[Sponsored] Chapter 203: Guests Arrived

[This Chapter Is Sponsored by Armin Hirsch! Everyone, please thank him in the comment!]


Under the watchful eyes of a group of powerful ninjas, Uchiha Yoru calmly looked at everyone, displaying the composure and authority of a great general, unfazed even as Mount Tai crumbles before him.

"The Uchiha clan has faced this catastrophe, and your understanding of the family's situation in the village is surely greater than mine, as I have been on the front lines for years."

This statement shifted the focus to the safety of the clan, subtly emphasizing that he had been on the front lines, implying that everything he achieved was hard-won.

"As the Uchiha clan faces turmoil within the village, and I, Uchiha Yoru, have become the clan head, it is my mission to revive our family's glory. Therefore!"

At this point, Uchiha Yoru's eyes slowly revealed the three-tomoe Sharingan, looking at everyone with an unyielding, cold, and domineering aura.

"So! My rules are the rules of the Uchiha clan, not to be provoked, questioned, or violated!"

Uchiha Yoru's becoming the clan head is supported by the backing of Elder Setsuna and the forces under the former clan head Fugaku, making his ascent smooth.

However, Uchiha Yoru's proud and domineering tone aroused anger and dissatisfaction among the proud members of the Uchiha clan.

Ultimately, Uchiha Yoru had yet to establish sufficient prestige since taking office.

But the next moment, everyone present, all elites of the clan, showed shock.

They saw Uchiha Yoru's three-tomoe Sharingan in his eyes slowly connect into a strange pattern.

"Mangekyō! Mangekyō Sharingan!"

"How is this possible!"

Clearly, a few people in the front row were aware of the Mangekyō Sharingan's existence, and as soon as these words were uttered, the crowd was visibly shocked.

Most of them might not recognize the Mangekyō, but being in their positions, they were certainly familiar with the clan's history. After all, it hadn't been that long since the legend of the Mangekyō Sharingan was told.

Some, disbelieving, activated their own three-tomoe Sharingan, but were even more shocked upon doing so.

Under the suppression of bloodline, their three-tomoe Sharingan paled in comparison to the Mangekyō, instilling in them an instinctual submission and fear, similar to the fear animals have towards their king.

"Any objections now?"

As Uchiha Yoru's indifferent voice echoed, everyone fell silent. Elder Setsuna, upon seeing these eyes, could not hide the trembling in his murky eyes.

It had appeared! The legendary eyes had once again emerged in the Uchiha clan.

"Greetings, Clan Head!"

Seeing the excited Elder Setsuna bowing deeply to the young Uchiha Yoru, he never thought he'd see the hope for the clan's rise again at his age.

Elder Setsuna, who had witnessed the terror of these eyes before, was very clear about the significance of these eyes.

"Greetings, Clan Head!"

This time, the oppression stemming from their soul bloodline completely made everyone feel the terrifying pressure of death, causing all doubts and defiance in their eyes to dissipate.

The Uchiha clan is a group that worships the strong, a trait that comes from deep within their bones. Uchiha Yoru, being a member of the same clan, naturally evokes their fanaticism.

The power of the Sharingan is invincible, and the legendary Mangekyō Sharingan truly exists.

Under the gaze of the Mangekyō, everyone chose to submit. Only those with the Sharingan could feel the village's changes between each other. Those confident in their own strength, at this moment, felt an intense oppressive aura and instantly understood everything.

Why would the clan Head entrust his wishes to him on his deathbed? Why would the elders be so resolutely in choosing him, with even the previous clan Head's forces almost completely submitting?

Setting aside other factors, absolute power is enough to make Uchiha Yoru the Head of this clan that worships the power of the Sharingan.

Uchiha Yoru, knowing the future, realizes that the village's wariness towards the Uchihas cannot be appeased with patience alone. Therefore, he chose to reveal his Mangekyō directly, unifying the clan and deterring any hostile forces.

"Clan Head!"

In an instant, the elder suppressed his excitement. He agreed with Uchiha Yoru's decision to reveal his Mangekyō, as its appearance could instantly unify the clan's hearts, achieving a purpose of inspiration and deterrence.

"The former clan Head's last words were to entrust the clan and family to the Clan Head."

As soon as the elder's words fell, Uchiha Mikoto gestured to her two children beside her, and the three of them bowed in unison.

"We greet the Clan Head."

This time, Uchiha Yoru's expression changed slightly, but he said nothing. Facing the pleading in the elder's eyes and the complex expressions of the people, his gaze fell on Uchiha Mikoto, Uchiha Itachi, and Uchiha Sasuke.

With a new king ascending, the bloodline of the old king becomes a threat. This is a rule in any era, in any family, even among wild beasts – it's a natural law of survival.

However, Uchiha Yoru looked disdainfully at everyone, nodding and saying solemnly: "Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke, from today onwards, will be my disciples and enjoy the treatment of a junior clan Head."

With Uchiha Yoru's disdainful demeanor towards dealing with the former clan Head's bloodline, it immediately stirred the favor of the entire Uchiha clan. This favor wasn't out of kindness, but pride.

The pride of the Uchiha clan seemed to be fully embodied in Uchiha Yoru, the new clan Head.

At that moment, Uchiha Itachi, as if he already knew everything, looked up at his teacher, his eyes filled with gratitude. He knew that with his teacher's pride, such words meant they were true.

Uchiha Sasuke, at this time, was still unaware of all this.

Among the people, Uchiha Mikoto and her father, the elder, exchanged glances and both nodded slightly.

In a major clan, women are typically considered subordinate, unless they reach the level of a Kage, where their strength can change their status. Otherwise, it's not even a discussion.

"Uchiha Lei, Uchiha..." Uchiha Yoru coldly called out four names. These four, bowing their heads, responded solemnly: "Clan Head!"

"You four failed to protect the former clan Head. Effective immediately, you are relieved of all duties in the police department and are reassigned to the Naka Shrine."

As the cold voice echoed, everyone was momentarily stunned, then a sense of warmth rose in their hearts.

In principle, the four of them, no matter what reasons they had for being guards, are unavoidably responsible for their actions. Now, they are being punished by being sent to the Naka Shrine, which frankly, is already a lenient treatment.

"Following the clan Head's order!"

The four of them, grateful, immediately knelt and paid their respects. From the moment the Mangekyou Sharingan was activated, Uchiha Yoru's style, cold, arrogant, and domineering, was indeed very much like their Uchiha clan. They initially thought this was to assert authority, but it turned out to be a display of mercy.

It was precisely this combination of kindness and authority that gradually made everyone start to overlook the young clan Head's age.

Being demoted to the Naka Shrine, though they lost their positions, allowed the four to focus on their training, waiting to be called upon again.

Regarding Uchiha Yoru's methods, Elder Setsuna secretly nodded in approval. His approach was more ruthless and decisive compared to Fugaku. Given the precarious situation of the clan in Konoha, these four were invaluable assets. This handling of the situation was considered the best and most ideal.

After all, as guards who failed to protect, they were indeed at fault and deserved punishment. But in the current situation, preserving more strength for the clan was most important.

Then, Uchiha Yoru, looking at everyone, began to issue his orders after assuming the position.

"This information leak has caused heavy losses to our clan." As Uchiha Yoru said this, he slowly turned his head to look at Elder Setsuna and said in a deep voice, "Elder, please visit the Hokage Tower later. The Uchiha clan needs to recall at least 70% of our elite forces from the border frontlines, including those on missions."

"I understand," the elder replied.

The second order surprised Elder Setsuna, who then showed a relieved expression. His way of doing things was decisive, without any hesitation or delay.

If Fugaku were to handle this, he would probably hesitate and consider many factors.

But Uchiha Yoru used this opportunity to take a hard stance. "Our Uchiha clan has suffered heavy losses, and we must recall our elites. Even the Hokage can't object to this."

If the first order was to stabilize the Uchiha clan, the second was a strategy towards Konoha.

Consolidate power! And the excuse was entirely reasonable, even the Third Hokage couldn't object.

"Our clan Head has fallen, who dares to say our losses aren't heavy? And this time, is it not targeting the Uchiha clan? Calling back most of our dispersed forces is both rational and reasonable."

"The Uchiha clan has suffered significant losses. Effective immediately, the Police Force's 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th squads are recruiting elite ninjas from the village."


This was a significant move. The Police Force was essentially the Uchiha clan's private armed force, a fact known to all. It's not that the Uchiha didn't want to recruit outsiders, but they dared not.

Recruiting so many people, what are they planning to do?

Announcing the recruitment of elite ninjas from the village into four of the nine squads of the Police Force was, frankly, an expansion of forces.

But the reason was very clear: our Uchiha clan has suffered severe losses, even the clan Head has fallen!

Upon hearing this order, those with ambitious or militaristic inclinations immediately showed excited and fervent expressions.

"Following the clan Head's order!"

At this moment, most people showed passionate eyes and shouted, indicating that under the village's pressure, the militaristic faction within the Uchiha clan had gradually begun to take the upper hand.

Uchiha Yoru's action directly exposed his ideological direction, which was completely aligned with the militaristic faction.

However, under the worried gaze of Elder Setsuna, Uchiha Yoru's eyes showed no ripples.

The Uchiha clan lost a clan Head, a high-end combat force with the Mangekyo Sharingan. If they didn't seize the opportunity to fight fiercely now, it would be a waste.

Bluntly put, it was using the deceased to find a vent.

"Our clan Head is gone, who dares to say the loss is not heavy? Now that the Police Force has suffered heavy losses, we must recruit. As for the original members, simply reassign them to form task squads."

Knowing the village's view of the Uchiha clan, not seizing the opportunity to expand the troops would be foolish.

"From today, the Uchiha clan announces an alliance with the Hyuga clan, allowing intermarriage and mutual support!"

When Uchiha Yoru announced his third policy, the entire Uchiha clan was stunned. An alliance? Did the Uchiha clan have allies now?

After so many years of the village ostracizing the Uchiha clan, the idea of allies seemed far-fetched.

But now they had an ally, and it was the Hyuga clan! Everyone knew that this "Hyuga clan" was a branch family, but did they care? The Byakugan, known as the second greatest dojutsu and the second family of Konoha, had split, and one branch was not as strong as before, but still ranked next to the Sharingan.

In terms of power, the Byakugan was enough for the Uchiha clan to treat them as equals.

"Is this true, clan Head?"

Even Elder Setsuna was moved. Uchiha Yoru's young face showed no emotion, but a terrifying thought arose in his heart.

Such a big move couldn't be achieved in a day or two; Uchiha Yoru had been in an alliance with the Hyuga branch from the start.

Then there was only one possibility! The situation of the Hyuga clan's split, the power that Orochimaru had accepted as a beneficiary, had now become Uchiha Yoru's dowry.

Not only Elder Setsuna, but others also thought of this, and their view of Uchiha Yoru changed instantly.

Awe, respect, etc., even without relying on the Uchiha clan, he still held power. Now, he simply merged his own power with the clan's.

Realizing this, Elder Setsuna immediately showed excitement. The addition of the Hyuga branch meant the Uchiha clan's strength would not decrease but increase.

Especially with an ally, perhaps Uchiha Yoru, the young clan Head who had activated the Mangekyo Sharingan, really was the one to lead the clan out of the mire.

Three consecutive policies: the first mixed kindness and severity to win people's hearts. The second showed their fangs and won the loyalty of all militarists. The third added an ally, boosting prestige and securing an unshakeable position in the clan from today.

The power of the Hyuga branch was enough to excite the doves, who didn't oppose the hawks but didn't want to tear the village apart.

The alliance also proved the doves right, like hitting the jackpot.

The doves were excited, thinking to bond with the Hyuga branch and establish a firm friendship.

Uchiha Yoru's three policies stabilized the clan and eliminated the possibility of turmoil, also sending a message.

I'm young, not conservative like Fugaku. I'm ambitious.

"Elder, the Third Hokage and other clan Heads have arrived!"

At that moment, a Uchiha ninja reported back, and everyone in the courtyard and house looked up at their new clan Head.

Elder Setsuna was shaken, secretly alarmed by the young man's ability to win hearts and stabilize the clan with just three policies. No wonder Orochimaru valued him so highly.