Chapter 167: Yoru's Hehe Moments

Leaf Village Camp.

"Uchiha Yoru, this is your identity."

Sarutobi Shinzo handed over a secret scroll, and Uchiha Yoru looked solemnly at his own identity, then nodded with a surprised smile.

"Special Jōnin of the Leaf Village in the Land of Fire, descendant of a fallen samurai nobility, proficient in swordsmanship and medical ninjutsu. Participated in Orochimaru's human experiment incident in the Leaf Village last year, later killed two Anbu members who came to capture him and defected."

Listening to Uchiha Yoru recount his own identity information, Sarutobi Shinzo silently nodded lightly, "Indeed, everyone is guessing about Orochimaru's human experiments. When you appear, you will attract other people's attention. Small ninja villages don't have enough intelligence capabilities, so only major ninja villages are qualified to investigate your situation. This way, you can quickly find your footing."

Looking at his own information, Uchiha Yoru couldn't help but show a satisfied smile, "It's indeed quite good, the arrangement is reasonable, especially about last year's human experiment, ah, truly worthy of the Anbu, almost flawless."

After all, he had also participated in Orochimaru's human experiments, and it could be said to be seamless.

"But what is the ultimate goal of the mission? I should be able to know that by now, right?"

He didn't believe that such a formal mission was just for gathering information, there was also some interest in the Land of Whirlpools. After all, the Land of Fire has the most fertile land.

As expected, Sarutobi Shinzo paused and slowly said, "There is news about one of our village's divine weapons."

"Divine weapon?" Uchiha Yoru couldn't help but show a curious expression. In the world of ninjas, there are things called divine weapons, like the Kusanagi Sword, Totsuka Blade, Uchiha Gunbai, etc., but what exactly is so important for the village?

"It is a divine weapon once used by the First Hokage. It disappeared after the Second Hokage was ambushed in the Land of Lightning. Recently, for some reason, some news has appeared in the Land of Whirlpools, so your target is this divine weapon. Here is the information on this divine weapon."

As Sarutobi Shinzo handed over a blueprint, Uchiha Yoru's eyes twitched as he looked at it. He seemed to remember, the First Hokage Hashirama Senju had used a great sword in his battle against Uchiha Madara.

"This divine weapon represents some kind of meaning, which I won't elaborate on. The village doesn't want it to fall into the hands of other villages, so this is your real target."

Under the serious expression of Sarutobi Shinzo, this was a great achievement for him. After all, if he could retrieve the divine weapon of the First Hokage, it would undoubtedly elevate his prestige.

Uchiha Yoru became even more contemplative after hearing this. Indeed, the spies from the Village of Whirlpools were numerous. So, that's why he was being sent, it was for this reason.

"The implication is that when my identity as a rogue ninja from Konoha is exposed, some powerful ninja from other nations would want to probe and even grasp the secrets of Konoha's human experimentation. These people would then contact me in secret, given my identity as a samurai noble and the appeal of the First Hokage's divine weapon, either as a form of attraction or for bartering."

Uchiha Yoru silently nodded. This identity was indeed perfect. The appeal of Orochimaru's human experimentation was enough to lure some to probe or even trade. After all, no village would be indifferent to Konoha's human experiments.

Under the identity of a samurai noble, being curious about the divine weapon of the once god-like ninja was both appropriate and reasonable.

Therefore, he didn't need to investigate the First Hokage's divine weapon in secret; revealing it openly wouldn't arouse suspicion. Indeed, the Anbu from Konoha had perfectly arranged this plausible identity.

"Being a descendant of samurai nobility, albeit in decline, still requires certain privileges. I believe Lord Shinzo understands this," said Uchiha Yoru with a meaningful look.

For a moment, Sarutobi Shinzo didn't quite catch on. However, when Uchiha Yoru started listing the items needed for his disguise, Shinzo's face turned green.

"As a forlorn samurai noble, I can't use my Kusanagi sword for now. I need at least one or even multiple valuable samurai swords, given that I'm portraying a descendant who has a strong desire for divine weapons."

"Also, I don't need to mention my demeanor given my noble background, but I must have lavish yet resilient clothing. Armor infused with chakra metal is also a must, and it should be of high quality to match my identity."

"As for money, a camel, thin as it may be, is still larger than a horse. A forlorn noble is still a noble, far beyond what ordinary people can match. I need ample wealth. In short, everything should be consistent with my identity as a samurai keen on revitalizing his clan."

As Uchiha Yoru laid out his conditions one by one, Sarutobi Shinzo initially nodded in approval but his expression gradually stiffened. By the end, he was almost gaping, his mouth twitching. Are you sure you're not here to fleece me? Despite his internal grumbling, he still tried to meet the other's demands as much as possible.

"We in the Anbu have prepared everything you mentioned. Though there are some shortcomings, it's fine. I have two valuable swords in my collection, and I'll notify the Anbu to teleport the armor right away. However, your appearance will need to change."

With Sarutobi Shinzo's nod of agreement, Uchiha Yoru also nodded solemnly. Taking other people's money to eliminate their problems was a professional ethic he still upheld, or perhaps this was a basic professional ethic for all ninjas.

"Don't worry, transformation techniques are prone to exposure when chakra is unstable, and this mission involves espionage. My medical ninjutsu can handle all of this."

Extremely professional, Uchiha Yoru solemnly nodded his head. Following this, Sarutobi Shinzo sighed helplessly and hurriedly began preparing the necessary items to assume the required identity in secret. He knew that for some undercover tasks, one must invest in advance in certain identities, like businessmen or nobles. But this guy's requirements are costing a fortune.

Watching the departing Sarutobi Shinzo, Uchiha Yoru sneered internally. As the saying goes, even the emperor doesn't skimp on his soldiers. Since you're preparing a noble identity for me, I should make the most of this opportunity to cash in. Besides, for such a dangerous mission, some funding is a must.

"What would be the personality of a lonely noble descendant of a samurai? Cold and proud, seemingly looking down on everything, yet obsessively focused on the strongest samurai? Seeking to become a powerful warrior and revitalize the family, so a personality that seeks power?"

Looking at himself in the mirror, Uchiha Yoru started pondering. A personality that seeks power with a noble air and a samurai-led persona should be cold and ruthless, especially since he has engaged in human experimentation for the sake of power. A character image gradually emerged in his mind that seemed to fit very well.

"To change one's appearance, the most direct and simple way is to start with the hairstyle and demeanor."

With the character image and model to imitate in mind, Uchiha Yoru began to stimulate his scalp's hair follicles with medical ninjutsu. First, he suppressed the melanin, and visibly, his black hair turned white. Then, under the nourishment of chakra, the pale hair began to shine, turning into a head of silver-white hair. Finally, as chakra continued to flow, the hair visibly began to grow.


"Here's everything you need. See if they fit."

As Sarutobi Shinzo just walked in, he was stunned. The figure of Uchiha inside the tightly sealed tent had undergone a drastic transformation, or more precisely, the change in hairstyle and demeanor made it impossible to reconcile the two people as one.

Silver-white long hair, a noble blue moon emblem on the forehead, two red demon marks on each cheek, and a white kimono adorned with hexagonal plum blossoms. His eyes were a radiant black, and his expression was cold and emotionless, perfectly embodying aristocratic elegance.

After all, the pride of the Uchiha clan had long been ingrained in them. It was easy for them to put on a cold face.

In just a brief moment, Uchiha Yoru had transformed into an imposing and emotionless young aristocrat.

"Yoru, this outfit of yours," Sarutobi Shinzo couldn't help but give a thumbs-up upon seeing this, although there was a hint of jealousy in his heart. "Damn, using the village's resources to dress like an aristocrat is quite something."

However, the makeup on his face seemed familiar, and Sarutobi Shinzo suddenly realized that the Inuzuka clan liked to have colorful faces, while the Uchiha clan mostly represented pride; this was a combination of the two.

Looking at his changed reflection in the mirror, Uchiha Yoru coldly said, "My name is now 'Sesshomaru.'"

Having this background, and being a disguised spy, it's natural to change his appearance. The spy infiltration mission is very dangerous, so he was fortunate that this time it didn't involve the Five Great Nations, or else he feared being stabbed in the back.

And since he was going to pose as an aristocrat, why not make full use of the resources?

"Sesshomaru?" Upon hearing this name, Sarutobi Shinzo nodded and said, "Fine, the information you gather as an Anbu won't be disclosed at will. I think you understand."

Uchiha Yoru naturally understood this. Being one of the human experiment subjects, if the village went around announcing this, even a fool would know something was amiss. Instead, being pursued covertly by the Leaf's Anbu makes more sense and avoids leaking information.

As soon as Uchiha Yoru appears, people will definitely start digging, which could expose spies within the village. This could serve as a two-birds-with-one-stone scenario to scrutinize internal spies.

The character 'maru' symbolizes robustness and bravery, adding an aura of intimidation to the name.

Finally, under his aloof expression, Uchiha Yoru picked out a set of clothing that satisfied him, including an exquisite set of armor, representing the identity of a samurai family.

The subsequent white, fluffy shawl represents an aristocratic temperament, lined with a set of white cherry blossom-patterned clothes. Paired with Uchiha Yoru's current cold and ruthless expression, it perfectly interprets what it means to be an aristocratic descendant.

"You really went all out."

Looking at Uchiha Yoru's outfit, Sarutobi Shinzo feels satisfied but also somewhat pained; it's like shearing wool off a sheep. After all, they are going on an undercover mission, and both identity and appearance need to be impeccable.

Identity goes without saying, as they naturally have the Anbu. As for the matching conditions, if you are going to pose as an aristocrat, you must have the temperament of an aristocrat. This is something the Uchiha clan is not lacking, especially with hundreds of years of etiquette passed down, deeply ingrained from a young age. This is something regular ninja would need long-term practice to achieve.

Uchiha Yoru doesn't have to worry about this aspect; it's really about shearing wool with this armor and clothing.

The armor is excellent equipment among the samurai, containing chakra metal. Not to mention the shawl, and the clothes that come with this set.

"I am now the Leaf's rogue ninja, a samurai aristocrat named Sesshomaru."

Uchiha Yoru, no! Now it should be called Sesshomaru. At this moment, Sesshomaru looks coldly and ruthlessly at the other party, completely different from the former Uchiha Yoru.

From head to toe, it's impossible to discern. The noble, cold, and ruthless temperament, a head of silver hair; if Sarutobi Shinzo didn't know all of this, he would not be able to tell at all, which made him feel even more sentimental, "Yoru, no! It should be Sesshomaru. You are truly a born ninja."

Having said that, Sarutobi Shinzo directly took out a scroll, suddenly forming a seal and slapping the scroll. The thick smoke of the Summoning Technique dispersed, and several shiny samurai swords appeared before their eyes.

The number is not many, only eleven, but each one is a treasure, all forged from the best materials of this age, comparable to divine weapons.

"Well, these are all treasures of the Anbu."

Regarding the weapons made of Chakra metal, Sarutobi Shinzo also showed a pained expression, fearing that the other party would take more. However, when he saw that the other party had chosen two, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

One was a traditional, slender samurai sword. The blade was lightweight and emitted a faint silver glow, maximizing the power of its quick draw and slash.

The other could be called a sword, emanating a strong aura of malice. Clearly, this was a weapon that had killed countless people, similar to Orochimaru's Kusanagi sword.

In the ninja world, there is a tradition similar to that of the island nation where swords and blades are not differentiated, such as the Konoha sword technique, which actually uses samurai swords.

"I need at least tens of millions in funding," Sesshomaru said coldly, making Sarutobi Shinzo want to curse. He'd never seen someone so arrogant about asking for money. He secretly vowed never to create a spy character with a noble background again; at most a minor noble, otherwise the initial investment would be too high.

"The mission's total funds are only eight million, and I have a little over ten million here. I'll add some for you!" However, before he could finish speaking, Sesshomaru calmly took all the money from him. With a surprised look on the other's face, he simply put it into his pocket.

"Tomorrow I will secretly land on the West Coast. Make sure the Anbu keep my identity confidential and have the village keep an eye on any spies. Don't miss this good opportunity."

At this moment, he seemed to be the commander. Sarutobi Shinzo nodded begrudgingly, resolving to make good use of this opportunity to thoroughly investigate the spies, given the heavy loss he had incurred this time.

The mission's objective was also too important for him: the First Hokage's great sword, whose significance surpassed everything else.


Some say where the P2W elements? Here you go! Also, don't forget all the embezzlement he did on equipments/etc when he's the commander. Powerstone! Thanks! guys!!

— 70 Advance Chapters!

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