[Sponsored] Chapter 204: Openly Fighting

[This Chapter Is Sponsored by Armin Hirsch! Everyone, please thank him in the comment!]

Konoha, Uchiha Clan's territory.

As the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen and various clan Heads entered the yard, they all showed a look of gravity in their eyes, and even many from the smaller clans showed fear.

At a glance, from inside the house to both sides of the courtyard, there were Uchiha ninjas dressed neatly in black. Under each face, it was clear that they were all elites of the clan.

It was normal for these people to appear after the clan head's death, but the determination in their eyes, and even the naked, oppressive gaze, was not right.

Shouldn't the Uchiha clan be unsettled or at least show some disturbance after their clan head's sudden death? Like a struggle for the new clan head or chaotic morale? Yet, at this moment, these Uchiha elites seemed as united as wolves.

"Something's wrong."

Together with Hiruzen came the Konoha's F4. After all, with the Uchiha clan head's incident, they naturally had to come. However, Shimura Danzo narrowed his eye, revealing a sinister look, as he sensed something amiss.

He even secretly gestured to Hiruzen, but the Third Hokage, without any hesitation and showing a mournful expression, slowly stepped into the house.

"Lord Third Hokage."

As they entered the house, the expressions of everyone who came changed - the Konoha's F4, the Ino-Shika-Cho Heads, and others - all showing gravity.

Inside the house, at the spiritual altar, were Uchiha Yoru and Elder Uchiha Setsuna, and observing the changes in the demeanor of all the Uchihas inside and outside, they all understood one thing: the Uchiha had chosen their new clan head.

Everyone's expressions changed slightly, but deep in Danzo's eyes, there was a hint of regret. He thought he should have created some chaos earlier, at least to incite some infighting within the Uchiha.

Upon entering, everyone paid their respects to the late former Uchiha clan head and then turned to nod to the family members and the new Uchiha clan head.

"I deeply regret the incident with Fugaku," said Hiruzen, a man who had held the reins of the Konoha's politics for many years, showing no flaws in his sorrowful expression.

"We need an explanation from the Third Hokage for the assassination of the former clan head!" suddenly declared Uchiha Yoru, first nodding to the Third Hokage to show respect for his position, but then his following words were like a thunderbolt.

In the Konoha, aside from himself, no one dared to confront Hiruzen like this. In an instant, Danzo, with his sinister single eye, burst out in anger.

"How dare you! Uchiha Yoru, you are too arrogant!"

In that moment, the dozens of elite Uchiha in the room all showed grave expressions. Under the fearful eyes of the other clans, the room was surrounded by the blood-red, three-tomoe Sharingan.


Someone had already been so shocked by this scene that they couldn't help but swallow quietly. They always knew the Uchiha clan was arrogant, but this was outrageous.

The pressure from dozens of three-tomoe Sharingan eyes was unprecedented. Under such pressure, Danzo's gaze became even more sinister, as if to say, "See, the Uchiha clan has finally shown their fangs."

"Fugaku's murder is being investigated, and we are still awaiting reports," said Hiruzen.

The Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, showed no change in his expression, his face still etched with sorrow, seemingly oblivious to his surroundings. He spoke gravely to Uchiha Yoru.

It seemed as if he was grieving for the sudden loss of such a powerful force in the village.

It must be said that Sarutobi Hiruzen, having held the position of Hokage for decades, surpassing countless geniuses, showed his mettle by remaining unflustered in the face of adversity.

However, Uchiha Yoru appeared prepared and calmly faced the short, elderly Sarutobi Hiruzen. In their gaze, it was as if both were trying to see through each other's thoughts.

At that moment, despite Hiruzen's sorrowful demeanor, he was secretly anxious, worrying if Shimura Danzo had left any evidence behind. "Damn it, don't mess up now," he thought, concerned that provoking the Uchiha clan might lead to unrest in Konoha.

"Lord Third Hokage, someone leaked the route of Clan Head Fugaku's return, along with a betrayal. This would be difficult for an outsider to accomplish."

As Uchiha Yoru spoke calmly, the clan heads were curious to know what exactly had happened.

"Root Division Chief, Shimura Danzo, your disdain for the Uchiha is well known. There's no need for such threatening looks."

Suddenly, Uchiha Yoru's tone shifted, directly confronting Danzo, who was revealing a sinister eye. But his next statement caught everyone off guard.

"Yamanaka Clan Head, please stay behind after this."

Uchiha Yoru's remark left many puzzled, and the least noticeable in the crowd, Inoichi Yamanaka, just nodded slightly in response, his expression hidden behind sunglasses and a high collar.

"Bring them in," Uchiha Yoru instructed softly, leading to three Konoha ninjas being disheveled, to the shock of the onlookers.

"They are the team Head, a Jonin ninja of the Uchiha, the Former Clan Head's son, and his two chunin ninja teammates. The team leader's surname is Sarutobi."

As Uchiha Yoru spoke in a neutral tone, Shimura Danzo became furious. He always despised this clan and their arrogance was intolerable.

"Uchiha Yoru! You've captured fellow villagers on your own, even using interrogation techniques against them. Who gave you the audacity? Who emboldened the Uchiha Clan?"

Shimura Danzo, along with Homura Mitokado and Koharu Utatane, having been in positions of power for years, were not used to being challenged. Danzo's outburst led to furrowed brows among the rest.

Even Sarutobi Hiruzen remained silent, while Danzo seized the opportunity to assert his authority, invoking rules in a seemingly justifiable manner, causing dissatisfaction among the clan heads.

The Uchiha elites inside the room also frowned, more out of concern, as the three captives seemed mentally exhausted, as if they had undergone severe interrogation.

"Who gave me the courage? Who emboldened the Uchiha Clan?"

Facing this question, Uchiha Yoru stood up slowly, his gaze sweeping over the crowd before resting on the diminutive Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, showing a defiant look.

"The Second Hokage personally ordered, witnessed by the First Hokage! The Uchiha Clan was tasked with forming the Police Force, responsible for managing all security within Konoha, endowed with the rights of apprehension, investigation, execution of tasks, interrogation, and armed response!"

Uchiha Yoru, with an unobstructed and soaring gaze, looked at the Third Hokage and spoke. However, it was Shimura Danzo who had rebuked him.

In this blatant act of disregard, Shimura Danzo's face turned unpleasantly grim. Who among the heads of the great clans of Konoha would dare to be so presumptuous? It seemed that years of deference to the high-ranking officials of Konoha had led them to believe their status was above all the great clans, calmly enjoying all the privileges their power brought.

Although the Police Force is one of the six divisions of Konoha, in terms of power, only the Root and Anbu could match it.

"As for who gave me the courage?"

As Uchiha Yoru said this, the corners of his mouth slowly curled into a mocking smile. His eyes swept over the elite members of the clans around him, and his face gradually showed a firm and solemn expression as he exclaimed.

"Konoha was founded by the Senju and Uchiha clans together to bring peace to a chaotic world. It is the Uchiha surname that gives me the courage!"

His voice, strong and resonant, echoed in the ears of the listeners, causing a change in their expressions.

How many years had it been since this matter was mentioned? So long that even the Uchiha clan itself had almost forgotten their status as the masters of the village, so long that they had initially been somewhat fearful of the Hokage's power.

The various clans of Konoha, however, were struck with a sense of dread, looking at each other, realizing something bad was happening. This time, the Uchiha clan had produced a formidable figure, not someone they could easily manipulate.

Upon hearing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes flashed with a cold light, but his hoarse cough instantly disrupted the atmosphere.

In an instant, the aura that Uchiha Yoru had gathered dissipated. Merely a cough had drawn everyone's attention to the Third Hokage.

It has to be said, in a clash of masters, every move is lethal.

Uchiha Yoru was even more nervous inside, knowing he couldn't let his guard down when dealing with this old fox.

"Do these three need the assistance of the Anbu for investigation?"

At this moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen, still with a sad expression, spoke up, acknowledging the Police Force's authority to do so.

"Every department in Konoha is willing to assist the Police Force in investigating this incident."

Sarutobi Hiruzen's skill was already refined to perfection. However, this confrontation was never on an equal platform from the beginning; the difference in information had already decided everything.

Uchiha Yoru, with a grave expression, stared directly at the Third Hokage and slowly took out a scroll from his bosom.

"The memories of these three have been extracted and copied. Our Uchiha clan has already grasped that the intelligence leak came from them. Also, during the assassination attempt on our clan Head, although they were all zealots, their bodies can still prove everything."

As Uchiha Yoru signaled with his eyes, several Uchiha ninjas slowly brought stretchers in front of everyone. When the white cloth was lifted, mutilated bodies were revealed.

Either the head was directly severed, or the heart was pierced, or even cut in half at the waist, all while being treated for preservation.

As everyone frowned upon seeing this, Uchiha Yoru coldly said, "These people all have seals on them. The moment they lose their life force, the seal would trigger. Their teeth all contain poison, and their brains have restrictions."

Saying this, Uchiha Yoru bowed solemnly to the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, "At that time, relying on Raiton jutsu, we disrupted and paralyzed the sealing jutsu, thus preserving this evidence. But our Uchiha clan is not skilled in sealing techniques, so we ask for the Hokage's assistance."

The Uchiha are not adept at sealing techniques, so only the Sealing Team remains.

However, at this moment, Shimura Danzo's face was gloomy, fortunately, his face was naturally unattractive, and Sarutobi Hiruzen also frowned slightly.

"Right, we found a clue from this. The ambush on the Fugaku clan Head seems to be by the same group who attacked Lord Shinzo."

An open conspiracy! A blatant one! Shinzo's matter itself involved his participation, and he could indeed leave the same minute traces on these bodies.

Upon hearing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression changed, looking deeply at the young man in front of him, seemingly doubting the truth of his words.

Shimura Danzo's face turned even more ominous, filled with frustration. The Uchiha matter was his doing, but not Shinzo's.

Yet, with such an accusation, it seemed that something might be uncovered. More importantly, he indeed had thoughts of manipulating Shinzo and had actually done something near him.

Damn it! This is the pain of losing a child. No matter how good his relationship with Hiruzen, this would cause a rift.

"I shall order the Sealing Team and Anbu to investigate this matter with the Police Force," declared Sarutobi Hiruzen with a strong and firm voice, appearing so righteous and just at that moment.


This was the Uchiha clan, under the leadership of their new young clan Head, Uchiha Yoru, confronting the high-ranking officials of Konoha for the first time, taking the initiative and gaining the upper hand.

This scene made Elder Setsuna secretly relieved; the young man's methods were truly beyond his age.

Similarly, Sarutobi Hiruzen, on the defensive, was impeccably guarded.

The major clans of Konoha witnessed the fall of Uchiha Fugaku, the clan Head, and saw the prowess of this new, young, and energetic clan Head.

As everyone silently mourned for the family and prepared to leave, the voice of Uchiha Yoru, the young new clan Head, was heard again as they were about to step out of the room.

"Third Hokage, the Uchiha clan has suffered heavy casualties, but for the safety of the village and the honor of the Police Force, from today onwards, the sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth divisions of the Police Force will recruit elite ninja from the village to jointly maintain the village's safety."

"Also, recall some of the Uchiha elites from the frontlines. We can't let another incident like with Shinzo and Fugaku happen again!"


Uchiha Yoru, seizing the opportunity, was blatantly expanding his forces and consolidating power.

And the justification was for the public good – the Police Force's duty was to ensure the stability of Konoha. With two major incidents happening within the Fire Country, it suggested their failure in duty.

Therefore, strengthening their power was both reasonable and appropriate. Privately, the Uchiha clan had lost a clan Head and had not yet retaliated. What more did you want? And your son was involved too.

Upon hearing this, Shimura Danzo was almost furious, as the young man had seized the opportunity.

However, Sarutobi Hiruzen calmly raised his hand to restrain Danzō's anger.

But when he looked back, a pair of crimson Sharingan eyes appeared in everyone's view, bringing back memories of fear in their minds, followed by a collective gasp of shock.