Chapter 82: ANBU Head

In the Hokage's office.

The air was thick with the acrid smell of smoke. Although Nara Shikaku disliked complications, his sharp mind quickly grasped the cause and effect.

He may have been averse to trouble, but it was clear that the Ino-Shika-Cho trio was closely aligned with the Hokage lineage. Especially his clan, which was known as the Hokage's advisors. They were forever tied to this position.

Observing Nara Shikaku's prolonged silence, the Third Hokage slowly set down his smoking pipe and in a hoarse voice said, "The head of the Anbu visited the Nara clan three days ago, even though you were on duty."

With that single statement, the Third Hokage's words made Nara Shikaku's expression turn serious. Beads of cold sweat formed on his forehead. This was the Third Hokage's way of subtly pressuring him.

"Lord Hokage, I only learned of this after returning."

Even though Nara Shikaku was part of the Hokage lineage, he didn't want to get too embroiled in this matter. After all, no official stance had been taken. The current Third Hokage hadn't even reached the age of retirement for a Jounin instructor, and his combat strength was still at its peak.

Listening to Nara Shikaku's explanation, the Third Hokage shook his head slowly and sighed, "Though Shinzo's strength is decent for his age, it's still difficult to win people over."

This sentence immediately set Nara Shikaku's mind racing. Looking at the Third Hokage's contemplative expression, it seemed that he was trying to decipher the Third Hokage's thoughts.

"Lord Hokage, the head of the Anbu, promised the position of Jounin squad leader."

The conversation between the two seemed disjointed, yet it was rife with veiled negotiations.

By mentioning Shinzo, the Third Hokage indicated a shift in his focus. Privately, Shinzo was his son, and having dual Hokages within the same family name was enough to ensure their legacy.

Publicly, Konoha had experienced three wars and the Nine-Tails disaster, not to mention losing the Fourth Hokage. It was a severe blow. The Third Hokage's political philosophy was all about maintaining stability. Hence, he opted for the most prudent approach to transferring power.

On the other hand, Nara Shikaku's probing statement hinted at a change in power dynamics. The current holder of that position, Sarutobi Shinzo, had risen through the ranks of the Anbu and was stationed at the border.

If Nara Shikaku assumed the role of the captain of this Jounin squad, it would inevitably lead to Sarutobi Shinzo moving up the ladder.

As Nara Shikaku contemplated this position, beads of sweat formed on his forehead. His mind was one thing, but this was the Hokage we were talking about—the one with the absolute authority over Konoha.

Sarutobi Hiruzen leisurely refilled his pipe with tobacco and, with fine chakra control, ignited the tobacco in his wooden pipe with ease.

Smoke once again filled the office. Sarutobi Hiruzen adjusted his Hokage hat slightly and said in a subdued voice, "The village can't afford turmoil at the moment. If Orochimaru takes up this position, his nature would bring unpredictable changes to Konoha. In times of prosperity, Orochimaru would be the best choice."

Sarutobi Hiruzen always sought stability. After all, as the village's leader, he couldn't afford to take unnecessary risks. His character predetermined his decisions.

Sarutobi Hiruzen turned his gaze towards the direction of the Hokage Rock, his eyes somewhat distant. He murmured to himself, "Sensei, I'm doing this for Konoha."

Was Sarutobi Hiruzen wrong? As Nara Shikaku let out a sigh, he realized that politics rarely boiled down to right or wrong.

To ensure stability, the most prudent approach was to opt for a smooth transition of power. The next Hokage would inherit his governing philosophy, and within a decade, the village would regain its strength.

If Orochimaru became the Fifth Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen understood that it could lead to either a new pinnacle for Konoha under his leadership or a sharp decline.

Orochimaru's ascension would bring about two major political crises that Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't accept. One was the instability caused by the change in power, and the other was Orochimaru's conflicting political ideology. It could lead to conflict, either revitalizing or weakening Konoha.

"Lord Hokage, the Nara clan has volunteered to head to the border to assist Captain Shinzo."

Nara Shikaku was undoubtedly intelligent. With the Third Hokage's declaration, he understood that matters were about to escalate. He wanted to stay clear of the power struggle while still positioning himself advantageously. The best course of action was to go to the front lines.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's words indicated his approval. It was a decision that aligned with his political philosophy of seeking stability. Nara Shikaku's respectful demeanor conveyed his understanding.

Though the position of Jounin squad leader didn't grant substantial actual power, it held a status equivalent to one of the village's six major department heads. During times of war or crises, they could lead a division.

"Once you're on the front lines, please inform Shinzo to focus more on training. While I can assist him for a while, I might not be able to help him forever."

Strength! Sarutobi Shinzo fulfilled all the necessary requirements except for strength. Reputation? With all the village's high-ranking officials backing him, his reputation wouldn't be lacking.

However, if the Village Head's strength fell short, it would damage Konoha's reputation and become a subject of ridicule within the shinobi world.

After hearing this, Nara Shikaku breathed a sigh of relief. He'd distanced himself from the epicenter of village conflicts, attached himself to the future Hokage, and emerged as the captain of the Jounin squad—a win-win situation.

Unfortunately, no one had anticipated Orochimaru's defection, or the sacrifice of the Third Hokage's eldest son and daughter-in-law. The Third Hokage had ended up with gains from neither side, and Konoha was plunged into turmoil.

Nara Shikaku seemed to be the only winner, now the captain of Konoha's Jounin squad.


A shadow appeared behind Nara Shikaku like a flea. He wore a wry smile as he turned to the Head of Anbu, having just left the Hokage's office.

"Anbu Head, the Third Hokage has ordered me to head to the border and assist Captain Shinzo."

Observing Nara Shikaku's expression, it was evident that he wished to avoid getting entangled in political strife. The Head of ANBU, also the Third Hokage's daughter-in-law, let out a soft laugh. Although only her eyes were visible behind the mask, they radiated a confident smile.

"Captain Shikaku, rest assured. I never intended to hide this from the Hokage."

Looking at the head of ANBU, Nara Shikaku maintained a composed expression, but in his heart, he couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation.

This woman was no ordinary figure; she operated with a level of finesse that was truly remarkable. It seemed she had accurately deciphered the Third Hokage's intentions, revealing every detail before his watchful eyes.

Remarkably astute. If the Third Hokage had disapproved, he would have intervened long ago. Clearly, he had given his consent.

She had precisely understood the Third Hokage's political philosophy—his emphasis on stability. This explained her bold strategy, fearlessly communicating with Konoha's high-ranking officials.