Chapter 140: Kurenai, Yugao, and Anko

Double Update and Sponsored Chapters! Today! Got tired Yesterday!


Under the night sky, a dense array of cold glinting kunai appeared in the air, like a dark cloud. Each kunai was trailed by three to five exploding tags, burning with flames as they descended from the sky.

Seeing this, the Mist ninjas cried out in alarm. Kisame shouted a warning to everyone, but instead of using ninjutsu to counter, he controlled the chakra in his feet to stop in place, and his figure instantly disappeared into the water.

The other Mist ninjas instinctively dove into the water as well. A concentrated barrage of black kunai, like a rain of arrows, furiously whizzed into the water, followed by a series of explosive sounds. The water's surface was continually blasted, throwing up splashes and accompanied by blood and dismembered limbs.

The Mist ninjas who had submerged were frantically diving deeper. The kunai, being made of iron, sank rapidly in the water. The exploding tags created huge shockwaves underwater, causing countless Mist ninjas to bleed from their orifices, injuring their internal organs.

However, at that moment, exploding tags also ignited at the back of the Leaf Village's encampment. Explosions followed one after another, instantly shattering the wooden walls of the camp.

The Leaf ninjas had destroyed their own walls. Seeing this, the distant Suikazan Fuguki's face turned livid, and he coldly snorted, shouting, "Execute the decapitation plan, find the target!"


It seemed that the Leaf had blown up their own wooden walls, but this had a huge impact on the earlier massive Water Release technique.

Due to gravity, the Leaf Village's camp was located on high ground. The huge water flow had originally surged into the camp, but the exploding tags disrupted their chakra control.

With the walls now destroyed and water naturally flowing downhill, the massive flood seemed to lose its power and retreated as if ebbing away.

As the seawater rapidly receded, Leaf ninjas appeared one after another, each forming hand seals and spewing dazzlingly hot flames.

Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique

Huge fireballs rushed forth, illuminating the night sky, and behind the tents were rows of cold metallic crossbow-like weapons.

Ninjas are not averse to using tools. Large crossbow projectile weapons are mainstream in large-scale wars. (They appeared when Deidara captured Gaara and also during Sand and Leaf's standoff.)

There were two enormous shuriken launchers, each weighing hundreds of pounds. They seemed wasteful but were effective war machines against large summoned beasts, accompanied by various other types of launching devices.


With a loud shout, more than a dozen war machines roared to life, blocking out the moonlight from the Mist ninja's view.

Giant shurikens filled the sky, covered in countless fissures. Due to the intense friction with air, they seemed to have reached their limit and shattered into a myriad of sharp metallic fragments.

These were super-sized shurikens designed specifically for ninja. The size of such shurikens was too big to target ninjas efficiently, but their shattered fragments had a different kind of deadly force, capable of causing lacerations or death.

Hidden Mist Technique

Suddenly, a dense white mist began to rise throughout the Leaf Village area. Just as the Leaf ninjas were alarmed and on guard, a flash of lightning appeared in front.

Forming hand seals quickly, Uchiha Yoru gathered chakra in his throat, took a deep breath, and spewed a ball of high-temperature flames and hot dust forward. The powerful impact caused the dust to spread all around.

In that instant, a high-temperature dust appeared in the thick mist. Not only did it block the vision of the Leaf ninjas, but also that of the Mist ninjas. Although they were accustomed to fighting in the mist, they couldn't sense this dust, which was almost like mist, until it was too late.

Fire Release: Ash Hiding Technique

Screams of agony echoed in the night. The scalding ash and fire caused instantaneous burn injuries, even burning some ninjas' respiratory tracts.

This B-rank jutsu had a large area of effect, especially since it used the Mist ninjas' Hidden Mist Technique as cover, causing massive damage.

"Damn it!"

The Mist ninjas roared, hurling shurikens and kunai. However, with the high-temperature jutsu burning away the surrounding mist, Uchiha Yoru's figure became vaguely visible, a mocking smile on his lips.


With a 'bang', Uchiha Yoru's figure turned into a puff of white smoke, revealing it to be a shadow clone.

"Found it! The target is 800 meters away in the 11 o'clock direction."

Just as this was happening, the sensory ninja protected by a small squad of Mist ninjas suddenly opened his palms and shouted loudly.

Upon hearing this, the Mist ninjas all revealed bloodthirsty smiles and moved into a fan-shaped formation, choosing to rush forward and encircle their targets.

The target for the decapitation operation had been found.

"Lord Yoru, there are sensory ninjas among the Mist ninjas. All of the Mist ninjas are rushing towards us now."

On the Leaf side, there were also ninjas from the Hyuga clan. Under the Byakugan, a Hyuga ninja glared menacingly at the movements of the Mist ninjas and shouted loudly.

"Take advantageous terrain to delay; everyone, prepare for battle!"

Facing the Mist ninjas who aimed for decapitation, Uchiha Yoru calmly commanded the Leaf ninjas. Now, they had about 60 to 70 ninjas on their side, not fewer than the Mist ninjas in number, but differing in quality.

The Mist ninjas involved in the decapitation mission this time were almost all elite, whereas the Leaf side was unaware of where the enemy would attack, so their elite forces were somewhat scattered.

Facing the decapitation plan of the Mist ninjas, Uchiha Yoru revealed a bloodthirsty smile, stood in the forefront, and quickly began hand seals.

The chakra gathered within him transformed into scorching flames. Uchiha Yoru expelled a breath, and a powerful firestorm erupted, turning the surroundings into a sea of fire.

"Fire Style: Great Fire Annihilation"

The fire technique destroyed all kinds of structures in the Leaf camp along its path, leaving all Leaf ninjas stunned and shocked.

"Wow! Such a powerful Fire Style."

"Such powerful chakra."

The Hyuga ninjas stared with menacing Byakugan, watching the fan-shaped firestorm thin out the thick mist considerably.

"Three o'clock direction!"

"Target spotted at ten o'clock!"

Hyuga ninjas shouted. The Leaf ninjas, prepared in advance, shot out kunai with exploding tags tied to them.

The advantage of the Byakugan was to directly indicate the direction of the enemies, allowing them to attack preemptively.

"Water Style: Water Wall"

Instantly, the collision between fire and water produced high-temperature steam. Even Kizame, who blocked this wide-ranging Fire Style attack with waterfall-like water from his mouth, couldn't help but sweat profusely.

"Such a terrifying Fire Style."

If he didn't have such vast chakra, he would not have been able to block this terrifying Fire Style.

"Target spotted, cover!"

As their techniques canceled each other out, Kizame shouted loudly at the sensory ninja's guidance, and the Mist ninjas revealed bloodthirsty shouts.

Likewise, the Leaf ninjas also shouted. Uchiha Yoru raised his hand and said, "On our home turf, using familiar terrain to hold the enemy is enough; don't risk killing the enemy, the advantage is ours!"

Among the Leaf ninjas, the general idea was to fight when both sides have already met in battle. Few were like Uchiha Yoru, who preferred to save lives and delay time.

"Be careful."

Electric arcs flickered around Uchiha Yoru's body. After activating his Lightning Style, he lowered his voice, and the people behind him - Kurenai, Yugao Uzuki, and Anko - all revealed serious expressions.

"Yoru, don't worry, we're not fresh out of the ninja academy."

"Yoru, you be careful."

"Lord Yoru, don't worry about us, go all out in battle."

The three women showed their seriousness. Uchiha Yoru wasn't too worried about their abilities; actually, all three women were quite strong.

Under his influence, Kurenai and Anko had the abilities of a special Jonin. Yugao Uzuki was the weakest among them as she specialized in sword techniques, which took time to build up, but she was still at an elite Chunin level. The trio, complementing each other, greatly enhanced their team's strength.

"Yugao, be prepared. Anko, attack when you spot the target."

Even though the three women often competed and argued privately, their long-time partnership had made them an elite squad with tacit understanding.

Calm Kurenai commanded, and Yugao Uzuki and Anko immediately took battle positions.

"Nine o'clock direction!"

The moment the Mist ninjas appeared, Anko shouted and reacted swiftly. The instant she raised her hand, several large snakes burst from her sleeves and struck the target like lightning.

"Hidden Shadow Snake Hands"

"Thirteen o'clock direction!"

Kurenai shouted and immediately formed hand seals to release his ninjutsu.

Demonic Illusion: Tree Binding Death (the famous scene of Kurenai and Itachi)

A Mist Ninja who just appeared saw a pair of crimson eyes in the darkness. Suddenly, a distant figure began to fade abstractly, and he seemed to have forgotten many things.

Wooden stakes beside him grew limbs and bound him. He felt suffocated for a moment and snapped back to reality. Seeing a Leaf Ninja emerging from the trees above, preparing to attack him, he exclaimed in horror, "Genjutsu!"


The genjutsu was broken in an instant, and blood splattered. The Mist Ninja couldn't believe what he was seeing. He looked down at the ninjato in his chest and trembled, "Impossible! I've already broken the genjutsu!"

However, behind him was Yugao Uzuki, gripping his ninjato. With a swift movement, the Mist Ninja's pupils began to dilate. When the long sword was pulled out, it brought with it a spray of fresh blood. In his dying moment, he caught a glimpse of another figure and understood that another Leaf Ninja had taken the opportunity to strike him just as he broke the genjutsu.


Another Mist Ninja appeared, wielding his ninjato. Kurenai calmly blocked it with his kunai. After taking down his target, Yugao quickly retreated to rejoin the fight.

Shadow Snake Hand

The trio of women complemented each other's abilities well. Anko specialized in ninjutsu, Kurenai in genjutsu, and Yugao in swordsmanship. Together, their teamwork unleashed their full potential, threatening even elite ninjas.

The Mist and Leaf Ninjas engaged in battle. The Mist Ninjas focused on holding down small squads of Leaf Ninjas with one or two of their own, aiming to delay them.

Their elite forces were already advancing towards their targets. Two particularly formidable Mist Ninjas released their ninjutsu, and ten elite Mist Ninjas charged forward, bloodthirsty and armed with ninjato.

Mission targets confirmed, initiating decapitation operation.

"Quick battle!"

One of the formidable Mist Ninjas yelled and charged, brandishing his great sword. The other also joined the fray. Together, twelve elite Mist Ninjas began their decapitation operation.

Facing the encirclement, Uchiha Yoru's Sharingan with three tomoe began to spin rapidly, breaking the mental chakra attacks coming his way.

Two Mist Ninjas grunted, their genjutsu was reflected back. The Sharingan's ability to reflect genjutsu was indeed legendary.

"Quick battle?"

Uchiha Yoru showed a mocking smile and drew the Kusanagi sword from his waist, ready to confront them.

In the battle between the Mist and Leaf Ninjas, both sides had different objectives. The Mist aimed for a swift decapitation strike, their majority tasked with holding the Leaf Ninjas down. On the other hand, the Leaf aimed to stall and stabilize the situation, waiting for reinforcements to surround the enemy.