[Sponsored] P2W Chapter 226: Genius Uchiha Itachi

[This Chapter Is Sponsored by Tarlock! Everyone, please thank him in the comment!]

As the Mangekyō Sharingan in Uchiha Yoru's eyes rotates within their sockets, the immense chakra pressure, comparable to that of a Tailed Beast, causes all the elite Jonin in the meeting room to break out in cold sweat and look at him in shock.

The chakra level of a Tailed Beast is intimidating enough, and while the biggest difference between ninja and Tailed Beasts is their recovery power - a Tailed Beast's being dozens of times greater than that of a normal ninja - it is incredibly rare for a ninja to possess chakra at this level.

The combination of immense chakra and the Mangekyō Sharingan leads everyone to the shocking realization that Uchiha Yoru might now possess the strength to confront even the Third Hokage without fear.

"Uchiha Yoru! It seems even the Hokage is of no concern to you!" someone exclaims, as Shimura Danzo, with a dark and ominous expression, stares intensely at him.

Uchiha Yoru knows that if he retreats, he will face the same situation as Fugaku, with the opponent steadily encroaching upon his space and even more severe consequences after revealing his Mangekyō Sharingan.

He must stand his ground, forcing the opponent to fear his Mangekyō and the power of the Uchiha police force, even if it means just a slim chance of internal conflict.

"Hokage?" Uchiha Yoru scoffs at Shimura Danzo, then turns to address the Third Hokage: "Lord Third, you established the Root for the village's stability, but over the years, we have seen no help from the Root in stabilizing the village, only chaos caused by its existence."

He then accuses the Root of oppressing and demanding elite ninja from the major clans, looking mockingly at the other clan ninjas.

"The Konoha, founded by the Uchiha and Senju clans along with the First Hokage, had rules: clans must not harm the village's safety, and the village must not intervene in clan affairs without cause."

"Now!" Uchiha Yoru proclaims righteously, "The Root blatantly violates the rules set by the Second and First Hokage, intervening in clan affairs without reason. I ask the head of the Root, have all the clans acted against the village's stability?"

Many are shocked by his boldness, and others are secretly pleased that someone is finally confronting Danzo, who has the Third Hokage's backing.

By invoking the rules set by the First and Second Hokage, Uchiha Yoru effectively challenges the entire higher-ups of the Konoha.

The clans, long dissatisfied with the Root's actions but unwilling to be the first to speak out, now unite behind Uchiha Yoru, presenting a united front.

With someone leading, they are no longer a scattered force.

"Hokage," the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, with an unreadable expression, gestures, and Danzo, with a grim face, reluctantly sits down.

"I think there has been a misunderstanding here," the Third Hokage suggests.

Even though Sarutobi Hiruzen's hair had turned white, his wrist showed no signs of decline. Facing this sharp question, he calmly looked around at everyone and began to speak.

"The mobilization order from the Root is a response to the current turbulent situation in the ninja world. It's an expansion in response to the blatant military expansion of the Rock and Cloud villages. And!"

At this point, the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen let out a hearty laugh. "The Uchiha clan head might be under some misunderstanding. The Root's mobilization order has never been a command but rather a measure to stabilize and secure the Konoha. So, there was never any coercion to begin with."

"As for interfering in the affairs of the great ninja clans, where does that even start?" With a light and smiling remark, Sarutobi Hiruzen effortlessly diffused the tense atmosphere.

He repeatedly mentioned the Uchiha clan head, seemingly implying that the Uchiha alone couldn't represent everyone.

Today, Uchiha Yoru's questioning of the Root is, frankly, a questioning of the Third Hokage, as the Root was established during his tenure to consolidate his regime.

Now, the Third Hokage's counterattack was sharp, directly resolving the intent to kidnap all clans, and even lightly hinted at something more.

"Indeed, the Third Hokage is wise in his words."

"The Hokage is right. We are helpless against the Root, but our clan can contribute five million in funds."


At this moment, the great ninja clans crumbled. Uchiha Yoru took the lead, and then none of them wanted to offend anyone else.

Grateful yet ashamed, they first spoke of their family's difficulties in striking while the iron was hot, then offered funds, not wanting to offend either the Third Hokage or the Root.

The only one who ended up offending others was Uchiha Yoru.

Contrary to expectations of anger, Uchiha Yoru smiled calmly, a relief to some clans who were still watching and hesitating. They didn't want to offend the Uchiha either.

Thus, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Uchiha Yoru, the young man, with a relaxed expression, but his heart grew increasingly wary.

"Heh, perhaps I misunderstood."

To the Third Hokage's veiled attack, Uchiha Yoru responded unhurriedly and lightly, without a hint of apology on his face, but rather with an amused smile.

"But I can understand, the Root is just a temporary organization formed during the Great Ninja War to stabilize the village. It's clearly a failure, unpopular with the people."

You, the Third Hokage, are remarkable, precisely understanding the public's heart, directly resolving the situation of kidnapping all ninja clans. But the same resentment towards the Root has been suppressed by the village's ninjas for a long time.

Uchiha Yoru's light words imply nothing less than a critique of the Third Hokage's failed governance. Otherwise, why would he have resigned?

After the Fourth Great Ninja War in the original story, the Root was officially dissolved amidst the opposition of the Konoha's people.

From this, it can be seen that although the Root division is notorious in the ninja world, within the village, most people still feel disgust and fear towards it.


Faced with such sarcasm, Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't get angry but instead laughed heartily, as if he didn't mind at all.

"I, Hiruzen, am just an ordinary person, how can I compare with the First and Second Hokages."

Bringing up the First and Second Hokages every now and then, I might as well admit my inferiority, what can you do about it? Under Hiruzen's relaxed laughter, the oppressive atmosphere in the meeting dissipated, and everyone smiled.

This time, it was a classic case of 'when the snipe and the clam grapple, the fisherman profits'. The Third Hokage's top officials, the F4, and the Uchiha clan had their first official confrontation in front of everyone. It was evenly matched.

But those who benefited were them. Everyone secretly heaved a sigh of relief, feeling oddly reassured.

It seemed that the Uchiha weren't so detestable after all. Having such a tough character daring to speak what others only dared to think was quite advantageous for them.

Obviously, everyone, including the ninja clans, were planning to use the Uchiha clan as a tool.

The changes in the hearts of the ninja clans were invisible and intangible, but Hiruzen saw through the hint of wariness in their eyes.

This event marked a subtle shift in the attitude of the ninja clans from their previous tolerance. They realized that as long as someone stands up, the high officials of the Hokage can't be too oppressive.

Human nature is just like that! Before taking action, everyone is afraid and unwilling to be the first to act. But once someone does, they secretly rejoice. The once undeniable pressure from the Root division changed at this moment.

The Root division wasn't as unyielding as imagined, and their orders didn't necessarily have to be obeyed!

"This kid is tough to deal with!" The Third Hokage thought deeply. Although it seemed evenly matched, his control over the village had loosened considerably.

From not daring to resist to realizing that resistance wasn't that bad, this was the change in the mindset of the ninja clans.

Similarly, the Uchiha clan, by standing in front of everyone, also exposed their ambition.

Directly opposing the Third Hokage's regime, it was clear that they aspired to become the next Hokage. In such a situation, the neutral major clans would naturally stay vigilant and not get involved.

At this moment, apart from their previous allies, it was almost impossible for the Uchiha clan to gain more support. After all, with such overt ambition, allying with them would be openly opposing the Third Hokage's regime and preparing for a rebellion.

This was also the Third Hokage's blind confidence. He never believed his political beliefs were wrong. He even stubbornly thought that only under his rule would the village be stable; he didn't trust anyone else.

The Third Hokage, still in his prime and with residual influence, held the hearts of the people. He wasn't the same as during the Chunin Exams, where his influence seemed to be waning.

In the original story, Orochimaru's ability to lead so many ninjas into the Land of Fire was full of mysteries. The struggle within the barrier with the Third Hokage was inexplicable, with only a few Anbu around him wanting to fight to the death to save him, while others were busy with their own affairs.

Jiraiya not going after Orochimaru but instead cleaning up the minions?

After the Third Hokage's death, during the battle of the Sannin at Short Book Street, it was strange that no one mentioned revenge for their master. Even Jiraiya ignored it, raising many questions.

Perhaps all of this was related to the Third Hokage's own realization of his waning influence and his choice of such an end. However, it's undeniable that as people age, their thoughts change.

Even the so-called great rulers become confused in their old age, let alone the Third Hokage. And these people share a common problem: the older they get, the more stubborn and biased their thinking becomes!

The biggest difference between the Third Hokage now and in his youth is his obsession with his own idea of the "Will of Fire," which has even become somewhat pathological.

The thought became increasingly dictatorial, unable to tolerate even a slight difference of opinion from others. In his biased philosophy, only his ideas were deemed essential for the stability of the village; others would only bring turmoil.

"Regarding the current turmoil in the Ninja world, I believe what our village needs first is economic recovery. Does anyone disagree?" said the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, with a benevolent smile, yet no one underestimated this elderly man.

Uchiha Yoru nodded slightly, speaking solemnly, "The Uchiha and the Police Force have no objections, as long as there are no future instances of being ordered around under false pretenses."

"After all, during the reign of the First Hokage, the authority of both the Senju and Uchiha clans, as founders of the village, was unquestionable."

With a mocking smile, Uchiha Yoru revealed a meaningful grin. Everyone could see the discomfort on the faces of the village's high-ranking F4 members, especially Shimura Danzo.

Uchiha Yoru's message was clear: no one had the right to meddle in the affairs of the Uchiha and the Police Force. What right did you have to intervene? Likewise, his constant reference to past glories was a reminder that he had activated the powerful Mangekyō Sharingan, emphasizing that power is the source of a ninja's status.

The Third Hokage, unfazed by the challenge, replied with a relaxed laugh, "It seems this misunderstanding has upset our young Uchiha clan head. Let me mediate this matter. I will ensure no future interference, how does that sound?"

It appeared Uchiha Yory was not yet ready to let go of his youthful vigor. Before he could respond, Hiruzen continued, "The village is prospering, and my Anbu is short-staffed. The Uchiha clan is known for its geniuses."

"I've heard Fugaku's eldest son, Itachi, is exceptionally talented, having awakened the Sharingan at a young age."

This comment from the smiling Third Hokage was a subtle manipulation in front of everyone.

The son of the former clan head, once grown, could be a threat to the current head, just as a young cub might threaten an adult lion.

Upon hearing this, Uchiha Yoru narrowed his eyes, and the faces of the surrounding Jonin also changed. Such dynamics were not uncommon among the major clans.

However, Uchiha Yory inwardly sneered, showing no emotion. He calmly said, "Uchiha Itachi, though only a Genin at nine, has evolved his Sharingan to three tomoe following the assassination of the former clan head."

"Whether he joins the Anbu is up to Itachi himself."

As Uchiha Yoru spoke indifferently, the faces of the Jonin present changed. Although they had heard rumors, hearing this information first hand left them in awe of the Uchiha's talent.

A three-tomoe Sharingan at nine years old? If this child survives, he is bound to become a powerful Jonin.

A genius!

Everyone looked at Uchiha Yoru, the youngest clan head. With this revelation, the previous clan head's eldest son already showed signs of being a threat.

Hiruzen's benevolent smile now took on a different meaning in everyone's minds.

Inviting Uchiha Itachi into the Anbu might seem like protection and kindness from the Third Hokage, but its implications for the future were uncertain. A genius, once grown, can become a sharp weapon.

And Uchiha Itachi's status, once fully realized, could indeed pose a threat to Uchiha Yoru himself.