[Sponsored] Chapter 163: Anko: I can do it too!

[This Chapter Is Sponsored by Jaime Rios! Everyone, please thank him in the comment!]

Land of Whirlpools, Hidden Leaf Base.

Under the cover of night, Uchiha Yoru, who just had an emotionally draining heart-to-heart with Kakashi, has returned to his tent. Naturally, he has to keep up appearances, so he feigns exhaustion and slips into bed, soon falling into a deep sleep.

However, just as Uchiha Yoru is fast asleep, a warm little hand appears. One of his eyes opens slightly to see who it is.

"Anko, what are you doing here in the middle of the night instead of resting?"

Upon seeing the visitor, Uchiha Yoru can't help but feel a headache. However, Anko appears to be pretending to be calm. Her anxious eyes and trembling hands reveal her inner turmoil.

"Yoru, I don't want to leave you. I want to smell your scent."

Under Anko's greedy gaze, and her feeble voice, Uchiha Yoru shows a trace of pity and can't help but stroke her smooth and silky hair.

"Anko, you..."

Anko has experienced a devastating emotional blow and has since developed an obsessive infatuation with him, which Uchiha Yoru has obviously noticed.

Though this emotional attachment is somewhat warped, he is clearly the one providing her emotional security. Moreover, as a beautiful young girl with immense talent, only a fool would refuse her.

Beauty is trivial; for Uchiha Yoru's situation, power is everything. Those who are also talented are part of that power, so he doesn't mind opening up a bit to gain this strength.

Under the touch of his palm, Anko becomes like a docile little kitten, lying directly in the bed, greedily smelling his familiar scent while enjoying the warm embrace.

It must be said that Anko's development is quite good; in the world of ninjas, whether psychologically or physically, people tend to mature early.

"Yoru, I want to sleep holding you."

Under Anko's obsessively enchanted gaze, she appears as pitiable as a little kitten, making Uchiha Yoru show a smile. He then gently nods, receiving her joyful gaze in return.

However, the little kitten lying in the warm bed soon starts to shed a few outer garments. Uchiha Yoru's touch instantly makes contact with her close-fitting, silky fishnet clothing.

Fishnet clothing is breathable and quick to dissipate heat. Its close-fitting design allows ninjas to move more flexibly. Even if the outer clothing is damaged during battle, it doesn't compromise the fishnet's concealment. Therefore, it is a favorite among many ninjas, male or female.

Feeling the touch of her tender body, the little kitten emits an even more intoxicating sound.


Anko is indeed a genius; her large chakra has nourished her physique over the years, making her skin as smooth as milk. Added to that is the allure of the fishnet clothing.

Under the cover of night, the ninja's powerful vision is hardly limited, and the little kitten in his arms can see even more clearly.

Trembling eyelashes, Mitarashi Anko looks at the gaze of the night, feeling the touch on her body, and instantly feels somewhat restless.

"Yoru, whatever Kurenai and the others can do, I can do too."

Seemingly inexperienced in this area, Anko recalls the scene she saw under the waterfall. Regardless, he was a genius of his time; if not eidetic, at least close to it.

Anko just thought about Kurenai's actions, and she began to move flexibly in the quilt, laying herself down directly.

Uchiha Yoru instantly narrowed his eyes, turning into a valiant sailor, fighting a fierce little octopus sea monster. The opponent went from reckless at first to seemingly finding the rhythm, becoming increasingly skilled at hunting, truly deserving of the title genius.

The little octopus exuded powerful suction. He exerted himself fully, his skin reddening and veins bulging. He was wrapped up by the opponent's tentacles and then fiercely dragged into the deep sea.

The sea water rushed in recklessly, Uchiha Yoru gradually found it hard to breathe, feeling like he was about to drown, especially since the opponent's tentacles were sucking everywhere.

Suddenly! He woke up from the dream.

Anko let out a violent cough, as if choked by something. Under the violent cough, there were clear and greedy swallowing sounds, as if a little kitten was hastily stuffing its mouth for fear of being caught.

Then, under the panicked eyes of the little wild cat, she saw her owner's eyes filled with anger after discovering her theft.

The panicked little wild cat was caught red-handed by her owner, who began to mercilessly whip and scold her, teaching the disobedient little cat a good lesson.


On the morning of the second day, after a night of rigorous training, the little kitten felt as if all its bones had gone soft. It opened its large eyes, looking tired and pitiful.

"Yoru, I'll work hard from now on, I'll definitely make you satisfied."

Looking at Anko's appearance as if she had done something wrong, Uchiha Yoru shook his head refreshingly: "Anko, you are different from others, just be yourself."

Indeed, it was different. What he was talking about was not a difference in taste.

It was truly different. The biggest difference for Anko was that she saw him as the only one in her life, willing to give her life for him. He saw this clearly. Although this kind of affection is somewhat distorted, it satisfies some kind of possessiveness in men.

What's more different is that in this world of cunning and deceitful ninja, Anko is someone he can completely trust, even entrusting his back to her.

On this point, both Kurenai Yuhi and Uzuki Yugao still fall a bit short, but he believes it will happen soon.


Mist Ninja Base.

Wearing a mask and even wrapped with bandages from the neck to the chest, Terumi Mei looked extremely unhappy at this moment inside the tent.

"This is a mission arranged by the Commander, Suikazan Fuguki."

Ao solemnly handed the mission scroll to Terumi Mei, who became even more furious upon seeing it.

"As the friction between Konoha and our Mist Ninja continues to intensify, numerous profit-seeking merchants have emerged in the towns of the Land of Whirlpools due to the war."

Upon hearing this, Terumi Mei coldly snorted, "I suppose there are also spies and scouts from all major ninja villages, and even this place has gathered scouts from the entire ninja world. A mixture of dragons and snakes."

Ao gave a wry smile upon hearing this, "Not only that, countless rogue ninjas and traitor ninjas are also secretly gathering here. Many things that used to be hidden are now being sold here."

"So this is also a plan approved by the Suikazan Fuguki Elite Ninja after getting the Fourth Mizukage's consent, for you to infiltrate here and gather information about the island. After all, our goal is this strategic location."

After reading the mission scroll, Terumi Mei sneered directly, "I suppose it's not just me!"

Ao fell silent; this was a classified mission, and he couldn't tell the other party, even if both were Kekkei Genkai masters.

"If there are those gathering information, there will also be those secretly collecting these valuable resources that can't be openly displayed, and many have already infiltrated for gathering information."

Both are mature ninjas, not simply impulsive people. After Terumi Mei's sarcastic words were finished, he further mocked, "Really as fat as a watermelon, last time he even shifted the blame for the failure onto us."

Suikazan Fuguki is definitely an unwelcome presence for them. He avoids responsibility and is always the first to take credit when things go well. Otherwise, things wouldn't have gotten to this point.

"I don't know if the Fourth Mizukage's brain is waterlogged or not. I admit that this is a very important strategic location, but fighting head-on with the Leaf Village now will only deplete our strength," said Terumi Mei with a cold smile. She also realized that perhaps the village wanted to use this opportunity to drain the strength of the bloodline ninja clans within it. What saddened her even more was the tragedy of being a bloodline ninja. Despite their strong abilities that protected the village, the villagers only looked at them with fear and disgust.

The policy of the Land of Water had led the entire nation to despise bloodlines, even viewing them as monstrous.

"Remember your secret code for the meeting, and don't reveal your ninja identity. At least you won't be in much danger this time," Ao comforted.

Terumi Mei glared at him and said, "Which spy isn't hiding in a dangerous place? You're saying there's no danger?"

Faced with the angry Terumi Mei, Ao was obviously a bit intimidated. He scratched his head awkwardly, "Um, I have something else to do, I'm leaving now."

Watching Ao leave in embarrassment, Terumi Mei, who was wearing a mask, clenched her fists in anger. "Damn it! Uchiha Yoru, you're lucky. I will get my revenge someday."

What angered her was that she had suffered a great loss at his hands, and now she was being transferred away from the main battlefield, missing the chance for revenge.

Every time she thought of the two wounds on her abdomen and chest, Terumi Mei couldn't help but grit her teeth and mutter, "The guy who doesn't know how to appreciate beauty, next time I will give you a kiss that melts your bones and heart, and ruin that handsome face of yours."

Terumi Mei was not love-sick; she could appreciate good looks, but she would never let go of someone who almost took her life on the battlefield twice. She had been holding a grudge and wouldn't miss any opportunity for revenge.


Towns of the Whirlpool Country.

Although this place is a land of chaos, it must be said that due to some special reason, its prosperity is in no way inferior to the busiest towns in the Five Great Nations. Anything can be traded here, including contraband from various countries, and even ninja slaves can be traded here.

The land of chaos has its own rules, and it has also given birth to a different kind of prosperity.

After the snowstorm, the town instantly became bustling. Ordinary people are hard to find here; the streets are filled with rogue ninjas, samurais, and even merchants from the Five Great Nations.

One day, two figures arrived outside the town.

"We've arrived." With a heroic voice, golden hair fluttered in the air, and bright brown eyes exuded a sense of nostalgia.

"Take care, Lady Tsunade." The young girl, dressed in traditional black conservative clothing, showed a respectful look. But when she raised her head, her not-so-pretty face emitted an innocent aura.

"Stop fussing. This time you stay in the Forest of Death and practice the ninjutsu I've taught you. It won't be long before we don't have to stay in this damn place."

With her golden hair flying, Tsunade, who is now just 40, exudes a mature temperament. However, her facial expression clearly shows her resentment for coming here.

Her hands, painted with red nail polish as if they were those of a young girl, clenched into fists, and she muttered annoyedly, "Damn Jiraiya and the old fools in the village who should have been in coffins a long time ago. If they're going to make a mess, they should clean it up themselves, instead of making me do it."

Clearly, as one of the Three Legendary Sannin, Tsunade, although not in the village, is aware of some matters. For example, she is furious about Orochimaru's defection, those dirty, decaying old men.

"The village said they want you, Lady Tsunade, to stay nearby. There's also that important item."

Obviously, the village doesn't dare to command Tsunade like they do Jiraiya, due to her privileged status.

"Alright Shizune, you go back now."

Tsunade looked impatient, waving her hand dismissively. However, her bright brown eyes were fixed squarely on Shizune—or more accurately, on a briefcase in Shizune's hands.

Feeling uncomfortable under Tsunade's gaze, Shizune put on a pitiful expression. "Lady Tsunade, this is the funding from the village. If we lose it all, we'll be homeless."

"Annoying. Those old geezers half-buried in the ground are irritating enough," Tsunade grumbled.

Despite her annoyance, Tsunade's expression shifted to one of joy the moment she took the briefcase from Shizune. "Haha, this time I'm going to win big."

"Lady Tsunade." Seeing Tsunade lost in her own world, Shizune couldn't help but look miserable. She began to suspect that being sent to the Forest of Death for training was just a way to get rid of her so Tsunade could gamble freely.

Seeing Shizune's pitiful expression, Tsunade finally relented. "Alright, alright. Don't worry, Shizune. I'll set aside at least enough for lodging."

However, Shizune sighed in disbelief, clearly unconvinced by Tsunade's promise.


Summoning Jutsu

A slug as tall as a person appeared. Upon its arrival, it greeted them with a sweet feminine voice. "Lady Tsunade."

It's undeniable that among the Sannin, only Tsunade's summoning creature was this respectful and well-spoken, and even had a young woman's voice.

As Shizune performed the summoning jutsu, Tsunade noticed her biting her finger. Although what Tsunade saw was black and white, it was clear she was emotionally affected, albeit she hid it well.

"Lady Tsunade, take care."

After Shizune was taken away by the slug, Tsunade shook off her previous bad mood. She looked down at the heavy briefcase and broke into an excited smile.

"Haha, this time, with Shizune gone, nobody can hold me back."

With that joyful smile, her golden hair swinging, she slowly walked into the city.