

"Mirror, Rias. Mirror."


Seekvaira happened to feel Rias' gaze and was slightly surprised. Her childhood friend was also here and watching?

This exchange took no more than five seconds.

"Ingall." Unlike in the original work, Eiji did not need to drip blood, he only needed to point at Zephyrdor's corpse to revive it.

This was the same as what he had done to Belphegor in the past.

Immediately, a green magic halo appeared beneath the dead Zephyrdor and revived him.

Everyone including Seekvaira was shocked.

Zephyrdor was alive again?!

Although in the underworld there were Phoenix Tears to heal people on the verge of death. That was only if those people were not dead yet, no matter how bad their injuries were, they could be saved!

But Zephyrdor had clearly died earlier. They themselves felt his life signs disappear.

But what was going on here? Except for Rias and the other Eiji girls who had seen the "Ingall" spell before, those including Seekvaira who was seeing such a spell for the first time could not help but be surprised.

"What... What did you just do to me? I..." Zephyrdor who now had his limbs attached sat back down on the ground. His face was sweaty, although he still looked at Eiji arrogantly, there was also a hint of fear and confusion in his eyes.

"You just died when I snapped my fingers." Eiji said lightly.

Zephyrdor couldn't believe what he was hearing, he pointed at Eiji with his trembling finger. "Lies! H-How could I die just because of a flick of your finger! I'm a high-class devil! Even Maou should at least throw their attacks at me!"

"Don't believe it? Why don't you ask the people watching? They saw your body explode and limbs scattered on the ground. The ground you were sitting on is also still full of your blood."


Zephyrdor looked at the ground beneath him, it was indeed a pool of blood! His heart trembling, he then looked at the people watching.

Many of them were looking at him as if they were seeing a ghost.

It couldn't be, right?

Zephyrdor gritted his teeth, a feeling of humiliation rushing through his heart.

He didn't dare to ask and tried to look at Eiji arrogantly.

"You're lying!"

"Are you an idiot? Then try dying again and remember that feeling well."

"Wait, what are you-"


Like a popped balloon, Zephyrdor burst into a mist of blood again.

Three seconds later, Eiji revived him with "Ingall".

Zephyrdor who was now sitting on the ground had a pale face looking at Eiji in horror.

"Bastard, you just..."

He vaguely felt it.

The feeling of death.

"You still don't believe it?"

"N-No, I-"


"How about now?"

"Ahhhh! Bastard, you dare..."


"Feeling better?"

"I'll kill you! Eiji Seiya, you did this to me, I will-"

"Yes?" Eiji moved his finger again under the gaze of Zephyrdor who was actually frightened but still had high self-esteem.


"Ahhhh! Stop!"




"I-I... You're Eiji Seiya, right?"


"Stop! Please! I, I was wrong!"


"Why?! I already admitted my mistake, you can't do this to me! Eiji Seiya!"





The spectators saw Zephyrdor explode into a mist of blood time and time again. The puddles of blood on the ground were getting more and more which made them retreat further.

Even so none of them left and continued to watch Eiji's brutal torture.

Many devils shuddered. But as devils, they couldn't help but idolize Eiji.

Even they had never been that cruel to someone, at least those gathered there because they couldn't do the same as Eiji.

"Hiiik! Eiji-dono, Eiji-dono! Please stop, forgive me!"

Zephyrdor who was revived for the umpteenth time immediately knelt down and hit his head on the ground covered in his own blood.

After absorbing the taste of death many times, his arrogance shattered and left only fear in the man in front of him.

Eiji who stood on a pool of Zephyrdor's blood was not soiled at all. "Silentium Eden" made his whole body enveloped in invisible armor that pushed away all the blood splashes that were about to hit him.

"Oh, you're becoming more polite. But a mongrel... What?"

"No! I'm a mongrel! Eiji-dono, you can call me by any name you like!"

Zephyrdor was originally a little dissatisfied at being called a mutt. He had a name, but since it was Eiji. Whatever!

Although it was embarrassing to kneel down and accept being called a mongrel in front of the many devils watching. Rather than worrying about embarrassment, Zephyrdor was more worried about his life!

This man, Eiji Seiya was truly terrifying!

If he wanted, he could kill him at any time with just a flick of a finger and revive him as many times as he wanted.

Even that famous god of death Hades, he was sure he couldn't do the same thing Eiji did!

For now Zephyrdor just wanted to escape from this place and get away from the monsters in front of him! Even so, he had to do so without offending the other party.

Forgiveness was needed for that.

Although he wasn't sure what he had done wrong for Eiji to torture him to this extent. After all, he only wanted to fetch Seekvaira to sleep with him, although he did it by forcing the girl, killing him so many times was too much, right?

"Do you think I'm too much?" Eiji seemed to guess what the green-haired man was saying.

Zephyrdor raised his head in panic and hurriedly said. "No, Eiji-dono! You're not overdoing it! I, a delinquent like me who forced Miss Agares to open a private room with me deserves it!"

Seekvaira who saw the previously arrogant Zephyrdor become so humble like this was dumbfounded.

That bastard even called her "Miss Agares"?

But when witnessing firsthand the brutal torture Eiji inflicted on Zephyrdor.

Seekvaira gulped.

Even Zephyrdor Glasya-Labolas who was famous for having the temperament of a delinquent that was hard to change in the underworld had become like this because of Eiji.

"Amazing..." It was rare for Seekvaira to praise someone like this, especially if that person was a man who seemed to be her age.

Eiji nodded. To be honest he got carried away, he enjoyed torturing Zephyrdor which made him keep snapping his fingers over and over again.

He originally planned to kill Zephyrdor permanently, but seeing the man lose his arrogance as a villain and become humble.

Eiji decided to use another method.

"After this are you going to do it again?"

"I won't!"

"What about Miss Agares that you mentioned. In the future will you bother her again?"

"Eiji-dono, I dare not do that. Not even to other women!"

"That's good. If you do the opposite and at that moment I know you did it..."

That pause sounded very scary in Zephyrdor's ears, he hurriedly answered again quickly.

"I Zephyrdor Glasya-Labolas swear that I will no longer do bad things like I did in the past and turn over a new leaf!"

[Hahaha! Host, you made the villain swear to repent. 70 points!]

How exactly can I get the other 30 points?

[If not killing, a Harem King makes his enemy repent in front of beautiful women and gains higher admiration than killing his enemy directly. After this it's not like you can't kill that green-haired man secretly to prevent him from taking revenge in the future, right our King?]

Leme, you're a pretty dark golden finger.

Except for the two women, no one knew the invisible and odorless poison belonging to the Poison Primogenitor flew up and entered Zephyrdor's nose.

"Good man... I will remember your words. Now you apologize to that beautiful woman over there and after that you can leave here."

The beautiful woman pointed at by Eiji's finger was of course Seekvaira and he said it loud enough for the woman to hear.

If it wasn't for him saying it casually without an oily tone, people would have suspected he was flirting with Seekvaira.

Although that was not wrong.

Rias, Akeno and Koneko who had fallen victim to Eiji's advances and had fallen in love with him thought otherwise.

They knew he was doing it on purpose!


A/N: If you want to read 7 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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