Chapter 141: Fighting the Seven Swordman's of the Mist

Heaven's Curse Seal · State One

Facing the beheading onslaught of twelve elite Mist ninja, Uchiha Yoru displayed an unprecedented look of seriousness. The people he was facing this time were out to take his life, unlike the situation with Jiraiya. In an instant, the curse mark on his neck became hot, and eerie black flame patterns began to spread across his body. This time, compared to when he was in Konoha, the curse mark spread over his entire body.

State One, the perfect stage!

The twelve Mist ninja coordinated seamlessly with each other. Some used ninjutsu, some used hidden weapons, and some charged with ninja blades. Leading them were Kisame and Suikazan Fuguki.

Facing such a lineup, it would be a lie to say he felt no pressure. Yet Uchiha Yoru, who activated his curse seal mode, displayed a bloodthirsty and excited smile. With a hand seal, he spat a large amount of gray mist centered on himself.

Fire Release · Dust Hiding Technique

The scorching dust flickered with high-temperature flames. When the dust hit the ground, it would continue to spread in all directions, generating astonishing heat.

"Damn it!"

Facing this large-scale ninjutsu, the elite Mist ninja all shouted and prepared defensive hand seals against this widespread Fire Release attack.

The 'Dust Hiding Technique' and Asuma's 'Ash Pile Burning' both look similar and belong to B-rank ninjutsu, but this technique has a larger range and is covered by gray smoke.

Water Release · Water Formation Wall

In the high temperature accompanied by fiery gray smoke, each Mist ninja employed Water Release techniques for protection. However, at this moment, Uchiha Yoru, hidden in the mist, transformed into a flash of lightning and charged into the Mist ninja.

Arcs of electricity flickered around him, and thanks to the cover of smoke, his Mangekyo Sharingan, in which one eye had three black tomoe linked together, took on the form of a spinning shuriken.

Hidden in the smoke, for the first time, Uchiha Yoru revealed his awakened Mangekyo Sharingan to face his enemies.

As the Mangekyo Sharingan rapidly spun, an inexplicable force emerged, and in an instant, the lightning around Uchiha Yoru surged in power.

Pupil Technique · Three-Wheel Bright God

He prefers to call it the Sage's Eye, which can manipulate natural energy. When releasing ninjutsu or genjutsu, the Mangekyo can amplify them several-fold by controlling natural energy.

Sage mode involves absorbing a certain amount of natural energy to create "Sage Chakra" within the body. This pupil technique directly manipulates natural energy to enhance the released ninjutsu or genjutsu, so the two do not conflict.

In his curse seal mode, he already had some Sage Chakra, making it akin to a pseudo-Sage mode. But once he releases ninjutsu or genjutsu, with the boost from this pupil technique, it can be considered a genuine Sage technique.

Flashes of electricity flickered in the smoke, accompanied by the screams of the Mist ninja.

"This is!" Two Mist ninja holding blades were stunned when they saw a flash of red light appear in the smoke.

Sage Illusionary Technique · Shackling Stakes Technique

The moment the two Mist ninja were pulled into the illusionary world, a flash of lightning passed by, and scalding blood splattered. When they broke free from the illusion, they were horrified to find that their field of vision was filled with two familiar corpses, both beheaded!

"A brat from the Uchiha Clan!"

  The twelve elite Mist ninja, under the leadership of Suikazan Fuguki, unexpectedly killed two people in the blink of an eye. Everyone else was furious, even Suikazan Fuguki roared, "Quick battle, quick decision!"

The moment Uchiha Yoru slaughtered, his position was also exposed due to the screams. Facing the siege of ten people, he showed a bloodthirsty smile.

Water Style...

Ninjutsu and Genjutsu came one after another, while Kisame held his ninja sword and teamed up with two other Mist ninja to restrict his movements.

Facing such a desperate siege, Uchiha Yoru revealed a bloodthirsty smile. When Kisame saw this smile, he knew something was wrong. Just as he was preparing to defend, suddenly lightning flashed all around.

Sage Art: Lightning Style - Chidori Stream

His body suddenly released a wide range of electrical energy. Under the power-up of his eye technique, the power of this ninjutsu was greatly increased. The three Mist ninja who attacked were directly enveloped in it, and Kisame revealed a shocked expression.

Boom Boom~

The remaining Mist ninja, seeing their comrades attacked, not only did not stop to help but increased their chakra output and launched a furious ninjutsu attack.

As the ninjutsu attacked, the three Mist ninja showed fearful expressions. They were paralyzed within the range of Chidori Stream and could not mobilize their chakra to defend against the jutsu released by their own comrades.

Kisame was exceptionally calm in the face of the aura of death. With clear thinking, he controlled his internal chakra and slapped the ground, shouting, "How could I die here!"

Water Style: Water Wall

Finally, in the last moment when the indiscriminate ninjutsu attacked, Kisame's massive internal chakra broke through the paralysis, and a defensive circular water wall appeared around his body.

Boom Boom~

Uchiha Yoru's figure was completely engulfed in the barrage of ninjutsu. Inside the shaky water wall, Kisame saw the other's face reveal a mocking smile, and he broke into a cold sweat. "Damn it! It can't be!"

Sure enough, the next moment Kisame saw that under the bombardment of ninjutsu, Uchiha Yoru turned into a cloud of thick smoke and disappeared without a drop of blood splattering.

Not good!

Seeing this, Kisame shouted, "It's a trap!"

As he shouted, the numbness in Kisame's body had already diminished a lot since he hid behind the water wall. He quickly formed hand seals. Although he didn't know what the opponent was preparing to do, it was definitely not a good omen.

At this moment on the chaotic battlefield, a sharp eagle cry rang out in the night sky.

Uchiha Yoru stood on a flying eagle under the moonlight, looking down from above. A strand of black hair covered his crimson eyes, and as he looked at the place bombarded by ninjutsu below, he revealed a bloodthirsty smile. His hands had already finished forming the seals.

Sage Art: Fire Style - Great Fire Annihilation

Chakra gathered in his throat, and he spat out a meteor-like fireball toward the ground. The massive fireball, with soaring momentum, spread into a sea of fire upon hitting the ground. It should be known that this ninjutsu is capable of instantly igniting a forest, with power even greater than Great Fire Annihilation.

From the beginning, he had summoned a flying eagle to appear in the sky under the cover of Dust Hiding Technique while fighting the Mist ninja. He left behind a shadow clone to distract the enemy.

  In the instant the sea of fire appeared, a wave of heat swept all around, and the ninjas fighting in the distance were utterly shocked by the power of this jutsu.

Water Style: Great Waterfall Technique

Suddenly, amidst the roaring flames, an angry shout echoed. Instantly, a massive water ball appeared, and the sounds of sizzling fire and water intermingling were performed once again.

Within the sea of fire, Suikazan Fuguki released this jutsu with a grim face, directly changing the surrounding terrain. Under the combined efforts of twelve elite ninjas, two were beheaded in the blink of an eye by genjutsu. After that, two more from the Chidori stream were lost, and while no deaths occurred from this round of Fire Style, three Mist ninjas were clearly severely injured.

Of the remaining eight Mist ninjas, three were severely injured, halving their combat effectiveness in a matter of moments.

Just then, Kankuro of the Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark emerged from the ground, his back bloody and obviously burned. He quickly used the seldomly-used Earth Style: Subterranean Voyage, transforming solid sand and stone into fluid with chakra, enabling him to move swiftly underground.

"Impossible! How could there be such terrifying Fire Style!"

Cursed Seal-enhanced Uchiha Yoru already contained some Sage chakra. After releasing the jutsu, the power amplified by the Rinnegan was clearly Sage-level. The power had increased at least five times compared to ordinary jutsu.

"Look out!"

With a Mist ninja's shout, black dots emerged from the steam created by the water and fire collision, accompanied by the sound of tearing air.

Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique

When the black dots appeared through the white steam, the pupils of the Mist ninjas watching this scene shrank. Countless shurikens, like a downpour, fell from the sky, each wrapped with an exploding tag.

"Little brat! You underestimate me!"

They were surrounded, yet the tide had turned. Each of their jutsu was incredibly powerful; even when their Fire Style was countered by Water Style, it still exuded immense pressure.

Suikazan Fuguki roared, rapidly forming hand seals. "I'll defend, everyone else will attack!"

Water Style: Great Waterfall Technique

Being a ninja with immense chakra and control over the Shark Muscle sword, he released another A-rank jutsu.

The massive water ball blocked the raining shurikens, while the exploding tags began to flicker and rumble.

"Bad news! The target is—"

A Mist ninja shouted as if he'd noticed something. However, the next moment, Uchiha Yoru appeared in front of him, holding the Kusanagi sword, sending him flying several meters back.

Upon landing, the Mist ninja looked at his broken longsword unbelievingly, murmuring, "This is Lightning Nature Chakra!"

'Supervibrato Lightning Release Swords' infuses the blade with lightning chakra, enhancing its penetration and sharpness. It even surpasses Wind Style in penetration, as officially stated.

At incredible speed, after another Mist ninja was ambushed and killed, only seven Mist ninjas remained, three of whom were seriously injured. Only four had the capability to fight.

The enemy possessed terrifyingly strong ninja techniques, as well as a lightning-style physical technique that was several times faster than what they had seen before. This gave even these battle-hardened Mist ninjas a spine-tingling feeling.


A flash of lightning passed by. One Mist ninja and Kisame jointly blocked this attack. At that moment, a trace of crimson slowly oozed out from one of Uchiha Yoru's eyes. When he lifted his head, the triple tomoe Sharingan was revealed, and at the same time, the power of his lightning chakra seemed to weaken considerably.

"It looks like time is up."

Looking at the two Mist ninjas who blocked his attack at the last moment, he was not flustered at all; rather, a confident smile accompanied by a hint of chill appeared on his face.

Lightning Style: Chidori Stream

Under the large range of lightning released from his entire body, Kisame not only did not retreat in fear, but instead showed his sharp teeth, smiling bloodthirstily. He and another Mist ninja with dual swords assumed a scissor-like stance to pin down the enemy.

This desperate fighting style momentarily surprised Uchiha Yoru. Just then, a massive fluctuation of ninja techniques came from behind.

"Kid, you used some sort of forbidden technique just now, didn't you? Your body must be at its limit now."

Water Style: Great Shark Bullet Technique

An enormous chakra-made shark-shaped water bullet attacked. If the water bullet was attacked with a ninja technique, it would instantly absorb the opponent's chakra and grow even larger.

Suikazan Fuguki immediately launched his strongest attack upon finding an opportunity, an enhanced version of a technique derived from the Great Sword Samehada, also known as the nemesis of all ninja techniques.

"Just like Samehada, this technique absorbs chakra. How will you break it, kid?"

Under Suikazan Fuguki's cold smile, he seemed to have already envisioned the enemy torn apart by the shark.

From the beginning, Uchiha Yoru's sudden outburst featured powerful ninja techniques. He had guessed that the kid must have used some forbidden technique, otherwise, how could each of his ninja techniques be so terrifying?

"Uchiha kid, let's die together!"

As if afraid Uchiha Yoru would escape, this Mist ninja, paralyzed by the Chidori Stream, was holding his weapon and Uchiha's Kusanagi in one hand and gripping his arm tightly with the other.

"Now you can't use any ninja techniques."

Kisame also showed a ferocious smile but what was more evident in his eyes was a sense of relief. He did not hate Uchiha Yoru, he only felt relief.

Kisame and another Mist ninja held Uchiha Yoru's with their own, and both grabbed Uchiha Yoru's arm that was holding the Kusanagi, choosing to jointly face Suikazan Fuguki's technique.

Faced with this desperate situation, Uchiha Yoru was not flustered at all. Instead, the corner of his mouth slowly curled into a confident smile, giving the two a bad feeling.  

