[Sponsored] Chapter 164: Giving Merits

[This Chapter Is Sponsored by "J"! Everyone, please thank him in the comment!]

Konoha Secret Base.

"Iruka, have you completed your patrol mission today?"

A silver-haired low-ranking ninja greeted a somewhat modest young man with a hearty smile. The young man was none other than Umino Iruka, who had graduated from the Ninja Academy a year ago.

"It's Mizuki. I was temporarily reassigned today, haha, my next patrol mission is the day after tomorrow."

It was clear that the two were on good terms as classmates. Having graduated and been low-ranking ninjas for a year, they had gained a lot of experience. Later, they were transferred to the front lines, where people grow up the fastest.

Just as Mizuki and Iruka were chatting and laughing, a figure suddenly appeared in the distance. The two quickly put away their relaxed expressions, bowed respectfully at ninety degrees, and shouted: "Lord Yoru."

They were low-ranking ninjas, and in the presence of an elite ninja, respectful manners were necessary. Especially in this world, rules are very important.

Uchiha Yoru nodded with a smile when he saw them: "It's Iruka and Mizuki. I was actually looking for you two. Come."

Being remembered by the highest commander here was very exciting for them, especially considering Uchiha Yoru's status far exceeded that of a regular elite ninja.

They had not expected to be spoken to. Generally, a low-ranking ninja would just nod in greeting to an elite ninja. The fact that Yoru not only talked to them but also did so with a gentle smile and eye contact made them incredibly excited.

Although the two were mature low-ranking ninjas, their civilian background meant their perspectives were still quite limited.

Mizuki and Umino Iruka were important characters in the beginning of the story. Though not very powerful, Mizuki was a small antagonist who admired Orochimaru's strength, while Iruka was a regular mid-level ninja teacher influenced by the "Will of Fire" and an important figure in the protagonist's life.

Whether they will walk the same path as in the original story or not, their mere presence and memorable names prove they have a certain destiny.

Uchiha Yoru casually led the two into a nearby grove. Their expressions varied. Compared to Mizuki, who was passionate about pursuing power and whose father had been a loyal follower of Lord Orochimaru, Uchiha Yoru had naturally become the object of his admiration.

Umino Iruka, looking at Uchiha Yoru, thought of his own uncle and remembered the guard prison from back then. Although he didn't know anything at the time, things were different now. Being kind doesn't mean being naive. Becoming a mid-level ninja might just prove his qualifications, but being able to become a teacher at the Ninja Academy definitely showed some talent.

"Umino Iruka, Mizuki, you two are companions and classmates. You had an above-average performance at the Ninja Academy. Because you both come from civilian backgrounds, after graduation, you mainly focused your training on shuriken, kunai, and other physical techniques, right?"

Uchiha Yoru calmly spoke about the profiles of the two, Mizuki and Iruka. After listening, they both nodded respectfully, "yes."

"After graduating as ninjas, the two of you have been assigned to... and have been genin for a year now, having completed tasks... Although you've only been transferred to the front line here for just over two months, it's clear that you've already adapted to the battlefield."

He had genuinely instructed his subordinates to investigate the two. Although Mizuki is also pursuing power, he hasn't yet revealed the ugliness of human nature, nor has he started to abandon his teammates.

From some intelligence, it can be seen that both of them, even Mizuki, are still full of confidence for the future. Therefore, the darker aspects of their psychology have not proliferated. No one is born evil or good; everyone starts as a blank slate. What one becomes depends on personal experiences.


Both were visibly excited as they looked at the legendary ninja before them. For them, Uchiha Yoru was like a legend, directly achieving a status they dared not even dream of.

"Your abilities may be somewhat lacking, but I believe you both have potential."

Uchiha Yoru looked at the two with a smile that said he had high expectations for them, which immediately excited them. However, his next sentence made them blush with unparalleled excitement.

"Because of your potential, I have already recommended to the village that you have the ability to become chūnin."

"Thank you, sir. Thank you." Mizuki and Iruka are still just teenage genin who have recently graduated, not yet the mature characters they will become. Faced with the temptation of being promoted to chūnin, they were quite excited.

Chūnin! For civilian ninjas, this is already at the level of a small team leader, a lifetime goal for many.

"But don't get too excited. Although I've recommended you, the village will still have a testing period. So work hard to train within this year, and don't let me down."

At Uchiha Yoru's casual benevolence, Mizuki and Iruka immediately nodded excitedly.

"Alright, go prepare well and make the most of your time to train. Don't drop the ball when the time comes."

For lower-level ninjas, what he considers as minor favors are seen as huge acts of mentorship by them; it's as if a talented horse has met its Bo Le (a legendary horse trainer).

"Right, since the captain in charge of your mission needs to go back to the village for medical treatment, I've decided to assign elite Chunin Might Guy to take charge of your team. Don't underestimate Might Guy; he's on the verge of becoming a special Jonin and he comes from a civilian ninja background."

Beneath his casual, joking smile, Mizuki and Iruka were moved to tears and bowed in thanks, saying, "Thank you, sir."

"Alright, Might Guy has a warm heart; get along well with him."

Uchiha Yoru waved his hand casually and moved on to patrol elsewhere, leaving behind two ninjas who were now so motivated that they would die for him.

Just like a story from the past, a general drugged his soldiers to heal their injuries. Hearing this, a soldier's mother wept, saying, 'I don't know where my son will die.' Asked why, she revealed a harsh reality.

'Years ago, his father was also drugged by the general to heal his wounds. Grateful, he died in battle shortly after. Now my son has been treated the same way, and I'm afraid he'll meet the same fate. That's why I weep.'

The point is the same; minor favors from those in power can mean the world to those at the bottom. They will remember it for life and offer their lives when necessary.

Uchiha Yoru first managed to call out their names, showing them he remembered them, then mentioned promoting them due to their potential, which already moved them. They felt recognized by someone in power, and then he assigned another civilian special Jonin to lead them. Isn't this obviously recognizing and giving them an opportunity?

Uchiha Yoru's casual favors brought him enormous loyalty from the lower-level ninjas.

After the snowstorm, spring came and everything began to revive. Leaf and Mist villages entered another cycle of conflict, with both sides taking losses.

When the front lines reached a stalemate, suddenly an order came that stirred the Leaf side.

Inside the Leaf camp:

"Damn it, not again! Two years ago, Orochimaru had just stabilized the border, and now someone has come to take advantage."

"Lord Yoru, I can't accept this. Why should we stabilize the situation only for others to benefit?"

"Exactly, I can't accept it."

"Is it just because his last name is 'Sarutobi'?"

Everyone in the tent was buzzing with discussion. Uchiha Yoru looked at the crowd and couldn't help but laugh as he waved his hand, saying, "Alright, you all are thinking too much. This is good news."

Facing the disgruntled looks from everyone, Uchiha Yoru deliberately put on a relaxed expression and waved his hand, saying, "Think about it, how long have you been on the front lines since the Nine-Tails incident? At least two or three years, right? This is a good opportunity to go back and rest. Don't you want to seize the chance for achievements on the battlefield? Shouldn't others get a chance too?"

His words immediately lightened the atmosphere. Uchiha Yoru continued, "I know what you're thinking. Don't worry, I've already reported your merits to the village. Those deserving promotions will get promoted, and those deserving rewards will get rewarded. The village will surely not let you down; it's time for us to rest."

He added, "Furthermore, the arrival of our rear command to the front lines indicates that the turbulent situation in our village is beginning to stabilize. Within half a year, all of you will be rotated out, replaced by fresh troops, and we can go back to rest."

As Uchiha Yoru's soothing voice settled, everyone began to nod in realization. They hadn't been back to the village for years. It was high time to be relieved and take a rest.

Last year, due to Lord Orochimaru's incident, they didn't even dare to think about going back for fear of settling scores. It was only after Uchiha Yoru arrived that their minds were put at ease.

Though Uchiha Yoru appeared relaxed, he was inwardly sneering. Just when he had managed to soothe the frontline troops and stabilize the village situation, they were planning to sideline him.

This force was directly transferred back; a team that bore his imprint would either join the seventh division of the security department or be assigned routine tasks or sent to various places. In one sentence, they disrupted the direct line he had just established.

Maybe it wouldn't matter initially. They might remember Uchiha Yoru for two or three years, but what about five or six years, or seven or eight years? Gradually, the fervor and loyalty in their hearts would fade.

By then, Uchiha Yoru would only have the power of the seventh division of the security department. The upper echelons indeed played their cards well.

Just as everyone was calming down, Kakashi Hatake raised an eyebrow. Having experienced so much and given the information leaked by Uchiha Yoru, he already knew everything. When all this actually happened, he fell silent but subtly signaled to Shiranui Genma.

Sure enough, Shiranui Genma, who had long been a staunch confidant in Yoru's team, directly snorted and said in a dissatisfied tone, "You still have the face to laugh? Do you even know where the merits for your promotions and rewards come from?"

Everyone was suddenly taken aback and looked at the gloomy-faced Shiranui Genma. Although Uchiha Yoru sitting at the head secretly praised this, he still put on a dignified look and said to Shiranui Genma, "Genma, we finally get to go back to the village. What are you making a fuss about?"

Facing Uchiha Yoru's serious tone, this time Shiranui Genma directly bowed his head in shame and said angrily, "Lord Yoru, what about your contributions? You've given all your merits to us, in exchange for our chance to return, I—"

"Genma! Shut up!" Before Shiranui Genma could finish, Uchiha Yoru's face turned ugly, and he angrily glared at the other party, slamming his hand on the table to cut him off.

At this moment, everyone suddenly came to their senses. Many looked at the young face at the head of the table. Although Uchiha Yoru was young, they seemed to have forgotten his age, treating him like Orochimaru, one of the Three Sannin.

But now, due to Shiranui Genma's words, everyone had an epiphany. They quietly remembered the merit list they had signed some time ago, clearly recording their contributions. If they thought about it, some of the merits seemed a bit exaggerated. They were silently grateful to Uchiha Yoru.

Upon further reflection, they realized their merits weren't exaggerated. Their commander, Uchiha Yoru, had allocated all his contributions to his subordinates.

Many were competent, but the criteria for selection as special Jonin were very strict. It required not only leadership skills and a calm mind but also certain merits, where they all fell a little short.

Some were lacking not just in merits but also in strength. Upon reflection, they found that their supreme commander, Uchiha Yoru, had subtly guided them and even arranged for ninjas who could work well together.

"Lord Yoru."

However, facing the gaze of the crowd, Uchiha Yoru looked down at them with an unwelcoming expression and said, "Alright, I'm tired today. Everyone, go rest."

Yet everyone looked at each other with some shame. Seeing this, Uchiha Yoru calmly said, "As the Uchiha clan, the strongest clan in Konoha and even the Shinobi world, we never lack powerful ninjutsu. So don't get any ideas; we're all doing this for the village."

He had something else on his mind that he didn't say: His Uchiha clan never lacked ninjutsu, and now that he had reached this position, what else could attract him? Given the higher-ups' views on the Uchiha clan, even great merits would not be rewarded with a secret ninjutsu scroll. So, for him, merits were truly useless.

He'd rather use these trivial merits to gain enough public affection and prestige.

What could attract him now was only the position of the Hokage of Konoha. So his goal has never been these trivial merits. What's a little loss? He aims to get the maximum value, not some useless village rewards.

He shut everyone up, keeping their guilt deep in their heart, waiting for the day it would erupt.