Chapter 93: Light that can't be Blocked

As the winter snow melted away, Konoha transformed into a scene of vibrant life. The fading winter served as a reminder of time's passage, and Konoha formally bid adieu to the old year.

With spring's arrival, Konoha bloomed with a tranquil atmosphere, and the economy of the foremost village among the Five Great Shinobi Nations was swiftly recovering.

In an underground research chamber,

"Orochimaru-sensei, there have been recent instances of test subjects provided by Root involving village ninjas."

Orochimaru's research had consistently necessitated experimental subjects. Apart from his secretive collaboration with Uchiha and Hyuga to target rogue ninjas outside the village, Root had contributed a small number of subjects. Yet, lately, he had discerned faint traces.

Ninjas from Konoha who embarked on missions seemed to inexplicably vanish. Fortunately, the Intelligence Division was under Uchiha's jurisdiction. Though this seemed like routine news, Uchiha Yoru became highly alert upon reading it.

In the original story, wasn't one of Orochimaru's crimes experimenting on fellow villagers? Though Orochimaru's defection was still a year away according to his analysis, his presence had already ushered significant changes into this world. Consequently, he was employing known future events for analytical purposes rather than relying solely upon them.

"Hehe, the village's ninjas. How intriguing."

Upon hearing this news, Orochimaru displayed a raspy smile. "It seems the rats lurking in the shadows can't restrain themselves any longer. Even my old teacher has chosen to look the other way."

After musing to himself, Orochimaru turned to his disciple, his face bearing a smile laden with veiled implications. "So, Yoru, in this situation, will you opt to inherit your teacher's legacy? Or will you embrace a bolder approach?"

Naturally, Uchiha Yoru grasped the nuances behind those words. He immediately shook his head, a chuckle escaping him. "Considering that my teacher has already decided to depart, I can't disappoint these people. However, Orochimaru-sensei, you might have overlooked the fervent pursuit of the Hokage position by the leader of Root in the shadows. Some individuals don't necessitate my intervention; others will naturally step in."

As master and disciple exchanged cryptic words, it became evident that since the moment the Third Hokage had tacitly accepted, Orochimaru had chosen to depart. However, he wished to witness how far his teacher would go.

Human nature dictated that even when one possessed knowledge, a sliver of hope persisted, and full acceptance only followed firsthand experience.

"It appears the village is about to become quite lively."

Orochimaru's raspy laughter reverberated within the research chamber, and Uchiha Yoru's countenance lit up with a smile. Although time was pressing, he recognized the need for action. After all, inheriting Orochimaru's legacy was both justifiable and reasonable for his role as a disciple.

Capturing village ninjas, conducting experiments – how many heads did Orochimaru have? Moreover, prior to his defection, Orochimaru was associated with Root, granting him the authority to abstain. Was it imperative for him to personally capture ninjas and stir up a commotion? This already seemed somewhat illogical.

Death Forest.

Amidst an atmosphere laden with suffocating fear, several dark figures flickered. As their faces emerged from the shadows, it became evident that they were Root ninjas, their identities masked.

"These are this month's test subjects," the leader stated.

Each Root operative bore young ninjas who appeared scarcely older than ten, all of them languishing in a state of unconsciousness.

Among them, three rendezvous ninjas concealed their features beneath cowls and masks, masking their identities. The leader stepped forward, appraising the situation with calm detachment, evaluating the condition of the experimental subjects before finally nodding in affirmation.

"Confirmation complete. No traps. All of these are chakra-endowed ninjas, approximately ten years of age," a cold voice reverberated through the damp, dim air. As soon as their task was done, the Root ninjas vanished into the forest using the Body Flicker Technique.

With the departure of the Root operatives, the three figures took stock of the situation. The leader carefully removed their cowl and mask, revealing the countenance of Uchiha Yoru.

At this juncture, a sardonic smile played upon Uchiha Yoru's lips as he gazed at the ten unconscious children. His laughter carried a note of mockery. "How does it feel? Haven't you always yearned to peer into the village's depths of darkness? Have you seen it now?"

The other two individuals also cast aside their cowls, revealing their faces to the world. They were Uchiha Shisui and Hatake Kakashi. Among them, Kakashi was particularly struck by the situation, his face contorting into a grave expression, and the melancholy in his right eye growing deeper.

Uchiha Shisui, having witnessed much in the past two years, was more adept at accepting such scenarios. However, he struggled to rein in his anger.

"Yoru-niisan, why? Why use the village's children? They're all children of Konoha!"

Shisui voiced his indignant query, while Kakashi, standing beside him, meticulously scrutinized the countenances of the ten children. He etched their features deeply into his memory. Concurrently, a doubt surfaced within him. Were they truly the village's children?

"Kakashi, I surmised that you were sent by ANBU to gather intelligence, right? Haha, do you see it now? These are high-level directives. But the difference between Root and ANBU… You'll have to investigate that for yourself. However, don't you think that after Root's activities have persisted for months, that person wouldn't have noticed?" Uchiha Yoru implied, his tone laden with meaning. Did the Hokage truly remain unaware of Root's actions?

Faced with this question, Kakashi fell silent for a moment before meeting Uchiha Yoru's gaze, his voice hoarse. "Since you know, why proceed?"

"Why? Kakashi, your question is rather amusing. The classified tasks assigned to Orochimaru-sensei are beyond my purview, but they involve human experimentation. So, do you believe these individuals were abducted by Orochimaru-sensei? Or did Orochimaru-sensei instruct his underlings to do so?"

Uchiha Yoru's tone dripped with mockery as he regarded Kakashi, gesturing towards the group of children. "Kakashi, do you comprehend the human and material resources required to locate test subjects outside the village? Uchiha and Hyuga have deployed scores of elite ninjas to identify suitable rogue ninjas. We've even procured substantial resources from other nations. But what about Root? Root lacks funding, hence your answer. The information you yearned to acquire."

The unfolding scene left Kakashi utterly shaken; he had never fathomed that the village could harbor such a depth of darkness. To think that Root was conducting human experiments on children from their own village was beyond his wildest imagination.

"So, what's your plan for these children?" 

Kakashi fell into a contemplative silence. His love for Konoha was unwavering, yet he grappled with an awareness of the political corruption that existed within its walls. This internal struggle left him torn. He yearned to rescue the innocent children, but the decisions were in the hands of those in power. What actions could he possibly take?

Gazing at Kakashi's somber, lone eye, Uchiha Yoru's lips curled into a cynical smile. "People criticize Orochimaru-sensei for his coldness, yet they remain oblivious to the cruelty that some individuals mask with feigned kindness—a mere nod can unleash countless tragedies."

At that moment, Uchiha Yoru let out a soft, resigned sigh, turning his attention to Shisui. "Shisui, could you take charge of overseeing these children for now? Once Orochimaru-sensei's experiment proves successful, we can consider releasing them."

Upon hearing this, a spark of hope ignited in Kakashi's previously silent eye. The immense weight on his shoulders seemed to lighten. His gaze shifted to the group of children, his expression a mix of empathy and concern. In a gravelly voice, he queried, "Is there any way I can assist?"

Clearly, Uchiha Yoru had orchestrated this encounter with his fellow classmate, Kakashi, to help him understand the grim reality of their actions. Kakashi had witnessed it firsthand, but now he grappled with a profound sense of uncertainty.

"Kakashi, together with Shisui, you'll be responsible for overseeing these children. We must prevent them from causing any disruptions that might lead to their exposure. I can't guarantee their safety if that were to happen." Uchiha Yoru's demeanor betrayed a deep undercurrent of melancholy, his voice tinged with huskiness.

It was as though he were insinuating that these children were already earmarked for disappearance. Once they resurfaced in Konoha, Root would take immediate action.

As an ANBU operative and a member of Root, Kakashi was acutely attuned to Root's nature. Once these children reappeared in the village, only two fates awaited them.

The first was annihilation, complete erasure from the world. However, he surmised that Root wouldn't resort to this, given the wastefulness it entailed. The second possibility was more plausible – transforming these children into emotionless machines through Root's training.

Root was replete with such ninjas, and every year witnessed the influx of new recruits.

As Kakashi and Shisui prepared to escort the children away, a faint sound reverberated, prompting the three to instinctively shift into combat mode.

As Kakashi and Shisui readied themselves to lead the group of children away, a sudden, subtle sound reverberated in the ears of the trio, prompting an immediate and seamless transition into combat mode.

The Kusanagi sword was swiftly unsheathed as Uchiha Yoru and Kakashi transformed into shadows, swiftly advancing toward a distant tree stump. Meanwhile, Uchiha Shisui drew his short sword, focusing his Three Tomoe Sharingan on his surroundings, ready to shield the children behind him.

A metallic clash filled the air as Kakashi deftly launched several kunai. His second eye was unveiled, marked by Sharingan with Three Tomoe, its spinning frenzy directed towards the space behind the tree stump.

In a mere heartbeat! When a hint of green hue emerged around the tree stump, Kakashi's pupils constricted in shock. Startled, he urgently called out, "Yoru! Halt!"

Zzzip, zzip!

Silver arcs of electricity danced amidst the dim, damp forest. Uchiha Yoru, holding the Kusanagi sword, simulated astonishment. Kakashi intercepted his strike with a kunai, managing to halt it. However, a small portion of the blade pierced Yoru's shoulder, and the Chidori current surged through, inducing numbness. Despite the paralysis, Yoru gazed at them with disbelief, rather than attempting to resist.

"Kakashi! Yoru! What are you two up to?"

Emerging from the shadows was Might Guy, adorned in a vibrant green jumpsuit. He had covertly witnessed Kakashi and Uchiha Yoru's clandestine conversation the previous day. Today's encounter, however, shattered his expectations and altered his understanding.


Kakashi's voice was hoarse as he addressed him, while Uchiha Yoru's expression darkened ominously. His grip on the Kusanagi sword remained tense, and though he eventually retracted it, his gaze remained affixed on Might Guy and Kakashi.

"Kakashi! You've been shadowed by someone! Do you comprehend the ramifications?"

Eyes burned with angeri. Uchiha Yoru's expression displayed a mixture of dark fury and underlying discomfort, eliciting a unique reaction from both parties.

Uchiha Yoru had been engaged in covert activities that couldn't withstand daylight, and their exposure was a risk he couldn't bear. Yet today, his secret had been unraveled by none other than his fellow classmate, Might Guy. How should he handle this?

Should he eliminate the witness? Uchiha Yoru's demeanor betrayed both agitation and resentment.

Within the oppressive atmosphere, Uchiha Yoru's visage exuded sinister, uncontainable rage. He locked his gaze onto Might Guy, his Three Tomoe Sharingan spinning rapidly.

"Guy! Pretend you haven't witnessed anything today! Don't spread rumors! For the village's sake, I'd rather not resort to violence against a comrade."

His voice was hoarse and tinged with exhaustion. Kakashi shared in the self-blame for not detecting the tail.

In this moment, shock still lingered on Might Guy's countenance. His initial concern had been for Kakashi, yet he had stumbled upon this classified matter instead.

With a crisp sound, the Kusanagi sword was resheathed, and Uchiha Yoru, wearing a troubled expression, glanced back at the two before vanishing with the Body Flicker Technique.

"Kakashi, I…" Might Guy looked at Kakashi, his emotions complex, unsure of what to say. He had worried about Kakashi, but he never expected to stumble upon such a revelation.

Meeting Might Guy's gaze, Kakashi sighed softly. He lowered his head to conceal his Sharingan behind his forehead protector, then formed seals, releasing the seal once more.

"Guy, as you've seen, this is a classified village research mission. Act as though you've seen nothing."

While it was impossible for Kakashi to attack Guy, he was consumed with regret for not realizing he was being tailed.

Unbeknownst to Kakashi and Might Guy, Uchiha Yoru's lips curled into a faint, victorious smile as he turned to leave. He had intentionally leaked his location, setting a trap for Guy.

Sometimes, hearing from someone else, even if they're a close friend or family member, might not yield the best results. It's better to personally witness the truth to make an accurate judgment, leaving the decision to the other party.

All of this was true, so he wasn't afraid of scrutiny.

It's been said that one lie begets countless others to conceal it, but the information he had revealed was genuine. If anyone investigated, the mysteries would unveil themselves. Thus, he didn't need lies to mask the truth.

Investigate! He wasn't afraid at all.

He had already begun laying the groundwork. Just as the Third Hokage had said upon taking office, the new generation had yet to fully mature, leaving gaps. Now, his goal was to win over the new generation. Even if they didn't come to his side directly, they would at least show goodwill.

Might Guy, though unable to unlock the Eighth Gate at present, had a bright future ahead. Uchiha Yoru wanted him as a friend, not an adversary.


Uchiha Yoru returned, and Uchiha Shisui's expression turned grave, as if questioning. However, Uchiha Yoru's demeanor was exceedingly grim now. He couldn't help but say in a deep tone, "Shisui, change the meeting location with Root each time from now on."

"Understood!" Though uncertain about the situation, upon seeing his older brother's troubled expression, Shisui knew that the person tailing them was likely an acquaintance. Otherwise, Uchiha Yoru's usually composed demeanor wouldn't have been so downcast.

Observing Shisui's solemn expression, Uchiha Yoru's gaze lifted to the towering trees of the death forest, shielding the sunlight. Soon, these branches wouldn't block the sun's rays any longer. Some matters needed to be brought into the light.


— 50 Advance Chapters!

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