Chapter 152: The BUG pills

"Enemy Attack!"

A clear and resonant voice echoed between heaven and earth, and in an instant, a dense array of kunai and shuriken appeared in the sky. Explosive tags trailing flames flew into each faction's camp.


Before anyone arrived, hidden weapons with explosive tags had already greeted them.

Water Style: Great Waterfall Technique

Elite Mist shinobi appeared one after another, and after forming hand seals, a huge waterfall attacked. At the same time, five hidden Mist shinobi quickly formed seals and clapped their hands together, shouting in unison.

Earth Style: Earthquake Core

The ground in front rumbled instantly, and large pits appeared on the earth. This ninjutsu directly caused a large section of the ground within a certain range to collapse.

Facing the Mist shinobi's opening Water Style move, Leaf ninjas were also well-prepared. Those proficient in Earth Style began forming hand seals and slapped the ground.

Earth Style: Earth Flow Wall

Huge, thick walls appeared, and in an instant, the battlefield was filled with the visual impact of towering waves crashing against the dam walls. As the momentum canceled out, the Earth Style shinobi from the Mist faction changed the terrain, transforming the large pits into huge water reservoirs.

Under the effect of gravity, water flows downward. The moment the waterfall's force dissipated, the flowing water began to recede, filling the large pits on the ground.

Several huge lakes appeared directly on the battlefield, demonstrating the terrifying power of ninjutsu.

A single ninja may not be able to change the terrain, but working together can easily change it to create a favorable environment for their side.

After the terrain was formed, the bloodthirsty Mist shinobi charged out, their surrounding lakes providing immense assistance.

"All Leaf ninjas prepare for battle!"

Leaf shinobi shouted in unison. Standing at the forefront, Uchiha Yoru saw the crazily charging Mist shinobi and his eyes gradually revealed the three-tomoe Sharingan.

In the cold wind, a black military ration pill, a secret concoction of the Uchiha clan, was slowly placed in his mouth, followed by the sound of swallowing.

The military ration pill has the effects of chakra recovery and increasing the chakra limit. (The concept of 'military ration pills' was abandoned in the later parts of Naruto because this setting had some bugs.)

Ordinary military rations pills have significant side effects with minimal effects, so the secret formula military rations pills are more precious.

Pig - Dog - Rooster - Monkey - Sheep

Uchiha Yoru cuts his finger and quickly forms hand seals. With a powerful slap on the ground, a thick plume of smoke suddenly rises.

Summoning Jutsu!


A furious roar echoes across the battlefield. As the summoning smoke dissipates, the menacing face of Manda, the snake, is revealed, "Little brat."

Before Manda could finish speaking, Uchiha Yoru points at the distant water reservoir and shouts, "Manda, all the Mist ninjas ahead are your sacrifices. First, go underground and puncture their water reservoir."

Watching Uchiha Yoru leap away after issuing the command, Manda glares at him but tolerates it. After all, the terms they had previously agreed upon were too tempting.

"Little brat, next time I hope to hear good news, not that I'm always fighting for you."

Facing the arrogant and untamed snake, Uchiha Yoru also shows no kindness and coldly says, "If you're unwilling, we can go our separate ways. Your talent is limited and your life is almost over anyway. If you still want to become stronger, help me. I won't forget what I promised you."

"Hmph, despicable little brat, roar!" Manda roars and vanishes into a hole on the battlefield. On the Mist side, people immediately start yelling, sensing what the snake is planning. The Leaf ninjas also get excited upon seeing Manda.

"It's Lord Manda."

"It's Lord Yoru's summoning creature, kill!"


If they had seen Manda earlier, they would have excitedly yelled that it's Lord Orochimaru's summoning creature, but now it's clear that this young man in front of them is gradually replacing Orochimaru's position.


Leaf and Mist ninjas are instantly clashing everywhere. Forests, grounds, even lakesides are filled with combat.

Both sides have information on some powerful ninjas, so as soon as the battle starts, corresponding ninjas are deployed with planned tactics.

It's evident that Uchiha Yoru, the current highest commander of the Leaf, has been targeted.

Three ninjas came forward, one of whom was an old acquaintance, Kisame. Another had one eye covered, and upon seeing this person, Uchiha Yoru burst into a cold smile.

"So it's Kirigakure's Ao, from the Bingo Book."

During the Third Great Ninja War, Ao had acquired the Byakugan from Konoha's Hyuga clan, considering it a valuable war trophy. Soon after, Ao was added to Konoha's Bingo Book.

"Don't need praise for being a Konoha genius."

Another Kirigakure ninja wore a mask, completely covered from head to toe, but Uchiha Yoru suddenly smiled as he looked at the battlefield.

"So that's how it is. Abandoning your expertise in large-scale water ninjutsu for close-quarters combat from all directions. A good tactic, better than last time. It seems the pig hiding behind is not that stupid."

After finishing the last sentence, Uchiha Yoru suddenly spewed intense flames from his mouth.

Fire Style: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique

A C-rank jutsu that fires a series of large fireballs at the Kirigakure ninjas. At the same time, the curse mark on his neck began to heat up and slowly spread all over his body. This time, the Kirigakure ninjas were fully aware of his tactics, unlike last time when they were caught off guard.

Faced with the fireballs, Kisame, who still had bandages wrapped around his chest, quickly formed hand seals.

Water Style: Water Formation Wall

At the same time, Ao and another Kirigakure ninja attacked from both sides.

This battle was designed to restrict his widespread ninjutsu attacks. The chaotic battlefield also prevented his sweeping techniques.

Lightning burst all over his body, and Uchiha Yoru turned into a bolt of lightning, charging forward. The moment the two sides collided, a flash of lightning zipped by, filling Ao and the other Kirigakure ninja with astonishment.

So fast! The speed of drawing the blade was even faster!

With a crack, the mask was partially shattered, revealing a strand of brown hair. The cold counterattack from the two collaborating ninjas had also arrived.

Facing Uchiha Yoru's attack, Ao and the other Kirigakure ninja were filled with astonishment. They were being suppressed even though they were attacking together.

Water Style: Exploding Water Colliding Wave

Suddenly a huge splash attacked Uchiha Yoru, who immediately realized something was wrong. However, the speed of this Water Style technique left him no time to react.

A huge, elliptical water prison instantly formed, trapping Uchiha Yoru inside. Kisame, who had just released this jutsu, was panting heavily. Clearly, he hadn't yet reached his peak and this technique had consumed much of his energy.

"Ha~ha, this is a tactic specifically designed for you."

Despite being slightly out of breath, Kisame was full of smiles. The jutsu was A-rank, but the chakra consumption depended on the user's control. This time, he had unleashed a huge water sphere, comparable to a forest.

In the original story, Kisame had once trapped the Eight-Tails, Gyuki, with this enormous water sphere.

Uchiha Yoru, suddenly submerged, held his breath and looked around calmly with his Mangekyou Sharingan. He had indeed become passive with the leaking of his information.

"In water, your Fire Style will lose its effectiveness completely. As for Lightning Style, heh heh," Kisame revealed a smile, thinking Uchiha Yoru's Lightning Style wouldn't be effective in such a large water prison.

Smiling Kisame felt like he was in heaven in the water. No matter how his opponent moved, this huge water prison would move with him, trapping the enemy.

"Plan complete." Ao and another Kirigakure ninja, also trapped in the water, quickly swam to the sides, considering the terrifying nature of his Lightning Style.

"Don't you care about your comrades? Kirigakure's cold-blooded ninjas are hard to deal with under this kind of baiting tactic."

Trapped in the water prison, Uchiha Yoru pondered in silence. The three shinobi made him feel constrained, not because of a difference in strength, but in information. From the beginning, the opponents had devised tactics to counter him, just like the immortal duo from the Akatsuki.

Hidan and Kakuzu lost due to leaked information that led to specific tactics against them.

Never underestimate anyone. From the start to now, he hadn't deployed many ninjutsu but had already been calculated against. At this thought, Uchiha Yoru's expression became even more grave.

In his lightning mode, he was fast, but underwater, he couldn't match the Mist shinobi. Even so, he quickly moved to one side, while Kisame, standing in the center of the water prison, showed a bloodthirsty smile. Even without his shark muscles, he wouldn't lose to anyone in underwater speed.

On the battlefield.

The Leaf Village side was filled with concern as they witnessed this sudden scene, while the Mist shinobi roared in excitement. Suikazan Fuguki, hiding in the back, revealed a sinister smile.

"Kid, this tactic is my thank-you for last time. Hope you like it."

Trapped, Uchiha Yoru was not anxious when he saw his predicament. Instead, he calmly moved quickly while observing his surroundings. Seeing Kisame's determined expression, a cold smile slowly appeared on his lips.

Every ninjutsu has a weakness; let me show you the flaws in this one.


Suddenly, Uchiha Yoru turned his head, and his three-tomoe Sharingan rotated. Facing the Sharingan, Kisame smirked. Although Genjutsu was his weak point, it was only a personal one.


Behind Kisame was Ao, who had unsealed and closed his eyes. With Ao's Byakugan, they were nearly immune to all genjutsu below S-class.

Some say Byakugan counters genjutsu, but actually, any Kekkei Genkai boosts its user. Byakugan does not specifically counter genjutsu (officially).

However, Byakugan does have a strong ability to see chakra. Even with closed eyes, Ao could clearly see the flow of chakra inside Kisame.

When Genjutsu was activated, Kisame's chakra would surely behave oddly, which Ao could detect instantly and disrupt the genjutsu, freeing Kisame from it.

In silence, only the bubbling sound of water was heard. Seeing that his Genjutsu had no effect, a smile slowly crept onto Uchiha Yoru's lips. It seems they had thought of the Sharingan's genjutsu, which was impressive. Their Suiton (Water Style) could move with its caster, making this water prison a mobile fortress. But it also had more than one weakness.

In an instant, he took out ten smoke bombs from his blade bag, and a muffled sound erupted in the water, filling the area with thick black smoke, effectively obscuring the view.

Kisame's face sank. "Have you found a weakness? Are you preparing to use a shadow clone to break through?" As the caster, how could he not know the shortcomings of this technique?

If it's a shadow clone, he can't tell which one is the real body. His speed may be fast, but the opponent's Lightning Style is not to be trifled with.

'No! It's not a shadow clone!'

Uchiha Yoru swiftly swam towards the bottom. Kisame immediately realized the other's intent, revealing a look of urgency in his eyes.

While the water prison could be moved, its immense size and weight required maintenance. Yet it couldn't permeate the earth, revealing the opponent's plan to use Earth Style to break free.

Water Style: Five Food Sharks

Chakra released from his five fingers instantly transformed into ferocious sharks, swimming rapidly towards Uchiha Yoru. No one could surpass the speed of sharks in water.


When they were ten meters from the ground, the five sharks lunged at him. Uchiha Yoru simply sneered, releasing a surge of electricity. The water conducts electricity, shattering the chakra-formed sharks.

Just as Uchiha Yoru was about to touch the bottom and form hand seals to use Earth Style, a glint of cold light flashed. The look of panic on Kisame's face disappeared, replaced by a sly smile.

It was a ninja longsword, piercing through Uchiha Yoru's foot and impaling his abdomen. Crimson blood flowed, revealing a grotesque, gigantic head—it was Suikazan Fuguki.

Although the Suikazan Fuguki couldn't make a sound underwater, his mouth movements made his message clear.

"Little brat, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Blood spewed from his mouth, forming a captivating cloud of red in the water. However, in the next moment, Uchiha Yoru transformed into a grotesque giant snake. Likewise, Suikazan Fuguki revealed a pair of angry, tiny eyes.

The snake, in pain, lunged and bit him. The Suikazan Fuguki did not resist, but rather let the snake bite him. Under his resentful gaze, his massive body also transformed into a water clone.


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