[Sponsored] Chapter 119: Yoru in Frontline

[This Chapter Is Sponsored by Armin Hirsch! Everyone, please thank him in the comment!]


Police Department Seventh Division Office Building.

Once, this place buzzed with the bustling energy of working ninjas coming and going. However, now the ninjas passing by outside would lower their heads and quickly move along without daring to look up. Many would even choose to take a detour.

Inside the office building, a heavy atmosphere prevailed. Through the windows, you could clearly see the ninjas from the Root and the Anbu Division secretly watching them.

"Captain, almost half of the Seventh Division staff have left. Here's the list of those who departed," said Yūgao Uzuki respectfully, placing a stack of names on the desk. In her eyes, Uchiha Yoru, who had experienced the incident with Orochimaru, seemed like a completely different person.

Uchiha Yoru leaned gracefully in his chair, squinting and basking in the sunlight filtering through the window, while sipping tea. "They all left. Yugao, why didn't you?"

Uchiha Yoru teased, and Yūgao Uzuki forced a smile, "Captain Yoru, everything will be alright."

The Seventh Division has become a target within the village, drawing everyone's attention. At the same time, Uchiha Yoru, as a disciple of Orochimaru, has gained immense fame, especially for his self-developed S-level ninja technique.

Uchiha Yoru is now a powerful elite ninja. Because of this, and his identity, and the unwavering existence of the Hyuga Branch family, it gives hope to the ninjas under Orochimaru's command.

However, the Seventh Division is indeed being watched. After returning from the Hokage's office, Uchiha Yoru has never left.

"Heh, I didn't expect you to be the one comforting me," Uchiha Yoru said with a gentle smile, admiring her cold, jade-like hands.

"Yugao, since you chose to stay, remember that strength is the foundation for a ninja. Do not slack off in your training."

Her hands being played with by him, a blushing Yūgao Uzuki lowered her head. Hearing Uchiha Yoru's words, her heart raced, but she gathered her courage and asked, "Captain Yoru, what should we do next?"

"What to do?" Looking at Yūgao Uzuki's shy face, Uchiha Yoru smiled.

In Yūgao Uzuki's bashful eyes, Uchiha Yoru slowly stood up and gazed at the ninjas outside. Under the sunlight, he seemed to be draped in a golden coat.

"I want to become powerful. One day, I will be there!" Uchiha Yoru said with determination, pointing in the direction of the Hokage's monument. This sight left Yūgao Uzuki in awe.

An Uchiha with the goal of becoming Hokage, an Uchiha dedicated to the ninjas and the village—why doesn't the village trust him? At that moment, Yūgao Uzuki began to question the village's decisions.

Uchiha Yoru seemed lost in his world, fervently saying, "When I become Hokage, the darkness over Konoha will disappear, and I will personally welcome back the heroes of Konoha."

Heroes of Konoha? Is he referring to Lord Orochimaru?

Yūgao Uzuki pondered. She was not an ordinary ninja from the village ignorant of everything. In the Seventh Division, she knew many things and was well aware of the many mysteries surrounding Lord Orochimaru, which made her skeptical.

The Seventh Division of the Police Department faced challenges. Orochimaru's disciple, Uchiha Yoru, was being watched and was almost confined to the office building.

As the saying goes, when the tree falls, the monkeys scatter. With Orochimaru's decline, naturally, many left, leaving behind those who couldn't or those who were unwilling to leave.


Hokage's Office.

"Mist Village is seizing this opportunity to dispatch troops to the Whirlpool Country."

"Many traces of shinobi from the Cloud Village have been found at the borders of the Land of Lightning."

"Recently, there have been frequent attacks and harassments by ninjas at the borderlands, most of which are impersonations from smaller ninja villages, with the intention of instigating battles between major nations."

"A significant number of rogue ninjas and mercenary ninjas have recently infiltrated the Land of Fire, causing severe disruptions to public order."

"Due to the negative impact of the Orochimaru incident, our village's task volume has decreased by half, especially for overseas assignments. Rogue ninjas and enemy country ninjas are targeting us covertly."

At this moment, inside the office, both Homura Mitokado and Koharu Utatane recounted recent events with furrowed brows, especially the instability at the frontiers which greatly concerned them.

The Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, with his brow deeply furrowed, faced the tumultuous situation. Even though the Orochimaru incident was not handled well, creating such an uproar, his many years of political experience told him that only calmness could find a solution.

"Rogue ninjas and mercenaries causing chaos are nothing but the manipulations of some hidden villages behind the scenes. They aim to profit, using lowly means from smaller villages, absurdly attempting to incite wars between major nations."

After a cold laugh, Hiruzen Sarutobi sternly said, "Order the Leaf Village shinobi to enhance their defenses, especially monitor and eliminate all rogue and mercenary ninjas within the Land of Fire. Once they enter my territory, they won't be allowed to act recklessly."

"The Sand Village suffered the most in the third war. No need to mention now, even given another five years, they are not a concern. The cunning Tsuchikage from the Stone Village wouldn't start a world war so easily. Half of the disturbances in the bordering small nations might be his doing."

Being the Hokage for so many years, Hiruzen Sarutobi was familiar with the character of each major village leader. He calmly began analyzing the situation.

"The barbarians of the Cloud Village seem restless. Let Shinzo keep a close watch. A temporary setback is nothing. As long as we adjust and prepare, the Cloud Village doesn't have the guts to start a war."

Having easily deduced the situation the Leaf Village is facing, Homura Mitokado and Koharu Utatane both looked impressed.

However, upon seeing the intel about the Land of Water, the Third Hokage deeply furrowed his brow, took a heavy puff from his pipe, and after exhaling a thick plume of smoke, a serious expression appeared.

"Mist Village has truly seized the perfect opportunity, daring to make a move now. Whirlpool Country is practically nonexistent, but if it falls into the hands of the Mist Village, they can use it as a stepping stone to invade the Land of Fire anytime."

Speaking of this, Hiruzen Sarutobi showed grave concern. Whoever holds the Whirlpool Country holds the initiative.

After the third war, to maintain the delicate balance of the ninja world, both Leaf and Mist villages tacitly treated Whirlpool Country as a buffer zone. Although neither occupied it, both wouldn't abandon placing their own personnel as informants and spies.

"Hiruzen, given the current situation in the village and the unrest in various regions, even though war hasn't broken out, we still need the deterrence of the ninja army. Mist Village is a tough nut to crack."

Homura Mitokado voiced his worries with a grave tone. Hiruzen Sarutobi, as if already having a solution in mind, replied, "I intend to send Uchiha Yoru to the frontlines to deal with the minor skirmishes with the Mist Village."

Hearing this, Koharu Utatane smiled with satisfaction, "Sending Uchiha Yoru to the frontlines will indeed stabilize morale."

However, Homura Mitokado frowned and said, "Orochimaru has great prestige on the frontlines. As Orochimaru's disciple, Uchiha Yoru can indeed stabilize the people. But this move might also allow the disintegrating forces under Orochimaru to regroup."

With the recent incident, Orochimaru's influence has been fragmenting. If they do nothing, they'll retain little. If the Hokage's line pushes Uchiha Yoru to the forefront, it would be a clear move, marking the end of this matter.

Orochimaru's remaining forces will once again rally under Uchiha Yoru's leadership. Although they may not be as powerful as they were at their peak, they are still a significant force. What's more significant is the opponent's surname.

Uchiha! Merely this surname has already committed a taboo.

There are both advantages and disadvantages for Uchiha Yoru going to the front lines. The advantage is that it stabilizes people's hearts, and he is also one of the outstanding talents of Konoha's younger generation.

Faced with this issue, the Third Hokage calmly lowered his hat and spoke in a deep voice, "The policies of Kirigakure are evident to the world of shinobi. This time, since Kirigakure has targeted the territory of the Land of Whirlpools, I fear they won't give up easily."

In his eyes, the newly rising Uchiha Yoru is nothing. After all, choosing to accept the inheritance also means bearing Orochimaru's notorious reputation, making him a target in the eyes of many on the battlefield.

Utilize! They can also be consumed.

Many people now avoid Orochimaru's matters like the plague, but some cannot escape, like the Hyuga branch family.

In this situation, the Hyuga branch family's influence is a hot potato. They can't get directly involved because their involvement would signify the Hokage's line's intentions towards the Hyuga clan. What about the main family?

In short, the Hyuga clan within Konoha is now very tricky. If you recruit the branch family, the main family will be angered. If you accept the main family, then the branch family can only pretend not to see.

"Hiruzen, once Uchiha Yoru takes power, he is an Uchiha!" said Homura Mitokado, emphasizing the surname with a more serious tone.

Hearing this, Hiruzen Sarutobi gently lowered his Hokage hat and rasped, "Come in."

The door of the Hokage office creaked open, and an Anbu member stepped aside, allowing a Konoha ninja to enter respectfully.

"Chunin Kurenai, greeting Lord Hokage."

The person was Kurenai Yuhi. At this moment, both advisors, Homura Mitokado and Koharu Utatane, flashed a hint of understanding in their calm faces, looking at each other knowingly.

Seeing Kurenai, Hiruzen Sarutobi spoke in a raspy, deep voice, "Kurenai, it's been hard on you. No one wanted to see these things happen in the village, but the village needs you."

Kurenai, kneeling on one knee below, had a pained expression in her crimson eyes, torn between her loyalty to the village and her close classmates.

But as a ninja, after years of teaching and loyalty to the village, Kurenai bit her lip and said firmly, "Lord Hokage, rest assured, I will report every move of Uchiha Yoru to you."

The pain and difficulty in Kurenai's expression didn't escape the eyes of the three in the room. Hiruzen Sarutobi showed a hint of melancholy and sighed, "Kurenai, I too hope I'm being overly cautious. This way, the village can have one more elite ninja. I hope you don't blame me; the village can't afford more turmoil."

"Uchiha Yoru is a good kid. I believe he understands the Will of Fire. But I can't guarantee the intentions of the Uchiha clan behind him, especially with the events of the Nine-Tails' attack still fresh in memory."

Sarutobi skillfully expressed trust in Uchiha Yoru, reminded Kurenai of her painful past with the mention of the Nine-Tails, and then cast doubt on the Uchiha clan, giving Kurenai the impression that only the Uchiha clan might be plotting something, not Yoru.

Indeed, after hearing all this, Kurenai seemed to feel much better and respectfully nodded, saying, "Lord Hokage, rest assured, where there's a village, there's a home."

Despite Kurenai's firm expression, she felt chills inside. Although she's a woman, she understood the intricacies. At this time, what she could do was to help Uchiha Yoru and also assist the village.

"Kurenai Yuhi, you can go now. I hope I'm just overthinking things."

"Yes, Lord Hokage."

As the door to the Hokage's office closed, Homura Mitokado frowned and said, "Hiruzen, it seems Kurenai Yuhi has feelings for Uchiha Yoru. I'm afraid she might cause trouble."

However, Hiruzen Sarutobi confidently smiled, "It's normal for young people to have feelings. But like her father, Kurenai Yuhi is a very rational ninja. The village always comes first for her."

They represent the village, and from the very beginning, he stood on invincible ground. Just as in the original story, even the Uchiha clan never thought of defecting but rather staging a coup, because the village is already ingrained in their bones.

Unfortunately, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Koharu Utatane, and Homura Mitokado never thought that today Uchiha Yoru, who is being monitored in the office building like a stray dog, a mere sixteen-year-old, has already begun to plan to come forward and accumulate his own political power.

From the beginning, he never thought of confronting, confronting the entire Konohagakure? Uchiha Madara of the past ended up being forced to leave his hometown.

Uchiha Yoru always had self-awareness. Konohagakure was founded by the Uchiha and Senju. Would he rebel against his own village? That's nonsense.

His purpose has always been clear, and that is to accumulate his own power. After the incident with his teacher Orochimaru, he will inherit what his teacher left behind, and no one else will stop him. Instead, they will personally deliver these legacies into his hands.

The incident with Orochimaru was terrible! Fortunately, this time he was not declared a rogue ninja, but even so, it has already shaken the ninja world. One of the three Sannin candidates for Hokage of Konohagakure, Orochimaru, was expelled.

This is no less than an earthquake. The borders of Konohagakure have already begun to tense up. If not handled well, there will be constant minor frictions, other major countries intensify their rest and recuperation, and at the same time, instigate friction between small countries and Konohagakure.

Therefore, what Konohagakure needs most this time is stability!

When Orochimaru's disciple appeared on the front line, especially as a leading figure, he could play a role in appeasing internally and deter externally.