[Sponsored] Chapter 120: She's my lover

[This Chapter Is Sponsored by Armin Hirsch! Everyone, please thank him in the comment!]

The Hokage's office building.

The afterglow of the setting sun spills into the office. At this moment, the Third Hokage, with a pipe in his mouth, exhales a ring of smoke and sighs deeply.

"Yugao, you've worked hard. The head of the Anbu has been dismissed by me. No one will force you anymore. You can come out now. I promise to give you a new identity to start over."

The dismissal of the Anbu head was shocking, especially considering the tactics the Third Hokage used against his own daughter-in-law. He also silently agreed with some arrangements, especially the spy planted within the Uchiha clan, which was truly unexpected.

The person in question is Yugao Uzuki. She now kneels with one knee on the ground, wearing a mask, listening to the kind voice of the Hokage. However, fear fills her heart.

She's no longer the simple Anbu ninja she once was. After experiencing so much, especially the incident with Orochimaru, she's seen too much darkness. Nervously, she swallows and speaks in a low voice, "For the village, Yugao is willing to continue the mission."

With her head down, Yugao Uzuki continues, "Recently, Uchiha Yoru has been staying in the office building every day. It seems that the recent blow has been too much for him, and he's becoming somewhat indulgent..."

Yugao Uzuki reports all the information she has gathered, but of course, she omits certain details, as she's no longer the naive spy she used to be.

For instance, she discovered the truth about Orochimaru's affairs, but she didn't mention a word about it. After all, based on the information she knows, the higher-ups are more informed than she is.

As for leaving now and adopting a new identity to reappear under the sunshine of Konoha? Yugao Uzuki can't help but laugh at the thought.

After hearing the report, the Third Hokage nods appreciatively. It's evident that Yugao Uzuki has chosen to continue her mission, and he's pleased with her choice.

After all, a spy already embedded is extremely valuable, especially one as close as she now is. It would be a waste to let her go.

"After the Third War, the Nine-Tails attack, and recent events, Konoha has been through a lot and now faces new challenges."

The Third Hokage now seems like a melancholy old man, as if the entire burden of Konoha rests on his shoulders. Under this atmosphere, if Yugao Uzuki hadn't known some secrets, she might have been completely deceived.

With her head lowered, Yugao Uzuki is gradually growing into an exceptional spy, learning to disguise her emotions in front of various individuals.

Office of the Seventh Division of the Police Department.

"Captain Hizashi, you should know that the branch family is a hot potato. No one dares to take it on, especially at this time. Whoever dares to associate with your branch family will face the hostility of the main family and will also bear the enmity of all the major families of Konoha."

Uchiha Yoru sat in the chair, speaking calmly. Upon hearing this, Hyuga Hizashi's face turned even grimmer. Who could have expected Orochimaru to run into trouble? Even if he did, the branch family only had the option of rebelling against the family to break free from their fate.

The Hyuga main family is recognized, and even the Hokage doesn't dare to provoke the branch family at this time. If he were to recruit the branch family, then what about the main family? And how would the other major families see it?

Has the Hokage's promise been forgotten so soon? Weighing the pros and cons, one will realize that the branch family is indeed a hot potato.

"Although Master Orochimaru has left Konoha, the Seventh Division is not down yet. I, Uchiha Yoru, am still here!"

This time, Uchiha Yoru didn't hold back at all and directly stated his intentions, revealing his ambitions. His dark eyes sparkled with determination.

Hyuga Hizashi watched the scene, his face serious, "The Seventh Division has taken in the Hyuga branch family, and the branch family is willing to give their loyalty."

The branch family is a hot potato, and so is the Seventh Division. Thus, maintaining the status quo is the best option. Even without Uchiha Yoru, the best way out for the Hyuga branch family now is to continue living under Orochimaru's banner.

Orochimaru was expelled, but the reputation of the Sannin remains, and that's enough.

Uchiha Yoru didn't choose to back down but stayed in the Seventh Division. He chose to continue walking forward as a disciple of Orochimaru, not shedding the current trouble.

The downside is being entangled in this matter's controversy. The upside is that after Orochimaru's departure, this force once again has a leader. Although it's no longer the once-unstoppable force aiming for the Hokage's position, it can still barely protect the remaining members.

Time flies. No one expected the impact of Orochimaru's incident to be so detrimental. Borders everywhere began to destabilize. Some small nations have started to aggressively provoke Konoha. It's not that they are foolish, but rather they have backers. Additionally, some smaller nations are sending their elite, pretending to be major nations, just to instigate war.

The world of the shinobi is immersed in chaos, as if anticipating the advent of a major conflict.

Konoha bears the brunt of the malice from the entire shinobi world, facing increasing pressure.

Inside the office building of the Seventh Police Squad.

On the rooftop terrace, Yugao Uzuki practiced tirelessly, her ninja sword clashing crisply with her opponent's. And this opponent was none other than Orochimaru's disciple, Uchiha Yoru, who is currently in the eye of the storm due to recent events in Konoha.

By blocking a fellow prodigy of Jiraiya, one of the Legendary Sannin, especially with his unknown S-rank lightning ninjutsu, he gained immense fame.

To master an A-rank ninjutsu is already considered powerful. Let alone S-rank. Ninjas who master S-rank techniques are rare gems in the five major nations. Not only because of the rarity of the techniques but also because of the difficulty in learning them. Countless elite shinobi qualified to learn S-rank techniques can't master them in their lifetime.

"The 'Konoha Style Sword Technique: Crescent Dance you've mastered is impressive. As expected, I wasn't wrong about you, Yugao. You are a swordsmanship prodigy," Uchiha Yoru praised.

During their sparring, upon hearing such admiration from Uchiha Yoru, a blush appeared on Yugao Uzuki's normally cold face.

"Captain Yoru, you're flattering me," Yugao Uzuki said with a touch of shyness, then hesitated before adding softly, "This technique is an A-rank. Could this cause trouble?"

Truth be told, she felt deep guilt towards Uchiha Yoru. From the start, she approached him under false pretenses, using all means to get close. But when she learned the truth, her guilt deepened, even feeling a touch of affection towards him.

The young man before her, only a year older than she, had shouldered many responsibilities at the age of sixteen. Recent events had aged him, adding a maturity to his features.

She was aware of the Uchiha clan's vast resources, but she never imagined that Yoru would be willing to share an A-rank technique with her. Typically, these techniques are passed down within families, between master and disciple, spouses, or awarded to those who have done great services for the village.

Seeing Yugao Uzuki's concern, Uchiha Yoru approached with a casual smile. With a gentle touch, he brushed aside a few strands of her purple hair, revealing her blushing ear.

Facing the young girl before him, Yoru's face broke into a smile. "Yugao, between us, there's no need for formality. Just keep practicing your techniques diligently. Soon, our missions might increase."

He didn't mention the value of the A-rank technique, instead focusing on his genuine concern for her.

Facing Uchiha Yoru's genuine intentions, whether due to her role as a lover trying to make amends or her beauty, the luxury of the A-rank technique moved Yugao Uzuki deeply.

Upon hearing the latter part, Yugao Uzuki's brows furrowed in anxiety. However, Uchiha Yoru chuckled softly, soothingly stroking her brow, reminiscent of a young man comforting his beloved.

"Captain Yoru, what do you mean?"

With his intimate gesture, although feeling shy, Yugao Uzuki didn't lose her shinobi alertness and asked her question.

Uchiha Yoru gently pulled her close, sitting her down next to him on a bench. His fingers, refined from years of chakra practice, yet lacking any calluses, gently stroked her forehead.

"Orochimaru's incident was abrupt. Some, for their own gain, recklessly endanger the village. Candidates for Hokage were expelled. This is an unprecedented shift for any nation. Especially since the Third War just ended not long ago. Numerous shinobi who are unwilling to accept their defeat, along with ambitious minor villages, seek to incite war between the major nations."

Regarding the state of the shinobi world, Yugao Uzuki, like many trained from a young age, might be adept at combat but lacked understanding of the broader geopolitics. However, she grasped one thing: the effects of Orochimaru's incident were far from over.

"Captain Yoru, are you saying... there might be a war?"

At this moment, Yugao Uzuki's face paled. Any shyness vanished, replaced with shock. Even though shinobi are accustomed to conflict, they still dread wars. It's not the battle they fear, but the devastation wars bring.

Seeming to sense the worry of the person in his embrace, Uchiha Yoru smiled gently. He slowly pressed the other person to his chest, while both hands grasped those slender and long fingers.

Medical Ninjutsu chakra shimmered, continuously mending the fatigue caused by long hours of sword practice, and even the calluses on the palm that were hardly felt compared to when they first met.

"War between major countries is not easily triggered, especially in the current situation. The shadow of the third war still lingers in major ninja villages. However, minor border frictions, even local wars, are inevitable. After all, the departure of Orochimaru this time has had a severe impact."

The tip of her nose was filled with the unique scent of a man. Yugao Uzuki half-leaned against the robust chest before her, enchanted by the gentle smile of the young man, feeling utterly reassured at that moment.

Uchiha Yoru was like a drug she couldn't resist. Every time she felt this kind of comfort, guilt of betrayal would overwhelm her. Under these complex emotions, almost every night tormented her. Only when relying on this comforting chest could she forget everything and let down her guard.

"So, Yugao, you need to train hard. Once you've mastered this 'Konoha Style Sword Technique: Crescent Dance', I will teach you a secret-level Ninjutsu."

Hearing Uchiha Yoru promising to teach her a Ninjutsu again, Yugao Uzuki wanted to refuse, but his finger was already on her lips.

Uchiha Yoru, with a gentle smile, placed his finger on her lips, shaking his head slowly, "I just want you to survive. You don't need to feel too pressured. If you ever want to leave, I won't stop you."

Upon hearing this, a pang struck Yugao Uzuki's heart. Only then did she realize that the young man in front of her was only sixteen but had already shouldered so much pressure. His only wish for her was to live.

Women are emotional beings. For an experienced female ninja, it might just be a slight touch, but Yugao Uzuki, although a spy, was naive in this aspect. Her heart began to flutter.

Just then, Uchiha Yoru lightly patted her hip, making Yugao Uzuki startle and stand up, distancing herself from the embrace she was somewhat lost in.

Sitting on the bench, Uchiha Yoru, with half-closed eyes looking at the empty balcony, calmly said, "Jiraiya-sama, peeping is not a good habit."

Suddenly, a hearty laugh echoed from the balcony, revealing Jiraiya, wearing wooden clogs, laughing in front of the two.

"Haha, little Uchiha, the way you woo young girls wasn't taught to you by Orochimaru, was it?"

Without any embarrassment, Jiraiya stepped onto the balcony, laughing heartily at the scene. However, underneath that cheerful smile, his heart sank upon seeing Yugao Uzuki's figure.

A spy?

He remembered seeing a masked spy the last time he was in the Hokage's office. His senses wouldn't be mistaken.

"Yugao, you go ahead. Leave the recent political affairs to others and practice your ninjutsu more."

Following Uchiha Yoru's caring instruction, Yugao Uzuki bowed with embarrassment, "I will take my leave."

Watching the departing girl, a suppressed anger brewed inside Jiraiya. How could they plant a spy in their own village?

Observing is one thing, but planting spies is a tactic against enemies!

Turning his head, Jiraiya saw Uchiha Yoru, who obviously cared deeply for the girl. Jiraiya laughed heartily, teasing, "Kid, you're doing quite well, having such a beautiful girlfriend."

"She's my lover."

Uchiha Yoru's calm voice echoed in Jiraiya's ears. Jiraiya choked and coughed, staring wide-eyed at the young man who openly admitted this.

Damn! How young are you? Instead of having a girlfriend, you're already with a lover? Then what about someone of his age?