Go to Hero Village

"This place... Maria, you didn't bring us to the wrong place, did you?" Mio looked at the silver-haired loli with a slightly blaming gaze.

From Eiji's house located in Kuoh— after finishing the conversation, they decided to go teleported to Tokyo's west gate located on the side of the road.

How did she know they were there? It was because there was a street sign that explained where they were now.

There they could see the city of Tokyo in the distance, the ocean and the tunnel that went into the mountainous region.

This was definitely not the "Village" they were heading to. Or rather they didn't see any village at all.

"No, Mio-sama. I teleported to the place according to the coordinates Yuki-san gave me!"

The silver-haired loli argued vigorously.

Although her teleportation magic was not on the same level as that of her mother, Sheila. Her skill in that regard was not bad, there was no way she could be wrong.

"Really?" With that, Mio did not hesitate to turn her gaze on Hero Kuudere.

It wasn't just her. Eiji, Maria... and Basara did it too. The latter had just been picked up from school with teleportation magic because it turned out that the elders in the hero village had also invited him.

Basara was initially confused because his two younger sisters, his childhood friend and Eiji suddenly dragged him from class. But after being given an explanation of the situation, he unhesitatingly agreed.

This had something to do with his younger sister, Mio and himself.

As for Eiji? The protagonist who saw how close his two younger sisters and childhood friend were with that man felt sour.

... He felt like a light bulb in that group.

Without changing her expression, Yuki nodded at everyone.

"Maria wasn't wrong, I did give her the coordinates to teleport here and the Village is still quite a distance away on the other side of the tunnel. From here Kurumi said there would be people from the village picking us up by car."

Hero Kuudere looked at her lover anxiously. "Eiji, you're okay with this, right?"

Eiji smiled and pinched the girl's cheek before saying, "Well, if I want to. I can detect Kurumi's location right now and instantly take us all to her location with my teleportation magic."

"But you seem to want to follow the arrangements made by the elders in your Village. As long as they haven't crossed the line, I don't mind visiting my girlfriend's hometown in a more polite manner."

He knew in the original work though that Yuki was not very fond of the elders in her clan and did not even say anything when he said he would slap those old men if they were looking for trouble.

The girl did not seem to want to make trouble first by directly teleporting to the hero village which was protected by a dimensional barrier.

With Eiji's power, his teleportation magic would have no trouble breaking through that dimensional barrier. He was sure Yuki also knew this, but that action would definitely make the people of the Hero Clan have a bad impression on them.

It was tantamount to doing things that intruders did.

Of course, Yuki with a positive level of 148 did not care about the opinions of those people and would not hesitate to raise her sword against those who wanted to harm her lover.

But she still considered her family, especially her father who was affiliated with the Hero Clan.

Eiji knew this, so he decided to play around a bit before the real show started.

[Yuki +2]

"Thank you Eiji." Yuki smiled beautifully and hugged Eiji on the street and in front of everyone.

Her positive level had broken through the 150 mark, unfortunately her Heart Key was not compatible with all divas in 72 Pillar Solomon.

Eiji could only be satisfied with Hero Kuudere who loved him even more.

When Mio and Maria were a little jealous to see them hugging.

The protagonist Basara who saw his childhood friend smiling so beautifully and hugging Eiji affectionately felt that he had lost something.

This feeling again... Although Basara had accepted Eiji's relationship with Yuki and even his two younger sisters and aunt who were also romantically involved with that man. He still could not help but feel a little uncomfortable in his heart.

However, when remembering his girlfriend— Nanao Tachibana who had recently officially started dating him, he felt better...


"Car? What do you mean that car?" Basara said with his gaze fixed on the black SUV coming out of the tunnel.

The four-wheeled vehicle drove towards them and was about to stop, but the driver seemed to be an amateur. It passed them by about a meter before finally braking frantically.

Luckily there weren't many vehicles passing by and no accident happened.

Yuki stopped hugging Eiji, she and the others also glanced at the car that had just stopped.

The car door opened, a familiar purple-haired figure hurriedly came out while covering her mouth with her hand, she seemed to be holding back from vomiting. Shortly thereafter a man got out of the driver's seat awkwardly.

"Sorry Kurumi, I'm just not used to it yet."

Dad! Next... Next let Eiji drive the car back to the village."

"That's... Isn't that a little uncomfortable? Can he do it? I heard you guys are the same age."

"Of course he can, my boyfriend is great. He can do anything at his age. By the way she already has a license to drive."

"This girl... I know you like him a lot, you've been praising him a lot since yesterday. But not only you, Yuki and that boy too..."

The man called dad by Kurumi did not finish his words. He noticed Eiji and the others and walked towards the group.

Kurumi was impatient, she ran past him and immediately hugged the handsome black-haired boy.


"Kurumi, how are you?"

"Hmph! I missed you! Last night you must have had a great time with nee-san and the others!"

Watching the scene of his youngest daughter acting like a baby with a boy.

The man with Japanese-style clothes and waist-length hair widened his eyes slightly, after all it was his first time seeing Kurumi acting that cute. He smiled bitterly and greeted the group.



Eiji nodded at his father-in-law with a friendly smile while hugging his daughter which made the man's lips twitch.

Mio, Maria and Basara were silent.

Only Yuki immediately said softly, "Dad, when did you learn to drive a car?"

"That's the first thing you said to your father whom you just met again after 2 months? I just learned to drive a car two days ago, I asked the neighbor who lives next to our house for help."

"Oh... I'm home."

"Un, welcome home."

As expected of his eldest daughter, Yuki did not even hug her father. However, the girl was like that. At least she spoke the words of reunion softly to him.

It was not that their father and daughter relationship was bad, in fact they had a good relationship. It was just that as people who grew up in the Hero Clan, they were a bit awkward in acting sweet like hugging or something.

That was why this time the father of the two heroes was a little surprised when he saw his youngest daughter acting like a baby and hugging a boy with the expression of a girl who missed her lover.

This made him even more curious about the 'boyfriend' who dared to date both of his daughters simultaneously. Moreover, he heard that both girls were no longer virgins.

There was a feeling that the cabbage he had been raising for years was being eaten by pigs...

As a father, it would be a lie if he didn't feel angry. However, he was able to put aside personal emotions and focus on his work.

First of all—

"Basara, it's been a long time. You seem to have grown up well." He glanced at the theme of his two daughters' childhood, he and the boy's father knew each other well.

To be honest if one of his daughters fell in love and the tragedy in the past did not happen, he thought the girls would be with Basara...

But no, both daughters ended up with a wild boy whose information he only knew from the intelligence of the Hero Clan!

"Oji-san... I'm back." Basara's body trembled, he seemed to be quite emotional.

Eiji knew that Basara must be like that because he remembered the Brynhildr incident that went berserk in the village and killed his peers. Since then Basara and his father were expelled from the hero clan.

This was the first time in five or six years that the boy had returned to his hometown.

Wait, they hadn't gotten to the hero village yet. The village was on the other side of the tunnel...

But whatever, Basara who was friends with Yuki and Kurumi since childhood certainly knew the two girls' father. In the original work, it was quite easy for Basara to get the blessing of his father-in-law so that he could marry Yuki and Kurumi.

... What about him?

[If I were Yuki and Kurumi's father, knowing that his two daughters had lost their virginity to an unknown boy out of wedlock. I would at least beat you up, host.]

Miss System... Good joke.

Some of my fathers-in-law from the Highschool DxD franchise approved of me easily. I'm sure my father-in-law on this one will be fine too, right?

[You're waving a flag.]

The father of two Nonaka sisters nodded, not continuing the conversation with Basara because he knew it would take more time if he asked too many questions about him.

He turned his gaze to the petite silver-haired girl and the crimson-haired girl.

"You must be Maria Naruse... and the Demon Lord's daughter, Mio Naruse..." He then looked at Eiji who was still hugging his youngest daughter. In this situation, can you let go of my daughter?

And Kurumi, how long are you going to keep hugging that boy?!

He complained in his heart but—

"You are Eiji Seiya, Kurumi and Yuki told me many things about you. Thank you for coming because of the invitation of the elders in our village. I'm Nonaka Shuuya."

Mio and Maria just said "Un, hello" "You're welcome Shuuya-san" casually without being so nervous as in the original work.

Eiji was even more casual, "So you're Yuki and Kurumi's father? Nice to meet you, father-in-law. You must already know it, but I'm the boyfriend of your two daughters. Eiji Seiya."

"...." Shuuya took a breath. What had he just heard? This boy called him shamelessly father-in-law?

So bold even though it wasn't wrong because his two daughters had been eaten by him, still...

Basara was even surprised by Eiji's courage to say that. No, should he say it was shameless? He glanced at Shuuya who was stunned nervously.

After all he knew, behind the awkward and friendly appearance that Shuuya had. This person was actually his father's comrade-in-arms in the past war. If his father's strength was recognized as the number one hero by the Japanese Hero Clan, then number two could only belong to that man!

Although he knew Eiji was very strong. Wouldn't it be bad if Shuuya-san got angry and exploded because of Eiji's words?

Even Yuki, and Kurumi were a little nervous. They deliberately told their father about Eiji early, precisely so that he wouldn't be surprised by Eiji who was usually shameless and too honest in this matter.

The two heroes were trying to minimize the risk to prevent their father from getting angry and approving their relationship with Eiji. As far as they had told their father, their father had not said anything about not accepting Eiji as his son-in-law or anything like that.

But what now? Kurumi immediately let go of Eiji and said softly to her father, "Dad, this is the Eiji I often tell you about. He has treated me and nee-san well all this time. If it weren't for him, your two daughters would have died in the chaos that happened in Demon Realm. He also–"

"Kurumi, I understand. Don't worry. I was just surprised by Eiji Seiya-san's words." Shuuya sighed, he knew his youngest daughter wasn't lying. That girl liked this boy named Eiji Seiya so much that she said many nice things about him in front of her father.

Yuki had even walked up to the boy and looked at him as if she was worried he would attack her boyfriend.

Her two little cabbages were so defensive of the boy and seemed ready to defy her father if he was really violent.

Shuuya was a little sad, his smile even more bitter. He honestly wanted to punch the boy in the face.

But forget it. For now—

"So the people the elders in the village sent to pick us up are the father-in-law? We bothered you for that — even went so far as to make you learn to drive a car for us."

With a face as thick as a brick and a tone so environmentally friendly— Eiji said that to his father-in-law.

He was trying to improve his relationship with his father-in-law.

However, he didn't realize his words sounded a bit mocking in the last part. He swore he didn't mean it that way.

It's just that the King of Heroes' tongue is a bit poisonous. Lately he had gotten into the habit of saying such insulting words to his enemies as "mongrel" and so on.

Of course, his father-in-law was not an enemy. At least for now.

"No, it's troublesome at all. To be honest, I've been intending to learn how to drive a car for a long time. It just so happens that this situation motivates me to do so. By the way, just call me by my name, Eiji-kun."

Shuuya said, it was hard to tell if he was offended or not from the smile on his face. But certainly, he wasn't comfortable being called "father-in-law".

Eiji didn't mind taking a step back and said, "Then Shuuya-san, you can also call me Eiji without any honorifics. After all, I will definitely take responsibility for your daughter after we graduate from school and we will become a family."

"You..." Shuuya was actually a very calm person and he rarely got angry. But this was the first time he really wanted to yell and scold someone.

He had not approved of this boy's relationship with his daughters at all!

However, seeing his daughters blushing after hearing the boy's words. He sighed again, he saw Basara looking at him with pity.

'No, Basara. Don't look at me with that look...'

He pretended to cough before saying, "Eiji, put that aside. It wasn't really the elders' intention to ask me to pick you up. They didn't ask for someone to pick you up at all. I deliberately told Kurumi to say otherwise."

"Dad, why did you do that?" Yuki asked curiously.

He continued, "Well, your return this time is an order and not a kind invitation where you can refuse without any consequences. Once you get to the Village, you will be required to report to the elders immediately."

"This way, whether you want to or not, you will be in a lot of tension. That's why I wanted to get a chance to be able to talk to you guys personally in this way before any of that happens."

As Yuki, Mio, Maria and Basara frowned.

Just as Kurumi already knew because she complied with her father's request to change the message from the elders and lied a little. Of course, the girl had secretly told what really happened to him before they came except about her going to pick them up with her father.

Eiji who already knew the plot was also not surprised at all...

Behind his golden eyes, there was an excitement to slap his prey immediately!


A/N: If you want to read 7 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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