Chapter 83: Wills

Underground secret base.

In the dimly lit study, Orochimaru's face revealed a twisted smile as he gazed at the enormous scroll in front of him, his expression turning into an unabashed grin.

"Hehe, Edo Tensei! The ninja world still possesses such a jutsu. It's a fusion of the nearly extinct Omnyoji and ninjutsu, a perfect combination. This is like another key to unlocking the mysteries of the soul."

Beneath Orochimaru's hoarse and maniacal laughter, his purple eyes glistened with two teardrops of sorrow.

Upon entering the study and witnessing Orochimaru's unusual demeanor, Uchiha Yoru furrowed his brow slightly, but he advanced in silence, not uttering a word, calmly observing the massive scroll.

Edo Tensei!

As Yoru examined the records of this jutsu, realization dawned upon him. No wonder Uchiha Madara, as mentioned in the original story, was aware of this jutsu and even understood how to undo its seal.

It's important to note that according to logic, this jutsu was invented by the Second Hokage. However, the timing of its creation seemed contradictory. If it was created during Konoha's early days, Madara's knowledge would be justified. Yet, the fact that the Second Hokage didn't utilize it in the Land of Lightning made it somewhat illogical. This jutsu remained incomplete, and Madara was aware of it. This could only be explained by the assumption that the jutsu was never perfected. (Creating a plausible explanation)

During the Warring States period, this sinister jutsu surfaced. Uchiha Madara and Hashirama Senju joined forces to defeat the adversary, and within the spoils of victory, this jutsu was found. However, it appeared to have been damaged, and only fragments were recovered.

"Hehe, Yoru-kun, back then, this forbidden jutsu was intended for the revival of the First Hokage by the Second Hokage. Sadly, this jutsu was only in its preliminary stages."

At this moment, Orochimaru's demeanor completely resembled that of a fascinated youth who had stumbled upon a treasure. He smiled genuinely, his eyes reflecting his sincerity. To him, these forbidden techniques held more importance than anything else. After all, they granted him keys to unlock the secrets of pursuing immortality.

Edo Tensei! A jutsu that manipulated souls. If he were to successfully develop it, Orochimaru would undoubtedly gain a deeper understanding of the mysteries of the soul, enabling him to explore the enigma of immortality.

Living Corpse Reincarnation! This technique presented a path to maintaining eternal youth by transferring into a youthful body.

Although these two forbidden techniques seemed paradoxical, Living Corpse Reincarnation delved into the enigmatic realm of the soul. Therefore, both these forbidden techniques were tailored specifically for Orochimaru.

As Orochimaru's obsession with the path to immortality grew, Uchiha Yoru furrowed his brow and spoke in a serious tone, "Orochimaru-sensei, it seems it's been a while since we heard any talk about selecting the Fifth Hokage for the village."

The dimly lit study instantly fell into silence. Orochimaru's fanatical and feverish smile gradually faded, and he turned to face Yoru. With his raspy voice, he let out a chuckle, "Yoru-kun, it seems you're quite concerned about this matter of the Fifth Hokage."

Confronted with Orochimaru's statement, Uchiha Yoru nodded candidly and expressed his thoughts.

"Yes, if you were to become the Fifth Hokage, the Uchiha clan wouldn't be sidelined. We could naturally rise to the upper echelons of Konoha and become your support. The entire village would become your backbone, providing endless resources for researching immortality."

"Similarly, as your disciple, I could finally shed some of my burdens." Uchiha Yoru wasn't being insincere; he spoke the truth. If Orochimaru became the Fifth Hokage, Yoru's position would naturally ascend, allowing him to access higher levels of authority in Konoha without as much worry.

After all, it's comfortable to sit in the shade of a large tree. With Orochimaru's backing, things would be easier. As long as Yoru continued to hold value.

Seeing his excellent and most satisfactory disciple, Orochimaru smiled, an unusual sight. Rather than discussing forbidden techniques, he unexpectedly handed Yoru a scroll.

"These are strategic maps of various regions along Konoha's borders. It also contains information about the trading shares controlled by major clans within the Fire Country, such as the Nara Clan's control over 40% of the medicinal herb business, the Akimichi Clan's control over 50% of the village's military ration pill shares, and the Yamanaka Clan's command of Konoha's intelligence division, among others."

"The major clans within the village have divided all of Konoha's resources among themselves. Even the Uchiha Clan and Hyuga Clan have a stake, albeit a small one, in the medicinal herbs and military ration pill trades. Meanwhile, the Hyuga Clan controls the largest share of shuriken, kunai, and chakra-metal businesses in the Fire Country."

At this moment, Orochimaru no longer resembled a mere fanatic obsessed with forbidden techniques. He displayed the mannerisms of a seasoned politician, calm and composed. The wisdom in his golden snake-like eyes shone through as he meticulously analyzed the situation of the village's major clans.

Orochimaru had transformed into a shrewd politician. As Uchiha Yoru opened the scroll and perused the information, it became evident that Orochimaru had meticulously analyzed the various interests within Konoha, enumerating the shares held by each major clan.

Seeing the gravity on Yoru's face, Orochimaru wore a smile. He, with his unique charm and raspy voice, said, "Konoha has become stagnant waters. All the interests have been carved up, clear as day. Yoru-kun, your political acumen is truly the strongest I've seen among the younger generation. Even stronger than me."

"But there's something you've never grasped, and that is that within these stagnant waters resides a king—an unshakeable king—and a group of supporters. This king, as long as he nods, will breathe life into these stagnant waters. In the world of survival of the fittest, a strong king might emerge, making these waters thrive even more. However, it's equally possible that after the survival of the fittest, the waters will wither away completely."

"The pond is of a fixed size, and within it dwells a king. At the peak of his rule, he grew fearful. He feared the collapse of the kingdom he had built with his own hands. He feared the replacement of his guiding principles. This king is also extremely arrogant."

Now, Orochimaru's golden eyes held an intense depth, like a philosopher elaborating on the current political situation.

"A king! Regardless of who they are, they all possess their pride. They can allow someone to defeat them in their twilight years or even replace them, but they'll never allow their ideology to be trampled upon! Their will to be disregarded!"

"Every powerful ninja holds steadfast beliefs, just like you and me!" Orochimaru's gaze turned profound as he looked at Uchiha Yoru. With a raspy laughter, he continued, "Just like you, Yoru-kun. Deep inside, you're incredibly proud. Even in front of me, you inherently carry a sense of pride, and you won't be swayed by anyone's will."

At this point, Uchiha Yoru understood Orochimaru's intention. The Third Hokage was the reigning king at the zenith of his power, while Orochimaru was the emerging king of the new generation. Both held their own beliefs, and neither would bow to the other.

If Orochimaru wanted to ascend, he had to bypass the Third Hokage. If the Third Hokage didn't approve, Orochimaru would face all the clans and ninjas allied with the Third Hokage's interests.

While Orochimaru's influence was formidable now, including the Uchiha and Hyuga Clans, and countless civilian ninjas, would they fight to the death for Orochimaru? Would they go all out in this political struggle?

Fighting to the death meant tearing off the veneer of political intrigue. In the world of politics, if you lose, you're out. On the contrary, abiding by the rules of political manipulation meant investing. If Orochimaru lost, they would lose their stakes. Their bet wouldn't be themselves, but rather the chips they placed.

Being eliminated meant the game ended. If they bet everything they had, it meant they were flipping the chessboard.

Many civilian ninjas had put their bets on the line, but what about the Hyuga and Uchiha Clans? Would the Hyuga Clan do that? What about the Uchiha Clan?

Uchiha Yoru smiled bitterly. While the Uchiha Clan had invested, it was only to secure a central position within the village. How could they possibly overturn the chessboard now? After all, in the future, the Hokage series would redistribute the Uchiha's strategic position. This was about the future, not the present.

The Uchiha Clan wouldn't put all their assets on the line for Orochimaru! Unless the chosen candidate was from the Uchiha Clan themselves!


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