P2W 46 - Training

Secret Underground Research Base


Accompanied by flickering lightning and the sound of birds chirping, a surge of electricity ran through the underground base. Uchiha Yoru's eyes revealed the Sharingan as he held the completed Chidori in his hand. His target turned to mud in an instant, and his straight blade was already unsheathed at his waist.

Ding ding~

The clash of his blade against a kunai rang out. Uchiha Yoru moved with lightning speed, relentlessly attacking with his exceptional swordsmanship.

Amidst the glimmering blades, Orochimaru wore a casual smile, constantly blocking the attacks with his kunai.

"Your swordsmanship is impressive. If only your mastery of the lightning chakra nature was a bit stronger and you could fully control chakra nature transformation, you would unleash the true power of this blade."

Orochimaru's approving comment was followed by another flash of blades as Orochimaru transformed into a mud clone. Witnessing this, Uchiha Yoru couldn't help but exclaim in surprise. The power of the Sannin was truly terrifying. Their hand seals were flawlessly executed, as Orochimaru's data indicated, reaching their maximum potential.

"Wind Release! Great Breakthrough!"

With a resounding shout, Orochimaru suddenly appeared in the air. He formed hand seals with one hand and exhaled a powerful gust of wind.

Caught off guard, Uchiha Yoru could only hastily assume a defensive stance as the fierce wind approached.

Boom boom boom~

In an instant, the earth shattered, and a layer of ground was swept up in the gust of wind.

Eventually, as the smoke cleared, Orochimaru landed slowly, wearing a hoarse smile as he looked at the figure in the smoke.

"Hehe, is this the terror of a bloodline limit? Yoru, it seems that your potential has been unlocked with the advancement of your bloodline. In just two months, your chakra talent, both in terms of quantity and control, has surpassed that of ordinary shinobi."

Orochimaru's hoarse smile was filled with a peculiar admiration as he looked at the figure in the dense mist, eventually revealing a low chuckle.

"Interesting, very interesting. It seems that the human body holds boundless treasures."

In fact, not only bloodline clans, but even some ordinary shinobi would start out average and suddenly display exceptional talent in certain areas after reaching a certain critical point in their advancement. Bloodline limits seemed to amplify this effect, but awakening or progressing always resulted in a noticeable enhancement of the body. The most typical example was "Haku," who killed everyone once he fully awakened his bloodline (he was weak before complete awakening).

As the smoke cleared, Uchiha Yoru coughed repeatedly, feeling a piercing pain throughout his body. He grimaced and walked out, gazing at Orochimaru, who had a peculiar smile on his face. Uchiha Yoru couldn't help but say with a bitter smile, "Orochimaru-sensei, you were a bit too harsh."

The C-rank ninjutsu Orochimaru used just now was like a hurricane. Of course, he held back, but Uchiha Yoru could clearly feel that he could hardly breathe when the hurricane swept over. It created a gravitational force, and it felt as if his body had been scraped by a wire ball.

It was painful!

Looking at his tattered clothes, Uchiha Yoru couldn't help but complain, "These clothes were expensive."


With a creak, the door opened, revealing Orochimaru in the research room carefully handling test tubes. Uchiha Yoru, wearing new clothes, walked in and skillfully picked up the nearby documents.

As he looked at the documents in his hand, Uchiha Yoru began recording and addressed Orochimaru, "Orochimaru-sensei, the Seventh Division of the Police Department will now follow your orders."

Orochimaru, who had been focused on his experiments, visibly reacted to this and wore a hoarse smile.

"Hehe, I've received your sincerity, Uchiha. I wonder under what circumstances this so-called following of orders will be?"

Upon hearing this, Uchiha Yoru smiled, "Orochimaru-sensei, I am the captain of the Seventh Division. Naturally, I will obey your commands."

In other words, although I am an Uchiha, I am completely bound to you, sensei.

Upon hearing this, Orochimaru showed an evil smile, "It seems like the Seventh Division has become a sieve."

Indeed! Uchiha Yoru was internally surprised. He knew that Orochimaru probably already knew everything about Konoha's recent actions. Although the Seventh Division was a gift from the Uchiha clan to Orochimaru, it had also been infiltrated by various factions. After all, a big clan would never put all their eggs in one basket.

"Hehe, Yoru, your eyes were filled with greed when I first saw you. There was also an endless desire for power!"

Greed! Desire for power!

Uchiha Yoru was momentarily stunned by this evaluation, but he soon smiled. He had never concealed any of this. After all, in this dangerous ninja world, even a high-level shinobi could not claim to have complete control over their own life, let alone an Uchiha. His greed was paving the way for power.

"So, Orochimaru-sensei, do you have any plans for the current situation?"

Although everything Konoha had done was out in the open, Orochimaru seemed to have accepted it, not resisting but hiding in the shadows. This was something that confused Uchiha Yoru.


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