Eiji helps the protagonist

In the car traveling in the tunnel, Eiji sat in the driver's seat.

The car was fortunately large enough to accommodate all of them except Sheila. However, she had not planned to come to the Village in the first place.

The legal loli kissed her lover's lips in front of everyone before saying she would wait for them at Eiji's house and left by opening the spatial tunnel.

On the way, Shuuya who was sitting beside his son-in-law — finally couldn't resist asking.

"Eiji, aren't you the boyfriend of my two daughters? Why was Sheila..."

Of course since Sheila kissed him in front of everyone before she left, Shuuya also saw that scene

And Eiji who was a veteran in this situation didn't panic, he casually said to his father-in-law.

"Oh that's because besides being Maria's mother and my mother-in-law, Sheila is also one of my women. Shuuya-san, you might think I'm a bastard because both your daughters have fallen into my hands but-"

"That's right." Shuuya quickly interrupted.

Eiji didn't lose his smile and said, "You don't have to worry, I treated your two daughters well. Actually before this you must have known quite a lot about me. Not only from the intelligence of the Hero Clan, but also from Yuki and Kurumi. Or does the Hero Clan forbid their girls to marry the same man?"

"It's true that I know quite a lot about you, Eiji. Other than the information about how much your power is to make you able to kill some of the gods out there scattered in the supernatural world — killing the two Hero members we sent two months ago on a mission to kill Mio Naruse-san and destroying the spirit weapon containing one of the Four Gods protecting the Village–"

Mio, Yuki, Kurumi and Maria who were sitting in the center seat were a little anxious hearing this.

Basara and Miss Envoy who were sitting in the far back seats just listened in silence.

He continued, "You're so powerful, your existence is more threatening than the Demon Lord's daughter and Basara on her side. The elders evaluated you as a Rank-SS Elimination Threat. Of course I also know you have a Harem and my two daughters are part of it. There are no such restrictions in the Village, but as a father. I'm still a little worried."

[Hm... I had even forgotten some details about what I had done. Still, the old people of the Village just judged me as SS-Rank after all that? They really look down on me.]

That's the only thing you're complaining about?

Yuki and Kurumi who knew how the Hero Clan judged how dangerous someone was from the rank wanted to complain that the SS-rank was actually the highest rank!

It was equivalent to Basara's father Jin Toujou who had now left the Hero Clan and his existence that could be an enemy or ally of the Heroes was considered an unstable factor by the elders in the Village.

They even just found out the Village had labeled Eiji's head with an SS rank threat.

Instead of being anxious about it, Eiji was actually dissatisfied because the rank was still too low for him!

However, when considering Eiji's power, those who knew better from the intelligence of the Hero Clan felt it made sense.

It was Eiji after all.


Even so, what made Yuuki and Kurumi really anxious were Shuuya's words.

Was that man against their relationship with Eiji? For a moment, they blamed Sheila for kissing Eiji in front of everyone earlier.

However, Yuki and Kurumi knew something like Eiji having a harem was definitely not something that could be hidden from their father's eyes and ears.

Eiji didn't even try to hide it and was too honest which made them not know whether to laugh or cry?

"But after seeing with my own eyes. My two daughters seem to really like you." Shuuya glanced at Yuki and Kurumi's expressions.

Both of his cabbages seemed afraid that he would oppose their relationship with Eiji. But from their eyes, he saw the determination to defy their father if that really happened.

Really, what kind of soup had Eiji given his two daughters to make them ready to fight their own father?

He didn't know and said with a bitter smile. "I won't oppose their desire to be with you, Eiji. As long as they're happy I'm fine. But after you guys meet the elders— I hope you'll be able to protect them because of what happens later. I'm sure it won't be a good thing, especially after you enter the Village barrier, any demonic or evil power will be suppressed completely"

Shuuya seemed to know a little about what the elders would do, but he wouldn't say it because of his position in the Village and could only give a warning before they met the elders.

It must be because he loved his two daughters and at the same time what he could do was limited and had no other choice but to rely on the power of his future son-in-law!

That man had basically given the green light to Eiji's relationship with Yuki and Kurumi which made him happy of course.

Just like the original work where Shuuya gave his two daughters easily to Basara. The same was true for him and it was faster because his power must have convinced the man.

"Shuuya-san, thank you. I will definitely protect Yuki and Kurumi. Believe me, none of the elders and even the gods can hurt my women. And your two daughters are actually not that weak, they are stronger than you think."

Eiji said very confidently, the aura of the Harem King around him certainly convinced his father-in-law.

No, actually Shuuya felt Eiji was very arrogant because he didn't even take the gods seriously.

Although he had learned many things about his power from the mouths of others, he still had to see for himself if he really had the capital to be so arrogant.

Shuuya then started talking about the details of what they had talked about before the car ride to Mio and the others.

As for the demonic power that would be suppressed completely after entering the village barrier?

"This..." Mio was shocked because her demon power had just been suppressed completely!

The Demon Lord's daughter could not even mobilize half of the demon power inside her body that was able to destroy Tokyo several times after being enhanced by the Master-Servant contract.

Maria, Miss messenger and Basara who actually had demonic or evil power inside her changed their expressions.

They felt the same as Mio except Basara who was a little better off since he was basically a mixture of human, demon, dragon and god.

The car they were driving had just come out of the tunnel and seemed to have passed something that ordinary people wouldn't notice.

...That's the Village barrier Shuuya said.

"So this is the famous barrier that you heroes have? Indeed, it's very effective at preventing devils and evil creatures from running wild in your territory. You guys obviously have something like this but are still afraid to let me in?" The miss messenger's mocking words reminded them of Shuuya having to call the elders to ask permission for him to follow them into the village.

That woman also felt her demon power which was only slightly worse than Demon Lord Wilbert being crazily suppressed to the point that she could only rely on her overwhelming physical strength if something required her to fight, especially if something bad happened to Basara.

This made the expression on the beautiful face covered by the veil a little ugly.

Before coming here she had actually forgotten about the existence of the disgusting barrier that the Hero Clan had.

Shuuya didn't get angry listening to the rantings of the messenger from the demon world. Instead, he smiled as if he thought he heard something funny before calmly explaining.

"We have to do it. After all, even though we are confident in the power of the barrier created by the Four Gods to suppress evil forces such as demonic forces — it does not rule out the possibility that demons or other evil beings within the Village could do terrible things without relying on the magical powers they possess."

"What if you heroes are dishonest and do violence to us? It's hard for us to fight back then. Your elders are so cunning, it's only fitting that they were confident enough to invite the Demon Lord's daughter and friends with enough power to blow up your Village."

[Mio: This woman... Is she praising me?]

[Maria: Mio-sama, I'm sure that's not what you should be asking in our current situation. But even without the magical power of my Succubus, my current physical strength is enough to tear apart the Hero Village if they dare to attack Mio-sama and the others! Leave it to me.]

[Kurumi: Loli-Ero Succubus, don't destroy people's hometowns carelessly... Onee and I's house is also there. You should refrain from destroying the housing there.]

[Maria: What about the people? The other hero members or the elders?]

[Kurumi: That... actually I don't care about those old people. You can break their bones if you get the chance.]

[Maria: Okay Kurumi-san~!]

[Yuki: Kurumi, Maria, stop what you want to do. We should at least look at the situation first...]

[Mai: Yuki-san, you're not really stopping them.]

Unlike the other devils in the car who felt uncomfortable after entering the barrier, Eiji didn't say anything about his power and was still driving casually.

The car passed the dam and at the end of the road, they could see traditional Japanese style housing.

Shuuya who saw Eiji still being so relaxed after entering the Village barrier was confused. He didn't know if the boy was pretending to be fine because he didn't want to show his weakness to his father-in-law after saying those arrogant words earlier or was he really fine?

After all, according to the information he got from the Hero Clan's intelligence, Eiji was categorized as a Mio-like Demon living in the Human World.

This conclusion was reached because the elders did not believe humans who were not heroes were capable of killing Gods.

And since Eiji had a relationship with the Demon Lord's daughter, they tended to associate them as one.

Eiji was the Devil.

... Shuuya didn't know that if he asked his two daughters what Eiji's race was, he would be dumbfounded that the information was wrong.

That was old information!

They certainly didn't think there were strange people who were able to change their race after being born in this world.

"Um... Miss, although the relationship between heroes and demons is not so good, we will not do the things you are worried about. Moreover, you are the messenger sent from the Devil's side to deliver a letter to the elders."

"I hope so. What about Ba-, the Demon Lord's daughter and the others?"

[Miss messenger, you almost said Basara's name first there, you were going to say it as if Basara was more important than Mio and the others. You almost exposed your true identity there. With just a slight slip of the tongue like that, I'm sure Basara will become suspicious.]

Basara: "...."

The boy looked at the messenger sent by the leaders of the Moderate Faction and Demon Lord Faction strangely.

He did feel that the woman's aura and voice were familiar, unfortunately he had trouble remembering.

His head hurt a little when he tried to remember who that woman was.

It had something to do with what that woman had done to him in the past that he had forgotten and not realized at all.

... [Well, you can definitely remember it later, Basara. Try harder.]

Those words of encouragement... The heroines felt Eiji was mocking Basara rather than encouraging him.

But that wasn't important.

Who exactly was the woman who was the messenger?

It was very mysterious and had something to do with Basara.

Many of them were confused.

Except for Sheila who was giggling at Eiji's house. A novelist like Utako Kasumi-sensei had a bold guess.

[Utaha: Hm... This kind of plot... Based on the background of the protagonist Basara that I remembered from Eiji-kun's inner voice in the past. Usually the woman would be a childhood friend who was forgotten because of the protagonist's brain problems, or other women like sisters and...]

[Kurumi: What? You can obviously say. Just say it.]

[Utaha: His mother!]

[Everyone: !!!]

[Yuki: No way, that messenger is Basara's long lost mother?]

[Rias: Damn, can you guys stop spreading spoilers in the group chat? That woman is pathetic, she's failing at pretending.]

[Sona: Wait a minute. It's just Utaha's guess, it's not definite.]

Even if you're saying that to convince us... Sona.

Mio, Kurumi, Yuki and Maria could not help but look at the miss messenger who looked a little panicked when she almost mentioned Basara's name.

It was impossible for them to miss her eyes that trembled for a split second.

"...?" Miss messenger was confused, why were these girls looking at her with such gazes? Was her cover blown? Impossible!

Even if she revealed her face under her hood, she was sure these children would not recognize her.

Still, why did she always feel like Eiji Seiya was peering at her time and time again from the rearview mirror? She was just a messenger... Or that was the role she was playing.

"That depends. If they obey what the elders want, they'll be fine. But if the elders have other ideas like eliminating the threat to the Hero Clan on the spot— that's why I hope Eiji or the others can protect each other."

Shuuya said those words rather irresponsibly and he only said them when they had already entered the Village barrier.

The girls in the car including his two daughters and Basara were silent.

The miss messenger clenched her fist. If not for her suppressed demonic power, her patience and the letter tucked in her cleavage, she wanted to force this car to make a U-turn.

In the worst case, kill Shuuya and escape with Basara and the others.


"The air here is very fresh and the scenery is beautiful. Is there a hot spring here, Shuuya-san?"

After arriving at the village hidden behind the mountains and parking the car. Unlike Miss messenger and Basara who were a little tense because of what Shuuya said, Eiji looked around and asked about the hot spring.

He had absolutely no tension which made Shuuya wonder if this boy thought they were having a picnic?

"There are several, I can recommend the best one later. But sorry, for now the elders are waiting for you all in the Sanctuary. I know you might be a little tired after traveling so far, but you can't rest before meeting them."

Shuuya truly apologized.

Well, he was just doing his duty. Eiji knew the man at least had no malicious intent, unlike the elders who were waiting for them.

So he nodded and waved his hand indifferently. "It's okay Shuuya-san. We understand."

Girls like Mio, Maria, Yuki and Kurumi didn't seem to mind either. They were energetic and actually looked relaxed, especially Yuki— The Kuudere hero had not returned to her hometown for a long time and looked at the surrounding scenery with nostalgia.

After seeing the vastness of the world with Eiji so far (witnessing many plots), they weren't afraid of the elders. Isn't that just paranoid and narrow-minded old people?

In the face of Eiji's power that could cover the sky with one hand, the elders were farts.

Shuuya led the way to a large building. It was not far away, they were going there on foot.

While walking, Basara couldn't help but glance at the big hole in one of the mountains as if it used to be the location of a falling meteor or something. Somehow that scene made him have a complicated expression.

[Protagonist Basara is quite sentimental. But I understand his feelings, he must be thinking that since it hasn't changed at all after so many years, that scene will be a trauma that he will remember for a lifetime.]

Eiji knew the large hole in the mountain that Basara was staring at was the mark where he lost control of his power. It happened when he defeated the thief who stole Brynhildr, Saito or whatever he forgot the name of and held Brynhildr for the first time which made him go berserk.

The tragedy perforated the mountain and killed all of Basara's friends who were there at the time except Yuki. Shortly after that the elders banished Basara and his father from the village.

Shuuya who noticed Basara's gaze explained that the area there hadn't changed at all. It was as if the time in the big hole that Basara made six years ago— the time there stopped and made the place unaffected by natural changes which made Basara surprised and seemed sad which made Miss messenger worried.

The woman wanted to comfort him but her current identity prevented her.

Eiji's eyes lit up, he took this opportunity to pat Basara's shoulder and said.

"Basara, it's just a big hole with time frozen around it. If you want, I can fix it and make it a normal mountain."

"Eiji, you can do it?" Basara widened his eyes, he looked at his friend— Eiji with an expectant gaze.

Eiji nodded with a smile.

"That's a piece of cake for my friend."


A/N: If you want to read 7 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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