[Sponsored] Chapter 153: Kiss of Death

[This Chapter Is Sponsored by Miguel razo! Everyone, please thank him in the comment!]

"Wrong! It's above!"

As Uchiha Yoru, who was swimming downward, revealed his true form as a giant snake, Kisame quickly investigated. With Ao's Byakugan, he instantly located the target.

It's a tiny shuriken! Almost impossible to detect in the water, but it's now rapidly escaping from the water prison.

"Damn it!" Kisame glared with unwilling eyes. Although the massive water prison could follow him, flying upward with such heavy water was impossible; he's human, not a tailed beast.


With a soft sound, a black metal shuriken broke free from the massive water prison. A burst of white smoke revealed Uchiha Yoru's soaked figure, who finally breathed fresh air after holding his breath for so long.

"Nice tactic, but every ninja technique has a weakness. You've failed; now it's my turn."

Floating mid-air, Uchiha Yoru smirked. As he prepared to fall due to gravity, his hands began forming seals for a summoning jutsu. But then, a shadow appears directly above him.

"Oh really? Too bad, you won't get a chance. Handsome man, let me send you off with a beautiful kiss."

A soft, alluring voice echoed in his ears. But Uchiha Yoru only felt cold sweat; there was no allure. As he reflexively turned his head, he saw another Mist ninja. It was her, the one with a missing part of her mask, revealing her brown hair!

Lava Release: Melting Apparition Technique

Her soft lips spat out a massive cloud of beige-colored, sticky, and corrosive acid, completely obscuring Uchiha Yoru.

In an instant, the sound of corrosion began. Terumī Mei, who was falling from the sky with her mask, sighed, "Such a waste of a handsome man. Let me give you a bone-melting, heart-burning kiss."

However, as she was falling, her once confident smile froze. She saw a giant snake hissing in agony within the corrosive acid.

Not good!

Meanwhile, Kisame in the water prison finally sighed in relief, thinking he had dealt with the Leaf Village's monster. But then, his companion with the Byakugan suddenly showed a shocked expression and gripped his shoulder tightly.

Kisame, who was about to dispel his chakra-consuming technique, suddenly froze. He saw his Byakugan companion pointing to the black area created by the smoke bomb.

Formation of a Thousand Snakes.

In the water, a horrifying scene emerged. A dense swarm of venomous snakes surged out, moving incredibly fast through the water.

Particularly given their overwhelming numbers, snakes were coming from all directions, making it impossible to determine which snake the enemy had transformed into.

Especially unsettling was that the snakes spat out blades that glinted coldly, sweeping over everything in an instant.

Water Style: Thousand Feeding Sharks

At this moment, Kisame hurriedly made hand seals, instantly summoning countless sharks in the water that swarmed toward the numerous venomous snakes.

Sharks VS Venomous Snakes

It was a battle of numbers against numbers, and in an instant, the massive water prison was dyed red.

Kisame's face turned deathly pale within the water prison. Although he had immense chakra, the giant water prison was continuously draining it. Without his large blade to replenish him, he was clearly running out of chakra, especially since he was already injured.

Gurgle Gurgle~

The water was filled with scenes of sharks tearing snakes apart, blood staining the water prison red, making the massive water prison murkier. However, at this moment, a dark shadow passed over the dome of the water sphere, accompanied by a loud eagle's cry.

"When did this happen!" Terumi Mei, who was about to land on a tall tree branch, widened her eyes as she recalled the earlier scene.

"It's the shadow hand sword technique hidden in the shadows, even applied to these fine threads! Is this the insight of the Sharingan? No!"

When Terumi Mei recalled the earlier threads, she realized when the enemy had escaped. The threads weren't just one but two, and neither the naked eye nor the Byakugan saw it. Because the two threads were almost parallel, and as they burst out of the water prison, one thread directly became the real body.

Under the smoke of the transformation technique, the real body was perfectly concealed. She had been distracted by the smoke created by the transformation technique and hadn't noticed the thread that continued to shoot toward the sky from the smoke.

The one who undid the transformation was a clone, a giant snake!

The real body only undid the transformation when safely out of range and then used a summoning technique.

"Not good! The battle plan has failed!" Their carefully planned tactics, aimed entirely at the enemy, had been so easily broken. Terumi Mei quickly shouted into the water prison while making hand seals, but Uchiha Yoru in the sky was faster than them.

A hawk soared over the battlefield, and the hand seals were completed. Uchiha Yoru revealed a bloodthirsty smile and suddenly spewed out a sky-filling flame.

Fire Style: Grand Fire Annihilation

A meteor-like fireball suddenly fell from the sky and slammed into the forest, instantly spreading into a sea of flames upon landing. This ninjutsu was evaluated as 'able to instantly ignite a forest, more powerful than the grand fire extinguishing ninjutsu.'

Boom boom~

The forest was instantly ablaze, alarming the ninjas from both sides of the battlefield. Upon seeing that it was their commander, the Leaf Village side erupted into cheers, rejuvenated as if injected with adrenaline.

Inside the forest, a massive water barrier blocked the flames within a ten-meter radius. As the water dispersed, the figure inside was revealed to be the Mist Village commander, Suikazan Fuguki.

"Damn kid!"

Facing a grinding Suikazan Fuguki, Uchiha Yoru, from a superior position, revealed a dominating smile, "A very good tactic, but I've done my homework on you, so it won't be that easy."

Knowing the existence of Kisame and Suikazan Fuguki in the Mist side, he had thoroughly prepared, especially for their water-based ninjutsu.

Though surprised by the sudden participation of Ao and Terumi Mei, he was confident against Kisame's ninjutsu. He was also relieved that Kisame had yet to obtain his great sword, otherwise, it would have been difficult for him.

Fire Style: Grand Dragon Fire Technique

Suddenly, Uchiha Yoru activated his ninjutsu again. From his mouth, he spewed out five compressed fire dragons.

With enormous chakra, the five dragons—each the size of a small house—charged at the raging Suikazan Fuguki below. However, his target wasn't Suikazan but the recently freed Kisame, Ao, and Terumi Mei.

Just as he had exhausted his large chakra reserves, a massive water prison collapsed, flooding the area. Panting heavily, Kisame saw the towering fire dragons coming at him. His chakra was nearly depleted, and his shark face turned pale.

Water Style: Water Dragon Bullet

Five water dragons instantly rose up to meet the five fire dragons. Amidst the sizzling collision between water and fire, which created a dense mist, Ao quickly led Kisame to the side.

"Let's go; the plan has failed, and your chakra is nearly gone."

Mist ninjas are ruthless, but they won't easily sacrifice a high-level one, especially when Kisame is not only far more powerful than an average upper ninja but also has greater potential.

"I've found you."

A hawk's cry echoed in the sky. Terumi Mei, who had just released a Water Dragon Bullet to rescue Kisame, suddenly changed her expression. By the time she looked up, a bolt of lightning had already descended from the sky.

With a loud bang, the crack in her mask widened. Flung back, Terumi Mei forcefully suppressed the turmoil in her chest, and couldn't help but exclaim, "You're so handsome, but you really don't know how to appreciate women."

Mist ninjas who had already noticed the situation started to swarm in. Uchiha Yoru, who descended from the sky, saw everyone's movements clearly as his Mangekyō Sharingan rapidly rotated.

Some were forming seals to use jutsu, others were releasing hidden weapons, and some were lunging at him.

All these images flashed through his mind in an instant, demonstrating the incredible insight of the Sharingan.

As he sheathed his Kusanagi sword, a pair of wrist guards appeared on his hands, clearly showing the character for "sword." In a split second, his hands became afterimages.

White smoke flickered at the wrist guards, and throwing knives with cold light kept appearing, dazzlingly executing the art of the kunai.

Flying kunai filled his vision, their cold lights flickering densely. Each kunai's trajectory was extremely precise, either aimed at vital spots or palms.

Remember, this was against more than ten enemies at once. The kunai appeared like a torrential downpour in Terumi Mei's pupils.

Shadow Clone Technique with Kunai

He had thrown hundreds of kunai in one breath, and before the fatigue in his fingers could reach his brain, he quickly started forming seals again. The number of kunai in the sky doubled instantly.

"Damn it! Are all handsome guys this ruthless?"

Faced with such a torrential assault, all attacking Mist ninjas and those preparing jutsu had to hastily stop and defend themselves. Terumi Mei felt particularly aggrieved; it was unfair to a ninjutsu-type ninja like her.

On the battlefield, knowing full well he was facing Terumi Mei, Uchiha Yoru showed no mercy and coldly chose to go for the kill. At this point, who cared who you were? As for the future relationships in the ninja world, it was irrelevant to him. From the moment he chose to stand in the foreground, the world was bound to experience a massive change.

Ultrasonic Lightning Blade Technique

While all the Mist ninjas were hurriedly dodging or trying to shoot down the flying kunai, Uchiha Yoru's body was enveloped in bright lightning. He vanished from the spot, drawing the Kusanagi sword from his waist and radiating intense lightning.

"Swish~ Swish~"

"He's coming!"

"Ah~ Monster! He's a monster!"

Holding the Kusanagi sword, Uchiha Yoru swiftly used his lightning-fast figure to plunge into the crowd. Under his exquisite and lightning-fast swordsmanship, the Mist ninja who hastily responded let out a series of screams.

Faced with the sharp Kusanagi sword, along with this 'Supersonic Thunder Blade' ninjutsu, in an instant, the hard kunai and ninja blades used for defense were directly cut off. Some who couldn't react in time were directly severed a part of their limbs.

Arms, wrists, or even heads were either directly killed in one blow or had their hands that were releasing ninjutsu directly wasted. Blood splattered in an instant, and the screams of the Mist ninja were unceasing.

"Damn it! Get out of the way."

Having just dodged a sky full of kunai, Terumi Mei then saw a shocking scene. Under the terrifying dynamic vision of the three-tomoe Sharingan in the crowd, it was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep. Not only did he precisely dodge all attacks, but he also launched rapid counterattacks.


A detonating tag suddenly sounded, followed by thick smoke. The screaming Mist ninja hurriedly blinked to avoid it, and in an instant, several shadows appeared in the thick fog.

Hidden Shadow Snake Hands

In an instant, more than a dozen large snakes attacked separately, among which five large snakes attacked Terumi Mei.

Watching the incoming snakes, Terumi Mei hastily dodged. It seemed the opponent knew her intelligence; her ninjutsu was all wide-ranged, so it was difficult to deploy in this chaotic battle.

Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall

At that moment, a wall suddenly rose behind her, a wall carved with snake heads, directly blocking Terumi Mei's retreat. With a bang, her back hit the earthen wall, and without time to feel the pain, she directly spat out a mouthful of corrosive acid.

Sizzle~ The five large snakes let out pitiful screams and were instantly melted away without a trace.


A splash of blood bloomed on the earthen wall. Terumi Mei, wearing a mask, quickly dodged and increased the distance, but her abdomen already had a through-and-through knife wound.

Blood instantly dyed her abdomen red. At this moment, Terumi Mei, who was wearing a mask, was sweating profusely, staring solemnly at the distance where a part of a long knife shimmering with thunder was exposed on the earthen wall.

If she hadn't reacted quickly enough, she would have almost been cut in half. Terumi Mei, whose back was already covered in cold sweat, hastily used a hemostatic bandage to bind the wound.

"Your reaction is quite fast, it's a shame, just a little bit."

With a rumble, the earthen wall collapsed, revealing Uchiha Yoru holding the Kusanagi sword with a devilish smile on his face. The tip of the Kusanagi sword still had traces of blood.

"The Blood Mist Village's policies are said to be extremely exclusionary towards bloodline ninjas, you didn't actually need to consider their lives just now. Why didn't you use ninjutsu to attack? Isn't your policy very cold-blooded?"

The demonic voice echoed all around, making Terumi Mei's face change dramatically, thankfully there was a mask to block it.

"Behind you!"

A sudden exclamation sounded, and the Uchiha Yoru from earlier had already gradually turned into mud under the evil smile.