Chapter 66: Sealing Jutsu: Five Elements Seal

In a brightly lit room, as soon as Kakashi entered, he was greeted by a strong smell of alcohol and disinfectant. He couldn't help but frown, indicating that this bright room seemed to be involved in some kind of experiment.


Inside the room, there was only Orochimaru, who was observing the test tubes in front of him as if recording some changes. When Yoru entered, Orochimaru gently nodded without turning his head, "Yoru, let Kakashi lie down first."

On a prepared bed, Kakashi respectfully said, "Yes, Orochimaru-sama."

The title "Sannin" was second only to the Hokage's name within the village. Even the ministers of the Six Departments showed great respect towards the Sannin, as they had all demonstrated strength comparable to Kage level.

Kakashi lay on the chair, his exposed right eye appearing somewhat empty and indifferent as he looked at the bright white light emitting from the room's lamps. However, he was secretly surveying his surroundings.

After a quarter of an hour, Orochimaru finally put down the data he was recording and turned to Kakashi, revealing his characteristic hoarse smile.

"Hehe, the Sharingan is truly an object worthy of research."

Orochimaru's tone and smile might easily be misinterpreted as wicked, and Kakashi couldn't help but furrow his brow. To him, his own life might be indifferent, but the Sharingan was an existence more important than life itself.

"Orochimaru-sensei, your laughter can easily be misunderstood."

At this moment, Uchiha Yoru shrugged and said with a smile. The two of them came to Kakashi's side, and upon Yoru's signal, Kakashi slowly removed the headband, revealing the Sharingan that could never be closed.

Orochimaru's eyes glinted with curiosity and greed, as if he was admiring a rare treasure. However, only those familiar with him would know that Orochimaru was purely interested in this unique research subject.

At this moment, Orochimaru felt proud. Although the bloodline limit was powerful, it hadn't completely consumed Kakashi. After all, the Three Tomoe and the Mangekyou Sharingan were incomparable existences.

Uchiha Yoru's hands glowed with green chakra of medical ninjutsu as he placed them on Kakashi's eye. He then said in a concentrated voice, "Although the transplantation surgery was rough at first, now that it's repaired and connected to all the nerves, the Sharingan has become one with Kakashi."

Yoru truthfully reported Kakashi's condition. After hearing this, Orochimaru nodded slightly, "With a non-bloodline body possessing an awakened Sharingan, there is a conflict between their constitutions and bloodline, which makes the body unable to control the Sharingan like how the Uchiha clan can control them."

The experienced Orochimaru directly revealed Kakashi's current situation, then shook his head and continued, "This situation is not unheard of; the village has conducted experiments on bloodline transplants before."

After a brief examination of Kakashi's Sharingan, Orochimaru lost interest and waved his hand casually, saying, "Yoru, your suggestion is good. We can use the sealing jutsu to seal the Sharingan. When needed, we can simply undo the seal."

With a gesture, Uchiha Yoru smiled and nodded, removing the headband on Kakashi's forehead. At that moment, Orochimaru formed seals with his hands, and instantly, purple chakra flames appeared on his five fingers.

Sealing Jutsu: Five Elements Seal!

The chakra concentrated on Orochimaru's five fingers and instantly imprinted on Kakashi's left eye. Strange black sealing patterns appeared, and at the same time, Kakashi endured the discomfort. His left eye's powerful vision was gradually fading away, as if shutting down, leaving only a trace of chakra.

The three tomoe seemed to lose their vitality, and Kakashi's left eye slowly closed, while a small black sealing pattern appeared on his eyelid.

Many people knew the Five Elements Seal technique, but those who could precisely control it on a specific part of a person's body were extremely rare. This showed how terrifying Orochimaru's chakra control was.

"This is a sealing symbol, a key to the Five Elements Seal. Normally, this seal will suppress most of the chakra flow of the Sharingan, leaving only the necessary chakra for the eye's activity, similar to hibernation. When needed, just follow the seal method to undo it."

A plain yellow sealing symbol appeared in his hand. Uchiha Yoru smiled with satisfaction; it seemed to work. After all, in the original work, Kirigakure's Ao could use sealing symbols on his ears to suppress his Byakugan. Similarly, sealing a Sharingan shouldn't be a problem, especially when Orochimaru was the one doing it.

As Kakashi covered his left eye, it seemed as if he was trying to open it, but he couldn't exert any strength. After the burning sensation subsided, his left eye constantly consumed chakra, as if a valve had been added, closing it off! Or, one could say, only leaving a trace.

Feeling the changes inside his body, Kakashi got off the bed and bowed respectfully to Orochimaru, "Thank you, Orochimaru-sama."

Looking at Kakashi, Orochimaru licked his lips with interest and said with an evil smile, "Genius ninja Kakashi, you're impressive. You possess all five elemental affinities naturally. If you want, you can come and work for me."


Orochimaru admired geniuses the most, especially someone like Kakashi, who became a Chunin at the age of twelve. He was confident that under his guidance, Kakashi would definitely become an outstanding ninja of Konoha.

However, Kakashi remained silent and bowed his head in response to Orochimaru's recruitment. After all, he was a student of the Fourth Hokage, and now, joining Orochimaru represented a different meaning.

"Hehe, Yoru, although you can only follow a step-by-step approach in your research, your thinking is the most exceptional I have seen from a student."

Orochimaru wasn't angry with Kakashi's response; instead, he turned to Uchiha Yoru and revealed a satisfied smile. His research might need assistants, but sometimes those unusual thoughts were the most crucial.

Without those unusual thoughts, how could he find the way to open another unknown door?


After his eye was properly treated and no longer a burden to others, Kakashi expressed gratitude towards his classmate, realizing that their relationship had become even closer, though he might not have noticed it himself.

In the dense jungle, outside the snake-shaped cave entrance.

"Kakashi, this is the scroll for 'Sealing Jutsu: Five Elements Seal.' After all, your eye can't trouble others all the time; it's better to rely on yourself."

Seeing Yoru handing him the ninja scroll, Kakashi hesitated. Sealing jutsu was a rare and valuable skill with few users, and the Five Elements Seal was an A-rank (Forbidden: Super High-level Ninja Art) technique. Kakashi knew how precious it was.

Seeing his hesitation, Uchiha Yoru shook his head and chuckled, "Kakashi, don't worry. This is my personal gift to you. If you feel indebted, then just consider it as a gift from an old classmate."

Kakashi was moved by Yoru's words and gesture, and the feeling of guilt in his heart increased. Some ninja techniques couldn't be bought with money.

He knew that Yoru didn't want him to feel indebted, but taking it felt too easy for him.

Looking at Kakashi's departing figure, Uchiha Yoru also smiled, but there was a hint of deeper meaning behind that smile.


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