Chapter 67: Kabuto

In the depths of the forest, a small snake slithered slowly, flicking its tongue as it crawled. Meanwhile, a figure lurked in the shadows, and it turned out to be Kakashi, who had been coming and going.

Inside the underground research base...

"Hehe, it seems like a little bug has arrived from outside," Orochimaru said with a smirk, as if sensing something. He licked his lips, and Uchiha Yoru, who stood beside him, just shrugged and chuckled.

"It's probably Kakashi," Yoru replied confidently.

Orochimaru looked curious at Yoru's certainty, wondering why his disciple was so sure it was Kakashi.

Yoru just smiled without saying anything, as he couldn't reveal the intelligence he had gathered from the original story.

Yoru couldn't believe that Kakashi had willingly given up his position in the ANBI. There had to be something going on behind the scenes. After all, in the original story, the Third Hokage had used Kakashi in ANBU for ten years straight. It seemed suspicious that he suddenly stopped using him now.

Might Guy, on the other hand, was not someone Yoru suspected. He was likely being led by someone with ulterior motives. But Kakashi's actions didn't add up, leading Yoru to suspect that he might be a spy sent by the Third Hokage.

"Orochimaru-sensei, I suggest we thoroughly investigate this research base. After all, the technology of organ transplant cultivation is a village secret, and our mission doesn't violate any rules," Yoru proposed.

Orochimaru kept his research well-hidden, knowing that if it were exposed, both of them would be implicated. It was best to keep the technology that benefited ninjas a secret, known only to a few elite individuals who would never reveal it.

"Hehe, it seems Yoru is growing rapidly, becoming more and more like a skilled politician," Orochimaru remarked, looking at his disciple with satisfaction. Yoru's progress had been remarkable, not just in terms of his abilities but also his political acumen. It was clear that Itachi had been supporting him.

Orochimaru was quite pleased with Yoru. While he couldn't fully assist him with human experiments, Yoru excelled in other areas.

"Orochimaru-sama, here are the latest experimental data," a young boy named Kabuto said respectfully as he appeared beside Orochimaru, handing over a data report while adjusting his glasses.

Orochimaru smiled with satisfaction at Kabuto and then at Yoru. "Hehe, Yoru, the genius you recommended, Kabuto, is no less talented than Kakashi. Especially in medical ninjutsu, he's quite impressive."

In the original story, Orochimaru had regarded Kabuto and Kakashi on the same level, highlighting Kabuto's remarkable talent.

Although Kabuto was still young, his talent in medical ninjutsu had already made an impression on Orochimaru. He was delighted with the surprises Kabuto had brought him and was grooming him to be an assistant in his human experiments.

In the past, both Kakashi and Kabuto had wasted their potential due to various circumstances, but now they seemed to have turned a new leaf.

"Being able to assist Orochimaru-sensei is an honor," Kabuto said humbly.

Yoru smiled and nodded in agreement. Kabuto hadn't fully matured yet, but Orochimaru's satisfaction was evident. Kabuto was not only Orochimaru's assistant in his experiments but also someone who could handle political matters independently. Additionally, he would eventually inherit Orochimaru's ninjutsu techniques.

This was indeed a satisfying moment for Orochimaru, even though the village had hidden him away.

The seemingly unremarkable Mitarashi Anko was actually quite talented. Otherwise, Orochimaru wouldn't have taken an interest in him right after his graduation.

Moreover, Anko was even younger than them but could keep up with their level, indicating her exceptional talent. The fact that Orochimaru had noticed her early on despite her young age spoke volumes about her potential. He might have fallen behind later due to various reasons, but Orochimaru believed in nurturing talent from a young age.

"Orochimaru-sensei, here is the budget for this month," Yoru said, handing over a sealed scroll from his sleeve.

Orochimaru wore a satisfied smile. "Hehe, Yoru, your abilities are becoming more outstanding."

Yoru used his position to gain personal benefits, and Orochimaru knew it, but he didn't stop him. In fact, he seemed pleased.

Orochimaru needed funds for his research, and as for Yoru using his position for personal gain, well, even the Second Hokage did that, didn't he?

"Orochimaru-sensei, I've been facing some challenges during my training lately..."

While Kabuto diligently recorded various data, Yoru took the opportunity to discuss the difficulties he encountered during his training and his doubts about various ninjutsu.

Orochimaru was indeed a true ninja teacher (in comparison, even the Third Hokage couldn't match Orochimaru). In his eyes, any problem related to training was well understood, especially in the development of ninjutsu. In the entire ninja world, besides the Second Hokage, no one could match Orochimaru's knowledge.

Yoru even shared his ideas about various ninjutsu with Orochimaru, who showed great interest and couldn't help but nod repeatedly.

"Hehe, Yoru, your insights into ninjutsu are truly impressive. You even came up with this method," Orochimaru commented with amazement. Although Jiraiya had taken on students like Minato Namikaze, who could practice the Flying Thunder God technique, he also acknowledged Yoru's talent.

As he spoke, Orochimaru's throat gurgled, and he slowly spat out a scroll, which was still covered in wet saliva. But Yoru didn't mind and excitedly accepted it, shaking off the fluid.

Ninja scrolls were like that. Even if they were covered in all kinds of disgusting things, people would still be willing to lick them just to take a look.

A scroll with the word "Rai" fell into Yoru's hand, and Orochimaru licked his lips, his hoarse laughter filling the air. "This contains all the information I've compiled on Raiton. Take your time to study it; it should be helpful for your development of the Chidori series of ninjutsu, especially your idea of borrowing from nature."

"Thank you, Orochimaru-sensei."

Yoru's gratitude was sincere. With a teacher like Orochimaru, why should he work so hard himself? He already had the Chidori, and now he had other jutsu ideas thanks to Orochimaru. He could certainly develop them on his own, but why waste time when he could just tell Orochimaru and get perfect results?

With Orochimaru's passion for ninjutsu, it was like having a booster, accelerating his progress.

Thinking this, Yoru looked at Orochimaru with even greater respect. This was indeed a master who taught his students earnestly.


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