P2W 45 - Decision

Office. Uchiha Yoru observed as Shisui hesitated, aware of what was on his mind. However, he chose not to address the matter. Some things were best kept within one's heart as a memory of this time.

"One week from now, the Seventh Division of the Police Department needs to be operating smoothly. I'm relying on you, Shisui," Uchiha Yoru said with a serious tone.

Upon hearing Uchiha Yoru's solemn words, Shisui quickly composed himself, setting aside his wandering thoughts, and respectfully nodded. "You can count on me, Yoru-niisan. The Seventh Division will be in perfect order in one week."

Uchiha Yoru gave Shisui a profound look, as if concealing something. He slowly lowered his head, emanating an air of secrecy. "The Seventh Division of the Police Department will not only represent the Uchiha but will also serve as the means of contact between Orochimaru and the various clans in the village. Therefore, its direction will be different."

One could say that this Seventh Division embodied Orochimaru's influence, and it was foreseeable that it would attract the attention of the major clans in the village.

"Yoru-niisan, what do you mean?" Shisui still seemed puzzled. The Police Department had always represented the Uchiha and was responsible for maintaining law and order in the village. They had jurisdiction over all crimes committed within the village. But now, with Uchiha Yoru's serious tone, Shisui sensed that something had changed.

Observing Shisui's confusion, Uchiha Yoru lowered his gaze even further, as if engulfed in darkness. In a hoarse voice, he explained, "In the future, the Seventh Division will prioritize the interests of the shinobi and the major clans. The major clans will take precedence over others."

These words immediately darkened Shisui's face. He looked up at Uchiha Yoru, the one who had made this decision, and saw the weariness in his eyes. It appeared that this decision had been a difficult one to make.

The implications were clear! Under Uchiha Yoru's command, the division would carry the political message of Orochimaru, elevating the status of shinobi and creating a distinct division between the major clans and ordinary shinobi.

In other words, when members of the major clans or ordinary shinobi committed crimes, the major clans would receive preferential treatment, while ordinary shinobi would be treated impartially.

Though not explicitly stated, a clear hierarchy was being established.

Hearing this, Uchiha Shisui's face darkened, and he couldn't help but speak in a deep voice, "Yoru-niisan! We are not in a time of war anymore. Such actions will face severe criticism."

This hidden hierarchy, which effectively divided people based on their status, was only implemented during times of war. After all, shinobi were always at the forefront and prone to trouble upon their return.

Now that the Third Great Ninja War was over, and the higher-ups had ordered the Police Department to maintain the village's security, especially during this critical time, any mishandling would only erode trust in the Uchiha further.

"Shisui!" Uchiha Yoru's voice grew heavier. He opened his fatigued eyes, bloodshot veins visible. "Certain individuals have already made their moves. Orochimaru-sensei has been neutralized, and the village is delaying the selection of the Fifth Hokage. We need the support of the major clans."

Indeed, this approach protected the interests of the shinobi, particularly the major clans. While it might seem unfair to civilians, it elevated the status of the shinobi.

There were significant advantages to this strategy. Few disliked holding a high position, especially for shinobi who possessed great power.

"Shisui, you must understand that although Orochimaru-sensei has been neutralized, his voice cannot be completely absent from the village. If that were to happen, the selection of the Fifth Hokage could undergo unforeseen changes."

Uchiha Yoru alone couldn't represent Orochimaru anymore, but if he gathered numerous Orochimaru followers under his command, their unified voice would embody Orochimaru's influence.

After contemplating for a while, Shisui sighed softly and nodded. "Yoru-niisan, I understand. I will do my best. Thank you for your hard work."

In Shisui's eyes, it was evident that Uchiha Yoru had been propelled by the clan. The position was enticing but also extremely perilous. He could see that his older brother was burdened by the weight of politics, to the point of feeling disgusted by it.

"Go now, Shisui. I'll rest for a while. I have to go see the teacher later."

Fatigued, Uchiha Yoru rubbed his forehead, displaying signs of mental exhaustion. Shisui couldn't help but feel guilty as he turned and left. At this moment, he could only transform his guilt into motivation and lessen the burden on his older brother.

With a creak, the wooden office door closed. The room was bathed in bright sunlight, and Uchiha Yoru, sitting in his chair, opened his eyes.

The weariness and heaviness from before had vanished from Uchiha Yoru's eyes, replaced by an intoxicated look as he squinted.

Taking the teacup next to him, he gazed out at the busy figures outside the glass, particularly the small black dots that moved like fleas, giving him a sense of walking upon the backs of shinobi.

The corners of his mouth curved into a slow smile. "So, this is power. It seems that in any world, one cannot escape it."

Although shinobi possessed immense power, they were mostly tools in the hands of those in power.

"Am I now one of those wielding the weapons?"

With a questioning tone, Uchiha Yoru smiled. No one could resist the allure of power and everything it brought. While he was still a tool in the hands of those with true power, he could at least be considered a leader among the tools.

To others, every step he took seemed like walking on a tightrope. But in his own perspective, he made decisions based on future knowledge. Did they truly believe he attained this position solely based on his accomplishments? Did the clan grant him such authority?

After all, any division captain was an experienced veteran elite jonin. And what was he? In terms of overall abilities, he could barely reach the level of a special jonin.

As he looked at the jonin appointment letter sent by the Hokage on his desk, a mocking smile appeared on his face. "Perhaps in your eyes, someone easily manipulated has never been worth attention."

Power! It demanded corresponding strength. Currently, his strength fell far short, but everyone in Konoha had accepted it.

He had taken on the hot potato, yet his confidence didn't solely come from knowledge of future changes. It stemmed from his belief that he could quickly meet the requirements of this position.



— 50 Advance Chapters!

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