Chapter 166: Cya

In the Land of Whirlpools, the Leaf Village ninja are quietly carrying out a guard rotation.

Having spent many years on the front lines, they haven't returned to the village in years. Many were visibly excited at the news of going home, but then another piece of news came, adding a touch of guilt to their joy.

Uchiha Yoru, their commander, distributed all his merits to them. After detailed discussions with Sarutobi Shinzo, almost all of those who were up for promotion this time would not have any issues.

Though they haven't returned to the village yet, good news about promotions has already arrived. Those who haven't been promoted can look forward to it after returning; the chances are high.

People like Kurenai Yuhi, Uzuki Yugao, and Might Guy have all been promoted to special Jonin, the number of those promoted to Jonin and special Jonin this time isn't many.

It's precisely because of this low number that Sarutobi Shinzo smiled dismissively. Favor? Maybe they still remember your kindness now, but time will dilute everything.

Inside the tent,

"Is this the intel you gathered?"

Sarutobi Shinzo frowned at the information. It was generally in line with what he had expected, but mostly concerned their strength.

Below him was Kurenai, sent as a spy by the Third Hokage himself. However, she felt disappointed at this moment.

The village had indeed decayed to such an extent: taking others' merits, planting spies among the same-village ninja, and even father and son controlling the village's power.

Not just Kurenai was disappointed, but Sarutobi Shinzo was also disappointed as he shook his head.

"Alright, since you were chosen by the Third Hokage, you should continue to hide. After returning to the village this time, Uchiha Yoru will be executing a long-term mission. You'll be a special Jonin in the Police Force's 7th division, which is considered elite."

Sarutobi Shinzo's meaning was clear: take advantage of Uchiha Yoru's absence to form your own faction within the Police Force's 7th division.

Upon hearing this, Kurenai bowed her head and said in a low voice, "I still need to report to the Third Hokage."

Sarutobi Shinzo may know of the spies' existence and can share intel, but she is preparing to return to the village. Her only superior is the Third Hokage, and Sarutobi Shinzo is not him.

Kurenai's rigid manner made Shinzo pause for a moment, then he laughed lightly and waved his hand, "Fine, let the old man arrange it after you return. I indeed don't have the authority to move you."

At first, they referred to the Third Hokage respectfully, but after being dismissed, they called him an old man. What's this if not throwing one's weight around?

Because of such behavior, Kurenai Yuhi lost her last glimmer of hope for the village. She sighed inwardly, realizing that the village had indeed decayed. Perhaps she should find a time to be honest with Yoru about everything.

Sarutobi Shinzō was still unaware that it was precisely their abuse of power that had begun to disappoint people. After all, these responsibilities and rights should belong to the Hokage; he's not yet qualified. However, Shinzō had long grown accustomed to treating these overstepped powers as normal occurrences.

After all, the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, was his father. Years of habit had led him to believe that these were privileges unique to the Sarutobi clan.

Kurenai Yuhi pretended not to hear and immediately dispelled her Shadow Clone Jutsu.

With a "bang," the shadow clone dispersed into white smoke, and at the same time, the smile on Sarutobi Shinzō's face gradually faded.

"Shinzō, did you see that? A newbie who just became a special jōnin dares to show you attitude," the mocking voice of Sarutobi Umeko rang out.

Sarutobi Shinzō coldly huffed, "Well, the old man is still the Hokage, so some things are normal."

Even though he said it was normal, the unhappy expression on Sarutobi Shinzō's face said it all. Although he had no right to intervene, he had long been accustomed to people around him paying heed to his moods.

At first, he was uneasy about overstepping his powers, but he became emboldened due to the indulgence of the Third Hokage, his father. Over time, he came to believe that he was entitled to these privileges.

The stark contrast today filled him with conflict. At the same time, Sarutobi Shinzō secretly resolved to become the Hokage and make those who look down on him gaze up in admiration.


"Brother Yoru, Sarutobi Shinzo just arrived and already changed the border defense. We've just barely stabilized the situation, and now he gets the credit?" Uchiha Shisui expressed his dissatisfaction. However, having gone through so much, he had learned to control his emotions well, so there wasn't the same level of anger as before, although that anger was merely suppressed.

Seeing Uchiha Shisui's displeased expression, Uchiha Yoru looked at the turbulent sea and squinted, revealing a smile. He even pointed to the ships anchored in the distance.

"Shisui, look at them. They started guarding the border as soon as the village's third war ended. They should have gone home, but due to the Nine-Tails' disturbance, they stayed on the front lines. Then, Orochimaru's incident made them afraid to go home. They've been out for too long. They can finally go home now," said Uchiha Yoru.

Shisui also saw the ships in the distance carrying the Leaf Village ninjas, each of whom was eager to return home and see their families.

This made Shisui silent. He then cynically chuckled and shook his head, "Brother Yoru, the village has been unfair to them, but it's also been unfair to us."

"Fair?" Turning his head and hearing the word 'fair' from Shisui's mouth, Uchiha Yoru showed a surprised expression. "Shisui, there's never been such a thing as fairness in this world. Rules are set by the strong, and the weak can only obey the rules. Understand this."

"The weak obey the rules; the strong make the rules!" Uchiha Shisui muttered to himself, then cynically chuckled. "Brother Yoru, you're right, but!"

"I believe that Brother Yoru will be the one to set the rules!" Saying this, Uchiha Shisui looked at the person he believed in with a determined gaze.

Faced with this trust, Uchiha Yoru squinted his eyes. "Strong? The rules set by the Uchiha and Senju changed as the strong fell. So, Shisui, strive to become strong. When we are all strong, we can suppress all enemies."

"Reform requires blood and sacrifice, but when we try to reform without the power to suppress all enemies, the reform will turn into a disaster. So, train hard."

Under the meaningful gaze of Uchiha Yoru, Uchiha Shisui suddenly felt great respect. He realized that his elder brother Yoru was truly someone with the mindset of a Hokage (leader), thinking so far ahead.

"Indeed, Yoru, you are correct. Reform requires bloodshed and turmoil. Only when we possess the strength to suppress all enemies can the village become what we want it to be."

Just then, figures appeared behind them. Leading the group, Kakashi looked serious, as this had been his greatest concern.

The louder the call for reform, the greater the conflict with the corrupt old forces. There can be no compromise in reform; only one side can win.

A Pyrrhic victory or mutual destruction will both result in irreparable damage to their homeland of Konoha. But if they have the strength to suppress all enemies, then a single bloody event could solve all the problems.

As figures continued to appear behind him, Uchiha Yoru turned and smiled at everyone, saying, "Alright, cheer up. You're going home this time, so remember to train hard once you get back."

Kurenai Yuhi, Uzuki Yugao, Mitarashi Anko, Shiranui Genma, Raido, Iwashi, and Hyuga Hizashi, and others were all preparing to return to the village.

Kakashi, Shisui, and Might Guy stayed behind. Uchiha Shisui represented the Uchiha clan and also led the Uchiha elite on the front lines.

Might Guy served as Kakashi's deputy. Sarutobi Shinzo had essentially refreshed the front lines in one go.

"Yoru, aren't you coming back?" Mitarashi Anko hugged the arm of the person who made her feel secure, her beautiful eyes revealing a sense of reluctance.

Seeing everyone, and the special attachment in Anko's eyes, Uchiha Yoru shook his head and said, "I have another mission. You go back first. I'll be back before long."

For a ninja, duty comes first. This is a fundamental lesson for all ninjas. Hearing this, everyone, including Mitarashi Anko, fell silent.

"Yoru, I'll be waiting for you in Konoha."

Mitarashi Anko's personality is bold and unrestrained. After some incidents, she no longer cares about the opinions of others. Her heart only has Uchiha Yoru, so she dares to express her true feelings in front of everyone.

Kurenai and Yugao feel a mix of envy and complexity in their hearts. Kurenai wanted to say something, but seeing so many people, she simply smiled wryly.

"Yoru, we will wait for your return together," Kurenai Yuhi said, flicking her long hair and revealing a capable smile. She had already decided to confess everything when she returned.

She had already clearly realized the corruption and darkness in the village, so she wanted to join the reform wholeheartedly.

"Ah, this is youth. After the war is over, let's meet in the village," Might Guy exclaimed excitedly, dissipating the melancholy atmosphere, and everyone laughed. Having such a person among companions is truly fortunate.

"Don't slack off in your training when you go back," Uchiha Yoru waved and smiled at everyone. Finally, he looked at the youngest Uchiha Itachi and even playfully messed up his hair.

"Itachi, as your teacher, I'm sorry that I almost had no time to teach you."

Hearing his teacher's apologetic smile before leaving, Uchiha Itachi showed a determined expression and shook his head, "Teacher, you have a heavy burden, I understand."

In Uchiha Itachi's heart, delaying his teacher to educate himself would be a waste. His teacher represented the true Will of Fire.

"Shisui, if the situation on the battlefield changes, remember to arrange for Itachi first," said Uchiha Yoru, never shying away from favoritism. He said it in front of everyone, and if it exists, it's reasonable.

When Uchiha Itachi heard this, he wanted to say something, but then thought better of it and swallowed his words. Shisui, on the other hand, nodded firmly.

"Don't worry, Brother Yoru, I will teach Itachi well," said Shisui, looking at Uchiha Yoru who nodded and smiled in approval. Not only was he confident in Shisui's ability to teach ninja techniques, but even the Will of Fire.

Under the original trajectory, Uchiha Itachi was influenced by you to carry out the Will of Fire. Of course, under his own changes, he still upheld his own Will of Fire, but the origin was slightly different.

The tragedies of Konoha almost all originated from the Will of Fire. When his true Will of Fire appeared, it changed countless future tragedies.

"Get on the boat, if you don't leave now, the ship will sail."

When Uchiha Yoru said his farewells with a casual smile, everyone nodded firmly. The three members of the Genma team even said resolutely, "Lord Yoru, don't worry, we will manage the 7th Police Division well when we go back, and we will definitely not slack off in our training."

Everyone felt a heavy pressure; to completely eradicate the darkness and decay in the village, they needed overwhelming strength.

They never hoped that they could be strong enough to change everything, but Uchiha Yoru, bearing it all, made them more determined to grow stronger. The stronger they became, the more they could help Yoru, and the greater the chance they would have to change the village in the future.

This pressure made everyone feel the same way, and they never dared to slack off in their training.

Uchiha Yoru smiled at everyone, clearly seeing the Qi Yun (luck or fate) above their heads, which converged and fed into his own Qi Yun, forming a continuously nourishing cycle.

Similarly, they also benefitted. When the Qi Yun solidified to a certain extent, he could help them condense it to enhance themselves.

The mystery of Qi Yun lies in the slight difference between passivity and initiative.

With the help of this Qi Yun, they would go much further than their original selves in the source material, especially since they still have a lot of room for growth at this age.

"Yoru, just wait, when I return to the village, I will be a special Jonin. Before you come back, I will definitely become Konoha's female Jonin."

Suddenly, Mitarashi Anko burst into a wide grin, this hearty smile making everyone else smile as well.

Uchiha Yoru nodded and said, "Okay, when you become a Jonin, I'll personally give you a precious Jonin gift."

Looking at everyone, Uchiha Yoru pretended to be broke and shrugged, "It seems that when I became a Jonin, none of you gave me gifts, and now I have to give you some."

Everyone burst into hearty laughter, recalling Yoru greedy nature, but after spending so much time together, they felt even more sentimental.

All the money had been secretly given to the families of the deceased. After all, the village's finances were tight during the war, and the so-called compensation could only be said to be barely enough.

Everything that Yoru did made them admire him even more and feel ashamed at the same time.

"Let's go, get on the ship, see you again in Konoha."

With hearty smiles, everyone said their farewells. Yoru led them to the pier to see them off, and saw many familiar faces on the boat. All the Konoha ninjas on the ship showed reluctance to leave.

Under the setting sun, the ship slowly sailed toward the Land of Fire, leaving only a few people on the pier to see them off.


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