Chapter 92: Early Graduation

The New Year has recently passed, and while the winter snow hasn't entirely melted, there's extraordinary news from the ninja school beneath the wooden leaves. Uchiha Itachi, the Uchiha clan leader's eldest son, has graduated prematurely. 

At merely seven years old, Uchiha Itachi has triumphantly completed his studies at the ninja school. Though not a record-breaking achievement, the significance lies in his status as the firstborn of the prestigious Uchiha clan, which commands great influence within Konoha. This news swiftly disseminated throughout the ninja school, where children from diverse backgrounds, including commoners, pursue their education.

Within the ninja school:

Being an early graduate prodigy, when the Third Hokage happened upon the news during his visit, he deemed it fitting to personally bestow the ninja headband upon Itachi. In the classroom, numerous classmates gazed upon Itachi with envy and jealousy as he successfully navigated his graduation test at the tender age of seven. Even the Third Hokage, on his visit to the school, took notice. "Congratulations on your graduation, Uchiha Itachi," he declared, eliciting a round of applause. Amid the applause, seven-year-old Uchiha Itachi affixed the Konoha ninja headband, signifying his official status as a Genin in the village.

Observing the young Itachi before him, the Third Hokage's eyes brimmed with nostalgia. "Itachi, do you understand the concept of the Will of Fire? What is your aspiration?" During this moment, the Third Hokage's visit to the ninja school held dual significance: an intentional oversight of the early graduation application submitted by Uchiha Itachi.

Catching the precocious gleam in Itachi's eyes, the Third Hokage was moved. He was resolute in ensuring that this young prodigy remained on the right path. "The Will of Fire? Aspirations?" Presently, though Itachi was merely seven, his early maturation, along with the tutelage of his mentor Uchiha Yoru and the frequent counsel of his elder brother, had already etched a sense of solemnity in him. It was worth acknowledging that Itachi, despite his young age, exuded the inherent traits of a formidable ninja. His composed demeanor spoke volumes.

Perhaps it was his habitual stoicism or his serene mindset, yet Itachi clandestinely cast a dubious glance at the Third Hokage. As fate would have it, Shisui's words found validation. Itachi's exceptional lineage inherently attracted attention and was likely to be probed for vulnerabilities, potentially influencing Orochimaru's ambitions to become the Fifth Hokage.

Indeed, the Uchiha clan had invested its hopes in Orochimaru, whose bravery was esteemed throughout the clan. Correspondingly, Itachi was bound to be similarly impacted. The future Hokage brought optimism, while the current Third Hokage, clinging to power, brimmed with unease.

Internal sighs echoed in Itachi's thoughts, "My dream is for the village to experience long lasting peace." A smile adorned Itachi's face as he shared his aspiration. This wasn't deception; his words carried earnest truth. Witnessing this scene, the Third Hokage wore a gentle smile on his aged countenance. It seemed that Itachi stood apart from his Uchiha peers in a unique way.

"Do you comprehend the essence of the Will of Fire, Itachi?" The Third Hokage sighed, then began an introspective dialogue. "Where leaves may dance, fire shall perennially blaze. The radiance of fire will continue to illuminate the village, nurturing budding leaves. Itachi, I am convinced that in the days ahead, you shall embody Konoha's eternal flame."

In this moment, the Third Hokage transitioned into a master of political doctrine, fervently imparting what he deemed the Will of Fire to his audience within the classroom. The children's excitement was palpable, akin to a form of subtle indoctrination directed towards minors.

As Itachi surveyed the classroom, his gaze resting upon the eager expressions adorning his classmates' faces, a chill ran down his spine. The parallel between this scene and Teacher Yoru's discourse was stark. In some lesser nations, children as young as five or six were subjected to indoctrination, sculpting them into fervent war instruments.

The Will of Fire?

As this notion reverberated within Itachi, his gaze inadvertently returned to the Third Hokage, who remained immersed in his oration. The wisps of white hair adorning the Hokage's temples seized Itachi's attention. A sudden fear enveloped him, encapsulating the disconcerting reality: children enlisted for war, while the elderly luxuriated in privilege, all in the name of safeguarding the village.

Could this align with Shisui's condemnation of corruption at the upper echelons?

While Itachi acknowledged his role in influencing Itachi to a certain extent, the extent of his impact was beyond his anticipation, particularly due to Shisui's involvement. His intention was to have Shisui mentor Itachi, a natural choice given their rapport and Shisui's evolving ideology. Yet, the extent to which Itachi's thought process diverged due to their profound camaraderie was unforeseen.

As the lecture concluded, the Third Hokage's fulfillment lingered. However, upon locking eyes with Itachi's determined gaze, a sense of contentment illuminated his expression. "Heh, Itachi, the village's Will of Fire will undoubtedly endure through you."

At this juncture, the Third Hokage never conceived that a seven-year-old harbored such a profound misconception about the upper echelons. Coupled with Itachi's steadfast demeanor, he interpreted his discourse as successful indoctrination.

Little did he fathom that beneath Itachi's resolute exterior, a decision was fermenting—a commitment to initiate change, to aid Shisui and his Teacher Yoru, and to metamorphose the current state of decay.

"Fear not, Hokage-sama. Uchiha Itachi will unequivocally inherit the Will of Fire," Itachi affirmed, his gaze resting upon the aged visage of the Third Hokage. Memories of battlefield scenes, where youthful visages met untimely ends, solidified his resolve.

"Heh, Itachi, my faith in you wasn't misplaced," the Third Hokage remarked with pride. Indeed, this child bore the mantle of the Will of Fire. The astounding conviction he exhibited at such a tender age was nothing short of remarkable.

In a realm of misunderstanding, or rather due to the Third Hokage's misconstrued perception, he remained oblivious to the discord brewing within proximity.

The sagacious Third Hokage had noted Itachi's aversion to war and his incongruent thinking with the Uchiha clan. However, at that juncture, he hadn't deeply considered it. He was oblivious to the extent to which Itachi's advanced ideas, combined with Shisui's influence, had led him to an alternate extreme.

As Itachi's gaze settled upon the Third Hokage's middle-aged features, and the faint specks of age on his cheeks, he couldn't help but recall Shisui's discontent with the upper hierarchy. The Third Hokage's greatest achievement—his tenure as the strongest Hokage—was what, truly? Did he personally engage on the battlefield post ascension? What distinguished feats did he hold? If there was one accolade the Third Hokage could boast of, it was his enduring tenure.

Comparatively, most students at the ninja school were barely acquainted with the First, Second, and even the Fourth Hokage, whose memory seemed to wane. At this juncture, Itachi sensed an unseen force at play, a looming unease that left him breathless.

For the village! For the Uchiha! Change must ensue!

In this moment, Itachi's resolve was unwavering.

Hokage's Office.

Upon returning to his office in the afternoon, Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but break into a contented smile. He lit his pipe with a sense of satisfaction.

"Heh heh, it appears that Itachi might truly possess the potential to carry on the Will of Fire, along with the Uchiha Clan's legacy."

With this thought, the Third Hokage exhaled a puff of smoke, his lips curving into a smile as the swirling wisps partially obscured his view.

"Heh heh, it seems that introducing Shisui to certain matters is in order."

Shisui Uchiha, a descendant of the Uchiha Clan's most accomplished genjutsu master, had crossed paths with Sarutobi Hiruzen in the past. Undoubtedly, he was a ninja who had fully embraced the teachings of the Will of Fire. Unfortunately, due to the chaos of the Third Great War, Hiruzen had been preoccupied and ultimately relegated to the background as the Fourth Hokage took center stage. This had prevented him from engaging in a proper conversation with Shisui.

"Hokage-sama, urgent report!"

In the blink of an eye, a dark figure materialized within the Hokage's office, akin to a flea's agile leap. It was an ANBU operative who had employed the Body Flicker Technique to appear there.

Upon examining the ANBU operative's urgent report, the Third Hokage's brow furrowed slightly. He slowly unrolled the scroll, and as he absorbed its contents, the furrow in his brow smoothed out. Soon, the sound of forthcoming laughter echoed through the office.

"Heh heh, excellent. It appears that Shinzo has finally earned a significant achievement for Konoha."

The Land of Lightning was preparing to reestablish a peace treaty with the Konoha. This news, delivered from the frontlines, filled the Third Hokage with contentment and a touch of pride. After all, Sarutobi Shinzo was his son. While countless other shinobi, including Nara Shikaku's strategic insights, had contributed, Shinzo's role as the overall commander couldn't be underestimated.

"Very well, instruct Shinzo to frequently seek guidance from Nara Shikaku on the frontlines. We must ensure productive negotiations with the Land of Lightning and promptly confirm the meeting schedule."

"Yes!" The ANBU operative responded in a subdued tone before vanishing from the Hokage's office in an instant.

A smile graced the Third Hokage's lips. As he gazed through the window at the carved visages of the previous Hokage atop the Hokage Rock, a wistful expression crossed his features.

"With peace on the horizon, I am committed to upholding the Will of Fire."


In the shadowy depths of the Root base.

Though the matter was shrouded in secrecy, its existence was not entirely concealed. News of this nature had naturally reached Danzo, the leader of Root.

Seated within a dimly lit chamber, Danzo scrutinized the collected intelligence. His brow furrowed involuntarily, and his demeanor grew somber.

"I hadn't foreseen that the Land of Lightning would move so swiftly to prepare for a peace treaty. This means that Sarutobi Shinzo will earn a great honor."

As he contemplated this development, Danzo narrowed his visible eye and tapped his fingers lightly against the desk.

With such a significant accomplishment, Sarutobi Shinzo's reputation would undoubtedly ascend to a new level. Yet, what of Orochimaru? Presently, Orochimaru's influence had become overly potent.

Supported by the unwavering backing of the Uchiha and Hyuga clans, could they seize this opportunity to diminish Orochimaru's standing and then assign him to the front lines? There was a risk that Shinzo might struggle to outshine Orochimaru, perhaps even suffering humiliation.

In this way, they could undermine Orochimaru's reputation with relative ease, while also dealing a blow to Shinzo, the rising star. By doing so, they would eliminate two potential Hokage candidates, opening a pathway to the Hokage's throne. Shinzo would step aside, and this would be a pivotal step in Danzo's ascent to Hokage.

As these thoughts swirled in his mind, Danzo's excitement grew. He muttered to himself with a trace of satisfaction, "Orochimaru, your unpredictability is your downfall. You're far too dangerous. I had initially planned to confront you next year, but alas, this opportunity is too rare to pass up. If blame must be laid, it falls on the overwhelming power supporting you."

His original intention had been to incite turmoil during the treaty signing with the Land of Lightning, creating circumstances unfavorable to Shinzo. His plan had been to address Orochimaru's situation next year.

However, Orochimaru's influence had swelled dramatically, especially with Danzo tightening the financial leash. Furthermore, both the Hyuga and Uchiha clans were staunchly backing Orochimaru, providing funds consistently. This had made Danzo considerably anxious.

Even if this endeavor failed, the consequences would be manageable. Shinzo had a long journey ahead before assuming the Hokage mantle. It would take at least three years to adequately prepare him. But Orochimaru was different. His reputation was solid, and his power was formidable. Were it not for the upper echelons suppressing him, Orochimaru might have already claimed the position of the Fifth Hokage.

"The Land of Water seems to be experiencing turbulence. Perhaps we can assign Orochimaru to bolster defenses along the Water Country's borders. And regarding the Hyuga and Uchiha..."

As Danzo considered these two influential clans, particularly the Uchiha, a sinister glint flickered in his visible eye. The Hidden Mist Village excelled in assassination techniques and was skilled in Water Style jutsu, which countered Fire Style techniques. This approach could effectively curb the Uchiha's influence.

The gears of the Root organization began to turn. Although these actions hadn't escaped the Third Hokage's watchful gaze, his complacency would exact a toll in the end.

In the upper meeting room of Konoha,

The room was filled with the aroma of tea as Homura Mitokado and Koharu Utatane savored their drinks slowly.

"Utatane, Danzo's methods seem to have gone too far. He's been secretly apprehending ninjas within the village," Mitokado voiced with clear dissatisfaction. While their intention was to tarnish Orochimaru's reputation, it appeared that their actions were becoming excessively drastic. Utatane listened attentively, calmly nodding before releasing a soft sigh and shaking her head.

"Indeed, Danzo's methods are excessive. However, it's time for him to give up. He's grown old, yet he still clings to the position of Hokage. Since Hiruzen hasn't opposed it, he must have tacitly accepted it. Let's observe how this unfolds."

As esteemed members of Konoha's leadership, they had collectively agreed upon this plan. Naturally, Danzo hadn't kept these actions concealed from his longtime comrades.

Mitokado and Utatane exchanged reluctant nods. While they were aware that Hiruzen had somewhat indulged Danzo's behavior in recent years, there was little they could say. After all, their actions were all in service to Konoha.

Little did they know, within the Hokage's office, the Third Hokage held his pipe and regarded the scroll presented by Danzo's Root operatives. He emitted a soft sigh, shaking his head gently, and spoke, "You may leave. Inform Danzo not to overstep his bounds."

He had chosen to acquiesce. Furthermore, he didn't want to witness how Danzo would deal with his own students. In Hiruzen's heart, he was still his pupil. He entrusted this matter to Danzo, Mitokado, and Utatane.

With this, the Third Hokage refrained from intervening. Mitokado and Utatane assumed he was aware, and under this misguided assumption, it prompted a sharp inhale from Danzo of Root. He couldn't help but exclaim in surprise at the Third Hokage's ruthlessness. It seemed that this time, Orochimaru was truly going to face dire circumstances.

Danzo instructed his operatives to submit a proposal to the Third Hokage. Typically, he would provide it, and the Third Hokage would then revise it with cautionary advice. However, this time, it was directly accepted. He had intended to await the Third Hokage's response before employing a more delicate approach, but this?

"Hiruzen! Your ruthlessness is truly astonishing! I underestimated you, old man."


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